4 research outputs found

    Home Appliance Control with Publish Subscribe in Social Media

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     Nowadays, Internet social media has enriched the way people to communicate and interact each other. Will it be possible for people to interact with their home appliances around? This paper proposes a new approach in smart home system that made possible for people to remotely interact with their appliances using social media networks. In this paper, we present a smart home prototype system that leverages Twitter’s Application Program Interface (API) to remotely control home appliances over the Internet. Experiment results showed that the system immediately responds to remote commands sent over a social media account to control home appliances. The system responds the command in 3672.96 ms. Publish-subscribe method work better in mass announcement communication system. Home system could notice all householders in less than 6 s independenly from number of householder. Our proposed method gives alternative solution to build reliable, fast and simple control method

    A semantic conceptualization on tagged bag-of concepts to improve accuracy for sentiment Analysis

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    Sentiment could be expressed implicitly or explicitly in a text. The main challenge in sentiment analysis (SA) is to identify hidden sentiments. This challenge is even worsened by false classification of opinion words, neglect of context information, and poor handling of short texts. This study addresses the limitations of bag-of-words (BoW) and bag-of-concepts (BoC) text representations, in contextual and conceptual semantic methods. A semantic conceptualization method using Tagged BoC (TBoC) for SA is proposed to detect the correct sentiment towards the actual target that considers all affective and conceptual information conveyed in a text with a special focus on short text. The TBoC is an approach that analyses and decomposes text to uncover latent sentiments while preserving all relations and vital information to boost SA accuracy. In addition, the most efficient lexicons and pre-processing techniques are investigated in improving the accuracy of SA. This study comprises four phases: a) data collection and pre-processing, b) concepts extraction from text data using conceptualization method, c) documents deconstruction into TBoC using Long Short- Term Memory, Convolutional Neural Network, Latent Dirichlet Allocation, Rulebased, and customized algorithms, and d) sentiment classification on multiple benchmarking datasets. A comparative study was also conducted with state-of-the-art SA methods to evaluate the proposed approach using general-purpose and domainspecific sentiment lexicons on multiple SA levels including document, aspect, category, and topic levels. The TBoC technique with domain-specific sentiment lexicon has shown good performance and outperformed other state-of-the-art methods. Accuracy results indicated an improvement of 2%, 3%, and 6% compared to NaĂŻve Bayes, Neural Networks, and Support Vector Machine respectively for aspect-level SA. The use of TBoC within the semantic conceptualization has high capabilities in concept extraction while preserving information on the context, interrelations, and latent feelings. Thus, contributing knowledge in SA and into the lexicon-based and hybrid approaches

    Microblogging as a mechanism for human–robot interaction

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.This paper presents a novel approach to social data analysis, exploring the use of microblogging to manage interaction between humans and robots, and presenting and evaluating an architecture that extends the use of social networks to connect humans and devices. The approach uses natural language processing - in the form of simple grammar-based techniques - to extract features of interest from textual data retrieved from a microblogging platform in real-time and generate appropriate executable code for the robot. The simple rule-based solution exploits some of the 'natural' constraints imposed by microblogging platforms to manage the potential complexity of the interactions and create bi-directional communication. In order to evaluate the developed system, an analysis of real-time, user-generated social media data is presented. The analysis demonstrates the feasibility of producing programmes from the social media data which lead to executable actions by a front-end application - an approach of immediate relevance to web-based systems, like question-answering engines, personal digital assistants, and smart home/office devices