2,017 research outputs found

    AXES at TRECVID 2012: KIS, INS, and MED

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    The AXES project participated in the interactive instance search task (INS), the known-item search task (KIS), and the multimedia event detection task (MED) for TRECVid 2012. As in our TRECVid 2011 system, we used nearly identical search systems and user interfaces for both INS and KIS. Our interactive INS and KIS systems focused this year on using classifiers trained at query time with positive examples collected from external search engines. Participants in our KIS experiments were media professionals from the BBC; our INS experiments were carried out by students and researchers at Dublin City University. We performed comparatively well in both experiments. Our best KIS run found 13 of the 25 topics, and our best INS runs outperformed all other submitted runs in terms of P@100. For MED, the system presented was based on a minimal number of low-level descriptors, which we chose to be as large as computationally feasible. These descriptors are aggregated to produce high-dimensional video-level signatures, which are used to train a set of linear classifiers. Our MED system achieved the second-best score of all submitted runs in the main track, and best score in the ad-hoc track, suggesting that a simple system based on state-of-the-art low-level descriptors can give relatively high performance. This paper describes in detail our KIS, INS, and MED systems and the results and findings of our experiments

    Music Information Retrieval in Live Coding: A Theoretical Framework

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    The work presented in this article has been partly conducted while the first author was at Georgia Tech from 2015–2017 with the support of the School of Music, the Center for Music Technology and Women in Music Tech at Georgia Tech. Another part of this research has been conducted while the first author was at Queen Mary University of London from 2017–2019 with the support of the AudioCommons project, funded by the European Commission through the Horizon 2020 programme, research and innovation grant 688382. The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Music information retrieval (MIR) has a great potential in musical live coding because it can help the musician–programmer to make musical decisions based on audio content analysis and explore new sonorities by means of MIR techniques. The use of real-time MIR techniques can be computationally demanding and thus they have been rarely used in live coding; when they have been used, it has been with a focus on low-level feature extraction. This article surveys and discusses the potential of MIR applied to live coding at a higher musical level. We propose a conceptual framework of three categories: (1) audio repurposing, (2) audio rewiring, and (3) audio remixing. We explored the three categories in live performance through an application programming interface library written in SuperCollider, MIRLC. We found that it is still a technical challenge to use high-level features in real time, yet using rhythmic and tonal properties (midlevel features) in combination with text-based information (e.g., tags) helps to achieve a closer perceptual level centered on pitch and rhythm when using MIR in live coding. We discuss challenges and future directions of utilizing MIR approaches in the computer music field

    Feature-based Image Comparison and Its Application in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks

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    This dissertation studies the feature-based image comparison method and its application in Wireless Visual Sensor Networks. Wireless Visual Sensor Networks (WVSNs), formed by a large number of low-cost, small-size visual sensor nodes, represent a new trend in surveillance and monitoring practices. Although each single sensor has very limited capability in sensing, processing and transmission, by working together they can achieve various high level tasks. Sensor collaboration is essential to WVSNs and normally performed among sensors having similar measurements, which are called neighbor sensors. The directional sensing characteristics of imagers and the presence of visual occlusion present unique challenges to neighborhood formation, as geographically-close neighbors might not monitor similar scenes. Besides, the energy resource on the WVSNs is also very tight, with wireless communication and complicated computation consuming most energy in WVSNs. Therefore the feature-based image comparison method has been proposed, which directly compares the captured image from each visual sensor in an economical way in terms of both the computational cost and the transmission overhead. The feature-based image comparison method compares different images and aims to find similar image pairs using a set of local features from each image. The image feature is a numerical representation of the raw image and can be more compact in terms of the data volume than the raw image. The feature-based image comparison contains three steps: feature detection, descriptor calculation and feature comparison. For the step of feature detection, the dissertation proposes two computationally efficient corner detectors. The first detector is based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform that provides multi-scale corner point detection and the scale selection is achieved efficiently through a Gaussian convolution approach. The second detector is based on a linear unmixing model, which treats a corner point as the intersection of two or three “line” bases in a 3 by 3 region. The line bases are extracted through a constrained Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF) approach and the corner detection is accomplished through counting the number of contributing bases in the linear mixture. For the step of descriptor calculation, the dissertation proposes an effective dimensionality reduction algorithm for the high dimensional Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) descriptors. A set of 40 SIFT descriptor bases are extracted through constrained NMF from a large training set and all SIFT descriptors are then projected onto the space spanned by these bases, achieving dimensionality reduction. The efficiency of the proposed corner detectors have been proven through theoretical analysis. In addition, the effectiveness of the proposed corner detectors and the dimensionality reduction approach has been validated through extensive comparison with several state-of-the-art feature detector/descriptor combinations

    Semantic Model Vectors for Complex Video Event Recognition

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