22 research outputs found


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    A Low-Voltage, Low-Power 4-bit BCD Adder, designed using the Clock Gated Power Gating, and the DVT Scheme

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    This paper proposes a Low-Power, Energy Efficient 4-bit Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) adder design where the conventional 4-bit BCD adder has been modified with the Clock Gated Power Gating Technique. Moreover, the concept of DVT (Dual-vth) scheme has been introduced while designing the full adder blocks to reduce the Leakage Power, as well as, to maintain the overall performance of the entire circuit. The reported architecture of 4-bit BCD adder is designed using 45 nm technology and it consumes 1.384 {\mu}Watt of Average Power while operating with a frequency of 200 MHz, and a Supply Voltage (Vdd) of 1 Volt. The results obtained from different simulation runs on SPICE, indicate the superiority of the proposed design compared to the conventional 4-bit BCD adder. Considering the product of Average Power and Delay, for the operating frequency of 200 MHz, a fair 47.41 % reduction compared to the conventional design has been achieved with this proposed scheme.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of 2013 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Computing and Control (ISPCC,13

    Design and Analysis of Metastable-Hardened, High-Performance, Low-Power Flip-Flops

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    With rapid technology scaling, flip-flops are becoming more susceptible to metastability due to tighter timing budgets and the more prominent effects of process, temperature, and voltage variation that can result in frequent setup and hold time violations. This thesis presents a detailed methodology and analysis on the design of metastable-hardened, high-performance, and low-power flip-flops. The design of metastable-hardened flip-flops is focused on optimizing the value of τ mainly due to its exponential relationship with the metastability window δ and the mean-time-between-failure (MTBF). Through small-signal modeling, τ is determined to be a function of the load capacitance and the transconductance in the cross-coupled inverter pair for a given flip-flop architecture. In most cases, the reduction of τ comes at the expense of increased delay and power. Hence, two new design metrics, the metastability-delay-product (MDP) and the metastability-power-delay-product (MPDP), are proposed to analyze the tradeoffs between delay, power and τ. Post-layout simulation results have shown that the proposed optimum MPDP design can reduce the metastability window δ by at least an order of magnitude depending on the value of the settling time and the flip-flop architecture. In this work, we have proposed two new flip-flop designs: the pre-discharge flip-flop (PDFF) and the sense-amplifier-transmission-gate (SATG) based flip-flop. Both flip-flop architectures facilitate the usage in both single and dual-supply systems as reduced clock-swing flip-flop and level-converting flip-flop. With a cross-coupled inverter in the master-stage that increases the overall transconductance and a small load transistor associated with the critical node, the architecture of both the PDFF and the SATG is very attractive for the design of metastable-hardened, high-performance, and low-power flip-flops. The amount of overhead in delay, power, and area is all less than 10% under the optimum MPDP design scheme when compared to the traditional optimum PDP design. In designing for metastable-hardened and soft-error tolerant flip-flops, the main methodology is to improve the metastability performance in the master-stage while applying the soft-error tolerant cell in the slave-stage for protection against soft-error. The proposed flip-flops, PDFF-SE and SATG-SE, both utilize a cross-coupled inverter on the critical path in the master-stage and generate the required differential signals to facilitate the usage of the Quatro soft-error tolerant cell in the slave-stage

