62 research outputs found

    High Dimensional Modulation and MIMO Techniques for Access Networks

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    Exploration of advanced modulation formats and multiplexing techniques for next generation optical access networks are of interest as promising solutions for delivering multiple services to end-users. This thesis addresses this from two different angles: high dimensionality carrierless amplitudephase (CAP) and multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radio-over-fiber (RoF) systems. High dimensionality CAP modulation has been investigated in optical fiber systems. In this project we conducted the first experimental demonstration of 3 and 4 dimensional CAP with bit rates up to 10 Gb/s. These results indicate the potentiality of supporting multiple users with converged services. At the same time, orthogonal division multiple access (ODMA) systems for multiple possible dimensions of CAP modulation has been demonstrated for user and service allocation in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) optical access network. 2 x 2 MIMO RoF employing orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) with 5.6 GHz RoF signaling over all-vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL) WDM passive optical networks (PONs). We have employed polarization division multiplexing (PDM) to further increase the capacity per wavelength of the femto-cell network. Bit rate up to 1.59 Gbps with fiber-wireless transmission over 1 m air distance is demonstrated. The results presented in this thesis demonstrate the feasibility of high dimensionality CAP in increasing the number of dimensions and their potentially to be utilized for multiple service allocation to different users. MIMO multiplexing techniques with OFDM provides the scalability in increasing spectral effciency and bit rates for RoF systems. High dimensional CAP and MIMO multiplexing techniques are two promising solutions for supporting wired and hybrid wired-wireless access networks

    Analysis of high capacity short reach optical links

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    Over the last few years, the global Internet traffic has grown exponentially due to the advent of the social networks, high definition streaming, online gaming, high performance computing and cloud services. The network is saturating, facing a challenge to provide enough capacity to such ever-demanding bandwidth expensive applications. Fiber optic communications is the only technology capable of dealing such high demands due to its advantages over the traditional electrical transmission technology. The short haul transmissions currently rely on direct detection due to low cost, low power and low complexity as compared to the coherent detection schemes. In order to increase the bit rate, several advance modulation formats are under investigation for short reach transmissions. Such links mostly use intensity modulation direct detection (IMDD) schemes providing a simple system when compared with the coherent receivers. In this thesis the performance of Multilevel Pulse Amplitude Modulation (MPAM) is studied using IMDD, providing good spectral efficiency as well as able to deal with the limited electronic devices bandwidth. MPAM can address the typical optical channel without the need to go with more complex and higher power modulation schemes. It provides a trade off between sensitivity and the complexity. So a simple communication system using MPAM is implemented using an external modulated laser transmitted over a distance of 2 km. In order to reduce the cost, single laser and single receiver technique is being adopted. The performance of the MPAM system in a bandwidth limited scenarios is studied with a possibility to use equalization techniques to improve the sensitivity. The utility of Forward Error Correction codes is also studied to improve the performance without increasing the latency. By increasing the number of bits per symbol, the system becomes more sensitive to the impairments. Moreover, the components and the connectors in the transmission system also introduces multipath interference (MPI) that is a key limitation to the use of advance modulation formats. Hence a detailed study is carried out to investigate the MPI effects. At the end, a novel idea based on reflective Mach-Zehnder modulator (MZM) is presented that reuses the modulated wavelength eliminating the need for a laser. As a consequent, the cost and power consumption specifically targeted for the optical interconnect environment is reduced. In a nutshell, the thesis provides an overview of the direct detection system targeted to the short optical links. It includes the studies related to the optical transmission systems and provides an insight of the available advance modulation formats and the detection schemes. Finally, the simulations and laboratory results are provided showing that adoption of MPAM is a viable solution that should be employed in high capacity short reach optical links

    Améliorations des transmissions VLC (Visible Light Communication) sous contrainte d'éclairage : études théoriques et expérimentations

