60 research outputs found

    Automatic Recognition of Non-Verbal Acoustic Communication Events With Neural Networks

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    Non-verbal acoustic communication is of high importance to humans and animals: Infants use the voice as a primary communication tool. Animals of all kinds employ acoustic communication, such as chimpanzees, which use pant-hoot vocalizations for long-distance communication. Many applications require the assessment of such communication for a variety of analysis goals. Computational systems can support these areas through automatization of the assessment process. This is of particular importance in monitoring scenarios over large spatial and time scales, which are infeasible to perform manually. Algorithms for sound recognition have traditionally been based on conventional machine learning approaches. In recent years, so-called representation learning approaches have gained increasing popularity. This particularly includes deep learning approaches that feed raw data to deep neural networks. However, there remain open challenges in applying these approaches to automatic recognition of non-verbal acoustic communication events, such as compensating for small data set sizes. The leading question of this thesis is: How can we apply deep learning more effectively to automatic recognition of non-verbal acoustic communication events? The target communication types were specifically (1) infant vocalizations and (2) chimpanzee long-distance calls. This thesis comprises four studies that investigated aspects of this question: Study (A) investigated the assessment of infant vocalizations by laypersons. The central goal was to derive an infant vocalization classification scheme based on the laypersons' perception. The study method was based on the Nijmegen Protocol, where participants rated vocalization recordings through various items, such as affective ratings and class labels. Results showed a strong association between valence ratings and class labels, which was used to derive a classification scheme. Study (B) was a comparative study on various neural network types for the automatic classification of infant vocalizations. The goal was to determine the best performing network type among the currently most prevailing ones, while considering the influence of their architectural configuration. Results showed that convolutional neural networks outperformed recurrent neural networks and that the choice of the frequency and time aggregation layer inside the network is the most important architectural choice. Study (C) was a detailed investigation on computer vision-like convolutional neural networks for infant vocalization classification. The goal was to determine the most important architectural properties for increasing classification performance. Results confirmed the importance of the aggregation layer and additionally identified the input size of the fully-connected layers and the accumulated receptive field to be of major importance. Study (D) was an investigation on compensating class imbalance for chimpanzee call detection in naturalistic long-term recordings. The goal was to determine which compensation method among a selected group improved performance the most for a deep learning system. Results showed that spectrogram denoising was most effective, while methods for compensating relative imbalance either retained or decreased performance.:1. Introduction 2. Foundations in Automatic Recognition of Acoustic Communication 3. State of Research 4. Study (A): Investigation of the Assessment of Infant Vocalizations by Laypersons 5. Study (B): Comparison of Neural Network Types for Automatic Classification of Infant Vocalizations 6. Study (C): Detailed Investigation of CNNs for Automatic Classification of Infant Vocalizations 7. Study (D): Compensating Class Imbalance for Acoustic Chimpanzee Detection With Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks 8. Conclusion and Collected Discussion 9. AppendixNonverbale akustische Kommunikation ist für Menschen und Tiere von großer Bedeutung: Säuglinge nutzen die Stimme als primäres Kommunikationsmittel. Schimpanse verwenden sogenannte 'Pant-hoots' und Trommeln zur Kommunikation über weite Entfernungen. Viele Anwendungen erfordern die Beurteilung solcher Kommunikation für verschiedenste Analyseziele. Algorithmen können solche Bereiche durch die Automatisierung der Beurteilung unterstützen. Dies ist besonders wichtig beim Monitoring langer Zeitspannen oder großer Gebiete, welche manuell nicht durchführbar sind. Algorithmen zur Geräuscherkennung verwendeten bisher größtenteils konventionelle Ansätzen des maschinellen Lernens. In den letzten Jahren hat eine alternative Herangehensweise Popularität gewonnen, das sogenannte Representation Learning. Dazu gehört insbesondere Deep Learning, bei dem Rohdaten in tiefe neuronale Netze eingespeist werden. Jedoch gibt es bei der Anwendung dieser Ansätze auf die automatische Erkennung von nonverbaler akustischer Kommunikation ungelöste Herausforderungen, wie z.B. die Kompensation der relativ kleinen Datenmengen. Die Leitfrage dieser Arbeit ist: Wie können wir Deep Learning effektiver zur automatischen Erkennung nonverbaler akustischer Kommunikation verwenden? Diese Arbeit konzentriert sich speziell auf zwei Kommunikationsarten: (1) vokale Laute von Säuglingen (2) Langstreckenrufe von Schimpansen. Diese Arbeit umfasst vier Studien, welche Aspekte dieser Frage untersuchen: Studie (A) untersuchte die Beurteilung von Säuglingslauten durch Laien. Zentrales Ziel war die Ableitung eines Klassifikationsschemas für Säuglingslaute auf der Grundlage der Wahrnehmung von Laien. Die Untersuchungsmethode basierte auf dem sogenannten Nijmegen-Protokoll. Hier beurteilten die Teilnehmenden Lautaufnahmen von Säuglingen anhand verschiedener Variablen, wie z.B. affektive Bewertungen und Klassenbezeichnungen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten eine starke Assoziation zwischen Valenzbewertungen und Klassenbezeichnungen, die zur Ableitung eines Klassifikationsschemas verwendet wurde. Studie (B) war eine vergleichende Studie verschiedener Typen neuronaler Netzwerke für die automatische Klassifizierung von Säuglingslauten. Ziel war es, den leistungsfähigsten Netzwerktyp unter den momentan verbreitetsten Typen zu ermitteln. Hierbei wurde der Einfluss verschiedener architektonischer Konfigurationen innerhalb der Typen berücksichtigt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Convolutional Neural Networks eine höhere Performance als Recurrent Neural Networks erreichten. Außerdem wurde gezeigt, dass die Wahl der Frequenz- und Zeitaggregationsschicht die wichtigste architektonische Entscheidung ist. Studie (C) war eine detaillierte Untersuchung von Computer Vision-ähnlichen Convolutional Neural Networks für die Klassifizierung von Säuglingslauten. Ziel war es, die wichtigsten architektonischen Eigenschaften zur Steigerung der Erkennungsperformance zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse bestätigten die Bedeutung der Aggregationsschicht. Zusätzlich Eigenschaften, die als wichtig identifiziert wurden, waren die Eingangsgröße der vollständig verbundenen Schichten und das akkumulierte rezeptive Feld. Studie (D) war eine Untersuchung zur Kompensation der Klassenimbalance zur Erkennung von Schimpansenrufen in Langzeitaufnahmen. Ziel war es, herauszufinden, welche Kompensationsmethode aus einer Menge ausgewählter Methoden die Performance eines Deep Learning Systems am meisten verbessert. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Spektrogrammentrauschen am effektivsten war, während Methoden zur Kompensation des relativen Ungleichgewichts die Performance entweder gleichhielten oder verringerten.:1. Introduction 2. Foundations in Automatic Recognition of Acoustic Communication 3. State of Research 4. Study (A): Investigation of the Assessment of Infant Vocalizations by Laypersons 5. Study (B): Comparison of Neural Network Types for Automatic Classification of Infant Vocalizations 6. Study (C): Detailed Investigation of CNNs for Automatic Classification of Infant Vocalizations 7. Study (D): Compensating Class Imbalance for Acoustic Chimpanzee Detection With Convolutional Recurrent Neural Networks 8. Conclusion and Collected Discussion 9. Appendi