    In Situ Automatic Analog Circuit Calibration and Optimization

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    As semiconductor technology scales down, the variations of active/passive device characteristics after fabrication are getting more and more significant. As a result, many circuits need more accuracy margin to meet minimum accuracy specifications over huge process-voltage-temperature (PVT) variations. Although, overdesigning a circuit is sometimes not a feasible option because of excessive accuracy margin that requires high power consumption and large area. Consequently, calibration/tuning circuits that can automatically detect and compensate the variations have been researched for analog circuits to make better trade-offs among accuracy, power consumption, and area. The first part of this dissertation shows that a newly proposed in situ calibration circuit for a current reference can relax the sharp trade-off between the temperature coefficient accuracy and the power consumption of the current reference. Prototype chips fabricated in a 180 nm CMOS technology generate 1 nA and achieve an average temperature coefficient of 289 ppm/°C and an average line sensitivity of 1.4 %/V with no help from a multiple-temperature trimming. Compared with other state-of-the-art current references that do not need a multiple-temperature trimming, the proposed circuit consumes at least 74% less power, while maintaining similar or higher accuracy. The second part of this dissertation proves that a newly proposed multidimensional in situ analog circuit optimization platform can optimize a Tow-Thomas bandpass biquad. Unlike conventional calibration/tuning approaches, which only handle one or two frequency-domain characteristics, the proposed platform optimizes the power consumption, frequency-, and time-domain characteristics of the biquad to make a better trade-off between the accuracy and the power consumption of the biquad. Simulation results show that this platform reduces the gain-bandwidth product of op-amps in the biquad by 80% while reducing the standard deviations of frequency- and time-domain characteristics by 82%. Measurement results of a prototype chip fabricated in a 180 nm CMOS technology also show that this platform can save maximum 71% of the power consumption of the biquad while the biquad maintains its frequency-domain characteristics: Q, ωO and the gain at ωO

    Process and Temperature Compensated Wideband Injection Locked Frequency Dividers and their Application to Low-Power 2.4-GHz Frequency Synthesizers

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    There has been a dramatic increase in wireless awareness among the user community in the past five years. The 2.4-GHz Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) band is being used for a diverse range of applications due to the following reasons. It is the only unlicensed band approved worldwide and it offers more bandwidth and supports higher data rates compared to the 915-MHz ISM band. The power consumption of devices utilizing the 2.4-GHz band is much lower compared to the 5.2-GHz ISM band. Protocols like Bluetooth and Zigbee that utilize the 2.4-GHz ISM band are becoming extremely popular. Bluetooth is an economic wireless solution for short range connectivity between PC, cell phones, PDAs, Laptops etc. The Zigbee protocol is a wireless technology that was developed as an open global standard to address the unique needs of low-cost, lowpower, wireless sensor networks. Wireless sensor networks are becoming ubiquitous, especially after the recent terrorist activities. Sensors are employed in strategic locations for real-time environmental monitoring, where they collect and transmit data frequently to a nearby terminal. The devices operating in this band are usually compact and battery powered. To enhance battery life and avoid the cumbersome task of battery replacement, the devices used should consume extremely low power. Also, to meet the growing demands cost and sized has to be kept low which mandates fully monolithic implementation using low cost process. CMOS process is extremely attractive for such applications because of its low cost and the possibility to integrate baseband and high frequency circuits on the same chip. A fully integrated solution is attractive for low power consumption as it avoids the need for power hungry drivers for driving off-chip components. The transceiver is often the most power hungry block in a wireless communication system. The frequency divider (prescaler) and the voltage controlled oscillator in the transmitter’s frequency synthesizer are among the major sources of power consumption. There have been a number of publications in the past few decades on low-power high-performance VCOs. Therefore this work focuses on prescalers. A class of analog frequency dividers called as Injection-Locked Frequency Dividers (ILFD) was introduced in the recent past as low power frequency division. ILFDs can consume an order of magnitude lower power when compared to conventional flip-flop based dividers. However the range of operation frequency also knows as the locking range is limited. ILFDs can be classified as LC based and Ring based. Though LC based are insensitive to process and temperature variation, they cannot be used for the 2.4-GHz ISM band because of the large size of on-chip inductors at these frequencies. This causes a lot of valuable chip area to be wasted. Ring based ILFDs are compact and provide a low power solution but are extremely sensitive to process and temperature variations. Process and temperature variation can cause ring based ILFD to loose lock in the desired operating band. The goal of this work is to make the ring based ILFDs useful for practical applications. Techniques to extend the locking range of the ILFDs are discussed. A novel and simple compensation technique is devised to compensate the ILFD and keep the locking range tight with process and temperature variations. The proposed ILFD is used in a 2.4-GHz frequency synthesizer that is optimized for fractional-N synthesis. Measurement results supporting the theory are provided

