155 research outputs found

    3D graphics platforms and tools for mobile applications

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    The objective of the thesis is the investigation of mobile 3D graphics platforms and tools. This is important topic since 3D graphics is increasingly used in mobile devices. In the thesis platforms and tools specific for 3D graphics are analysed. Platforms are device- and operating system independent foundations for dealing with 3D graphics. This includes platforms based on 3D graphic languages: Open GL, Open GL ES, Open CL, Web GL and Web CL. Based on the platforms, there are specific tools which facili-tate applications development. In the thesis the Maya software environment for the modelling and Unity 3D game engine for animation are described. Workflow for using these tools is demonstrated on an example of application relying on 3D graphics. This application is fitting of clothes for Web fashion shop. Buying clothes from Web shops is complicated since it is impossible to check how the cloth will actually fit. This problem can be attempted to solve by using 3D model of the user and cloth items. The difficulty is dynamic visualization of model and cloth interaction. Example of this process is shown in the thesis. The conclusion is that new mobile devices will soon have graphics capabilities approaching requirements for sophisticated 3D graphics allowing to develop new types of applications. More work in the mobile 3D graphics area is needed still for creating more real and less cartoon-like models

    3D graphic cell-phone applications by JSR-184 API

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    katedra: MTI; přílohy: 1 CD; rozsah: 60 s.Tato diplomová práce se zabývá problematikou 3D grafiky v aplikacích pro mobilní zařízení. Pro vytváření 3D aplikací je dnes dostupné rozhraní Mobile 3D Graphics API (M3G, JSR-184), které je rozšířením platformy Java Micro Edition. V teoretické části práce je proveden rozbor tohoto rozhraní s praktickými příklady a s popisem obecných principů zobrazování 3D grafiky. V praktické části práce se využívá popsaných poznatků k řešení návrhu konkrétní aplikace 3D elektrické obvody. Při použití 3D grafiky v mobilních telefonech je řešeno modelování prostorových objektů, jejich načtení, zobrazení a transformace. V aplikaci jsou zohledněny cíle projektu Starttech řešeného na TU v Liberci, který má za cíl podporu a rozvoj technických oborů v rámci základních a středních škol.This diploma thesis deals with the three dimensional graphics in applications for mobile devices. For designing 3D applications there is now Mobile 3D Graphics API (M3G, JSR-184) available which is an extension of Java Micro Edition. The theoretical part consists of a survey of M3G with practical examples and description of general 3D graphics projection principles. In the practical part author applies the gathered information and design specific application 3D Electrical Circuits. Modeling, loading, projection and transformations of 3D objects is solved there. The application is designed regarding the goals of project Starttech which under the direction of TU in Liberec supports progress of young technical talents

    3D Application for Mobile Phones

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    Tato práce se zabývá 3D grafickými rozhraními M3G a MascotCapsule navrženými pro platformu J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition). Nejprve poskytuje základní informace o samotné platformě a poté o obou rozhraních. Dále tato rozhraní porovnává z pohledu implementace, následuje porovnání jejich výkonnosti na základě testování na reálných mobilních zařízeních. Práce pak dále popisuje implementací demonstrační aplikace, která využívá rozhraní M3G.This thesis considers with 3D graphics interfaces M3G and MascotCapsule, both designed for platform J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition). First of all it provides basic information about platform and then about both interfaces. Afterwards, interfaces are compared from implementation point of view. It is followed by comparision of performance based on testing on real mobile devices. Then this thesis describes implementation of demonstration application, which uses M3G interface.

    Exploring the possibilities of three dimensional image manipulations on mobile devices

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    With the introduction of more powerful mobile microprocessors and colour screen technology, complex image manipulations on various mobile devices such as mobile phones and handheld devices have become a reality. As a consequence of these improvements, there has been an increasing demand by users for interactive computer games which produce complex graphics by utilizing these advanced hardware technologies. Three dimensional (3D) graphics have been used to produce realistic interactive imaging for computer games during recent years. Java, through its mobile device programming platform, provides the framework for such complex image manipulations in computer games deployed on Java compatible mobile devices. However, the lack of a standard 3D application-programming interface (API), supported by mobile phone manufactures, has resulted in the need for program developers to use custom APis to create 3D programs such as the WGE (Wireless Graphics Engine) API produced by TTPcom. There is some evidence that the use of custom APis to develop 3D graphic images may result in poor compatibility and performance across different mobile platforms and devices This study initially examines the proposed Sun Microsystems specification for the Java 2 Micro Edition (J2ME) Mobile 3D API for the development of 3D graphics programming of mobile devices. These specifications have been designed to create an Industry standard Mobile 3D API. In addition, this study investigates the current specification for the Java 2 Micro Edition (CDDC1.0.3), to ascertain to what extent the development of 3D gaming on mobile devices is effected by the deficiencies in the current specification. These deficiencies include a Jack of support of for a floating point data type and the specification\u27s reliance on fixed-point number calculations for developing 3D graphics. An assessment will be made to determine how these deficiencies influence the performance, stability of 3D algorithms deployed on different mobile device platforms. Investigations carried out on 3D graphics algorithm implementations on Java 2 Standard Edition (J2SE) platform suggests that the implementations rely on float data type and that the CLDC 1.0.3 configuration layer does not support the float data type. Experiments were conducted to determine whether fixed-point number methods can be used effectively to conduct precision calculations. These calculations are required to implement the 3D algorithms for the J2ME platform. In order to assess this, a simulation study was conducted on a number of emulators released by Nokia, Motorola and Siemens mobile phone manufactures. In addition, the algorithms were tested on a Java compatible Nokia 6610 mobile phone to ascertain if findings from emulator studies could be replicated on phones. The emulator study findings suggest that 3D algorithm implementations using fixed-point methods are compatible on Java compatible mobile handsets released by Nokia, Motorola and Siemens. Further more, it was shown that the fixed-point methods are suitable for implementing simple 3D algorithms (Rotation, Scaling and Translation). However, it was found that these methods were not suitable for extreme precision calculations such as Cartesian curve generations

    Fingerprint Recognition Using Translation Invariant Scattering Network

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    Fingerprint recognition has drawn a lot of attention during last decades. Different features and algorithms have been used for fingerprint recognition in the past. In this paper, a powerful image representation called scattering transform/network, is used for recognition. Scattering network is a convolutional network where its architecture and filters are predefined wavelet transforms. The first layer of scattering representation is similar to sift descriptors and the higher layers capture higher frequency content of the signal. After extraction of scattering features, their dimensionality is reduced by applying principal component analysis (PCA). At the end, multi-class SVM is used to perform template matching for the recognition task. The proposed scheme is tested on a well-known fingerprint database and has shown promising results with the best accuracy rate of 98\%.Comment: IEEE Signal Processing in Medicine and Biology Symposium, 201

    Intérprete de lenguaje de signos en español multidispositivo

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    Versión electrónica de la ponencia presentada en Conferencia Ibero-Americana IADIS WWW/Internet 2006, celebrado en Murcia en 2006En este artículo presentamos un transcriptor de texto a lenguaje de signos distribuido y multidispositivo. La presentación al usuario final del lenguaje de signos es realizada por un personaje animado en tres dimensiones. Este transcriptor está creado para adaptar su salida a la capacidad de proceso del dispositivo receptor. Por lo que puede ser utilizado por un usuario en un ordenador personal para transcribir una página Web, o en un teléfono móvil para transcribir una conversación (utilizando un reconocedor de voz). La flexibilidad del sistema permite adaptarlo a varios idiomas o usarlo como un simple elemento para mejorar una interfaz multimedia
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