166,379 research outputs found

    The GTZAN dataset: Its contents, its faults, their effects on evaluation, and its future use

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    The GTZAN dataset appears in at least 100 published works, and is the most-used public dataset for evaluation in machine listening research for music genre recognition (MGR). Our recent work, however, shows GTZAN has several faults (repetitions, mislabelings, and distortions), which challenge the interpretability of any result derived using it. In this article, we disprove the claims that all MGR systems are affected in the same ways by these faults, and that the performances of MGR systems in GTZAN are still meaningfully comparable since they all face the same faults. We identify and analyze the contents of GTZAN, and provide a catalog of its faults. We review how GTZAN has been used in MGR research, and find few indications that its faults have been known and considered. Finally, we rigorously study the effects of its faults on evaluating five different MGR systems. The lesson is not to banish GTZAN, but to use it with consideration of its contents.Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 6 tables, 128 reference

    Comment servir la langue basque

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    "Debemos servirnos de la lengua vasca", afirma monseñor Mathieu en la lección inaugural de los trabajos del VIII Congreso. Y es que, en efecto, la única manera que una lengua tiene de mostrar su vitalidad es siendo útil y siendo utilizada por los hablantes, del mismo modo que el movimiento se demuestra andando."Euskal hizkuntzaz baliatu behar dugu", dio Mathieu monsinoreak VIII. Kongresuko lanen irekitze hitzaldian. Hain zuzen ere, baliagarria izatea eta hiztunek mintzatua izatea da hizkuntza batek bere bizkortasuna erakusteko duen era bakarra, mugimendua ibiliz erakusten den gisa berean."Nous devons nous servir de la langue basque", dit Mgr. Mathieu dans sa leçon inaugurale des travaux du VIIIeme Congrès. Et c'est en effet, la seule et unique façon pour una langue de montrer sa vitalité, d'être une langue qui sert et dont on se sert, comme la marche se démontre en marchant."We should make use of the Basque language", asserted monsignor Mathieu in the inaugural speech of the sessions of the VIII Congress. And, indeed, the only way a language has of showing its vitality is being useful and being used by the speakers, in the same way that movement is demonstrated by moving

    Sales on organic farms in Poland

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    This paper gives information on sales of organic products at a farm level in Poland. It presents the results of the investigation conducted in 188 organic farms in 2006. The results show that the most significant distribution form is direct sales, both in crop and livestock production. The access to other distribution forms (e.g. specialist channels, conventional retail chains) is very limited for farmers. Moreover, low development of wholesales and scattering of organic farms cause that farmers often have to take the relatively high transportation cost over, which lowers the production profitability. Therefore, in this situation the only efficient option is direct sales

    Spiritual, Emotional and Cultural Homelessness - Comments from Own Research on the Axiological Condition of Contemporary Man

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    Bezdomność zaczyna się w rodzinie. Jest to nie tylko kategoria kondycji fizycznej, dotyczy ona przede wszystkim procesów psychicznych. Może mieć również charakter emocjonalny, duchowy lub kulturowy. Bezdomność jest stanem niedostatku, jak wspomniano powyżej, jest synonimem samotności

    Analisa Konsentrasi Natrium pada Air Tanah untuk Mengetahui Terjadinya Intrusi Air Laut di Kota Bengkulu Dengan Metode Fotometri Nyala

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    Intrusi air laut adalah masalah yang sering terjadi di kota-kota besar yang disebabkan oleh adanya pengambilan air tanah secara berlebihan. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan analisa konsentrasi natrium yang terdapat di air tanah baik air tanah dangkal maupun air tanah dalam. Metoda yang digunakan untuk analisa natrium adalah dengan metoda Fotometri Nyala. Sampel dibagi menjadi 3 zona yaitu zona I, zona II dan zona III yang menunjukkan jarak dari garis pantai. Hasil analisa diperoleh konsentrasi natrium rata-rata untuk sampel air dangkal pada zona I adalah 135,07 mgr/lt, 103,93 mgr/lt 77,71 mgr/lt; pada zona II adalah 32,75 mgr/lt, 67,06 mgr/lt, 67,88 mgr/lt; pada zona III adalah 59,68 mgr/lt, 26,91 mgr/lt, 27,73 mgr/lt. Pada sampel air tanah dalam didapat rata-rata konsentrasi natrium pada masing-masing sampel zona I adalah 197,43 mgr/lt, 105,57 mgr/lt, 126,05 mgr/lt; pada zona II diperoleh 96,56 mgr/lt, 103,11 mgr/lt, 92,46 mgr/lt serta pada zona III diperoleh 79,35 mgr/lt, 81,81 mgr/lt, dan 55,59 mgr/lt. Dari hasil uji statistik least significant difference dapat disimpulkan bahwa pada zona I dan zona II sudah terjadi intrusi air laut untuk sumur dangkal, sedangkan zona 3 tidak terjadi intrusi. Untuk sumur dalam zona I sudah terjadi intrusi air laut sedangkan zona II dan zona III belum terjadi intrusi air laut. Dari kualitas air tersebut kalau dibandingkan dengan kualitas air menurut Departemen Kesehatan Republik Indonesia (batas maksimum 200 mgr/lt) maka semua sampel yang dianalisa masih dibawah ambang batas sehingga dapat disimpulkan masih layak untuk dikonsums