    Subthreshold design of ultra low-power analog modules

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    Il consumo di potenza rappresenta l’indicatore chiave delle performance di recenti applicazioni portatili, come dispositivi medici impiantabili o tag RFID passivi, allo scopo di aumentare, rispettivamente, i tempi di funzionamento o i range operativi. La riduzione della tensione di alimentazione si è dimostrata l’approccio migliore per ridurre il consumo di potenza dei sistemi digitali integrati. Al fine di tenere il passo con la riduzione delle tensioni di alimentazione, anche le sezioni analogiche dei sistemi mixed signal devono essere in grado di funzionare con livelli di tensione molto bassi. Di conseguenza, sono richieste nuove metodologie di progettazione analogica e configurazioni circuitali innovative in grado di lavorare con tensioni di alimentazioni bassissime, dissipando una potenza estremamente bassa. Il regime di funzionamento sottosoglia consente di ridurre notevolmente le tensioni applicabili ai dispositivi ed si contraddistingue per i livelli di corrente molto bassi, rispetto al ben noto funzionamento in forte inversione. Queste due caratteristiche sono state sfruttate nella realizzazione di moduli analogici di base ultra low voltage, low power. Tre nuove architetture di riferimenti di tensione, che lavorano con tutti i transistor polarizzati in regime sottosoglia, sono stati fabbricati in tecnologia CMOS 0.18 μm. I tre circuiti si basano sullo stesso principio di funzionamento per compensare gli effetti della variazione della temperatura sulla tensione di riferimento generata. Tramite il principio di funzionamento proposto, la tensione di riferimento può essere approssimata con la differenza delle tensioni di soglia, a temperatura ambiente, dei transistor. Misure sperimentali sono state effettuate su set con più di 30 campioni per ogni configurazione circuitale. Una dettagliata analisi statistica ha dimostrato un consumo medio di potenza che va da pochi nano watt a poche decine di nano watt, mentre la minima tensione di alimentazione, raggiunta da una delle tre configurazioni, è di soli 0.45 V. Le tensioni di riferimento generate sono molto precise rispetto alle variazioni della temperatura e della tensione di alimentazione, infatti sono stati ottenuti coefficienti di temperatura e line sensitivity medi a partire rispettivamente da 165 ppm/°C e 0.065 %/V. Inoltre, è stata trattata anche la progettazione di amplificatori ultra low voltage, low power. Sono state illustrate linee guida dettagliate per la progettazione di amplificatori sottosoglia e le stesse sono state applicate per la realizzazione di un amplificatore a due stadi, con compensazione di Miller, funzionante con una tensione di alimentazione di 0.5 V. I risultati sperimentali dell’op amp proposto, fabbricato in tecnologia CMOS 0.18 μm, hanno mostrato un guadagno DC ad anello aperto di 70 dB, un prodotto banda guadagno di 18 kHz ed un consumo di potenza di soli 75 nW. I risultati delle misure sperimentali dimostrano che gli amplificatori operazionali in sottosoglia rappresentano una soluzione molto interessante nella realizzazione di applicazioni efficienti in termini energetici per gli attuali sistemi elettronici portatili. Dal confronto con amplificatori ultra low power, low voltage presenti in letteratura, si evince che la soluzione proposta offre un miglior compromesso tra velocità, potenza dissipata e capacità di carico

