5,861 research outputs found

    Wiener Reconstruction of Large-Scale Structure from Peculiar Velocities

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    We present an alternative, Bayesian method for large-scale reconstruction from observed peculiar velocity data. The method stresses a rigorous treatment of the random errors and it allows extrapolation into poorly sampled regions in real space or in k-space. A likelihood analysis is used to determine the fluctuation power spectrum, followed by a Wiener Filter (WF) analysis to obtain the minimum-variance mean fields of velocity and mass density. Constrained Realizations (CR) are then used to sample the statistical scatter about the WF mean field. The WF/CR method is applied as a demonstration to the Mark III data with 1200 km/s, 900 km/s, and 500 km/s resolutions. The main reconstructed structures are consistent with those extracted by the POTENT method. A comparison with the structures in the distribution of IRAS 1.2Jy galaxies yields a general agreement. The reconstructed velocity field is decomposed into its divergent and tidal components relative to a cube of +/-8000 km/s centered on the Local Group. The divergent component is very similar to the velocity field predicted from the distribution of IRAS galaxies. The tidal component is dominated by a bulk flow of 194 +/- 32 km/s towards the general direction of the Shapley concentration, and it also indicates a significant quadrupole.Comment: 28 pages and 8 GIF figures, Latex (aasms4.sty), submitted to ApJ. Postscript version of the figures can be obtained by anonymous ftp from: ftp://alf.huji.ac.il/pub/saleem

    Strange quark matter within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    Equation of state of baryon rich quark matter is studied within the SU(3) Nambu Jona-Lasinio model with flavour mixing interaction. Possible bound states (strangelets) and chiral phase transitions in this matter are investigated at various values of strangeness fraction rs. The model predictions are very sensitive to the ratio of vector and scalar coupling constants, Âľ = GV /GS. At Âľ = 0.5 and zero temperature the maximum binding energy (about 15 MeV per baryon) takes place at rs C 0.4. Such strangelets are negatively charged and have typical life times < 10 7 s. The calculations are carried out also at finite temperatures. They show that bound states exist up to temperatures of about 15 MeV. The model predicts a first order chiral phase transition at finite baryon densities. The parameters of this phase transition are calculated as a function of rs

    Strange quark matter within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    Equation of state of baryon rich quark matter is studied within the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model with flavour mixing interaction. Possible bound states (strangelets) and chiral phase transitions in this matter are investigated at various values of strangeness fraction S/3B. The model predictions are very sensitive to the ratio of vector (Gv) and scalar (Gs) coupling constants. At Gv/Gs=0.5 and zero temperature the maximum binding energy (about 15 MeV per baryon) takes place when strangeness fraction is about 0.4. Such strangelets are negatively charged and have typical life times of the order of 100 ns. Calculations are carried out also at finite temperatures. They show that bound states exist up to temperatures of about 15 MeV. The model predicts a first order chiral phase transition at finite baryon densities. The parameters of this phase transition are calculated as function of strangeness fraction.Comment: 29 pages, 10 figures, to be published in Physics of Atomic Nuclei, the memorial volume devoted to the 90th birthday of A.B. Migda

    Reheating predictions in single field inflation

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    Reheating is a transition era after the end of inflation, during which the inflaton is converted into the particles that populate the Universe at later times. No direct cosmological observables are normally traceable to this period of reheating. Indirect bounds can however be derived. One possibility is to consider cosmological evolution for observable CMB scales from the time of Hubble crossing to the present time. Depending upon the model, the duration and final temperature after reheating, as well as its equation of state, may be directly linked to inflationary observables. For single-field inflationary models, if we approximate reheating by a constant equation of state, one can derive relations between the reheating duration (or final temperature), its equation of state parameter, and the scalar power spectrum amplitude and spectral index. While this is a simple approximation, by restricting the equation of state to lie within a broad physically allowed range, one can in turn bracket an allowed range of nsn_s and rr for these models. The added constraints can help break degeneracies between inflation models that otherwise overlap in their predictions for nsn_s and rr.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figures. Revised in response to comments on the original version, and in preparation for submission for publication. More references and a new figure were adde

    Two-dimensional hydrodynamic core-collapse supernova simulations with spectral neutrino transport. I. Numerical method and results for a 15 M_sun star

