9 research outputs found

    The Optimal Dispatch of Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms

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    The main goal of this paper is to present a minmax programming model for the optimal dispatch of Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms with single traffic congestion. The objective is to minimize the longest time of the dispatch for Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms. Some numerical experiments are carried out, and the optimal project is given. Document type: Articl

    Modelación En Programación Matemática Y Resolución Del Problema De Localización-Ruteo En Logística Urbana

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    The implementation of urban distribution centers near to city centers to allow freight consolidation is a widely extended initiative worldwide, seeking to improve traffic congestion and quality of life in downtown, among others. This paper considers the problem of locating urban distribution centers and proposes an exact method, based on integer linear programming for strategic, tactical and operational decision-making. The aim is to solve, in an integer manner, location, sizing and operation (vehicle routing) problems in these logistics platforms. The model is validated using real-data taken from the city of SaintÉtienne, France. Computational experiments are also carried out in order to compare the proposed model with existing procedures from the literature. Results show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model and its applicability in real decision-making for medium sized data sets

    The Optimal Dispatch of Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms

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    The main goal of this paper is to present a minmax programming model for the optimal dispatch of Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms with single traffic congestion. The objective is to minimize the longest time of the dispatch for Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms. Some numerical experiments are carried out, and the optimal project is given

    The Optimal Dispatch of Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms

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    The main goal of this paper is to present a minmax programming model for the optimal dispatch of Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms with single traffic congestion. The objective is to minimize the longest time of the dispatch for Traffic and Patrol Police Service Platforms. Some numerical experiments are carried out, and the optimal project is given

    Modelación En Programación Matemática Y Resolución Del Problema De Localización-Ruteo En Logística Urbana

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    The implementation of urban distribution centers near to city centers to allow freight consolidation is a widely extended initiative worldwide, seeking to improve traffic congestion and quality of life in downtown, among others. This paper considers the problem of locating urban distribution centers and proposes an exact method, based on integer linear programming for strategic, tactical and operational decision-making. The aim is to solve, in an integer manner, location, sizing and operation (vehicle routing) problems in these logistics platforms. The model is validated using real-data taken from the city of SaintÉtienne, France. Computational experiments are also carried out in order to compare the proposed model with existing procedures from the literature. Results show the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed model and its applicability in real decision-making for medium sized data sets

    An exact solution approach for multi-objective location-transportation problem for disaster response

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    This paper considers a three-objective location–transportation problem for disaster response. The location problem aims at determining the number, the position and the mission of required humanitarian aid distribution centers (HADC) within the disaster region. The transportation problem deals with the distribution of aid from HADCs to demand points. Three conflicting objectives are considered. The first objective minimizes the total transportation duration of needed products from the distribution centers to the demand points. The second objective minimizes the number of agents (first-aiders) needed to open and operate the selected distribution centers. The third objective minimizes the non-covered demand for all demand points within the affected area. We propose an epsilon-constraint method for this problem and prove that it generates the exact Pareto front. The proposed algorithm can be applied to any three-objective optimization problem provided that the problem involves at least two integer and conflicting objectives. The results obtained in our experimental study show that the computing time required by the pr oposed method may be large for some instances. A heuristic version of our algorithm yielded, however, good approximation of the Pareto front in relatively short computing times.Keywords: Emergency response; Location–transportation problems; Multi-objective combinatorial optimization; Exact method; Epsilon-constraint method

    Approximation results for a min–max location-routing problem

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    AbstractThis paper studies a min–max location-routing problem, which aims to determine both the home depots and the tours for a set of vehicles to service all the customers in a given weighted graph, so that the maximum working time of the vehicles is minimized. The min–max objective is motivated by the needs of balancing or fairness in vehicle routing applications. We have proved that unless NP=P, it is impossible for the problem to have an approximation algorithm that achieves an approximation ratio of less than 4/3. Thus, we have developed the first constant ratio approximation algorithm for the problem. Moreover, we have developed new approximation algorithms for several variants, which improve the existing best approximation ratios in the previous literature

    Solución de los problemas de localización y dimensionamiento de centros urbanos de distribución y enrutamiento de sus vehículos

