18 research outputs found

    Super-resolution track-density imaging studies of mouse brain: Comparison to histology

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    The recently proposed track-density imaging (TDI) technique was introduced as a means to achieve superresolution using diffusion MRI. This technique is able to increase the spatial resolution of the reconstructed images beyond the acquired MRI resolution by incorporating information from whole-brain fibre-tracking results. It not only achieves super-resolution, but also provides very high anatomical contrast with a new MRI contrast mechanism. However, the anatomical information-content of this novel contrast mechanism has not yet been assessed. In this work, we perform such a study using diffusion MRI of ex vivo mouse brains acquired at 16.4T, to compare the results of the super-resolution TDI technique with histological staining (myelin and Nissl stains) in the same brains. Furthermore, a modified version of the directionally-encoded colour TDI map using short-tracks is introduced, which reduces the TDI intensity dynamic range, and therefore enhances the directionality colour-contrast. Good agreement was observed between structures visualised in the superresolution TDI maps and in the histological sections, supporting the anatomical information-content of the images generated using the TDI technique. The results therefore show that the TDI methodology does provide meaningful and rich anatomical contrast, in addition to achieving super-resolution. Furthermore, this study is the first to show the application of TDI to mouse brain imaging: the high-resolution, high-quality images demonstrate the useful complementary information that can be achieved using super-resolution TDI

    Magnetic Resonance-Based Imaging in Animal Models of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques, such as magnetic resonance microscopy (MRM), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), and magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), have recently been applied to the study of both normal and abnormal structure and neurochemistry in small animals. Herein, findings from studies in which these methods have been used for the examination of animal models of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) are discussed. Emphasis is placed on results of imaging studies in fetal and postnatal mice that have highlighted the developmental stage dependency of prenatal ethanol exposure-induced CNS defects. Consideration is also given to the promise of methodological advances to allow in vivo studies of aberrant brain and behavior relationships in model animals and to the translational nature of this work

    Diffusion MR microscopy of cortical development in the mouse embryo

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    Cortical development in the mouse embryo involves complex changes in the microstructure of the telencephalic wall, which are challenging to examine using three-dimensional (3D) imaging techniques. In this study, high-resolution 3D diffusion magnetic resonance (dMR) microscopy of the embryonic mouse cortex is presented. Using diffusion-weighted gradient- and spin-echo based acquisition, dMR microimaging data were acquired from fixed mouse embryos at 7 developmental stages from embryonic day (E)12.5 to E18.5. The dMR imaging (dMRI) contrasts revealed microscopic structural detail in the mouse telencephalic wall, allowing delineation of transient zones in the developing cortex based on their unique diffusion signatures. With the high-resolution 3D data of the mouse embryo, we were able to visualize the complex microstructure of embryonic cerebral tissue and to resolve its regional and temporal evolution during cortical formation. Furthermore, averaged dMRI contrasts generated via deformable registration revealed distinct spatial and temporal gradients of anisotropy variation across the developing embryonic cortical plate and the ventricular zone. The findings of this study demonstrate the potential of 3D dMRI to resolve the complex microstructure of the embryonic mouse cortex, and will be important for investigations of corticogenesis and its disruption in embryonic mouse models

    Visualization of mouse barrel cortex using ex-vivo track density imaging

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    We describe the visualization of the barrel cortex of the primary somatosensory area (S1) of ex vivo adult mouse brain with short-tracks track density imaging (stTDI). stTDI produced much higher definition of barrel structures than conventional fractional anisotropy (FA), directionally-encoded color FA maps, spin-echo and T2-weighted imaging and gradient echo Ti/T2*-weighted imaging. 3D high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI) data were acquired at 48 micron isotropic resolution for a (3 mm)3 block of cortex containing the barrel field and reconstructed using stTDI at 10 micron isotropic resolution. HARDI data were also acquired at 100 micron isotropic resolution to image the whole brain and reconstructed using stTDI at 20 micron isotropic resolution. The 10 micron resolution stTDI maps showed exceptionally clear delineation of barrel structures. Individual barrels could also be distinguished in the 20 micron stTDI maps but the septa separating the individual barrels appeared thicker compared to the 10 micron maps, indicating that the ability of stTDI to produce high quality structural delineation is dependent upon acquisition resolution. Close homology was observed between the barrel structure delineated using stTDI and reconstructed histological data from the same samples. stTDI also detects barrel deletions in the posterior medial barrel sub-field in mice with infraorbital nerve cuts. The results demonstrate that stTDI is a novel imaging technique that enables three-dimensional characterization of complex structures such as the barrels in S1 and provides an important complementary non-invasive imaging tool for studying synaptic connectivity, development and plasticity of the sensory system. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    In vivo Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Tractography of the Sheep Brain : An Atlas of the Ovine White Matter Fiber Bundles

