54 research outputs found

    Blackboard Rules for Coordinating Context-aware Applications in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

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    Thanks to improvements in wireless communication technologies and increasing computing power in hand-held devices, mobile ad hoc networks are becoming an ever-more present reality. Coordination languages are expected to become important means in supporting this type of interaction. To this extent we argue the interest of the Bach coordination language as a middleware that can handle and react to context changes as well as cope with unpredictable physical interruptions that occur in opportunistic network connections. More concretely, our proposal is based on blackboard rules that model declaratively the actions to be taken once the blackboard content reaches a predefined state, but also that manage the engagement and disengagement of hosts and transient sharing of blackboards. The idea of reactiveness has already been introduced in previous work, but as will be appreciated by the reader, this article presents a new perspective, more focused on a declarative setting.Comment: In Proceedings FOCLASA 2012, arXiv:1208.432

    Mobile Applications in X-KLAIM

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    Networking has turned computers from isolated data processors into powerful communication and elaboration devices, called global computers; an illustrative example is the World–Wide Web. Global computers are rapidly evolving towards programmability. The new scenario has called for new programming languages and paradigms centered around the notions of mobility and location awareness. In this paper, we briefly present X-KLAIM, an experimental programming language for global computers, and show a few programming examples

    A Flexible and Modular Framework for Implementing Infrastructures for Global Computing

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    We present a Java software framework for building infrastructures to support the development of applications for systems where mobility and network awareness are key issues. The framework is particularly useful to develop run-time support for languages oriented towards global computing. It enables platform designers to customize communication protocols and network architectures and guarantees transparency of name management and code mobility in distributed environments. The key features are illustrated by means of a couple of simple case studies

    A trustworthy mobile agent infrastructure for network management

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    Despite several advantages inherent in mobile-agent-based approaches to network management as compared to traditional SNMP-based approaches, industry is reluctant to adopt the mobile agent paradigm as a replacement for the existing manager-agent model; the management community requires an evolutionary, rather than a revolutionary, use of mobile agents. Furthermore, security for distributed management is a major concern; agent-based management systems inherit the security risks of mobile agents. We have developed a Java-based mobile agent infrastructure for network management that enables the safe integration of mobile agents with the SNMP protocol. The security of the system has been evaluated under agent to agent-platform and agent to agent attacks and has proved trustworthy in the performance of network management tasks

    Improving Clinical Care with MIDGI-A

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    Physicians are faced with ever increasing quantities of information. Providing easy access to relevant medical information will improve the quality of care received by patients. Current medical agent programs serve as either expert systems or simple search engines. This article proposes a new agent-based methodology for improving medical information retrieval via the world-wide-web

    Distributed management: implementation issues

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    Management processes have to react on time to the new challenges put by a crescent movement of the computing world to the Internet paradigm. The enormous base of legacy knowledge and legacy systems leads the SNMP management framework to a necessary choice in nowadays management scenarios. However, even with the recent SNMPv3, its services correspond roughly to low-level operations for setting or retrieving network equipment parameters. The IETF Distributed Management working group have been producing normalization documents that intent to apply to the enrichment of SNMP semantics, especially in what concerns the processing of management information. This paper will present the recent outcome of this WG and will discuss an implementation project that aims to apply mobile agent technology in these scenarios

    In-Motes EYE:a real time application for automobiles in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor networks have been identified as one of the key technologies for the 21st century. In order to overcome their limitations such as fault tolerance and conservation of energy, we propose a middleware solution, In-Motes. In-Motes stands as a fault tolerant platform for deploying and monitoring applications in real time offers a number of possibilities for the end user giving him in parallel the freedom to experiment with various parameters, in an effort the deployed applications to run in an energy efficient manner inside the network. The proposed scheme is evaluated through the In-Motes EYE application, aiming to test its merits under real time conditions. In-Motes EYE application which is an agent based real time In-Motes application developed for sensing acceleration variations in an environment. The application was tested in a prototype area, road alike, for a period of four months

    Dependency Management in Distributed Settings (Poster Abstract)

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    Ubiquitous-computing environments are heterogeneous and volatile in nature. Systems that support ubicomp applications must be self-managed, to reduce human intervention. In this paper, we present a general service that helps distributed software components to manage their dependencies. Our service proactively monitors the liveness of components and recovers them according to supplied policies. Our service also tracks the state of components, on behalf of their dependents, and may automatically select components for the dependent to use based on evaluations of customized functions. We believe that our approach is flexible and abstracts away many of the complexities encountered in ubicomp environments. In particular, we show how we applied the service to manage dependencies of context-fusion operators and present some experimental results