655 research outputs found

    Parsing as Reduction

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    We reduce phrase-representation parsing to dependency parsing. Our reduction is grounded on a new intermediate representation, "head-ordered dependency trees", shown to be isomorphic to constituent trees. By encoding order information in the dependency labels, we show that any off-the-shelf, trainable dependency parser can be used to produce constituents. When this parser is non-projective, we can perform discontinuous parsing in a very natural manner. Despite the simplicity of our approach, experiments show that the resulting parsers are on par with strong baselines, such as the Berkeley parser for English and the best single system in the SPMRL-2014 shared task. Results are particularly striking for discontinuous parsing of German, where we surpass the current state of the art by a wide margin

    Crossings as a side effect of dependency lengths

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    The syntactic structure of sentences exhibits a striking regularity: dependencies tend to not cross when drawn above the sentence. We investigate two competing explanations. The traditional hypothesis is that this trend arises from an independent principle of syntax that reduces crossings practically to zero. An alternative to this view is the hypothesis that crossings are a side effect of dependency lengths, i.e. sentences with shorter dependency lengths should tend to have fewer crossings. We are able to reject the traditional view in the majority of languages considered. The alternative hypothesis can lead to a more parsimonious theory of language.Comment: the discussion section has been expanded significantly; in press in Complexity (Wiley

    A hierarchy of mildly context sensitive dependency grammar

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    The paper presents Colored Multiplanar Link Grammars (CMLG). These grammars are reducible to extended right-linear S-grammars (Wartena 2001) where the storage type S is a concatenation of c pushdowns. The number of colors available in these grammars induces a hierarchy of Classes of CMLGs. By fixing also another parameter in CMLGs, namely the bound t for non-projectivity depth, we get c-Colored t-Non-projective Dependency Grammars (CNDG) that generate acyclic dependency graphs. Thus, CNDGs form a two-dimensional hier- archy of dependency grammars. A part of this hierarchy is mildly context-sensitive and non-projective.The paper presents Colored Multiplanar Link Grammars (CMLG). These grammars are reducible to extended right-linear S-grammars (Wartena 2001) where the storage type S is a concatenation of c pushdowns. The number of colors available in these grammars induces a hierarchy of Classes of CMLGs. By fixing also another parameter in CMLGs, namely the bound t for non-projectivity depth, we get c-Colored t-Non-projective Dependency Grammars (CNDG) that generate acyclic dependency graphs. Thus, CNDGs form a two-dimensional hier- archy of dependency grammars. A part of this hierarchy is mildly context-sensitive and non-projective.Peer reviewe

    Memory limitations are hidden in grammar

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    [Abstract] The ability to produce and understand an unlimited number of different sentences is a hallmark of human language. Linguists have sought to define the essence of this generative capacity using formal grammars that describe the syntactic dependencies between constituents, independent of the computational limitations of the human brain. Here, we evaluate this independence assumption by sampling sentences uniformly from the space of possible syntactic structures. We find that the average dependency distance between syntactically related words, a proxy for memory limitations, is less than expected by chance in a collection of state-of-the-art classes of dependency grammars. Our findings indicate that memory limitations have permeated grammatical descriptions, suggesting that it may be impossible to build a parsimonious theory of human linguistic productivity independent of non-linguistic cognitive constraints

    Memory limitations are hidden in grammar

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    The ability to produce and understand an unlimited number of different sentences is a hallmark of human language. Linguists have sought to define the essence of this generative capacity using formal grammars that describe the syntactic dependencies between constituents, independent of the computational limitations of the human brain. Here, we evaluate this independence assumption by sampling sentences uniformly from the space of possible syntactic structures. We find that the average dependency distance between syntactically related words, a proxy for memory limitations, is less than expected by chance in a collection of state-of-the-art classes of dependency grammars. Our findings indicate that memory limitations have permeated grammatical descriptions, suggesting that it may be impossible to build a parsimonious theory of human linguistic productivity independent of non-linguistic cognitive constraints.Comment: Version improved with reviewer feedbac

    Restricted Non-Projectivity: Coverage vs. Efficiency

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    [Abstract] In the last decade, various restricted classes of non-projective dependency trees have been proposed with the goal of achieving a good tradeoff between parsing efficiency and coverage of the syntactic structures found in natural languages. We perform an extensive study measuring the coverage of a wide range of such classes on corpora of 30 languages under two different syntactic annotation criteria. The results show that, among the currently known relaxations of projectivity, the best tradeoff between coverage and computational complexity of exact parsing is achieved by either 1-endpoint-crossing trees or MH k trees, depending on the level of coverage desired. We also present some properties of the relation of MH k trees to other relevant classes of trees.Ministerio de EconomĂ­a y Competitividad; FFI2014-51978-C2-2-

    Global Transition-based Non-projective Dependency Parsing

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    Shi, Huang, and Lee (2017) obtained state-of-the-art results for English and Chinese dependency parsing by combining dynamic-programming implementations of transition-based dependency parsers with a minimal set of bidirectional LSTM features. However, their results were limited to projective parsing. In this paper, we extend their approach to support non-projectivity by providing the first practical implementation of the MH_4 algorithm, an O(n4)O(n^4) mildly nonprojective dynamic-programming parser with very high coverage on non-projective treebanks. To make MH_4 compatible with minimal transition-based feature sets, we introduce a transition-based interpretation of it in which parser items are mapped to sequences of transitions. We thus obtain the first implementation of global decoding for non-projective transition-based parsing, and demonstrate empirically that it is more effective than its projective counterpart in parsing a number of highly non-projective languagesComment: Proceedings of ACL 2018. 13 page
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