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    Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DTI) allows to decode the mobility of water molecules in cerebral tissue, which is highly directional along myelinated fibers. By integrating the direction of highest water diffusion through the tissue, DTI Tractography enables a non-invasive dissection of brain fiber bundles. As such, this technique is a unique probe for in vivo characterization of white matter architecture. Unraveling the principal brain texture features of preclinical models that are advantageously exploited in experimental neuroscience is crucial to correctly evaluate investigational findings and to correlate them with real clinical scenarios. Although structurally similar to the human brain, the gyrencephalic ovine model has not yet been characterized by a systematic DTI study. Here we present the first in vivo sheep (ovis aries) tractography atlas, where the course of the main white matter fiber bundles of the ovine brain has been reconstructed. In the context of the EU's Horizon EDEN2020 project, in vivo brain MRI protocol for ovine animal models was optimized on a 1.5T scanner. High resolution conventional MRI scans and DTI sequences (b-value = 1,000 s/mm2, 15 directions) were acquired on ten anesthetized sheep o. aries, in order to define the diffusion features of normal adult ovine brain tissue. Topography of the ovine cortex was studied and DTI maps were derived, to perform DTI tractography reconstruction of the corticospinal tract, corpus callosum, fornix, visual pathway, and occipitofrontal fascicle, bilaterally for all the animals. Binary masks of the tracts were then coregistered and reported in the space of a standard stereotaxic ovine reference system, to demonstrate the consistency of the fiber bundles and the minimal inter-subject variability in a unique tractography atlas. Our results determine the feasibility of a protocol to perform in vivo DTI tractography of the sheep, providing a reliable reconstruction and 3D rendering of major ovine fiber tracts underlying different neurological functions. Estimation of fiber directions and interactions would lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the sheep's brain anatomy, potentially exploitable in preclinical experiments, thus representing a precious tool for veterinaries and researchers

    Accurate estimation of microscopic diffusion anisotropy and its time dependence in the mouse brain

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    Microscopic diffusion anisotropy (μA) has been recently gaining increasing attention for its ability to decouple the average compartment anisotropy from orientation dispersion. Advanced diffusion MRI sequences, such as double diffusion encoding (DDE) and double oscillating diffusion encoding (DODE) have been used for mapping μA, usually using measurements from a single b shell. However, the accuracy of μA estimation vis-à-vis different b-values was not assessed. Moreover, the time-dependence of this metric, which could offer additional insights into tissue microstructure, has not been studied so far. Here, we investigate both these concepts using theory, simulation, and experiments performed at 16.4T in the mouse brain, ex-vivo. In the first part, simulations and experimental results show that the conventional estimation of microscopic anisotropy from the difference of D(O)DE sequences with parallel and orthogonal gradient directions yields values that highly depend on the choice of b-value. To mitigate this undesirable bias, we propose a multi-shell approach that harnesses a polynomial fit of the signal difference up to third order terms in b-value. In simulations, this approach yields more accurate μA metrics, which are similar to the ground-truth values. The second part of this work uses the proposed multi-shell method to estimate the time/frequency dependence of μA. The data shows either an increase or no change in μA with frequency depending on the region of interest, both in white and gray matter. When comparing the experimental results with simulations, it emerges that simple geometric models such as infinite cylinders with either negligible or finite radii cannot replicate the measured trend, and more complex models, which, for example, incorporate structure along the fibre direction are required. Thus, measuring the time dependence of microscopic anisotropy can provide valuable information for characterizing tissue microstructure

    Prenatal alcohol exposure reduces magnetic susceptibility contrast and anisotropy in the white matter of mouse brains

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    Prenatal alcohol exposure can result in long-term cognitive and behavioral deficits. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) refers to a range of permanent birth defects caused by prenatal alcohol exposure, and is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder in the US. Studies by autopsy and conventional structural MRI indicate that the midline structures of the brain are particularly vulnerable to prenatal alcohol exposure. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) has shown that abnormalities in brain white matter especially the corpus callosum are very common in FASD. Quantitative susceptibility mapping (QSM) is a novel technique that measures tissue’s magnetic property. Such magnetic property is affected by tissue microstructure and molecular composition including that of myelin in the white matter. In this work, we studied three major white matter fiber bundles of a mouse model of FASD and compared it to control mice using both QSM and DTI. QSM revealed clear and significant abnormalities in anterior commissure, corpus callosum, and hippocampal commissure, which were likely due to reduced myelination. Our data also suggested that QSM may be even more sensitive than DTI for examining changes due to prenatal alcohol exposure. Although this is a preclinical study, the technique of QSM is readily translatable to human brain

    The Translational Role of Diffusion Tensor Image Analysis in Animal Models of Developmental Pathologies

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    Diffusion Tensor Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DTI) has proven itself a powerful technique for clinical investigation of the neurobiological targets and mechanisms underlying developmental pathologies. The success of DTI in clinical studies has demonstrated its great potential for understanding translational animal models of clinical disorders, and preclinical animal researchers are beginning to embrace this new technology to study developmental pathologies. In animal models, genetics can be effectively controlled, drugs consistently administered, subject compliance ensured, and image acquisition times dramatically increased to reduce between-subject variability and improve image quality. When pairing these strengths with the many positive attributes of DTI, such as the ability to investigate microstructural brain organization and connectivity, it becomes possible to delve deeper into the study of both normal and abnormal development. The purpose of this review is to provide new preclinical investigators with an introductory source of information about the analysis of data resulting from small animal DTI studies to facilitate the translation of these studies to clinical data. In addition to an in depth review of translational analysis techniques, we present a number of relevant clinical and animal studies using DTI to investigate developmental insults in order to further illustrate techniques and to highlight where small animal DTI could potentially provide a wealth of translational data to inform clinical researchers