1,431 research outputs found

    Discovery of molecular associations among aging, stem cells, and cancer based on gene expression profiling.

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    The emergence of a huge volume of omics data enables a computational approach to the investigation of the biology of cancer. The cancer informatics approach is a useful supplement to the traditional experimental approach. I reviewed several reports that used a bioinformatics approach to analyze the associations among aging, stem cells, and cancer by microarray gene expression profiling. The high expression of aging- or human embryonic stem cell-related molecules in cancer suggests that certain important mechanisms are commonly underlying aging, stem cells, and cancer. These mechanisms are involved in cell cycle regulation, metabolic process, DNA damage response, apoptosis, p53 signaling pathway, immune/inflammatory response, and other processes, suggesting that cancer is a developmental and evolutional disease that is strongly related to aging. Moreover, these mechanisms demonstrate that the initiation, proliferation, and metastasis of cancer are associated with the deregulation of stem cells. These findings provide insights into the biology of cancer. Certainly, the findings that are obtained by the informatics approach should be justified by experimental validation. This review also noted that next-generation sequencing data provide enriched sources for cancer informatics study

    Modeling Cancer Progression via Pathway Dependencies

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    Cancer is a heterogeneous disease often requiring a complexity of alterations to drive a normal cell to a malignancy and ultimately to a metastatic state. Certain genetic perturbations have been implicated for initiation and progression. However, to a great extent, underlying mechanisms often remain elusive. These genetic perturbations are most likely reflected by the altered expression of sets of genes or pathways, rather than individual genes, thus creating a need for models of deregulation of pathways to help provide an understanding of the mechanisms of tumorigenesis. We introduce an integrative hierarchical analysis of tumor progression that discovers which a priori defined pathways are relevant either throughout or in particular steps of progression. Pathway interaction networks are inferred for these relevant pathways over the steps in progression. This is followed by the refinement of the relevant pathways to those genes most differentially expressed in particular disease stages. The final analysis infers a gene interaction network for these refined pathways. We apply this approach to model progression in prostate cancer and melanoma, resulting in a deeper understanding of the mechanisms of tumorigenesis. Our analysis supports previous findings for the deregulation of several pathways involved in cell cycle control and proliferation in both cancer types. A novel finding of our analysis is a connection between ErbB4 and primary prostate cancer

    Collection and implementation of gene expression signatures for cancer data interpretation

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    During the last decades, in literature, a variety of several types of gene expression signatures for the study of cancer biology have been described. These published signatures cover various aspects of tumor biology related to both cancer and normal cells present in the tumor microenvironment. Most of the proposed signatures lack a computational implementation that is fundamental for their usage and reproducibility. In the attempt of filling this gap of knowledge, during my thesis project, I worked on collecting existing gene expression signatures and providing a tool for their use in genomic data analysis. My contribution in this project has been collected in a new R package, called signifinder. Signifinder offers a unique tool to allow the use and comparison of different signatures within and between samples, also providing utilities for the graphical exploration of results.During the last decades, in literature, a variety of several types of gene expression signatures for the study of cancer biology have been described. These published signatures cover various aspects of tumor biology related to both cancer and normal cells present in the tumor microenvironment. Most of the proposed signatures lack a computational implementation that is fundamental for their usage and reproducibility. In the attempt of filling this gap of knowledge, during my thesis project, I worked on collecting existing gene expression signatures and providing a tool for their use in genomic data analysis. My contribution in this project has been collected in a new R package, called signifinder. Signifinder offers a unique tool to allow the use and comparison of different signatures within and between samples, also providing utilities for the graphical exploration of results

    Identifying the miRNA Signature Association with Aging-Related Senescence in Glioblastoma.

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    Glioblastoma (GBM) is the most common malignant brain tumor and its malignant phenotypic characteristics are classified as grade IV tumors. Molecular interactions, such as protein-protein, protein-ncRNA, and protein-peptide interactions are crucial to transfer the signaling communications in cellular signaling pathways. Evidences suggest that signaling pathways of stem cells are also activated, which helps the propagation of GBM. Hence, it is important to identify a common signaling pathway that could be visible from multiple GBM gene expression data. microRNA signaling is considered important in GBM signaling, which needs further validation. We performed a high-throughput analysis using micro array expression profiles from 574 samples to explore the role of non-coding RNAs in the disease progression and unique signaling communication in GBM. A series of computational methods involving miRNA expression, gene ontology (GO) based gene enrichment, pathway mapping, and annotation from metabolic pathways databases, and network analysis were used for the analysis. Our study revealed the physiological roles of many known and novel miRNAs in cancer signaling, especially concerning signaling in cancer progression and proliferation. Overall, the results revealed a strong connection with stress induced senescence, significant miRNA targets for cell cycle arrest, and many common signaling pathways to GBM in the network

    Understanding the biology of human interstitial cells of Cajal in gastrointestinal motility

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    Millions of patients worldwide suffer from gastrointestinal (GI) motility disorders such as gastroparesis. These disorders typically include debilitating symptoms, such as chronic nausea and vomiting. As no cures are currently available, clinical care is limited to symptom management, while the underlying causes of impaired GI motility remain unaddressed. The efficient movement of contents through the GI tract is facilitated by peristalsis. These rhythmic slow waves of GI muscle contraction are mediated by several cell types, including smooth muscle cells, enteric neurons, telocytes, and specialised gut pacemaker cells called interstitial cells of Cajal (ICC). As ICC dysfunction or loss has been implicated in several GI motility disorders, ICC represent a potentially valuable therapeutic target. Due to their availability, murine ICC have been extensively studied at the molecular level using both normal and diseased GI tissue. In contrast, relatively little is known about the biology of human ICC or their involvement in GI disease pathogenesis. Here, we demonstrate human gastric tissue as a source of primary human cells with ICC phenotype. Further characterisation of these cells will provide new insights into human GI biology, with the potential for developing novel therapies to address the fundamental causes of GI dysmotility

