922 research outputs found

    Kajian Tekno Ekonomi Migrasi Jaringan Berbasis XDSL ke FTTx GPON di Daerah Perkotaan

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    Penelitian dan pengembangan teknologi dibidang telekomunikasi menghadapi tantangan utamayaitu meningkatnya kebutuhan bandwidth secara signifikan dari tahun ketahun. Permasalahan yang dihadapi di Indonesia saat ini adalah sebagian besar jaringan telekomunikasi broadband masih mengunakan DSL berbasis kawat tembaga sebagai media utama akses jaringan. Kondisi ini jika tidak diantisipasi oleh operator penyedia jasa jaringan telekomunikasi, memungkinkan terjadinya bottleneck ketika bertambahnya kebutuhan akan konvergensi layanan telekomunikasi seperti triple-play service. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan suatu kajian tekno ekono mimigrasi jaringan akses untuk sebagai dasar pemilihan teknologi beserta aspek ekonominya yang dapat memenuhi tuntutan tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melakukan kajian tekno-ekonomi terhadap migrasi jaringan DSL berbasis tembaga keteknologi jaringan FTTx GPON pada daerah perkotaan menggunakan metode STEM (Strategic Telecom Evaluation Model). Metode tersebut berbasis pada pembagian kelas densitas rumah tangga pada area tertentu menjadi empat kelas kepadatan yaitu; sangat tinggi, tinggi, sedang dan rendah. Dari hasil kajian diperoleh untuk daerah dengan kepadatan rumah tangga sangat tingi dan tinggi jaringan akses layak secara teknologi dan ekonomi untuk migrasi dari jaringan berbasis kabel tembaga kelayanan berbasis kabel optic FTTx GPON, untuk daerah dengan kepadatan sedang dilayani oleh dua teknologi yaitu VDSL dan GPON, sedangkan untuk daerah kepadatan rendah hanya dilayani oleh teknologi VDSL. Dengan demikian operator dapat menggunakan hasil kajian ini untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan dalam rangka migrasi jaringan akses

    Technology Directions for the 21st Century

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    New technologies will unleash the huge capacity of fiber-optic cable to meet growing demands for bandwidth. Companies will continue to replace private networks with public network bandwidth-on-demand. Although asynchronous transfer mode (ATM) is the transmission technology favored by many, its penetration will be slower than anticipated. Hybrid networks - e.g., a mix of ATM, frame relay, and fast Ethernet - may predominate, both as interim and long-term solutions, based on factors such as availability, interoperability, and cost. Telecommunications equipment and services prices will decrease further due to increased supply and more competition. Explosive Internet growth will continue, requiring additional backbone transmission capacity and enhanced protocols, but it is not clear who will fund the upgrade. Within ten years, space-based constellations of satellites in Low Earth orbit (LEO) will serve mobile users employing small, low-power terminals. 'Little LEO's' will provide packet transmission services and geo-position determination. 'Big LEO's' will function as global cellular telephone networks, with some planning to offer video and interactive multimedia services. Geosynchronous satellites also are proposed for mobile voice grade links and high-bandwidth services. NASA may benefit from resulting cost reductions in components, space hardware, launch services, and telecommunications services

    Synthesis, Chracterization and Applications of Coated Composite Materials for Energy Applications

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    The formulation of coated composite materials is an important field of research around the world today. Coated composite materials include inhomogeneous and anisotropic materials. These materials are formulated by an amalgamate minimum of two or more materials that accommodate different properties. These materials have a vast field of appealing applications that encourage scientists to work on them. Due to their unique properties, such as their strength, liability, swiftness, and low cost, they are used as promising candidates for reliable applications in various fields, such as biomedical, engineering, energy devices, wastewater treatment, and agriculture. Different types of composite materials have had a noticeable impact in these fields already, such as glass, plastic, and, most promisingly, metal oxide nanoparticles

    The 3rd International Conference on the Challenges, Opportunities, Innovations and Applications in Electronic Textiles

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    This reprint is a collection of papers from the E-Textiles 2021 Conference and represents the state-of-the-art from both academia and industry in the development of smart fabrics that incorporate electronic and sensing functionality. The reprint presents a wide range of applications of the technology including wearable textile devices for healthcare applications such as respiratory monitoring and functional electrical stimulation. Manufacturing approaches include printed smart materials, knitted e-textiles and flexible electronic circuit assembly within fabrics and garments. E-textile sustainability, a key future requirement for the technology, is also considered. Supplying power is a constant challenge for all wireless wearable technologies and the collection includes papers on triboelectric energy harvesting and textile-based water-activated batteries. Finally, the application of textiles antennas in both sensing and 5G wireless communications is demonstrated, where different antenna designs and their response to stimuli are presented

    New Biomolecules and Drug Delivery Systems as Alternatives to Conventional Antibiotics

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    New approaches to deal with the growing concern associated with antibiotic-resistant bacteria are in great demand. For many years, antibiotics have widely been employed to treat infections. However, their excessive consumption and misuse have accelerated the rise of antibiotic-resistant microorganisms, which constitute a major challenge to global health. The antibiotic crisis is now a general concern; therefore, alternative biomolecules or drug delivery systems to treat infections are urgently needed. From natural extracts to traditional medicine remedies, to newly engineered nanocapsules and nanoparticles, to bio-based, biodegradable delivery platforms, many systems to fight infections are explored in this book

    Polymer Materials in Sensors, Actuators and Energy Conversion

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    Polymer-based materials applications in sensors, actuators, and energy conversion play a key role in recently developing areas of smart materials and electronic devices. These areas cover the synthesis, structures, and properties of polymers and composites, including energy-harvesting devices and energy-storage devices for electromechanical (electrical to mechanical energy conversion) and magneto-mechanical (magnetic to mechanical energy conversion), light-emitting devices, and electrically driving sensors. Therefore, the modulation of polymer-based materials and devices for controlling the detection, actuation, and energy with functionalized relative device can be achieved with the present reprint, comprising 12 chapters.This reprint is principally concerned with the topic of materials of materials, especially polymers. The contents not only involve essential information but also possess many novel academic applications in the fields. This Special Issue's title is "Polymer Materials in Sensors, Actuators and Energy Conversion" and covers the research field of polymers .Finally, I am very proud of my dear wife Winnie, son Vincent, and daughter Ruby. I thank them for supporting me in finishing the reprint. The reprint, involving 2 reviews and 10 regular papers, has been accomplished, and I am deeply thankful to all the authors for their assistance in producing a reprint with considerable number of chapters. I also hope that readers can achieve some useful understanding of polymer materials in sensors, actuators, and energy conversion, and that that they will be employed by scientists and researchers

    Electrospun Composite Nanofibers for Functional Applications

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    This reprint includes research articles on various applications of electrospun nanofibers. Nanofibers have potential to be used in tissue engineering, energy harvesting, sensors, separators, water filtration, air filtration, and other applications as well. This Special Issue has received 11 interesting research articles, which covers such application areas