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    Supernova models with a full spectral treatment of the neutrino transport are presented, employing the Prometheus/Vertex neutrino-hydrodynamics code with a ``ray-by-ray plus'' approximation for treating two- (or three-) dimensional problems. The method is described in detail and critically assessed with respect to its capabilities, limitations, and inaccuracies in the context of supernova simulations. In this first paper of a series, 1D and 2D core-collapse calculations for a (nonrotating) 15 M_sun star are discussed, uncertainties in the treatment of the equation of state -- numerical and physical -- are tested, Newtonian results are compared with simulations using a general relativistic potential, bremsstrahlung and interactions of neutrinos of different flavors are investigated, and the standard approximation in neutrino-nucleon interactions with zero energy transfer is replaced by rates that include corrections due to nucleon recoil, thermal motions, weak magnetism, and nucleon correlations. Models with the full implementation of the ``ray-by-ray plus'' spectral transport were found not to explode, neither in spherical symmetry nor in 2D with a 90 degree lateral wedge. The success of previous 2D simulations with grey, flux-limited neutrino diffusion can therefore not be confirmed. Omitting the radial velocity terms in the neutrino momentum equation leads to ``artificial'' explosions by increasing the neutrino energy density in the convective gain layer by about 20--30% and thus the integral neutrino energy deposition in this region by about a factor of two. (abbreviated)Comment: 46 pages plus 13 pages online material; 49 figures; referee's comments included, version accepted by Astronomy & Astrophysic

    On the definition of a moist-air potential vorticity

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    A new potential vorticity is derived by using a specific entropy formulation expressed in terms of a moist-air entropy potential temperature. The new formulation is compared with Ertel's version and with others based on virtual and equivalent potential temperatures. The new potential vorticity is subject to conservative properties ensured by the Second Law applied to the moist-air material derivatives. It is shown that the upper tropospheric and stratospheric (dry) structures are nearly the same as those obtained with Ertel's component. Moreover, new structures are observed in the low troposphere, with negative values associated with moist frontal regions. The negative values are observed in the frontal regions where slantwise convection instabilities may take place, but they are smaller than those observed with the equivalent potential vorticity. The main purpose of the article is to diagnose the behaviour of the new potential vorticity from numerical output generated by the ARPEGE NWP model, with the help of isobaric charts and vertical cross-sections. Two inversion methods are suggested. The first method could be based on the invertibility principle verified by the virtual potential vorticity, with a possibility to control and modify separately potential vorticity components in the (dry) upper and (moist) lower atmospheric levels. The other method may consist of an inversion process directly applied to the new moist-air entropy potential vorticity, because the negative values and the solenoidal term are smaller than those observed with equivalent potential vorticity, as shown by numerical evaluations.Comment: Submitted to the Q. J. R. Meteorol. Soc. in August 2012. Accepted in April 2013. Early view on the QJRMS site http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/qj.2182/abstract. 24 pages, 10 color figures. V2: add the arXiv links of Marquet (2011), Geleyn and Marquet (2012) and Marquet and Geleyn (2013

    Gravitational Baryogenesis

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    We show that a gravitational interaction between the derivative of the Ricci scalar curvature and the baryon-number current dynamically breaks CPT in an expanding universe and, combined with baryon-number-violating interactions, can drive the universe towards an equilibrium baryon asymmetry that is observationally acceptable.Comment: Revtex4, 4 pages, two figure

    GMLight: Lighting Estimation via Geometric Distribution Approximation

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    Lighting estimation from a single image is an essential yet challenging task in computer vision and computer graphics. Existing works estimate lighting by regressing representative illumination parameters or generating illumination maps directly. However, these methods often suffer from poor accuracy and generalization. This paper presents Geometric Mover's Light (GMLight), a lighting estimation framework that employs a regression network and a generative projector for effective illumination estimation. We parameterize illumination scenes in terms of the geometric light distribution, light intensity, ambient term, and auxiliary depth, and estimate them as a pure regression task. Inspired by the earth mover's distance, we design a novel geometric mover's loss to guide the accurate regression of light distribution parameters. With the estimated lighting parameters, the generative projector synthesizes panoramic illumination maps with realistic appearance and frequency. Extensive experiments show that GMLight achieves accurate illumination estimation and superior fidelity in relighting for 3D object insertion.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2012.1111
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