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    Abstract : Indoor visible light communication (VLC) networks based on light-emitting diodes (LEDs) currently enjoy growing interest thanks in part to their robustness against interference, wide license-free available bandwidth, low cost, good energy efficiency and compatibility with existing lighting infrastructure. In this thesis, we investigate spectral-efficient modulation techniques for the physical layer of VLC to increase throughput while considering the quality of illumination as well as implementation costs. Numerical and experimental studies are performed employing pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) and carrierless amplitude and phase (CAP) modulation under illumination constraints and for high modulation orders. Furthermore, the impact of LED nonlinearity is investigated and a postdistortion technique is evaluated to compensate these nonlinear effects. Within this framework, transmission rates in the order of a few hundred Mb/s are achieved using a test bench made of low-cost components. In addition, an imaging multiple input multiple-output (MIMO) system is developed and the impact on performance of imaging lens misalignment is theoretically and numerically assessed. Finally, a polynomial matrix decomposition technique based on the classical LU factorization method is studied and applied for the first time to MIMO VLC systems in large space indoor environments.Les réseaux de communication en lumière visible (VLC) s’appuyant sur l’utilisation de diodes électroluminescentes (LED) bénéficient actuellement d’un intérêt grandissant, en partie grâce à leur robustesse face aux interférences électromagnétiques, leur large bande disponible non-régulée, leur faible coût, leur bonne efficacité énergétique, ainsi que leur compatibilité avec les infrastructures d’éclairage déjà existantes. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions des techniques de modulation à haute efficacité spectrale pour la couche physique des VLC pour augmenter les débits tout en considérant la qualité de l’éclairage ainsi que les coûts d’implémentation. Des études numériques et expérimentales sont réalisées sur la modulation d’impulsion d’amplitude (PAM) et sur la modulation d’amplitude et de phase sans porteuse (CAP) sous des contraintes d’éclairage et pour des grands ordres de modulation. De plus, l’impact des non-linéarités de la LED est étudié et une technique de post-distorsion est évaluée pour corriger ces effets non-linéaires. Dans ce cadre, des débits de plusieurs centaines de Mb/s sont atteints en utilisant un banc de test réalisé à partir de composants à bas coûts. Par ailleurs, un système multi-entrées multi-sorties (MIMO) imageant est également développé et l’impact du désaxage de l’imageur sur les performances est étudié. Finalement, une technique de décomposition polynomiale basée sur la méthode de factorisation classique LU est étudiée et appliquée aux systèmes MIMO VLC dans des grands espaces intérieurs

    Directly Phase Modulated Transmitters and Coherent Recivers for Future Passive Optical Networks (PON)

