54,199 research outputs found

    Breaking the Redshift Deadlock - I: Constraining the star formation history of galaxies with sub-millimetre photometric redshifts

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    Future extragalactic sub-millimetre and millimetre surveys have the potential to provide a sensitive census of the level of obscured star formation in galaxies at all redshifts. While in general there is good agreement between the source counts from existing SCUBA (850um) and MAMBO (1.25mm) surveys of different depths and areas, it remains difficult to determine the redshift distribution and bolometric luminosities of the sub-millimetre and millimetre galaxy population. This is principally due to the ambiguity in identifying an individual sub-millimetre source with its optical, IR or radio counterpart which, in turn, prevents a confident measurement of the spectroscopic redshift. Additionally, the lack of data measuring the rest-frame FIR spectral peak of the sub-millimetre galaxies gives rise to poor constraints on their rest-frame FIR luminosities and star formation rates. In this paper we describe Monte-Carlo simulations of ground-based, balloon-borne and satellite sub-millimetre surveys that demonstrate how the rest-frame FIR-sub-millimetre spectral energy distributions (250-850um) can be used to derive photometric redshifts with an r.m.s accuracy of +/- 0.4 over the range 0 < z < 6. This opportunity to break the redshift deadlock will provide an estimate of the global star formation history for luminous optically-obscured galaxies [L(FIR) > 3 x 10^12 Lsun] with an accuracy of 20 per cent.Comment: 14 pages, 22 figures, submitted to MNRAS, replaced with accepted versio

    Investigating grain growth in disks around southern T Tauri stars at millimetre wavelengths

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    CONTEXT - Low-mass stars form with disks in which the coagulation of grains may eventually lead to the formation of planets. It is not known when and where grain growth occurs, as models that explain the observations are often degenerate. A way to break this degeneracy is to resolve the sources under study. AIMS - To find evidence for the existence of grains of millimetre sizes in disks around in T Tauri stars, implying grain growth. METHODS - The Australia Telescope Compact Array (ATCA) was used to observe 15 southern T Tauri stars, five in the constellation Lupus and ten in Chamaeleon, at 3.3 millimetre. The five Lupus sources were also observed with the Submillimeter Array (SMA) at 1.4 millimetre. Our new data are complemented with data from the literature to determine the slopes of the spectral energy distributions in the millimetre regime. RESULTS - Ten sources were detected at better than 3sigma with the ATCA, with sigma ~1-2 mJy, and all sources that were observed with the SMA were detected at better than 15sigma, with sigma ~4 mJy. Six of the sources in our sample are resolved to physical radii of ~100 AU. Assuming that the emission from such large disks is predominantly optically thin, the millimetre slope can be related directly to the opacity index. For the other sources, the opacity indices are lower limits. Four out of six resolved sources have opacity indices <~1, indicating grain growth to millimetre sizes and larger. The masses of the disks range from < 0.01 to 0.08 MSun, which is comparable to the minimum mass solar nebula. A tentative correlation is found between the millimetre slope and the strength and shape of the 10-micron silicate feature, indicating that grain growth occurs on similar (short) timescales in both the inner and outer disk.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figures, 5 tables, accepted for publication in A&

    Dust and Molecules in V4743 Sgr

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    We present 1.2 mm continuum images and spectral line observations of CO(1--0) and SiO(3--2) rotational transitions of the recent nova V4743 Sgr. The nova is detected at 1.2 mm showing a variable millimetre emission. Only upper limits of T_A* = 0.06 K for CO and T_A* = 0.03 K for SiO could be derived. We discuss the results in terms the nature of the millimetre emission favouring dust from a phase before the recent outburst as the likely radiating source. We also comment on the possibility of free-free emission from the ionised shell as the source of the measured millimetre radiation.Comment: Latex, 4 pages, 3 figure

    Mode-division-multiplexing of multiple Bessel-Gaussian beams carrying orbital-angular-momentum for obstruction-tolerant free-space optical and millimetre-wave communication links

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    We experimentally investigate the potential of using ‘self-healing’ Bessel-Gaussian beams carrying orbital-angular-momentum to overcome limitations in obstructed free-space optical and 28-GHz millimetre-wave communication links. We multiplex and transmit two beams (l = +1 and +3) over 1.4 metres in both the optical and millimetre-wave domains. Each optical beam carried 50-Gbaud quadrature-phase-shift-keyed data, and each millimetre-wave beam carried 1-Gbaud 16-quadrature-amplitude-modulated data. In both types of links, opaque disks of different sizes are used to obstruct the beams at different transverse positions. We observe self-healing after the obstructions, and assess crosstalk and power penalty when data is transmitted. Moreover, we show that Bessel-Gaussian orbital-angular-momentum beams are more tolerant to obstructions than non-Bessel orbital-angular-momentum beams. For example, when obstructions that are 1 and 0.44 the size of the l = +1 beam, are placed at beam centre, optical and millimetre-wave Bessel-Gaussian beams show ~6 dB and ~8 dB reduction in crosstalk, respectively

