11 research outputs found

    Information and Communication Technology Capabilities and Business Performance: The Case of Differences in the Czech Financial Sector and Lessons from Robotic Process Automation between 2015 and 2020

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    This paper analyzes the rapid onset of Robotic process automation (RPA) technologies in the Czech financial sector between 2015-2020. The development and experience from the “hype-and-fear” phase contributed to business process integration and technological spillovers are expected in the future. If ICT capabilities are the source of performance differences, then most likely candidates are inventory and finances business process integration and implemented Enterprise Resource Planning and Customer Relationship Management systems. The RPA should not be seen only as simple automation but as a complex instrument offering a lot of advantages with a focus on benefits for internal and external stakeholders. PURPOSE. The goal is to qualitatively analyze the experience with RPA implementation and quantitatively assess ICT capabilities via analysis of differences between various organizational ICT activities and types of companies in the Czech financial sector. DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH. The qualitative case study was performed in the bank ČSOB, a.s. in 2019, respondents, owners of processes in the final part of automation, were chosen randomly from different departments of the bank. Data for the quantitative part comes from the ICT survey (Czech Statistical Office), business performance dataset (EMIS) and a case study about ICT capability implementation. Differences are assessed and indirectly interpreted using goodness-of-fit approach. FINDINGS AND IMPLICATIONS. The results from the RPA case study revealed that the Czech financial sector is past the “hype and fear” phase and many companies focused on their return on investment and are beginning to focus more on other stakeholders. According to this development, the requirements and outputs are suggested in the phases of RPA implementation. The possible source of rofitability performance differences are integrated business processes. LIMITATIONS. Financial sector data are anonymized in ICT surveys and the measurement of the competitive advantage of ICT capabilities is only indirect. Qualitative approach is suggested with focus on technological efficiency measurement using data envelopment approach. ORIGINALITY. This paper provides an understanding of the strong experience in RPA in Czech financial sector. Certain initial setbacks in RPA are expected and this paper suggest to focus on knowledge management (lessons learned) and other requirements influencing the successful RPA prototyping and implementation process

    Supporting Subject Matter Experts as Developers: Towards a Framework for Decentralized Robotic Process Automation Development

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    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) has emerged as promising automation technology in recent years. Firms seize RPA for fast and cost-efficient low-code process automation implemented and maintained decentrally in the business units by subject matter experts (SMEs) without IT development experience. However, decentralized RPA projects are reported to frequently fail and be prone to challenges as SMEs struggle to meet their new roles and responsibilities, such as developers or testers. Yet, research lacks an understanding of how challenges related to SMEs' roles and responsibilities unfold and how to address these challenges when executing decentralized RPA projects. To this end, our study employs a Design Science Research approach, drawing on literature and 14 expert interviews, to (1) systematically synthesize the challenges related to SMEs' roles and responsibilities and (2) derive a software development framework for supporting SMEs in their new roles and responsibilities in decentralized RPA projects. Thus, our study contributes to RPA and low-code development research and provides SMEs with guidelines to navigate decentralized RPA projects in practice

    “You have no idea how much we love Casper” – Developing configurations of employees’ RPA implementation experiences

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    Robotic process automation (RPA) is gaining popularity in the industry and is leveraged to improve operational efficiency, quality of work, risk management, and compliance. Despite the increasing adoption of RPA in industry, academic research is lagging. In particular, despite the often drastic changes in employees’ work tasks and processes, there is a lack of research that explores how human employees experience the implementation of RPA. This is important to understand as their experiences affect their interaction with the technology and, ultimately, their adoption and use, which is crucial to realise the benefits of RPA. To address this research gap, we conducted a case study in a financial institution in New Zealand and interviewed 18 employees to develop configurations of employees’ RPA implementation experiences. Our findings may inform implementation and change management strategies but also line-managers to accommodate employees’ needs better and to leverage the potentials of true human-robot collaboration

    Towards robotic process automation implementation: an end-to-end perspective

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    Purpose: Robotic process automation (RPA) seeks to automate business processes, using software robots that interact with systems through their user interface, improving efficiency and reducing costs. However, some critical steps, such as identifying processes suitable for RPA automation, can have a tremendous impact in organizations if a wrong process is selected. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to provide an approach for analyzing RPA development in business organizations. Design/methodology/approach: This research presents a cohesive literature review about RPA, in order to identify RPA main concepts, which should be reported and considered in all RPA case studies. A model connecting the main elicited RPA concepts is presented as well as its evaluation and applicability grounded of past RPA case study (CS) analysis, using design science research. Findings: The results from this research show that most of the RPA main concepts gathered in the literature review are not reported in the selected RPA CSs. Originality/value: As RPA is a recent topic, literature lacks a synthetization of RPA main topics. This research aims to fill the gap on that, by identifying and synthesize the main topics related to RPA and proposing a model that connects the main RPA concepts, which can be used by researchers as a schema for conducting and writing RPA case studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Using a test automation tool for robotic process automation: An empirical study

