13 research outputs found

    OverHolland 14/15:

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    This latest issue of OverHolland takes a closer look at architectural designs, to mark two events in autumn 2013: the publication of the research results of the Renewing city renewal project, an initiative by the architecture firm De Nijl in partner­ship with Delft University of Technology’s Faculty of Architecture and the KEI knowledge centre for urban renewal (now part of Platform 31); and the DOGMA 11 Projects + 1 exhibition in a temporary pavilion in the grounds of the Faculty of Architec­ture in Delft. This issue sheds light on current architec­tural practices in the public realm in the form of exhibitions, publications and specific interventions in existing urban areas. University research and education can play an important part here. In the Renewing city renewal project, graduation work by students at the Faculty of Architecture in Delft greatly contributed to the exploration of potential assignments, and persuaded the Amsterdam,  Leiden, The Hague and Rotterdam city councils  to consider specific proposals. Four architecture firms from outside the Netherlands were invited to draw up the proposals, and were challenged to confront their often  unusual experience of city renewal with Dutch practice. The results of the project were presented at an exhibition in Delft and Leiden, and published in a book entitled Vernieuwing van de stadsvernieuwing: pleidooi voor ontwerpkracht, edited by Henk Engel, Endry van Velzen and Olof van de Wal (Haarlem, trancityxValiz, 2013). An English version: Renewing City Renewal: A call for strong design, Delft, BK Books, 2014, can be found on the Internet. In this issue of OverHolland, Roberto Cavallo presents two graduation projects that were part  of the Renewing city renewal project: Floris van der Zee’s Amsterdam-Oost: parallellisme. Routeontwikkeling als stedelijke vernieuwingsstrategie (‘East Amsterdam: Parallelism. Route development  as urban renewal strategy’) and Hyeonsu Yang’s Muiderpoort Station Renewed. A recent design by each of the four foreign firms that took part in the project is also presented here: Fusi & Ammann’s model dwelling for the International Building Exhibition (IBA) in Hamburg, East’s Park House in London, De Smet Vermeulen’s residential care centre and children’s daycare centre in Antwerp, and 51N4E’s conversion of  Kortrijk’s Buda Factory into an art centre. This series of interventions in urban areas has been followed by a recent proposal by the architecture firm Dogma entitled Live forever: the return of the factory. Proposal for a living/working unité d’habitation for 1600 inhabitants at the Balti Station area, Tallinn, 2013, the twelfth project on display at the DOGMA 11 Projects + 1 exhibition. Stefano Milani reviews the book on the other eleven projects (Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara, DOGMA 11 Projects, London, AA, 2013). Milani focuses in particular on Aureli’s work with PhD students at the Berlage Centre for Advanced Studies in Architecture and Urban Design (‘the Berlage’), which has been part of the Faculty of Architecture in Delft since 2012. He considers it most important that the combination of theoreti­cal reflection and design launched by Aureli has been adopted and pursued by the Faculty. As a follow­up to his article in OverHolland 12/13, ‘The space of cartography’, Gabriel  Carrascal Aguirre explains layering in cartography: ‘Stacking spatial information. Some reflections about layering and its origins’. In the Polemics section, Jaap Evert  Abrahamse reviews Cor Wagenaar’s Town Planning in the Netherlands since 1800, and Herman van Bergeijk reviews Eddy Verbaan’s De woonplaats van de faam: grondslagen van de stadsbeschrijving in de zeventiende-eeuwse Republiek (‘The home of fame: basic principles of urban description in the seventeenth­century Dutch Republic’) and Raingard Esser’s The politics of memory: the writing of partition in the seventeenth-century Low Countries

    Heterogeneous data analysis for annotation of microRNAs and novel genome assembly

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    This thesis is the collection of four published papers demonstrating annotation of genes and microRNAs with the aid of bioinformatics, in particular using heterogeneous data integration. Gene annotation is the process of detecting the structure and biological function of the raw DNA sequences; while microRNA annotation is mainly about identifying its regulatory targets since microRNA modify gene expression by binding to their targets. In order to ef__ciently and accurately annotate microRNAs and coding region of a novel genome, we developed several complex work__ows which integrate the current most relevant data sources and tools. The essence of integration is not to produce even more data but to increase the sensitivity and/or speci__city of the algorithm and system. Currently, in life sciences high-throughput experiments, multiple platforms, and multiple model or non-model species are very commonly applied in different studies. In line with this trend heterogeneous data integration is no doubt an important strategy for the analysis of biological data.LEI Universiteit LeidenThis work was part of the BioRange programme of the Netherlands Bioinformatics Centre (NBIC), which is supported by a BSIK grant through the Netherlands Genomics Initiative (NGI).Imagin

    Privacy en politiegegevens : Over geautomatiseerde normatieve informatie-uitwisseling

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    Privacy en politiegegevens. Over geautomatiseerde normatieve informatie-uitwisseling