    Millimeter observations of Planetary Nebulae: a contribution to the Planck pre-launch catalogue

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    We present new millimetre 43 GHz observations of a sample of radio-bright Planetary Nebulae. Such observations were carried out to have a good determination of the high-frequency radio spectra of the sample in order to evaluate, together with far-IR measurements (IRAS), the fluxes emitted by the selected source in the millimetre and sub-millimetre band. This spectral range, even very important to constraint the physics of circumstellar environment, is still far to be completely exploited. To estimate the millimetre and sub-millimetre fluxes, we extrapolated and summed together the ionized gas (free-free radio emission) and dust (thermal emission) contributions at this frequency range. By comparison of the derived flux densities to the foreseen sensitivity we investigate the possible detection of such source for all the channels of the forthcoming ESA's PLANCK mission. We conclude that almost 80% of our sample will be detected by PLANCK, with the higher detection rate in the higher frequency channels, where there is a good combination of brighter intrinsic flux from the sources and reduced extended Galactic foregrounds contamination despite a worst instrumental sensitivity. From the new 43 GHz, combined with single-dish 5 GHz observations from the literature, we derive radio spectral indexes, which are consistent with optically thin free-free nebula. This result indicates that the high frequency radio spectrum of our sample sources is dominated by thermal free-free and other emission, if present, are negligible.Comment: Submitted to A&A, 6 pages, 3 figure

    Dust trapping by spiral arms in gravitationally unstable protostellar discs

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    In this paper we discuss the influence of gravitational instabilities in massive protostellar discs on the dynamics of dust grains. Starting from a Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulation, we have computed the evolution of the dust in a quasi-static gas density structure typical of self-gravitating disc. For different grain size distributions we have investigated the capability of spiral arms to trap particles. We have run 3D radiative transfer simulations in order to construct maps of the expected emission at (sub-)millimetre and near-infrared wavelengths. Finally, we have simulated realistic observations of our disc models at (sub-)millimetre and near-infrared wavelengths as they may appear with the Atacama Large Millimetre/sub-millimetre Array (ALMA) and the High-Contrast Coronographic Imager for Adaptive Optics (HiCIAO) in order to investigate whether there are observational signatures of the spiral structure. We find that the pressure inhomogeites induced by gravitational instabilities produce a non-negligible dynamical effect on centimetre sized particles leading to significant overdensities in spiral arms. We also find that the spiral structure is readily detectable by ALMA over a wide range of (sub-)millimetre wavelengths and by HiCIAO in near-infrared scattered light for non-face-on discs located in the Ophiucus star-forming region. In addition, we find clear spatial spectral index variations across the disc, revealing that the dust trapping produces a migration of large grains that can be potentially investigated through multi-wavelenghts observations in the (sub-)millimetric. Therefore, the spiral arms observed to date in protoplanetary disc might be interpreted as density waves induced by the development of gravitational instabilities.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Millimetre Wave Power Measurement

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    There is currently no traceable power sensor for millimetre wave frequencies above 110 GHz. This thesis investigates a novel approach to remove this limitation by combining the placement of a uniquely designed microchip directly in waveguide. The design of the chip is novel in that it does not rely on a supporting structure or an external antenna when placed in the waveguide. The performance of the design was primarily analysed by computer simulation and verified with the measurement of a scale model. The results show that it is feasible to measure high frequency power by placing a chip directly in waveguide. It is predicted that the chip is able to absorb approximately 60% of incident power. Any further efficiency would require modification of the chip substrate. However, this proposed design should allow the standards institutes a reference that will enable the calibration of equipment to beyond 110 GHz

    Large dust particles in disks around T Tauri stars

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    We present 7-mm continuum observations of 14 low-mass pre-main-sequence stars in the Taurus-Auriga star-forming region obtained with the Very Large Array with ~1.5" resolution and ~0.3 mJy rms sensitivity. For 10 objects, the circumstellar emission has been spatially resolved. The large outer disk radii derived suggest that the emission at this wavelength is mostly optically thin. The millimetre spectral energy distributions are characterised by spectral indices alpha = 2.3 to 3.2. After accounting for contribution from free-free emission and corrections for optical depth, we determine dust opacity indices beta in the range 0.5 to 1.6, which suggest that millimetre-sized dust aggregates are present in the circumstellar disks. Four of the sources with beta > 1 may be consistent with submicron-sized dust as found in the interstellar medium. Our findings indicate that dust grain growth to millimetre-sized particles is completed within less than 1 Myr for the majority of circumstellar disks.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Millimetre-wave antennas and systems for the future 5G

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    Editorial of the special issue on Millimetre-Wave Antennas and Systems for the Future 5