    Fully Integrated Voltage Reference Circuits

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    (Doktora) -- İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü, 2014(PhD) -- İstanbul Technical University, Institute of Science and Technology, 2014Gerilim referans devreleri, elektriksel sistemlerde diğer alt blokların çalışmaları için kararlı bir çalışma noktası üretmeleri sebebiyle veri dönüştürücüler (ADC - DAC), frekans sentezleyiciler, DC-DC ve AC-DC dönüştürücüler ve lineer regülatörler gibi pek çok elektriksel sistemin en temel yapı bloklarındandır. İdeal olarak, üretilen bu referans noktası, sıcaklık, üretim süreçleri, besleme gerilim degişimleri ve yükleme etkileri gibi çalışma koşullarından etkilenmemelidir. Bir referans devresinin doğruluğu bahsedilen çalışma koşullarının etkisiyle mutlak değerinden ne kadar saptığı olarak tanımlanır. Modern haberleşme sistemleri ve tüketici ürünlerindeki gelişmeler ile birlikte yüksek entegrasyon ve doğruluklu sistemlere olan talep artmıştır. Tümdevre sistemlerinde, alt blokların çalışma noktalarını belirlemesi nedeniyle özellikle referans devrelerinin performansları bütün sistemin performansının belirlenmesinde önemli rol oynamaktadır. Dolayısıyla yüksek performanslı sistemlere olan talep, bu performansların elde edilmesi için kullanılan düşük geometrili üretim teknolojilerine uygun, yani giderek azalan besleme gerilimleri ile çalışabilecek yüksek doğruluklu referans devrelerine olan talebi de arttırmıştır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada gerilim referans devre topolojilerine odaklanılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, öncelikle yüksek doğruluklu, düşük gürültülü gerilim refereans devre topolojileri üzerinde çalışılarak 0.35 um CMOS teknoljisinde farklı tasarımlar yapılmıştır. Bu aşamada temel hedef, yüksek dogrulukluk olarak belirenmiş ve yapılan tasarımlarda, üretim sonrası ayarlamalardan sonra sıcaklık katsayısı 3 ppm/C olabilecek devreler tasarlanmıştır. Ancak, 0.35 um CMOS üretim teknolojisi kullanılması ve kullanılan topolojiler dolayısıyla, devrelerin çalışabileceği minimum besleme gerilim seviyesi 1.8 V ile sınırlı kalmıştır. Devrelerin çektikleri akımlar ise 20-30 uA seviyesindedir. Bu tasarımlar sırasında (triple-well üretim teknlojileri için), önerilen blok gövde izolasyon stratejisi, tasarımı yapılan devrenin gövdesinin tümdevrenin geri kalan kısmından ters kutuplanmış bir jonksiyon diyodu sayesinde izole edilmesine dayanmaktadır ve devrenin gövde gürültüsünden etkilenmesini önemli ölçüde azaltmaktadır. Son olarak, çoğunlukla osilatör devrelerinde uygulanan anahtarlamalı kutuplama tekniği uygulanarak devrelerin düşük frekans gürültü performansının iyileştirilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Çalışmanın geri kalan kısmında, düşük besleme gerilimleriyle çalışabilecek mikron-altı üretim teknolojilerine uygun gerilim referans devre topolojileri üzerine odaklanılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, iki yeni düşük besleme gerilimli ve düşük güç tüketimli gerilim referans devre topolojisi önerilmiştir. Önerilen topolojiler, 0.18 um CMOS üretim teknolojisinde gerçeklenmiştir. Ölçüm sonuçları, tasarlanan gerilim refarans devrelerinin 0.65 V besleme gerilimi ile çalışabildiğini göstermiştir. Önerilen devre topolojileri ile 0-120 C sıcaklık aralığında, sıcaklık katsayısı 50 ppm/C olan 193 mV seviyesinde referans gerilimleri elde edilmiştir. Devrelerin güç tüketimleri sırasıyla 0.3 uW ve 0.4 uW iken kapladıkları alan 0.2 mm^2 ve 0.08 mm^2 dir. Sonuç olarak, önerilen devre topolojileri ile literatürde yer alan diğer 1V-altı referans devreleri ile karşılatrılabilir seviyede sıcaklık katsayısı olan referans gerilimleri çok daha düşük güç harcamasıyla elde edilmiştir.Voltage references are one of the basic building blocks of many SoCs and mixed-signal ICs such as data converters, voltage regulators and operational amplifiers as they constitute a stable reference voltage for other sub-circuits to generate predictable and repeatable results. Ideally, this reference point should not change with external influences or operating conditions such as temperature, fabrication process variations, power supply variations and transient loading effects. Along with the rapid development of modern communication systems and consumer products, which constitutes the main market for semiconductor industry, the market demand for these System on Chip (SoC) or Mixed Signal ICs to have lower power consumption, higher accuracy and lower cost, and thus, higher integration. Since the performance of the whole system depends strongly to the performance of the reference circuit, this work is focused on fully integrated voltage reference architectures. With this motivation, firstly, different kinds of high precision low noise voltage reference circuits are designed in standard 0.35 um CMOS technology that we have more experience and knowledge of. The essential goal of these studies was high precision and temperature coefficient of the designed voltage reference circuits are on the order of 3 ppm/C with trimming after production. However, since 0.35 um CMOS technology is used in these designs and also due to the chosen topologies their minimum supply voltage can be down to 1.8 V and while current consumption is on the order of 20-30 uA. In the design of the this voltage reference block bulk isolation technique is proposed (for triple-well CMOS processes), in which system blocks are bulk isolated by a reverse biased junction diode from the rest of the die to drastically reduce substrate noise coupling. This is especially important if a very low power voltage reference is designed in a very noisy SoC. Moreover, the switched biasing technique, which is mostly applied to the oscillators, is also implemented to the designed BGR in order to improve the low noise performance of the circuit. The rest of the thesis is focused on new voltage reference topologies that are appropriate for sub-micron technologies operating with low supply voltages. With this motivation two new low voltage and low power voltage reference topologies are proposed. The proposed voltage reference topologies are implemented and fabricated in 0.18 um CMOS technology. Measurement results show that the proposed voltage reference circuits are working properly down to 0.65 V and achieve an output voltage of 193 mV with a temperature coefficient on the order of 50 ppm/C in the temperature range of 0-120C. The total power consumption of the two designed voltage references are 0.3 uW and 0.4 uW at 27 C, while occupying the area of 0.2 mm^2 and 0.08 mm^2, respectively. As a result, the proposed voltage reference topologies generate a reference voltage with comparable level of temperature coefficient and quite low power consumption with respect to the other sub-1V voltage reference circuits reported in the literature.DoktoraPh