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    In de moderne informatiemaatschappij zijn steeds meer burgers actief op internet. Het gevolg is dat grote aantallen persoonsgegevens digitaal beschikbaar zijn voor de politie. Voorts groeit de opslagcapaciteit van computers per jaar en worden ze voortdurend slimmer. Zodoende kan de politie in grote hoeveelheden data bepaalde relevante verbanden vinden. Voor de opsporing en vervolging van strafbare feiten maken politiediensten veelvuldig gebruik van de nieuwe technische mogelijkheden. De effectiviteit van de opsporing wordt daardoor gestaag vergroot. Dit brengt echter ook risico's mee voor de vrijheid en privacy van onverdachte burgers. De auteur beschrijft vanuit een juridisch technologisch perspectief in hoeverre intelligente ict-toepassingen in politiële informatiesystemen kunnen bijdragen aan het effectief waarborgen van het recht op privacy. In het bijzonder wordt gekeken naar de technische mogelijkheden om de elektronische uitwisseling van politiegegevens te reguleren. De kernvraag is: staat het recht op privacy op gespannen voet met de geautomatiseerde uitwisseling van politiegegevens? Het antwoord is complex. De toekomst heeft diverse verrassingen in petto, aldus de auteur. Dit is een boek in de Meijers-reeks. De reeks valt onder verantwoordelijkheid van het E.M. Meijers Instituut voor Rechtswetenschappelijk Onderzoek van de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Leiden. Dit boek maakt deel uit van het onderzoeksprogramma 'Criminal Justice: Legitimacy, Accountability, and Effectivity'

    Privacyrecht is code. Over het gebruik van Privacy Enhancing Technologies

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    Omgevingsanalyse van onze samenleving toont aan dat door de toenemende informatisering privacyproblemen (identiteitsfraude, datalekken) zullen toenemen. Door gegevensontdekkende-, gegevensvolgende- en gegevenskoppelende technologieën erodeert de privacy van de burger in onze risico-toezichtmaatschappij ernstig. Het vertrouwen in het gebruik van ICT en het elektronisch zaken doen komt hierdoor sterk onder druk te staan.Er bestaat uitvoerige Europese wet- en regelgeving om onze privacy te beschermen. In dit boek is deze wetgeving geanalyseerd. De wetsartikelen die direct betrekking hebben op de verwerking van persoonsgegevens kunnen beschouwd worden als de juridische specificaties voor het ontwerp van informatiesystemen. De wetgeving verplicht tot een privacyrisico analyse voorafgaande aan het gebruik van informatiesystemen. Dit vindt nauwelijks plaats. In dit boek worden zeven privacy bedreigingsanalyses (o.a PIA) besproken. Met de privacyrisicoanalyse kan opdrachtgevers en ontwerpers van informatiesystemen de potentiële risico’s voor de privacy van de burger in kaart te brengen. Uit onderzoek is duidelijk geworden dat persoonsgegevens het best beschermd kunnen worden als bij de verwerking van de persoonsgegevens de identificeerde gegevens direct worden scheiden worden van andere gegevens. Privacy Enhancing Technologies (PET), die de juridische vereisten omzetten in technische specificaties, kunnen hiervoor zorgdragen. De inhoud, reikwijdte en succesvolle toepassingen van PET worden in dit boek uiteengezet.Aan de hand van de Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) theorie van Rogers kunnen de positieve en negatieve factoren voor organisaties worden vastgesteld, die van invloed zijn op het invoeren van identity en access management, privacy bescherming en de adoptie van PET voor de bescherming van persoonsgegevens. Bovendien is gebleken dat de maturiteit van de organisatie bepalend is of de organisatie aandacht besteedt aan privacybescherming. Met de in dit boek toegelichte Return On Investment (ROI) formules kan de economische rechtvaardiging voor privacy beschermende investeringen worden onderbouwd. Het boek sluit af met een stappenplan om privacyveilige informatiesystemen in organisaties te implementeren en doet tien aanbevelingenLEI Universiteit LeidenEffective Protection of Fundamental Rights in a pluralist worl

    Mining Sets of Patterns (Zoeken naar verzamelingen van patronen)

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    Local pattern mining is an integral part of a variety of approaches in d ata mining and machine learning. Especially in data mining, a lot of res earch exists on how to mine local patterns efficiently from large data b ases. As a side-effect, the resulting pattern collections are far too bi g to be useful. In machine learning, on the other hand, local patterns a re ingredients to more complex models used for classification, or cluste ring, for instance. In both cases, efficiently and effectively assembling those local patter ns into sets of patterns is an important task. In this thesis, we presen t a in-depth discussion of various aspects of pattern set mining. The thesis has three main contributions. The first one is the introducti on of a formal framework for pattern set mining as a distinct task. To t he best of our knowledge, this is the first time that such a formal defi nition has been given. By identifying types of pattern sets, properties of those types, and developing constraints based on these properties, th e framework enables the principled discussion of existing and future pat tern set mining techniques. As a direct benefit, in a second step, we leverage the framework for the discussion of existing approaches from data mining and machine learning . We identify the two main approaches to pattern set mining, post-proces sing and iterative mining, and characterize existing heuristic technique s. Following our discussion, we suggest an exhaustive alternative to exi sting heuristic data mining techniques, as well as possibilities for the upgrade of those techniques. Additionally, we inspect the local pattern mining approaches to which most pattern set mining techniques from mach ine learning are coupled and argue that they can be replaced by differen t methods. Finally, to validate our theoretical findings, we perform a number of ex perimental evaluations of existing and proposed systems. We show that an exhaustive post-processing method does indeed allows us to perform cons traint-based pattern set mining. We also evaluate the effect of heuristi c parameters, such as orders and quality measures, for heuristic post-pr ocessing. Additionally, we explore the application of exhaustive local p attern mining in iterative pattern set mining, showing both its applicab ility. A surprising finding in this last setting is that exhaustive meth ods, guided by iterative mining, are not more computationally expensive than their heuristic counterparts.status: publishe