8 research outputs found

    Зовнішня трудова міграція в Україні на початку ХХІ століття: соціологічний вимір соціальних перспектив

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    Мета статті – стислий аналіз феномену української зовнішньої трудової міграції з позиції соціології, де його розглянуто як складову частину соціальної системи суспільства. З’ясовано роль та значення зовнішньої трудової міграції у внутрішньому системному процесі. Наведено думку науковців і практиків щодо чинників, змісту та перспектив існування зовнішньої трудової міграції в Україні. Результатом дослідження стає авторське розуміння деяких рис можливого стану українського суспільства, яке перебуває в динамічному русі, що розпочався після подій 2014 р. Зроблено висновок, що збереження високих темпів міграції впродовж ще кількох років треба розглядати як головний чинник трансформації соціальної системи в Україні. Її наслідком має бути, насамперед, спрощення елементної бази соціальної системи, зменшення позитивної активності її суб’єктів, активізація процесу «некерованого хаосу» й, нарешті, слабкість системи перед натиском зовнішніх сил

    Migration Discourse and the New Socially Constructed Meanings of the English Lingua Franca

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    After the 1990s, the mass arrival of immigrants in Europe transformed the phenomenon of migration from a benefit into a problem and opened the debate to issues of first aid, security, expulsion and rejection. Even today, migrants are no longer seen as a socio-economic resource to be protected and regulated, but as a potential social problem affecting areas such as the economy, health and national security. The paper deals with the linguistically relevant literature about migration discourse (MD) and the role of English as lingua franca in public discourse related to the migration phenomenon. The latter part examines some traditional English key terms used to represent migrants since their mass arrival in Europe after the 1990s and concludes with the current international debate conducted by the mass media and nongovernmental organizations on the new, socially constructed meanings that some migration terms have acquired in the English lingua franca over the past decades

    Globalization of international migration: Social challenges and policy implication

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    In the second half of the XX century, the humankind witnessed the insurmountable and irreversible power of globalization processes, which influence all spheres of social life and establish a global system of interdependency between countries and nations. Globalization within impetuous changes in global political, social and economic systems has determined dramatic shifts in the international migration processes that lead to the new stage of migration history. In nowadays globalized world, international migration has become a reality for almost all corners of the globe. The author considers features of the recent trends of international migration: the unprecedented growth of the international migration flows; the widening geography of international migration that involves nearly all countries of the world; qualitative changes in the structure of international migration flows; the key role of economic migration; the permanent growth and structural intricateness of irregular migration; the increasing scale and geographical widening of forced migration; the growing importance of international migration for the demographic development of the world, countries of both origin and destination. All these trends combined prove that the international migration patterns have become more complex. The author analyzes the legal framework of the international migration processes, and gives recommendations on the ways to improve the control and regulation of migration processes. Specific issues related to the social challenges of international migration are also discussed in the article

    Tornar-se refugiado: uma abordagem de trajetória de vida para a migração sob coação

