1,711 research outputs found

    Mining Dynamic Document Spaces with Massively Parallel Embedded Processors

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    Currently Océ investigates future document management services. One of these services is accessing dynamic document spaces, i.e. improving the access to document spaces which are frequently updated (like newsgroups). This process is rather computational intensive. This paper describes the research conducted on software development for massively parallel processors. A prototype has been built which processes streams of information from specified newsgroups and transforms them into personal information maps. Although this technology does speed up the training part compared to a general purpose processor implementation, however, its real benefits emerges with larger problem dimensions because of the scalable approach. It is recommended to improve on quality of the map as well as on visualisation and to better profile the performance of the other parts of the pipeline, i.e. feature extraction and visualisation

    ISCR Annual Report: Fical Year 2004

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    Compute as Fast as the Engineers Can Think! Utrafast Computing Team Final Report

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    This report documents findings and recommendations by the Ultrafast Computing Team (UCT). In the period 10-12/98, UCT reviewed design case scenarios for a supersonic transport and a reusable launch vehicle to derive computing requirements necessary for support of a design process with efficiency so radically improved that human thought rather than the computer paces the process. Assessment of the present computing capability against the above requirements indicated a need for further improvement in computing speed by several orders of magnitude to reduce time to solution from tens of hours to seconds in major applications. Evaluation of the trends in computer technology revealed a potential to attain the postulated improvement by further increases of single processor performance combined with massively parallel processing in a heterogeneous environment. However, utilization of massively parallel processing to its full capability will require redevelopment of the engineering analysis and optimization methods, including invention of new paradigms. To that end UCT recommends initiation of a new activity at LaRC called Computational Engineering for development of new methods and tools geared to the new computer architectures in disciplines, their coordination, and validation and benefit demonstration through applications


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    Efficient transfer entropy analysis of non-stationary neural time series

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    Information theory allows us to investigate information processing in neural systems in terms of information transfer, storage and modification. Especially the measure of information transfer, transfer entropy, has seen a dramatic surge of interest in neuroscience. Estimating transfer entropy from two processes requires the observation of multiple realizations of these processes to estimate associated probability density functions. To obtain these observations, available estimators assume stationarity of processes to allow pooling of observations over time. This assumption however, is a major obstacle to the application of these estimators in neuroscience as observed processes are often non-stationary. As a solution, Gomez-Herrero and colleagues theoretically showed that the stationarity assumption may be avoided by estimating transfer entropy from an ensemble of realizations. Such an ensemble is often readily available in neuroscience experiments in the form of experimental trials. Thus, in this work we combine the ensemble method with a recently proposed transfer entropy estimator to make transfer entropy estimation applicable to non-stationary time series. We present an efficient implementation of the approach that deals with the increased computational demand of the ensemble method's practical application. In particular, we use a massively parallel implementation for a graphics processing unit to handle the computationally most heavy aspects of the ensemble method. We test the performance and robustness of our implementation on data from simulated stochastic processes and demonstrate the method's applicability to magnetoencephalographic data. While we mainly evaluate the proposed method for neuroscientific data, we expect it to be applicable in a variety of fields that are concerned with the analysis of information transfer in complex biological, social, and artificial systems.Comment: 27 pages, 7 figures, submitted to PLOS ON

    Optimización del rendimiento y la eficiencia energética en sistemas masivamente paralelos