    Design Methodologies and CAD Tools for Leakage Power Optimization in FPGAs

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    The scaling of the CMOS technology has precipitated an exponential increase in both subthreshold and gate leakage currents in modern VLSI designs. Consequently, the contribution of leakage power to the total chip power dissipation for CMOS designs is increasing rapidly, which is estimated to be 40% for the current technology generations and is expected to exceed 50% by the 65nm CMOS technology. In FPGAs, the power dissipation problem is further aggravated when compared to ASIC designs because FPGA use more transistors per logic function when compared to ASIC designs. Consequently, solving the leakage power problem is pivotal to devising power-aware FPGAs in the nanometer regime. This thesis focuses on devising both architectural and CAD techniques for leakage mitigation in FPGAs. Several CAD and architectural modifications are proposed to reduce the impact of leakage power dissipation on modern FPGAs. Firstly, multi-threshold CMOS (MTCMOS) techniques are introduced to FPGAs to permanently turn OFF the unused resources of the FPGA, FPGAs are characterized with low utilization percentages that can reach 60%. Moreover, such architecture enables the dynamic shutting down of the FPGA idle parts, thus reducing the standby leakage significantly. Employing the MTCMOS technique in FPGAs requires several changes to the FPGA architecture, including the placement and routing of the sleep signals and the MTCMOS granularity. On the CAD level, the packing and placement stages are modified to allow the possibility of dynamically turning OFF the idle parts of the FPGA. A new activity generation algorithm is proposed and implemented that aims to identify the logic blocks in a design that exhibit similar idleness periods. Several criteria for the activity generation algorithm are used, including connectivity and logic function. Several versions of the activity generation algorithm are implemented to trade power savings with runtime. A newly developed packing algorithm uses the resulting activities to minimize leakage power dissipation by packing the logic blocks with similar or close activities together. By proposing an FPGA architecture that supports MTCMOS and developing a CAD tool that supports the new architecture, an average power savings of 30% is achieved for a 90nm CMOS process while incurring a speed penalty of less than 5%. This technique is further extended to provide a timing-sensitive version of the CAD flow to vary the speed penalty according to the criticality of each logic block. Secondly, a new technique for leakage power reduction in FPGAs based on the use of input dependency is developed. Both subthreshold and gate leakage power are heavily dependent on the input state. In FPGAs, the effect of input dependency is exacerbated due to the use of pass-transistor multiplexer logic, which can exhibit up to 50% variation in leakage power due to the input states. In this thesis, a new algorithm is proposed that uses bit permutation to reduce subthreshold and gate leakage power dissipation in FPGAs. The bit permutation algorithm provides an average leakage power reduction of 40% while having less than 2% impact on the performance and no penalty on the design area. Thirdly, an accurate probabilistic power model for FPGAs is developed to quantify the savings from the proposed leakage power reduction techniques. The proposed power model accounts for dynamic, short circuit, and leakage power (including both subthreshold and gate leakage power) dissipation in FPGAs. Moreover, the power model accounts for power due to glitches, which accounts for almost 20% of the dynamic power dissipation in FPGAs. The use of probabilities in the power model makes it more computationally efficient than the other FPGA power models in the literature that rely on long input sequence simulations. One of the main advantages of the proposed power model is the incorporation of spatial correlation while estimating the signal probability. Other probabilistic FPGA power models assume spatial independence among the design signals, thus overestimating the power calculations. In the proposed model, a probabilistic model is proposed for spatial correlations among the design signals. Moreover, a different variation is proposed that manages to capture most of the spatial correlations with minimum impact on runtime. Furthermore, the proposed power model accounts for the input dependency of subthreshold and gate leakage power dissipation. By comparing the proposed power model to HSpice simulation, the estimated power is within 8% and is closer to HSpice simulations than other probabilistic FPGA power models by an average of 20%