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    En los últimos años, el tráfico de dato transmitido en las redes ópticas de acceso ha crecido exponencialmente debido a nuevos servicios como pueden ser la computación en la nube, el video online, la realidad virtual y aumentada, el internet de las cosas (IoT) y la convergencia entre las redes ópticas y redes inalámbricas en el paradigma del 5G. Estos nuevos servicios endurecen los requerimientos de las redes ópticas de acceso, como pueden ser unas tasas de datos más altas, un mayor alcance y un mayor número de usuarios. Para abordar estos requerimientos, esta tesis ha investigado, desarrollado y analizado nuevas tecnologías para transmisores y receptores orientadas a los dos tipos de redes ópticas de acceso que la comunidad científica ha identificado como posibles candidatas. Estos dos tipos de redes ópticas son las redes uDWDM y las redes TWDM como las redes NG-PON2 y sus evoluciones.Las redes uDWDM están basadas en la transmisión de tasas de datos relativamente bajas, por debajo de 2.5 Gbps, que son dedicadas en su totalidad a los usuarios finales. Estas tasas de datos relativamente bajas son multiplexadas en longitud de onda usando intervalos frecuenciales estrechos, del orden de 12.5 GHz o 6.25 GHz. En esta tesis, los transmisores modulados directamente en fase se han propuesto como posibles candidatos para estas redes uDWDM. En concreto, se han propuesto un DFB modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1 Gbps; un RSOA bombeado por un VCSEL y modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1 Gbps; y un VCSEL modulado directamente en fase con una tasa de datos de 1.25 Gbps y 2.5 Gbps. Estas señales moduladas directamente en fase son recibidas con un receptor heterodino con un único fotodiodo (PD) para mantener el coste tan bajo como sea posible. La combinación de estos transmisores modulados directamente en fase con el receptor heterodino con un único PD ha sido probada como unos candidatos muy prometedores para las redes ópticas de acceso basadas en redes uDWDM. Estas combinaciones proveen sensibilidades que varían entre -39.5 dBm y -52 dBm, que se traducen en balances de potencia que van desde 38.5 dB a 51 dB y por lo tanto en ratios de división o número de usuarios de entre 128 y 1024 después de una transmisión de 50 km a través de fibra monomodo estándar (SSMF).Además, los links de 1 Gbps formados por la modulación directa de DFBs o de RSOAs bombeados por VCSELs y el receptor heterodino con un único PD son usados como enlace de subida en canales bidireccionales. Estos enlaces de subida son combinados con enlaces de bajada basados en Nyquist-DPSK generada con un MZM y recibidos con un receptor heterodino de un único PD. Como parte de análisis de los canales bidireccionales, se ha analizado el estudio de la viabilidad del uso de LOs de bajo coste, como DFBs o VCSELs, en los receptores heterodinos con un único PD. Estos canales bidireccionales son también unos candidatos prometedores para las futuras redes uDWDM, ya que en esta tesis se ha probado que pueden proveer enlaces full-duplex de 1 Gbps usando intervalos frecuenciales tan pequeños como 6.25 GHz o 5 GHz. Estos canales bidireccionales tienen balances de potencia que van desde 37 dB a 42 dB y tienen posibles ratios de división de 128 o 256 después de una transmisión de 50 km a través de SSMF.Esta tesis también ha investigado y desarrollado receptores quasicoherentes para redes NG-PON2 y sus evoluciones. Este tipo de redes están basadas en altas tasas de datos, como 10 Gbps para redes NG-PON2 y 25 Gbps para las futuras evoluciones de NG-PON2, en entornos multi longitud de onda donde los usuarios son multiplexados en tiempo y longitud de onda (TWDM). El receptor quasicoherente usa la amplificación coherente gracias a la recepción heterodina y por tanto la sensibilidad del receptor es mejorada en comparación con los esquemas de detección directa. El receptor quasicoherente es independiente a la polarización, lo cual es una característica importante para los receptores coherentes. Además, el receptor quasicoherente permite seleccionar el canal de trabajo sin la necesidad de filtros ópticos y es un receptor independiente de la longitud de onda debido a que el canal de trabajo se puede elegir ajustando la longitud de onda del LO. El receptor quasicoherente de 10 Gbps muestra una sensibilidad -35.2 dBm y por tanto permite un balance de potencias de 35.64 dB y un ratio de división de 128 después de una transmisión de 40 km a través de SSMF.La combinación del receptor quasicoherente con un ecualizador FFE/DFE permite combatir la dispersión cromática de la banda C y conseguir un link de 25 Gbps con un alcance de 20 km a través de SSMF. El receptor quasicoherente a 25 Gbps con ecualización FFE/DFE muestra una mejor sensibilidad de -30.5 dBm con el llamado ecualizador de altas prestaciones, lo que lleva a un balance de potencias de25 dB. Si se utilizada el llamado ecualizador de baja complejidad, la sensibilidad cae a -27 dBm y el balance de potencias cae a 23 dBm. En ambos casos, el receptor quasicoherente a 25 Gbps con ecualización FFE/DFE permite un ratio de división de 32 después de una transmisión de 20 km a través de SSMF.En conclusión, esta tesis ha presentado transmisores (DFB, RSOA y VCSEL) modulados directamente en fase combinados con un receptor heterodino con un único PD como potenciales candidatos para las redes uDWDM. Esta tesis también ha presentados los receptores quasicoherentes como unos candidatos muy prometedores para las redes NG-PON2 y sus futuras evoluciones.<br /

