13 research outputs found

    Sistemas singulares y matrices polinomiales

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    There is a one-to-one correspondence between the set of quadruples of matrices defining singular linear time-invariant dynamical systems and a subset of the set of polynomial matrices. This correspondence preserves the equivalence relations introduced in both sets (feedback-similarity and strict equivalence): two quadruples of matrices are feedback-equivalent if, and only if, the polynomial matrices associated to them are also strictly equivalent. Los sistemas lineales singulares (DAEs) y su control han sido extensamente estudiados a partir de la d´ecada de 1970 (v´eanse, por ejemplo, [1], [2], [3], [4], [6], [7], [8], [10], [11], [12], [15]). Estos sistemas aparecen de forma natural al proponer modelos para distintos tipos de sistemas: mecánicos, eléctricos, económicos, etc. En esta exposici´on se aborda el problema de estudiar la biyecci´on que existe entre los sistemas lineales singulares invariantes en el tiempo con la relación de equivalencia que denominaremos “equivalencia por realimentación” (y que generaliza la equivalencia por bloques en el caso de parejas de matrices) y la “equivalencia estricta” extendida a matrices polinomiales de orden cualquiera, probándose que esta correspondencia preserva las relaciones de equivalencia introducidas en ambos conjuntos

    Realization and partial fractions

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    AbstractWe discuss the relation between two intrinsically different proposals that have been made in the literature concerning the representation by constant matrices of rational matrices given in fractional form. It turns out that the relation is most naturally studied in the framework of partial-fraction decompositions. We develop the realization theory for decompositions with respect to arbitrary complementary parts of the extended complex plane which may, for instance, correspond to stability and instability. An isomorphism is obtained which connects the spaces used in the two methods, and several identities relating to the McMillan degree are derived in a direct way. Finally, a new computational procedure is given to obtain the partial-fraction decomposition of a rational matrix given in fractional form