734 research outputs found

    PENDEKATAN THE QUR’ANIC MILIEU DALAM STUDI AL-QUR’AN (Telaah Pemikiran Angelika Neuwirth dalam The Qur’an in Context: Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qur’anic Milieu)

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    The study of the Qur’an among Western thinkers seems not monolithic. In the real of orientalists who use historical analysis to respond Islam with a negative value, such as regarding the Qur’an none more than an epigonal text and not much left to be known about the Qur’an. Meanwhile, a positive understanding toward Qur’an has done by some of them, such as Angelika Neuwirth. The differences are more based on Angelika’s attempt to convey a truly contextual reading of the Qur’an, not contenting its self with dissolving the Qur’an into its Christian, Jewish, and other “sources”, but to allow for the possibility that the Qur’an may turn out to be a text of its own

    Penanaman Pendidikan Karakter Bagi Santri Baru Sighor Di Pondok Pesantren Modern Darussalam Gontor 1 Ponorogo Tahun Ajaran 2017/2018

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    Character education is the most important thing in building a personal nation. With the education of one's character or human beings will be shown or directed to the good. Thus, good character education is implemented at an early age in the learner. with the planting of character education at an early age can and facilitate the formation of a good person. Pondok pesantren is a character education for 24 hours in a day. in santri pesantren sigh new santri is naive santri and do not understand anything about education system, santri new sighri in general their last education level is elementary school (SD) and when diumurkan that is 12 yearly, and diusia is they discipline and prosecuted for positive minded and required to work together in goodness despite the different tribes among them, as well as reminding his friends in the negative to get away from him, with the example of no fighting or fighting in the cottage on the santri different from learners who are 12 years old or who graduated from elementary school (SD) among them already dating, bad behavior on the teacher or against teachers and so forth. Based on the background of the above problem, the formulation of the proposed problem is how the method of cultivating character education for santri new sighri in modern boarding school Darussalam Gontor 1, the value of any character implanted in santri new sighor, factors that support and inhibit the character education for the new santri sighor. The type of research conducted is field research. Data collection methods used were interviews, observation and documentation. And in analyzing the data, the authors conducted a qualitative descriptive analysis. Some conclusions from this research include: that the cultivation of character education for santri students in modern boarding school Darussalam Gontor 1 is implemented in every activity in the hut is formed in intra-curricular and esctra-curricular. And the cultivation of this education is done by exemplary method, understanding, habituation, steering, assignment, and evaluating. religious, polite, honest, disciplined, diligent, courageous, cooperative, caring, creative, responsible, nationalistic. 2) This value is reinforced by the value listed in panca soul lodge for the formation of a Muslim person mu'min namely sincerity, simplicity, self-reliance, ukhuwwah Islamiyah and freedom. 3) Supporting factors in character education are cottage leadership, environment, institution such as santri and KMI, scouting coordinator and student organization of modern cottage, facilities and infrastructure, ustad-ustad, wali santri and friends. While the factors that hamper the cultivation of character education in the new santri students are themselves, boarders and infrastructure facilities

    Cardiomyopathy Secondary to Thyroid and Parathyroid Dysfunction: Case Report and Literature Review

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    Heart failure due to metabolic derangements is not common in clinical practice. However, outcome is usually positive given that the precipitating factor is recognized and treatment is initiated in a timely fashion. We report an unusual case of reduced left ventricular systolic function as a result of hypocalcemia and long standing untreated primary hypothyroidism in a patient without structural heart disease. Delay in seeking appropriate medical attention for both disorders has culminated in cardiac dysfunction that was favorably altered with correction of underlying etiologies. Therefore, early recognition and expedient management of hypocalcemia and hypothyroidism can result in an imminent improvement of cardiac function

    Membangun Sistem Politik yang Tidak Rentan Korupsi (Perspektif Perubahan Budaya Versus Perubahan Sistem)