    Affective and Human-Like Virtual Agents

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    In Artificial Intelligence (AI) one of the technological goals is to build intelligent systems that not only perform human level tasks efficiently, but can also simulate and exhibit human-like behaviour. As the emphasis of systems is often placed on fulfilling functional requirements, AI systems are only intelligent at a machine level. Affective computing addresses this by developing AI that can recognize, understand and express emotion. In this work, we study the effects and humanness of emotionally cognizant AI agents within the context of the prisoner's dilemma. We leverage machine learning techniques and deep learning models in devising algorithms to map dimensional models of emotion to facial expressions for virtual human displays. Additionally, we utilize distributed representations for words to design a method for constructing affective utterances for a virtual agent in the prisoner's dilemma. We experimentally demonstrate that our methods for affective facial expression and utterance construction can be successfully used in AI applications with virtual humans. Thus, we design and build a prisoner's dilemma game application including the integration of a virtual human. We conduct two experiments to study and evaluate humanness of various agents in the prisoner's dilemma game. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our facial expression and utterance methods and show that an appraisal-based theoretic agent is perceived to be more human-like than baseline models

    Construction management abstracts : cumulative abstracts and indexes of journals in construction management, 1983-2000

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    The purpose of this document is to provide a single source of reference for every paper published in the journals directly related to research in Construction Management. It is indexed by author and keyword and contains the titles, authors, abstracts and keywords of every article from the following journals: • Building Research and Information (BRI) • Construction Management and Economics (CME) • Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management (ECAM) • Journal of Construction Procurement (JCP) • Journal of Construction Research (JCR) • Journal of Financial Management in Property and Construction (JFM) • RICS Research Papers (RICS) The index entries give short forms of the bibliographical citations, rather than page numbers, to enable annual updates to the abstracts. Each annual update will carry cumulative indexes, so that only one index needs to be consulted

    The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence: Net Politics in the Era of Learning Algorithms