    Enhanced carrierless amplitude and phase modulation for optical communication systems

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    This thesis develops and investigates enhanced techniques for carrierless amplitude and phase modulation (CAP) in optical communication systems. The CAP scheme is studied as the physical layer modulation technique due to its implementation simplicity and versatility, that enables its implementation as a single carrier (CAP) or multi-carrier technique (m-CAP). The effect of timing jitter on the error performance of CAP is first investigated. The investigation indicates that synchronization is a critical requirement for CAP receiver and as a result, a novel low-complexity synchronization algorithm is developed with experimental demonstration for CAP-based visible light communication (VLC) systems. To further reduce the overall link complexity, a fractionally-spaced equalizer (FSE) is considered to mitigate the effects of inter-symbol interference (ISI) and timing jitter. The FSE implementation, which eliminates the need for a separate synchronization block, is shown through simulation and VLC experimental demonstration to outperform symbol-spaced equalizers (SSE) that are reported in literature for CAP-based VLC systems. Furthermore, in this thesis, spectrally-efficient index modulation techniques are developed for CAP. The proposed techniques can be divided into two broad groups, namely spatial index CAP (S-CAP) and subband index CAP (SI-CAP). The proposed spatial index techniques leverage the fact that in VLC, multiple optical sources are often required. The spatial CAP (S-CAP) transmits CAP signal through one of Nt available LEDs. It is developed to reduce equalization requirement and improve the spectral efficiency of the conventional CAP. In addition to the bits transmitted through the CAP symbol, the S-CAP encodes additional bits on the indexing/spatial location of the LEDs. The generalised S-CAP (GS-CAP) is further developed to relax the S-CAP limitation of using a single LED per symbol duration. In addition to the S-CAP scheme, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) techniques of repetitive-coded CAP (RC-CAP) and spatial multiplexing CAP (SMux-CAP) are investigated for CAP. Low-complexity detectors are also developed for the MIMO schemes. A key challenge of the MIMO schemes is that they suffer power penalty when channel gains are similar, which occur when the optical sources are closely located. The use of multiple receivers and power factor imbalance (PFI) techniques are proposed to mitigate this power penalty. The techniques result in significant improvement in the power efficiency of the MIMO schemes and ensure that the spectral efficiency gain is obtained with little power penalty. Finally, subband index CAP (SI-CAP) is developed to improve the spectral efficiency of m-CAP and reduce its peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR). The SI-CAP encodes additional information bits on the selection of ‘active’ subbands of m-CAP and only modulate data symbols on these ‘active’ subbands. The error performance of the proposed SI-CAP is evaluated analytically and verified with computer-based simulations. The SI-CAP technique is also experimented for both VLC and step-index plastic optical fibre (SI-POF) communication links. The experimental results show that for a fixed power efficiency, SI-CAP achieves higher data rate compared tom-CAP. For example, at a representative bit error rate (BER) of 10-5, the SI-CAP achieves a data rate and power efficiency gain of 26:5 Mb/s and 2:5 dB, respectively when compared to m-CAP. In addition, an enhanced SI-CAP (eSI-CAP) is developed to address the complexity that arises in SI-CAP at higher modulation order. The results of the experimental demonstrations in VLC and 10 m SI-POF link shows that when compared with m-CAP, eSI-CAP consistently yields a data rate improvement of between 7% and 13% for varying values of the SNR