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    Robotic Process Automation (RPA) uses software robots that interact with systems through their user interface, reducing costs and improving efficiency in automating processes. Despite being a recent term, it is being progressively adopted in companies, being used in many areas, such as IT, Insurance and Human Resources. Although RPA is relatively inexpensive to implement, the cost of licensing is high. To reduce costs, there are open source tools that might be capable of automating process, despite being used for other purposes, such as Test Automation. Therefore, this research aims to test if it is feasible to use a Test Automation tool to automate business processes and identify advantages and disadvantages of using a Test Automation tool as a RPA tool. To accomplish that, a Case Study (CS) was performed in a real company where the same business process was automated, using both a Test Automation tool and a RPA tool. This research presents the comparison analysis and results of an experiment designed with two approaches: a Test Automation tool vs a RPA tool. The results show that despite there were some challenges of using a Test Automation to automate the selected process than with a RPA tool, using Test Automation tools may be useful for companies with low financial resources that aim to find low cost alternatives to RPA tools to automate processes, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of using a Test Automation tool as a RPA tool provided in this research.Robotic Process Automation (RPA) utiliza software robots que interagem com os sistemas através da sua interface gráfica, reduzindo custos e melhorando a eficiência na automação de processos. Apesar de ser um termo recente, está a ser cada vez mais usado nas empresas, sendo usado em várias áreas, como o IT, seguradoras e recursos humanos. Embora o RPA tenha um custo relativamente baixo de implementação, o custo das licenças é elevado. Para reduzir custos, há ferramentas open source que podem ser capazes de automatizar processos, apesar de serem usadas para outros fins, como Test Automation. Consequentemente, esta investigação pretende testar se é possível usar uma ferramenta de Test Automation para automação de processos e identificar vantagens e desvantagens de usar uma ferramenta de Test Automation como ferramenta de RPA. Esta investigação apresenta a análise da comparação e resultados de uma experiência feita com duas abordagens: uma ferramenta de Test Automation e uma ferramenta de RPA. Os resultados mostram que apesar de terem sido identificados mais desafios ao usar uma ferramenta de Test Automation na automação do processo escolhido do que ao usar uma ferramenta de RPA, o uso de ferramentas de Test Automation pode ser útil em empresas com poucos recursos financeiros que procuram alternativas low cost às ferramentas de RPA para automação de processos, tendo em conta as vantagens e desvantagens do uso de uma ferramenta de Test Automation como ferramenta de RPA descritas nesta investigação

    Method to Foster Intelligent Processes Automation into an Organization

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementThe present dissertation introduces a framework for process automation with the purpose of making them intelligent, in order to increase consistency, optimize execution-time and free workers from low value-added tasks. Foster Intelligent Processes Automation into an Organization is a topic that remains underdeveloped today. Being a relatively recent topic, intelligent process automation may be known as an extension of automated processes “on steroids”. The main objective of this project is to propose a method to find and promote Intelligent Automation to a target process, providing a walkthrough guideline, so organizations can identify, assess, and design a process of converting current processes into intelligent automated processes. In order to evaluate the proposed framework, a case study is presented, and a set of interviews was carried out with two groups: an academic group and a group of agents who manage processes in an organization

    Investigating the factors driving adoption of RPA in South African banking: a qualitative analysis

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    Background: Studies have shown that the traditional banking sector is under threat from digital banks and financial technology (fintech) organisations that can operate with a lower cost base and respond to the market faster. In response to this threat, leading banks have implemented Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to reduce costs and simplify operations. The adoption of RPA has, however, proven to be challenging as in many cases the impact of automation technology implementations is perceived to affect the livelihoods of staff who work in banks. Within the South African banking context, there is a particular sensitivity to factors that impede employment and labour unions are deeply involved in protecting workers. Objective: While there is research on RPA implementations, it is limited in the banking context. Further, there is currently little to no RPA adoption research specifically in the South African banking context. This study seeks to investigate the factors that drive RPA adoption in South African banks. Method: This study has used the Technology-Organisation-Environment (TOE) framework, extended with Institution Theory, as a lens to structure an approach in organising RPA adoption factors in an extensive literature review on the phenomenon. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the interview data that was collected. Themes were aggregated and organised by the TOE perspectives to create structure throughout the study. Results: The findings were that the adoption of RPA in South African banks is driven by the expected benefits of RPA which are achieved when well-suited processes are targeted, an effective operating model for the program including business and IT personnel, with the right skills. A well-designed change program is critical for RPA adoption in banks. South African banks are also working closely with the trade unions and are, on the whole, following best practices when automating parts of their workforce's roles by ensuring that they are given the opportunity to work on more engaging tasks