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    After a long time of neglect, Artificial Intelligence is once again at the center of most of our political, economic, and socio-cultural debates. Recent advances in the field of Artifical Neural Networks have led to a renaissance of dystopian and utopian speculations on an AI-rendered future. Algorithmic technologies are deployed for identifying potential terrorists through vast surveillance networks, for producing sentencing guidelines and recidivism risk profiles in criminal justice systems, for demographic and psychographic targeting of bodies for advertising or propaganda, and more generally for automating the analysis of language, text, and images. Against this background, the aim of this book is to discuss the heterogenous conditions, implications, and effects of modern AI and Internet technologies in terms of their political dimension: What does it mean to critically investigate efforts of net politics in the age of machine learning algorithms

    The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence

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    After a long time of neglect, Artificial Intelligence is once again at the center of most of our political, economic, and socio-cultural debates. Recent advances in the field of Artifical Neural Networks have led to a renaissance of dystopian and utopian speculations on an AI-rendered future. Algorithmic technologies are deployed for identifying potential terrorists through vast surveillance networks, for producing sentencing guidelines and recidivism risk profiles in criminal justice systems, for demographic and psychographic targeting of bodies for advertising or propaganda, and more generally for automating the analysis of language, text, and images. Against this background, the aim of this book is to discuss the heterogenous conditions, implications, and effects of modern AI and Internet technologies in terms of their political dimension: What does it mean to critically investigate efforts of net politics in the age of machine learning algorithms

    Third international conference on irrigation and drainage

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    Presented during the Third international conference on irrigation and drainage held March 30 - April 2, 2005 in San Diego, California. The theme of the conference was Water district management and governance.Includes bibliographical references.Sponsored by USCID; co-sponsored by Association of California Water Agencies and International Network for Participatory Irrigation Management.The changing face of western irrigated agriculture: structure, water management, and policy implications -- Proven institutional, financing and pricing principles for rural water services -- Involving stakeholders in irrigation and drainage district decisions: who, what, when, where, why, how -- Implementing district level irrigation water management with stakeholder participation -- WUA development and strengthening in the Kyrgyz Republic -- Variations in irrigation district voting and election procedures -- Water Users Association governance in developing countries: fragility and function -- Viet Nam: creating conditions for improved irrigation service delivery -- the case of the Phuoc Hoa Water Resources Project -- Technical and institutional support for water management in Albanian irrigation -- Reconciling traditional irrigation management with development of modern irrigation systems: the challenge for Afghanistan -- Field testing of SacMan Automated Canal Control System -- An infrastructure management system for enhanced irrigation district planning -- NCWCD efforts toward improving on-farm water management -- A web-based irrigation water use tracking system -- Using GIS to monitor water use compliance -- Development of a water management system to improve management and scheduling of water orders in Imperial Irrigation District -- Radar water-level measurement for open channels -- Non-standard structure flow measurement evaluation using the flow rate indexing procedure - QIP -- A GIS-based irrigation evaluation strategy for a rice production region -- Total Channel Control™ - an important role in identifying losses -- Commencing the modernization project of the Gila Gravity Main Canal -- Obtaining gains in efficiency when water is free -- A qualitative approach to study water markets in Pakistan -- Local groundwater management districts and Kansas state agencies share authority and responsibility for transition to long term management of the High Plains Aquifer -- Water user management and financing of irrigation facilities through use of improvement districts -- Irrigation management transfer to water user organizations in Turkey -- Farm size, irrigation practices, and on-farm irrigation efficiency in New Mexico's Elephant Butte Irrigation District -- The ITRC Rapid Appraisal Process (RAP) for irrigation districts -- Relationships between seepage loss rates and canal condition parameters for the Rapid Assessment Tool (RAT) -- Zarafshan Water District Improvement Project in Uzbekistan -- Technological modernization in irrigated agriculture: factors for sustainability in developing countries -- Reliability criteria for re-engineering of large-scale pressurized irrigation systems -- Upgrading existing databases: recommendations for irrigation districts -- Groundwater use in irrigated agriculture in Amudarya River basin in socio-economic dimensions -- Regional ET estimation from satellites

    The Democratization of Artificial Intelligence

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    After a long time of neglect, Artificial Intelligence is once again at the center of most of our political, economic, and socio-cultural debates. Recent advances in the field of Artifical Neural Networks have led to a renaissance of dystopian and utopian speculations on an AI-rendered future. Algorithmic technologies are deployed for identifying potential terrorists through vast surveillance networks, for producing sentencing guidelines and recidivism risk profiles in criminal justice systems, for demographic and psychographic targeting of bodies for advertising or propaganda, and more generally for automating the analysis of language, text, and images. Against this background, the aim of this book is to discuss the heterogenous conditions, implications, and effects of modern AI and Internet technologies in terms of their political dimension: What does it mean to critically investigate efforts of net politics in the age of machine learning algorithms

    Proceedings of 31st Annual ARCOM Conference, vol 2

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