    Design of complex integrated systems based on networks-on-chip: Trading off performance, power and reliability

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    The steady advancement of microelectronics is associated with an escalating number of challenges for design engineers due to both the tiny dimensions and the enormous complexity of integrated systems. Against this background, this work deals with Network-On-Chip (NOC) as the emerging design paradigm to cope with diverse issues of nanotechnology. The detailed investigations within the chapters focus on the communication-centric aspects of multi-core-systems, whereas performance, power consumption as well as reliability are considered likewise as the essential design criteria

    A novel deep submicron bulk planar sizing strategy for low energy subthreshold standard cell libraries

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    Engineering andPhysical Science ResearchCouncil (EPSRC) and Arm Ltd for providing funding in the form of grants and studentshipsThis work investigates bulk planar deep submicron semiconductor physics in an attempt to improve standard cell libraries aimed at operation in the subthreshold regime and in Ultra Wide Dynamic Voltage Scaling schemes. The current state of research in the field is examined, with particular emphasis on how subthreshold physical effects degrade robustness, variability and performance. How prevalent these physical effects are in a commercial 65nm library is then investigated by extensive modeling of a BSIM4.5 compact model. Three distinct sizing strategies emerge, cells of each strategy are laid out and post-layout parasitically extracted models simulated to determine the advantages/disadvantages of each. Full custom ring oscillators are designed and manufactured. Measured results reveal a close correlation with the simulated results, with frequency improvements of up to 2.75X/2.43X obs erved for RVT/LVT devices respectively. The experiment provides the first silicon evidence of the improvement capability of the Inverse Narrow Width Effect over a wide supply voltage range, as well as a mechanism of additional temperature stability in the subthreshold regime. A novel sizing strategy is proposed and pursued to determine whether it is able to produce a superior complex circuit design using a commercial digital synthesis flow. Two 128 bit AES cores are synthesized from the novel sizing strategy and compared against a third AES core synthesized from a state-of-the-art subthreshold standard cell library used by ARM. Results show improvements in energy-per-cycle of up to 27.3% and frequency improvements of up to 10.25X. The novel subthreshold sizing strategy proves superior over a temperature range of 0 °C to 85 °C with a nominal (20 °C) improvement in energy-per-cycle of 24% and frequency improvement of 8.65X. A comparison to prior art is then performed. Valid cases are presented where the proposed sizing strategy would be a candidate to produce superior subthreshold circuits