    Pierwszy raport z badań piwnic pałacu Branickich

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    Artykuł stanowi podsumowanie badań historycznych, architektonicznych i archeologicznych, przeprowadzonych przez Atelier Zetta w piwnicach pałacu Branickich w Białymstoku w 2011 r. Zespół badaczy tworzyli: mgr inż. arch. Zenon Zabagło, dr inż. arch. Marek Barański, mgr inż. arch. Paweł Kinsner, mgr inż. arch. Leszek Dobrowolski, mgr archeologii Stanisław Petrykowski, mgr historii Wiesław Wróbel oraz mgr inż. arch. Karolina Porowska

    Bezdomność duchowa, emocjonalna i kulturowa – uwagi z badań własnych na temat kondycji aksjologicznej współczesnego człowieka

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    Bezdomność zaczyna się w rodzinie. Jest to nie tylko kategoria kondycji fizycznej, dotyczy ona przede wszystkim procesów psychicznych. Może mieć również charakter emocjonalny, duchowy lub kulturowy. Bezdomność jest stanem niedostatku, jak wspomniano powyżej, jest synonimem samotności

    Best practice in working with children who have developmental language disorder: a focused review of the current research evidence base

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    The purpose of this paper is to provide a synthesis of the current international research evidence base regarding best practice in the diagnosis and treatment of children with language disorders. We begin with a discussion about the terminology used and how this relates to identification and diagnosis, and then describe assessment and treatment practices. The discussion of intervention and case management of these children focuses on the use of high quality evidence that presents an overview of treatment approaches, rather than specific treatment programmes that may not be relevant to all international practice settings. The paper sets the context of the wider international research evidence base: we also include commentary that may be more relevant to some countries across mainland Europe, and specifically to the Czech Republic context. Research studies that reflect local languages and culture are a highly important component of the evidence base for practice, but these should be considered in the context of international consensus evidence. In particular, some strategic recommendations are made to address the inherent challenges of sustaining best practice where open access to evidence sources may be constrained

    Intercollegiate Athletics Marketing-Generated Revenue: Within Autonomy Football Bowl Subdivision

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    Intercollegiate athletic market-generating revenue (MGR) is of interest to administrators for increasing institution revenue. The driving factors of MGR (i.e., conference, facilities, and finances) need to be understood to allow target level planning for increasing MGR. Multiple linear regression was used to assess MGR on a sample of U.S. autonomy Football Bowl Subdivision institutions. Per capita attendance by designated marketing area, capacity, and contributions were shown to have a strong, quantifiable influence on MGR. By setting the levels of the facility and financial determinant variables, and adjusting for conference, the MGR may be predicted or targeted for institution revenue goals

    Drosophila Mgr, a Prefoldin subunit cooperating with von Hippel Lindau to regulate tubulin stability

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    Mutations in Drosophila merry-go-round (mgr) have been known for over two decades to lead to circular mitotic figures and loss of meiotic spindle integrity. However, the identity of its gene product has remained undiscovered. We now show that mgr encodes the Prefoldin subunit counterpart of human von Hippel Lindau binding-protein 1. Depletion of Mgr from cultured cells also leads to formation of monopolar and abnormal spindles and centrosome loss. These phenotypes are associated with reductions of tubulin levels in both mgr flies and mgr RNAi-treated cultured cells. Moreover, mgr spindle defects can be phenocopied by depleting β-tubulin, suggesting Mgr function is required for tubulin stability. Instability of β-tubulin in the mgr larval brain is less pronounced than in either mgr testes or in cultured cells. However, expression of transgenic β-tubulin in the larval brain leads to increased tubulin instability, indicating that Prefoldin might only be required when tubulins are synthesized at high levels. Mgr interacts with Drosophila von Hippel Lindau protein (Vhl). Both proteins interact with unpolymerized tubulins, suggesting they cooperate in regulating tubulin functions. Accordingly, codepletion of Vhl with Mgr gives partial rescue of tubulin instability, monopolar spindle formation, and loss of centrosomes, leading us to propose a requirement for Vhl to promote degradation of incorrectly folded tubulin in the absence of functional Prefoldin. Thus, Vhl may play a pivotal role: promoting microtubule stabilization when tubulins are correctly folded by Prefoldin and tubulin destruction when they are not