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    50 páginasEn la mayoría de las grandes y medianas ciudades, las operaciones de transporte de mercancías tienen un impacto notable en la movilidad del tráfico urbano, así como en las actividades comerciales de la ciudad. La creación de centros urbanos de distribución cerca del centro de las ciudades para consolidar las cargas, es una iniciativa implementada alrededor del mundo que busca disminuir la congestión del tráfico vehicular en las calles y la calidad de vida sus habitantes. Este trabajo considera el problema de localizar los centros de distribución en las zonas urbanas y propone un enfoque para la toma de decisiones a nivel estratégico, táctico y operativo. Se busca resolver, de manera integral, los problemas de localización, dimensionamiento y operación (ruteo de camiones) en estas terminales logísticas. El enfoque es validado usando datos de la vida real provenientes de la ciudad de SaintÉtienne, Francia. Así mismo, se realizan comparaciones experimentales con procedimientos existentes en la literatura. Los resultados muestran la eficiencia y efectividad del enfoque propuesto y su aplicabilidad en la realidad, para instancias hasta de tamaño grande donde, las salidas del enfoque, deben ser analizadas por el tomador de decisiones y pueden mejorar la competitividad del sistema logístico y las condiciones ambientales y sociales de la ciudad en cuestión

    Problemas de localização-distribuição de serviços semiobnóxios: aproximações e apoio à decisão

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    Doutoramento em Gestão IndustrialA presente tese resulta de um trabalho de investigação cujo objectivo se centrou no problema de localização-distribuição (PLD) que pretende abordar, de forma integrada, duas actividades logísticas intimamente relacionadas: a localização de equipamentos e a distribuição de produtos. O PLD, nomeadamente a sua modelação matemática, tem sido estudado na literatura, dando origem a diversas aproximações que resultam de diferentes cenários reais. Importa portanto agrupar as diferentes variantes por forma a facilitar e potenciar a sua investigação. Após fazer uma revisão e propor uma taxonomia dos modelos de localização-distribuição, este trabalho foca-se na resolução de alguns modelos considerados como mais representativos. É feita assim a análise de dois dos PLDs mais básicos (os problema capacitados com procura nos nós e nos arcos), sendo apresentadas, para ambos, propostas de resolução. Posteriormente, é abordada a localização-distribuição de serviços semiobnóxios. Este tipo de serviços, ainda que seja necessário e indispensável para o público em geral, dada a sua natureza, exerce um efeito desagradável sobre as comunidades contíguas. Assim, aos critérios tipicamente utilizados na tomada de decisão sobre a localização destes serviços (habitualmente a minimização de custo) é necessário adicionar preocupações que reflectem a manutenção da qualidade de vida das regiões que sofrem o impacto do resultado da referida decisão. A abordagem da localização-distribuição de serviços semiobnóxios requer portanto uma análise multi-objectivo. Esta análise pode ser feita com recurso a dois métodos distintos: não interactivos e interactivos. Ambos são abordados nesta tese, com novas propostas, sendo o método interactivo proposto aplicável a outros problemas de programação inteira mista multi-objectivo. Por último, é desenvolvida uma ferramenta de apoio à decisão para os problemas abordados nesta tese, sendo apresentada a metodologia adoptada e as suas principais funcionalidades. A ferramenta desenvolvida tem grandes preocupações com a interface de utilizador, visto ser direccionada para decisores que tipicamente não têm conhecimentos sobre os modelos matemáticos subjacentes a este tipo de problemas.This thesis main objective is to address the location-routing problem (LRP) which intends to tackle, using an integrated approach, two highly related logistics activities: the location of facilities and the distribution of materials. The LRP, namely its mathematical formulation, has been studied in the literature, and several approaches have emerged, corresponding to different real-world scenarios. Therefore, it is important to identify and group the different LRP variants, in order to segment current research and foster future studies. After presenting a review and a taxonomy of location-routing models, the following research focuses on solving some of its variants. Thus, a study of two of the most basic LRPs (capacitated problems with demand either on the nodes or on the arcs) is performed, and new approaches are presented. Afterwards, the location-routing of semi-obnoxious facilities is addressed. These are facilities that, although providing useful and indispensible services, given their nature, bring about an undesirable effect to adjacent communities. Consequently, to the usual objectives when considering their location (cost minimization), new ones must be added that are able to reflect concerns regarding the quality of life of the communities impacted by the outcome of these decisions. The location-routing of semi-obnoxious facilities therefore requires to be analysed using multi-objective approaches, which can be of two types: noninteractive or interactive. Both are discussed and new methods proposed in this thesis; the proposed interactive method is suitable to other multi-objective mixed integer programming problems. Finally, a newly developed decision-support tool to address the LRP is presented (being the adopted methodology discussed, and its main functionalities shown). This tool has great concerns regarding the user interface, as it is directed at decision makers who typically don’t have specific knowledge of the underlying models of this type of problems