    Asignación automática de tareas mediante tecnología de robotización RPA

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    Los negocios de hoy en día se enfrentan a una continua transformación digital para conseguir mantenerse competitivos en un mercado que es cada vez más creciente. La digitalización ya no es simplemente una palabra de moda; incorporar nuevas tecnologías no es una opción, es un imperativo para tener éxito. Dentro de este contexto surge la automatización robótica de procesos, o RPA, como una tecnología que promueve añadir nuevos niveles de calidad y productividad en la estrategia de transformación digital de toda empresa mediante el uso de robots, los cuales interactúan con otras aplicaciones y sistemas de forma similar a como lo haría un ser humano. El presente proyecto se adentra en esta novedosa tecnología de la mano de una de las principales herramientas del mercado, Blue Prism, para conseguir analizar y automatizar un proceso de negocio real. Para ello se ha determinado la infraestructura necesaria para alojar el robot y se ha seguido el ciclo de vida completo de un proyecto de robotización, incluyendo las fases de consultoría necesarias para el desarrollo de la solución: Descubrimiento, Caracterización, Levantamiento, Desarrollo y homologación, Producción y Soporte. Los resultados derivados de las pruebas muestran que la automatización planteada es, en efecto, real, asumible y factible.Nowadays, business faces a continuous digital transformation to stay competitive in a market that is increasingly growing. Digitalization is no longer a buzzword and incorporating new technologies is not an option but an imperative to succeed. Within this context Robotic Process Automation, RPA, emerges as a technology that adds new levels of quality and productivity in the digital transformation strategy of every company through the use of robots. These robots represent software agents capable of interacting with other applications and systems by mimicking user actions. This project delves into this new technology with the help of one of the main tools available on the market, Blue Prism, to analyze and automate a real business process. In order to do so, the necessary infraestructure to house the robot has been determined and the complete life cycle of an RPA project has been followed, including the consulting phases which are necessary for the development of the solution: Discovery, Characterization, Design, Development and testing, Production and Maintenance and support. The results show that the automatization is real, affordable and feasible.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Ingeniería de Telecomunicació

    Proposta de framework para automação de processos em instituições federais de ensino superior

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    A automação de processos de negócio está em crescimento no mercado, embora ainda haja pouco estudo acadêmico a respeito. Automação robótica de processos (RPA) e Chatbot são as tecnologias de automação em evidência. Essas tecnologias permitem a substituição de pessoas por robôs em tarefas mais tediosas e repetitivas, podendo aumentar a produtividade, diminuir erros, promover benefícios econômicos e aumento da satisfação do usuário, desde que a implementação seja feita de forma adequada. As vantagens proporcionadas por essa tecnologia vão ao encontro das necessidades das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior, tanto pelos cortes de custos quanto pela redução de pessoal. Para que a implantação da automação seja feita de melhor forma, é importante poder contar com um modelo que aponte boas práticas e diminua as chances de fracasso. Este trabalho objetiva propor um Framework para automação de processos, desenvolvido a partir da aplicação de Design Science Research, avaliado por especialistas em um Grupo Focal e pela aplicação de parte do Framework em um ambiente real. O resultado é um instrumento que possui quatro fases divididas em escolha do processo, análise das tarefas, implantação e acompanhamento com melhoria contínua. O instrumento final é genérico e possivelmente pode ser usado em qualquer tipo de organização.The automation of business processes is growing in the market, although there is still little academic study about it. Robotic Process Automation (RPA) and Chatbot are the leading automation technologies. These technologies allow the replacement of people by rorobôs in more tedious and repetitive tasks, which can increase productivity, reduce errors, promote economic benefits and increase user satisfaction, as long as the implementation is done properly. The advantages provided by this technology meet the needs of Federal Institutions of Higher Education, both by cutting costs and reducing personnel. In order for the automation to be implemented in a better way, it is important to be able to count on a structure that points out good practices and reduces the chances of failure. This work aims to propose a Framework for process automation, developed from the application of Design Science Research, evaluated by specialists in a Focus Group and by applying part of the instrument in a real environment. The result is a Framework that has four phases divided into process choice, task analysis, implementation and monitoring with continuous improvement. The final instrument is generic and can be possibly used in any type of organization