    IR-UWB and OFDM-UWB Transceiver Nodes for Communication and Positioning Purposes

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    Résumé Ultra-wideband (UWB) a suscité l'intérêt de chercheurs et de l'industrie en raison de ses nombreux avantages tels que la faible probabilité d'interception et de la possibilité de combiner la communication des données de positionnement dans un seul système. Il existe plusieurs UWB couche physique (PHY) présentées initialement à la norme IEEE qui convergent en deux propositions principales: des porte-UWB ou Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing (OFDM-UWB), et à court d'impulsion porteuse à-UWB ou Impulse Radio-(IR-UWB). Une des plus grandes tâches difficiles pour les chercheurs est de nos jours la conception d'émetteurs-récepteurs UWB optimisés qui satisfont à des conditions rigoureuses, dont la simplicité caractéristiques large bande, à faible coût et de conception. Des études antérieures ont montré que les récepteurs à conversion directe basée sur Wave-radio interféromètre (WRI) circuits représentent un bon candidat pour les applications UWB. Circuits IRG ont plusieurs avantages tels que l'exploitation à large bande, à faible coût et la simplicité. Des travaux antérieurs sur l'IRG circuit, cependant, a enquêté sur le circuit de l'IRG sur la base du concept de porteuse unique signaux (par exemple, les signaux sinusoïdaux). L'objectif de ce projet est de fournir les résultats de conception, de simulation, de mise en oeuvre et le test d'un émetteur-récepteur WRI basé sur ce que peut être utilisé comme un noeud ou un pico-réseau dans un détecteur sans fil / réseau de données. Nous allons passer par les étapes de conception et de mise en oeuvre de propositions UWB deux: IR-UWB et OFDM-UWB. Pour la proposition porteuse à nous concentrer sur la conception et la mise en oeuvre de l'émetteur-récepteur en intégrant les opérations de transmission / réception dans un prototype unique, alors que pour la proposition des porte-nous concevoir et mettre en oeuvre l'émetteur-récepteur avec le circuit de l'IRG dans le récepteur seulement utilisé en tant que convertisseur abaisseur directe. Résultats expérimentaux, de simulation et d'analyse ont été obtenus et sont présentés dans cette thèse.----------Abstract Ultra-wideband (UWB) technology has attracted interest from both researchers and the industry due to its numerous advantages such as low probability of interception and the possibility of combining data communication with positioning in a single system. There are several different UWB physical layer (PHY) proposals originally submitted to IEEE which converged into two main proposals: carrier‐based UWB or Orthogonal-Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM‐UWB), and short‐pulse carrierless‐UWB or Impulse-Radio (IR-UWB). One of the biggest challenging tasks for researchers nowadays is the design of optimized UWB transceivers that would satisfy rigorous conditions, among which wideband characteristics, low-cost and design simplicity. Previous studies have shown that direct-conversion receivers based on Wave-Radio Interferometer (WRI) circuits represent a suitable candidate for UWB applications. WRI circuits have several advantages such as wideband operation, low cost, and simplicity. Previous works on WRI circuit, however, investigated the WRI circuit based on the concept of single-carrier signals (i.e., sinusoidal signals). The objective of this project is to provide the design, simulation, implementation and testing results of a WRI-based transceiver that can be utilized as a node or a piconet in a wireless sensor/data network. We will go through the design and implementation steps for both UWB proposals: IR-UWB and OFDM-UWB. For the carrierless proposal we will focus on designing and implementing the transceiver by integrating the transmitter/receiver operations in a single prototype, while for the carrier‐based proposal we will design and implement the transceiver with the WRI circuit in the receiver only utilized as a direct downconverter

    Visible Light Communications for Indoor Applications

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    The field of visible light communications (VLC) has undergone a rapid development in recent years. The increased utilization of light emitting diodes (LEDs) has opened new possibilities for especially indoor services such as broadband internet connection and po- sitioning. Thus, a research within VLC is the main focus of the thesis and is divided into two main parts. At rst, the multiband carrier-less amplitude and phase (m-CAP) mod- ulation, introducing a newly adopted format for spectrally e cient VLC links, is under investigation using both theoretical and experimental approaches. The recommendations for m-CAP transmitter site design are proposed. Next, the channel modeling of indoor VLC is investigated with emphasis on the dynamically changing environments caused by moving people and non-line of sight (NLOS) propagation and new statistical models are derived.Katedra elektromagnetického pol