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    RESUMEN Los sistemas heterogéneos son cada vez más relevantes, debido a sus capacidades de rendimiento y eficiencia energética, estando presentes en todo tipo de plataformas de cómputo, desde dispositivos embebidos y servidores, hasta nodos HPC de grandes centros de datos. Su complejidad hace que sean habitualmente usados bajo el paradigma de tareas y el modelo de programación host-device. Esto penaliza fuertemente el aprovechamiento de los aceleradores y el consumo energético del sistema, además de dificultar la adaptación de las aplicaciones. La co-ejecución permite que todos los dispositivos cooperen para computar el mismo problema, consumiendo menos tiempo y energía. No obstante, los programadores deben encargarse de toda la gestión de los dispositivos, la distribución de la carga y la portabilidad del código entre sistemas, complicando notablemente su programación. Esta tesis ofrece contribuciones para mejorar el rendimiento y la eficiencia energética en estos sistemas masivamente paralelos. Se realizan propuestas que abordan objetivos generalmente contrapuestos: se mejora la usabilidad y la programabilidad, a la vez que se garantiza una mayor abstracción y extensibilidad del sistema, y al mismo tiempo se aumenta el rendimiento, la escalabilidad y la eficiencia energética. Para ello, se proponen dos motores de ejecución con enfoques completamente distintos. EngineCL, centrado en OpenCL y con una API de alto nivel, favorece la máxima compatibilidad entre todo tipo de dispositivos y proporciona un sistema modular extensible. Su versatilidad permite adaptarlo a entornos para los que no fue concebido, como aplicaciones con ejecuciones restringidas por tiempo o simuladores HPC de dinámica molecular, como el utilizado en un centro de investigación internacional. Considerando las tendencias industriales y enfatizando la aplicabilidad profesional, CoexecutorRuntime proporciona un sistema flexible centrado en C++/SYCL que dota de soporte a la co-ejecución a la tecnología oneAPI. Este runtime acerca a los programadores al dominio del problema, posibilitando la explotación de estrategias dinámicas adaptativas que mejoran la eficiencia en todo tipo de aplicaciones.ABSTRACT Heterogeneous systems are becoming increasingly relevant, due to their performance and energy efficiency capabilities, being present in all types of computing platforms, from embedded devices and servers to HPC nodes in large data centers. Their complexity implies that they are usually used under the task paradigm and the host-device programming model. This strongly penalizes accelerator utilization and system energy consumption, as well as making it difficult to adapt applications. Co-execution allows all devices to simultaneously compute the same problem, cooperating to consume less time and energy. However, programmers must handle all device management, workload distribution and code portability between systems, significantly complicating their programming. This thesis offers contributions to improve performance and energy efficiency in these massively parallel systems. The proposals address the following generally conflicting objectives: usability and programmability are improved, while ensuring enhanced system abstraction and extensibility, and at the same time performance, scalability and energy efficiency are increased. To achieve this, two runtime systems with completely different approaches are proposed. EngineCL, focused on OpenCL and with a high-level API, provides an extensible modular system and favors maximum compatibility between all types of devices. Its versatility allows it to be adapted to environments for which it was not originally designed, including applications with time-constrained executions or molecular dynamics HPC simulators, such as the one used in an international research center. Considering industrial trends and emphasizing professional applicability, CoexecutorRuntime provides a flexible C++/SYCL-based system that provides co-execution support for oneAPI technology. This runtime brings programmers closer to the problem domain, enabling the exploitation of dynamic adaptive strategies that improve efficiency in all types of applications.Funding: This PhD has been supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education (FPU16/03299 grant), the Spanish Science and Technology Commission under contracts TIN2016-76635-C2-2-R and PID2019-105660RB-C22. This work has also been partially supported by the Mont-Blanc 3: European Scalable and Power Efficient HPC Platform based on Low-Power Embedded Technology project (G.A. No. 671697) from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme (H2020 Programme). Some activities have also been funded by the Spanish Science and Technology Commission under contract TIN2016-81840-REDT (CAPAP-H6 network). The Integration II: Hybrid programming models of Chapter 4 has been partially performed under the Project HPC-EUROPA3 (INFRAIA-2016-1-730897), with the support of the EC Research Innovation Action under the H2020 Programme. In particular, the author gratefully acknowledges the support of the SPMT Department of the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart (HLRS)

    Advanced semantics for accelerated graph processing

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    Large-scale graph applications are of great national, commercial, and societal importance, with direct use in fields such as counter-intelligence, proteomics, and data mining. Unfortunately, graph-based problems exhibit certain basic characteristics that make them a poor match for conventional computing systems in terms of structure, scale, and semantics. Graph processing kernels emphasize sparse data structures and computations with irregular memory access patterns that destroy the temporal and spatial locality upon which modern processors rely for performance. Furthermore, applications in this area utilize large data sets, and have been shown to be more data intensive than typical floating-point applications, two properties that lead to inefficient utilization of the hierarchical memory system. Current approaches to processing large graph data sets leverage traditional HPC systems and programming models, for shared memory and message-passing computation, and are thus limited in efficiency, scalability, and programmability. The research presented in this thesis investigates the potential of a new model of execution that is hypothesized as a promising alternative for graph-based applications to conventional practices. A new approach to graph processing is developed and presented in this thesis. The application of the experimental ParalleX execution model to graph processing balances continuation-migration style fine-grain concurrency with constraint-based synchronization through embedded futures. A collection of parallel graph application kernels provide experiment control drivers for analysis and evaluation of this innovative strategy. Finally, an experimental software library for scalable graph processing, the ParalleX Graph Library, is defined using the HPX runtime system, providing an implementation of the key concepts and a framework for development of ParalleX-based graph applications