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    This article offers a sociological approach to the ongoing debate about the distinction between refugees and migrants. It adopts a life-course perspective on seeking refuge. Seeking refuge is embedded not only in the legal regimes of refugee protection, but also in other institutional frameworks governing the life-course. Exploring continuities between migrants and refugees allows for a better understanding of whether and under what preconditions the refugee category is applied by administrations and accessed by refugees themselves. With the help of case studies selected strategically from a larger sample of narrative interviews with university educated migrants to Germany, Turkey, and Canada, the article shows how the implementation and administration of the Geneva Refugee Convention in Germany is organized in a manner that often diverges from the empirical reality of fleeing from persecution and lack of protection. On this basis, a broader comparison with migrants in Turkey and Canada who could fall under the Geneva Refugee Convention, but who mostly refrain from claiming asylum, shows that those with better resources and socio-spatial autonomy can, if well informed, find alternative options for gaining protection rather than claiming refugee status. Whether migrants under duress see themselves as refugees and whether they claim asylum does not only result from the persecution they face but also from specificities of legal and administrative frameworks, as well as their position in global structural inequalities and it is related to divergent degrees of socio-spatial autonomy.Este artigo apresenta uma abordagem sociológica para o debate em curso sobre a distinção entre refugiados e migrantes. Para tanto, adoto uma perspectiva de trajetória de vida para a análise da busca de refúgio. Esta busca por refúgio está incorporada não apenas nos regimes legais de proteção aos refugiados, mas também em outras estruturas institucionais que regem o curso da vida. Explorar as continuidades entre migrantes e refugiados permite uma melhor compreensão de se, e sob quais pré-requisitos, a categoria refugiado é aplicada pelas autoridades e acessada pelos próprios refugiados. Com a ajuda de estudos de caso estrategicamente selecionados a partir de uma amostra maior de entrevistas narrativas com migrantes com formação acadêmica, na Alemanha, Turquia e Canadá, o artigo mostra como a implementação e a administração da Convenção de Genebra sobre Refugiados na Alemanha é organizada de forma muitas vezes distanciada da realidade empírica da fuga por perseguição e falta de proteção. Com base nisso, uma comparação mais ampla, com migrantes na Turquia e no Canadá que poderiam se enquadrar na Convenção de Genebra sobre Refugiados, mas que, na sua maior parte, se abstêm de reivindicar asilo, mostra que aqueles com melhores recursos e autonomia socioespacial podem, se bem informados, encontrar opções alternativas para ganhar proteção ao invés de reivindicar o status de refugiado. Ver-se como refugiado ao migrar sob coação e reivindicar ou não asilo não resulta exclusivamente da perseguição enfrentada, mas também das especificidades dos marcos legais e administrativos, bem como da posição que a pessoa ocupa nas desigualdades estruturais globais, e tem relação com os diferentes graus de autonomia socioespacial

    The Diaspora of Korean Children: A Cross-Cultural Study of the Educational Crisis in Contemporary South Korea

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    The diaspora of Korean children first started after the Korean War in the 1950s. Abandoned by their impoverished mothers and shunned by society, many orphan children were sent abroad for adoption, which was the best, if not the only, available solution at the time. Half a century later, South Korea today is no longer a desperately poor country, and yet an increasing number of young children are still being sent abroad. The exodus of children, termed as the diaspora of Korean children in this study, is an out-of-country solution chosen by both students and parents in response to an educational dilemma in Korea, which signifies the urgent issues of public education in the increasingly globalized world today. By anchoring the educational crisis in contemporary South Korea in historical and cultural contexts, a primary purpose of this interdisciplinary study is to explore the seeming contradiction between the remarkable successes of Korean education, in particular its role in Korea\u27s remarkable social and economic transformation, and its fundamental weaknesses. Its historical and cultural background, including the experience of war, provides context for understanding the phenomena of Korean society manifested in the expressions such as parachute kids, wild geese families, cuckoo mommies and penguin daddies. This study also investigates the relevance of Confucian values in explaining Korea\u27s educational crisis today. It places Korea\u27s cultural underpinnings and complex historical experience in the context of the quest for modernization. Some critics blame Confucianism as the main culprit for the educational crisis today. But others disagree and argue that, despite its excesses and rigid applications in the past, Confucianism holds promise for addressing some of the problems of modern society. By reevaluating the efficacy of Confucian values in contemporary Korean society and in particular its complex and even conflicting interpretations in justifying competing models of education, this study addresses the question that many societies are facing today, including the United States, At what cost, education

    Гласник Етнографског института САНУ 65 (3) / Bulletin of the Institute of Ethnography SASA 65 (3)

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    Тема броја – Истраживање миграција (ур. Мирослава Лукић Крстановић и Марта Стојић Митровић) / Topic of the Issue – Research of Migrations (eds. Miroslava Lukić Krstanović and Marta Stojić Mitrović