    A machine learning pipeline for discriminant pathways identification

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    Motivation: Identifying the molecular pathways more prone to disruption during a pathological process is a key task in network medicine and, more in general, in systems biology. Results: In this work we propose a pipeline that couples a machine learning solution for molecular profiling with a recent network comparison method. The pipeline can identify changes occurring between specific sub-modules of networks built in a case-control biomarker study, discriminating key groups of genes whose interactions are modified by an underlying condition. The proposal is independent from the classification algorithm used. Three applications on genomewide data are presented regarding children susceptibility to air pollution and two neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson's and Alzheimer's. Availability: Details about the software used for the experiments discussed in this paper are provided in the Appendix

    Translational Oncogenomics and Human Cancer Interactome Networks

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    An overview of translational, human oncogenomics, transcriptomics and cancer interactomic networks is presented together with basic concepts and potential, new applications to Oncology and Integrative Cancer Biology. Novel translational oncogenomics research is rapidly expanding through the application of advanced technology, research findings and computational tools/models to both pharmaceutical and clinical problems. A self-contained presentation is adopted that covers both fundamental concepts and the most recent biomedical, as well as clinical, applications. Sample analyses in recent clinical studies have shown that gene expression data can be employed to distinguish between tumor types as well as to predict outcomes. Potentially important applications of such results are individualized human cancer therapies or, in general, ‘personalized medicine’. Several cancer detection techniques are currently under development both in the direction of improved detection sensitivity and increased time resolution of cellular events, with the limits of single molecule detection and picosecond time resolution already reached. The urgency for the complete mapping of a human cancer interactome with the help of such novel, high-efficiency / low-cost and ultra-sensitive techniques is also pointed out

    The Pathway Coexpression Network: Revealing pathway relationships.

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    A goal of genomics is to understand the relationships between biological processes. Pathways contribute to functional interplay within biological processes through complex but poorly understood interactions. However, limited functional references for global pathway relationships exist. Pathways from databases such as KEGG and Reactome provide discrete annotations of biological processes. Their relationships are currently either inferred from gene set enrichment within specific experiments, or by simple overlap, linking pathway annotations that have genes in common. Here, we provide a unifying interpretation of functional interaction between pathways by systematically quantifying coexpression between 1,330 canonical pathways from the Molecular Signatures Database (MSigDB) to establish the Pathway Coexpression Network (PCxN). We estimated the correlation between canonical pathways valid in a broad context using a curated collection of 3,207 microarrays from 72 normal human tissues. PCxN accounts for shared genes between annotations to estimate significant correlations between pathways with related functions rather than with similar annotations. We demonstrate that PCxN provides novel insight into mechanisms of complex diseases using an Alzheimer's Disease (AD) case study. PCxN retrieved pathways significantly correlated with an expert curated AD gene list. These pathways have known associations with AD and were significantly enriched for genes independently associated with AD. As a further step, we show how PCxN complements the results of gene set enrichment methods by revealing relationships between enriched pathways, and by identifying additional highly correlated pathways. PCxN revealed that correlated pathways from an AD expression profiling study include functional clusters involved in cell adhesion and oxidative stress. PCxN provides expanded connections to pathways from the extracellular matrix. PCxN provides a powerful new framework for interrogation of global pathway relationships. Comprehensive exploration of PCxN can be performed at http://pcxn.org/

    Immune Response and Mitochondrial Metabolism Are Commonly Deregulated in DMD and Aging Skeletal Muscle

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    Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD) is a complex process involving multiple pathways downstream of the primary genetic insult leading to fatal muscle degeneration. Aging muscle is a multifactorial neuromuscular process characterized by impaired muscle regeneration leading to progressive atrophy. We hypothesized that these chronic atrophying situations may share specific myogenic adaptative responses at transcriptional level according to tissue remodeling. Muscle biopsies from four young DMD and four AGED subjects were referred to a group of seven muscle biopsies from young subjects without any neuromuscular disorder and explored through a dedicated expression microarray. We identified 528 differentially expressed genes (out of 2,745 analyzed), of which 328 could be validated by an exhaustive meta-analysis of public microarray datasets referring to DMD and Aging in skeletal muscle. Among the 328 validated co-expressed genes, 50% had the same expression profile in both groups and corresponded to immune/fibrosis responses and mitochondrial metabolism. Generalizing these observed meta-signatures with large compendia of public datasets reinforced our results as they could be also identified in other pathological processes and in diverse physiological conditions. Focusing on the common gene signatures in these two atrophying conditions, we observed enrichment in motifs for candidate transcription factors that may coordinate either the immune/fibrosis responses (ETS1, IRF1, NF1) or the mitochondrial metabolism (ESRRA). Deregulation in their expression could be responsible, at least in part, for the same transcriptome changes initiating the chronic muscle atrophy. This study suggests that distinct pathophysiological processes may share common gene responses and pathways related to specific transcription factors