    Close to the metal: Towards a material political economy of the epistemology of computation

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    This paper investigates the role of the materiality of computation in two domains: blockchain technologies and artificial intelligence (AI). Although historically designed as parallel computing accelerators for image rendering and videogames, graphics processing units (GPUs) have been instrumental in the explosion of both cryptoasset mining and machine learning models. The political economy associated with video games and Bitcoin and Ethereum mining provided a staggering growth in performance and energy efficiency and this, in turn, fostered a change in the epistemological understanding of AI: from rules-based or symbolic AI towards the matrix multiplications underpinning connectionism, machine learning and neural nets. Combining a material political economy of markets with a material epistemology of science, the article shows that there is no clear-cut division between software and hardware, between instructions and tools, and between frameworks of thought and the material and economic conditions of possibility of thought itself. As the microchip shortage and the growing geopolitical relevance of the hardware and semiconductor supply chain come to the fore, the paper invites social scientists to engage more closely with the materialities and hardware architectures of ‘virtual’ algorithms and software

    A novel computational framework for fast, distributed computing and knowledge integration for microarray gene expression data analysis

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    The healthcare burden and suffering due to life-threatening diseases such as cancer would be significantly reduced by the design and refinement of computational interpretation of micro-molecular data collected by bioinformaticians. Rapid technological advancements in the field of microarray analysis, an important component in the design of in-silico molecular medicine methods, have generated enormous amounts of such data, a trend that has been increasing exponentially over the last few years. However, the analysis and handling of these data has become one of the major bottlenecks in the utilization of the technology. The rate of collection of these data has far surpassed our ability to analyze the data for novel, non-trivial, and important knowledge. The high-performance computing platform, and algorithms that utilize its embedded computing capacity, has emerged as a leading technology that can handle such data-intensive knowledge discovery applications. In this dissertation, we present a novel framework to achieve fast, robust, and accurate (biologically-significant) multi-class classification of gene expression data using distributed knowledge discovery and integration computational routines, specifically for cancer genomics applications. The research presents a unique computational paradigm for the rapid, accurate, and efficient selection of relevant marker genes, while providing parametric controls to ensure flexibility of its application. The proposed paradigm consists of the following key computational steps: (a) preprocess, normalize the gene expression data; (b) discretize the data for knowledge mining application; (c) partition the data using two proposed methods: partitioning with overlapped windows and adaptive selection; (d) perform knowledge discovery on the partitioned data-spaces for association rule discovery; (e) integrate association rules from partitioned data and knowledge spaces on distributed processor nodes using a novel knowledge integration algorithm; and (f) post-analysis and functional elucidation of the discovered gene rule sets. The framework is implemented on a shared-memory multiprocessor supercomputing environment, and several experimental results are demonstrated to evaluate the algorithms. We conclude with a functional interpretation of the computational discovery routines for enhanced biological physiological discovery from cancer genomics datasets, while suggesting some directions for future research

    Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016)

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    Proceedings of the First PhD Symposium on Sustainable Ultrascale Computing Systems (NESUS PhD 2016) Timisoara, Romania. February 8-11, 2016.The PhD Symposium was a very good opportunity for the young researchers to share information and knowledge, to present their current research, and to discuss topics with other students in order to look for synergies and common research topics. The idea was very successful and the assessment made by the PhD Student was very good. It also helped to achieve one of the major goals of the NESUS Action: to establish an open European research network targeting sustainable solutions for ultrascale computing aiming at cross fertilization among HPC, large scale distributed systems, and big data management, training, contributing to glue disparate researchers working across different areas and provide a meeting ground for researchers in these separate areas to exchange ideas, to identify synergies, and to pursue common activities in research topics such as sustainable software solutions (applications and system software stack), data management, energy efficiency, and resilience.European Cooperation in Science and Technology. COS