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    The change of system in this Republic is not necessarily followed by cultural change (behavioral culture) of society and apparatus. The conception of the state of welfare state law can not be felt maximally by the society, given the amount of state money lost due to acts of corruption committed by a handful of people. Law enforcement efforts against corruption must go hand in hand with efforts to change the behavior patterns of people who are happy to commit acts of corruption. The research problem is how to build a political system that is not vulnerable to corruption (Perspective of Cultural Change (Culture) Versus System Change (Structural)). The research methodology used is normative legal research (Doctrinal Reseach). The conclusions obtained include: apart from strengthening the system in the form of institutional strengthening and legislation, strengthening the efforts of preventing corruption through the improvement of anti-corruption community behavior must go hand in hand. Efforts to eradicate corruption from the aspect of behavior change is not an easy thing, but it takes a long time since the changed is the behavior of the society that has been entrenched. The approach to behavioral change in society of corruption perceptions should be changed by building a new perception that corruption is an act that can be very harmful to the state and society. Keywords: Corruption, System, Culture   Perubahan sistem di Republik ini tidak serta merta diikuti dengan Perubahan kultural (budaya perilaku) masyarakat dan aparat. Konsepsi negara hukum welfare state belum dapat dirasakan secara maksimal oleh masyarakat, mengingat banyaknya uang negara yang hilang akibat tindakan korupsi yang dilakukan oleh segelintir orang. Upaya penegakkan hukum terhadap tindak pidana korupsi harus berjalan beriringan dengan upaya merubah pola perilaku masyarakat yang senang dalam melakukan tindakan korupsi. Permasalahan penelitian adalah bagaimana Membangun Sistem Politik yang Tidak Rentan Korupsi (Perspektif Perubahan Budaya  (Kultural) Versus Perubahan Sistem (Struktural)). Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif (Doctrinal Reseach). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh antara lain; selain dari penguatan sistem berupa penguatan kelembagaan dan peraturan Perundang-undangan, penguatan terhadap upaya pencegahan korupsi melalui pembenahan perilaku masyarakat yang anti korupsi harus berjalan beriringan. Upaya memberantas korupsi dari aspek Perubahan perilaku masyarakat bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah, akan tetapi membutuhkan waktu yang lama mengingat yang dirubah adalah perilaku masyarakat yang sudah membudaya. Pendekatan Perubahan perilaku masyarakat akan persepsi korupsi semestinya dirubah dengan membangun persepsi baru bahwa korupsi adalah perbuatan yang sangat dapat merugikan negara dan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Korupsi, Sistem, Buday


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    In a strict and competitive work environment, educational institutions require a strong and supportive organizational base. This research was conducted to find a conceptual framework of reliable organizational conflicts to improve the effectiveness of school organizations. Research methods use library studies by relying on data sourced from a variety of relevant literature, both research journals and books. Data is analyzed by critical analysis of conflicts that occur in Indonesian schools. The results of the study found a conceptual framework of organizational conflicts that mediated the influence of transformational leadership and interpersonal communication on organizational effectiveness. The conceptual framework is expected to be beneficial to organizational managers, educational practitioners, researchers and academics as an effort to revitalize and develop higher competitive organizations. In general the organizational effectiveness studies are concerned with aspects of motivation, leadership and communication, however the originality of the study this time makes organizational conflict a contributing factor for organizational effectiveness

    Membangun Sistem Politik Yang Tidak Rentan Korupsi (Perspektif Perubahan Budaya Versus Perubahan Sistem)

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    The change of system in this Republic is not necessarily followed by cultural change (behavioral culture) of society and apparatus. The conception of the state of welfare state law can not be felt maximally by the society, given the amount of state money lost due to acts of corruption committed by a handful of people. Law enforcement efforts against corruption must go hand in hand with efforts to change the behavior patterns of people who are happy to commit acts of corruption. The research problem is how to build a political system that is not vulnerable to corruption (Perspective of Cultural Change (Culture) Versus System Change (Structural)). The research methodology used is normative legal research (Doctrinal Reseach). The conclusions obtained include: apart from strengthening the system in the form of institutional strengthening and legislation, strengthening the efforts of preventing corruption through the improvement of anti-corruption community behavior must go hand in hand. Efforts to eradicate corruption from the aspect of behavior change is not an easy thing, but it takes a long time since the changed is the behavior of the society that has been entrenched. The approach to behavioral change in society of corruption perceptions should be changed by building a new perception that corruption is an act that can be very harmful to the state and society. Keywords: Corruption, System, Culture   Perubahan sistem di Republik ini tidak serta merta diikuti dengan perubahan kultural (budaya perilaku) masyarakat dan aparat. Konsepsi negara hukum welfare state belum dapat dirasakan secara maksimal oleh masyarakat, mengingat banyaknya uang negara yang hilang akibat tindakan korupsi yang dilakukan oleh segelintir orang. Upaya penegakkan hukum terhadap tindak pidana korupsi harus berjalan beriringan dengan upaya merubah pola perilaku masyarakat yang senang dalam melakukan tindakan korupsi. Permasalahan penelitian adalah bagaimana Membangun Sistem Politik yang Tidak Rentan Korupsi (Perspektif Perubahan Budaya  (Kultural) Versus Perubahan Sistem (Struktural)). Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian hukum normatif (Doctrinal Reseach). Kesimpulan yang diperoleh antara lain; selain dari penguatan sistem berupa penguatan kelembagaan dan peraturan perundang-undangan, penguatan terhadap upaya pencegahan korupsi melalui pembenahan perilaku masyarakat yang anti korupsi harus berjalan beriringan. Upaya memberantas korupsi dari aspek perubahan perilaku masyarakat bukanlah suatu hal yang mudah, akan tetapi membutuhkan waktu yang lama mengingat yang dirubah adalah perilaku masyarakat yang sudah membudaya. Pendekatan perubahan perilaku masyarakat akan persepsi korupsi semestinya dirubah dengan membangun persepsi baru bahwa korupsi adalah perbuatan yang sangat dapat merugikan negara dan masyarakat. Kata kunci: Korupsi, Sistem, Buday


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    Buku "SOSIOLOGI PENDIDIKAN" karya Dr. Ravik Karsidi yang diterbitkan atas kerjasama Lembaga Pengembangan Pendidikan (LPP) UNS dan UPT Penerbitan dan Pencetakan UNS (UNS Press), terdiri dari 11 BAB yang membahas tentang: BAB I SOSIOLOGI PENDIDIKAN (Sebuah Pengantar) meliputi A. Pengertian Sosiologi Pendidikan, B. Ruang Lingkup Sosiologi Pendidikan; BAB II PERANAN SOSIOLOGI TERHADAP DUNIA PENDIDIKAN meliputi A. Sekolah sebagai Organisasi, B. Kelas sebagai Suatu Sistem Sosial, C. Lingkungan Eksternal Sekolah; BAB III PENDIDIKAN DAN MASYARAKAT meliputi A. Siklus Belajar Individu di Masyarakat, B. Fungsi-fungsi Sekolah, C. Perubahan Sosial dan Pendidikan, D. Pendidikan dan Pembaharuan Masyarakat; BAB IV SEKOLAH SOSIALISASI ANAK DAN KELUARGA meliputi A. Sekilas tentang Sosialisasi, B. Beberapa Pendekatan dalam Sosialisasi, C. Sekolah dan Sosialisasi, D. Keluarga dan Sosialisasi, E. Hubungan Timbal Balik Sekolah – Keluarga Bagi Individu; BAB V HUBUNGAN GURU DAN MURID meliputi A. Makna Kerja Guru terhadap Murid, B. Arti Interaksi Edukatif, C. Beberapa Ciri Interaksi Edukatif, D. Berbagai Bentuk Interaksi Edukatif, E. Kedudukan Guru; BAB VI PERANAN GURU DI SEKOLAH DAN MASYARAKAT meliputi A. Guru Berkedudukan sebagai Profesional, B. Peranan Guru terhadap Anak Didik, C. Peranan Guru dalam Masyarakat, D. Peranan Guru terhadap Guru Lain; BAB VII KELAS DAN SEKOLAH SEBAGAI SISTEM SOSIAL meliputi A. Kelas sebagai Sistem Sosial, B. Sekolah sebagai Sistem Sosial; BAB VIII PENDIDIKAN DAN PERUBAHAN SOSIAL-BUDAYA meliputi A. Pendidikan sebagai Sosialisasi Kebudayaan, B. Pergulatan Manusia dalam Keanekaragaman Budaya, C. Pendidikan dalam Lingkup Kebudayaan, D. Sekilas tentang Perubahan Sosial; BAB IX PENDIDIKAN DAN MOBILITAS SOSIAL meliputi A. Lapisan Masyarakat, B. Kesadaran Kelas, C. Kelas Sosial dan Persamaan, D. Mobilitas Sosial, E. Determinasi Mobilitas Sosial, F. Pendidikan sebagai Saluran Mobilitas, G. Peningkatan Taraf Hidup melalui Pendidikan, H. Munculnya Masyarakat Lapisan Atas pada Negara Berkembang, I. Pendidikan dan Karier; BAB X PENDIDIKAN DAN EKONOMI meliputi A. Konstribusi Pendidikan terhadap Kesuksesan Ekonomi, B. Pendidikan dan Ekonomi pada Zaman Modern, C. Pendidikan dan Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, D. Beberapa Tantangan Dunia Pendidikan di Indonesia Saat Ini, E. Implikasi Realitas Pendidikan Indonesia, F. SDM Indonesia dalam Persaingan Global; BAB XI PARTISIPASI MASYARAKAT DALAM PENDIDIKAN (Suatu Bahasan Kebijakan Pendidikan) meliputi A. Pengantar, B. Partisipasi Masyarakat, C. Masalah Pengembangan Pendidikan di Indonesia, D. Reaktualisasi Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam pengembangan Pendidikan di Indonesia, E. Kesimpulan, DAFTAR PUSTAK