7 research outputs found


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    Incremental contour fusion plays a very important role in updating topographic database. The most popular fusion methods in current use depend on manual work basically, in which it results in large workload, low efficiency and it can’t ensure the quality of the spatial data. Therefore, the automatization of contour fusion should be developed exactly. Topological relation between unchanged contour and changed one is an important topic for contour fusion. In this paper, a new approach based on whole object is pursued to compute the binary topological relationship between them, in which “FL Points ” are introduced, intersection and difference operators are selected from set operators to distinguish the topological relations between neighboring spatial line objects; three types of topological invariants are used for the computational results of set operations: contents, dimension and connectivity-number. Then 14 fusion rules are concluded and a prototype system for automated fusion is implemented. The proposed approach is examined to be reasonable and practicable by real and simulated experimental data. 1

    Transitions between 4-intersection values of planar regions

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    [EN] If A(t) and B(t) are subsets of the Euclidean plane which are continuously morphing, we investigate the question of whether they may morph directly from being disjoint to overlapping so that the boundary and interior of A(t) both intersect the boundary and interior of B(t) without first passing through a state in which only their boundaries intersect. More generally, we consider which 4-intersection values---binary 4-tuples specifying whether the boundary and interior of A(t) intersect the boundary and interior of B(t)---are adjacent to which in the sense that one may morph into the other without passing through a third value. The answers depend on what forms the regions A(t) and B(t) are allowed to assume and on the definition of continuous morphing of the sets.Bell, K.; Richmond, T. (2017). Transitions between 4-intersection values of planar regions. Applied General Topology. 18(1):183-202. doi:10.4995/agt.2017.6716.SWORD183202181C. Adams and R. Franzosa, Introduction to Topology: Pure and Applied, Pearson Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, 2008.Chen, J., Li, C., Li, Z., & Gold, C. (2001). A Voronoi-based 9-intersection model for spatial relations. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 15(3), 201-220. doi:10.1080/13658810151072831Clementini, E., Sharma, J., & Egenhofer, M. J. (1994). Modelling topological spatial relations: Strategies for query processing. Computers & Graphics, 18(6), 815-822. doi:10.1016/0097-8493(94)90007-8Egenhofer, M. J., & Al-Taha, K. K. (1992). Reasoning about gradual changes of topological relationships. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 196-219. doi:10.1007/3-540-55966-3_12Egenhofer‡, M. J., Clementini, E., & di Felice, P. (1994). Research Paper. International journal of geographical information systems, 8(2), 129-142. doi:10.1080/02693799408901990EGENHOFER, M. J., & FRANZOSA, R. D. (1991). Point-set topological spatial relations. International journal of geographical information systems, 5(2), 161-174. doi:10.1080/02693799108927841M. Egenhofer and R. Franzosa, On equivalence of topological relations, International Journal for Geographical Information Systems 8, no. 6 (1994), 133-152. https://doi.org/10.1016/0022-247X(85)90246-XFrancaviglia, S., Lechicki, A., & Levi, S. (1985). Quasi-uniformization of hyperspaces and convergence of nets of semicontinuous multifunctions. Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 112(2), 347-370. doi:10.1016/0022-247x(85)90246-xNedas, K. A., Egenhofer, M. J., & Wilmsen, D. (2007). Metric details of topological line–line relations. International Journal of Geographical Information Science, 21(1), 21-48. doi:10.1080/13658810600852164Roy, A. J., & Stell, J. G. (2001). Spatial relations between indeterminate regions. International Journal of Approximate Reasoning, 27(3), 205-234. doi:10.1016/s0888-613x(01)00033-0SMITH, T. R., & PARK, K. K. (1992). Algebraic approach to spatial reasoning. International journal of geographical information systems, 6(3), 177-192. doi:10.1080/0269379920890190

    A Multilevel Road Alignment Model for Spatial-Query-by-Sketch

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    A sketch map represents an individual’s perception of a specific location. However, the information in sketch maps is often distorted and incomplete. Nevertheless, the main roads of a given location often exhibit considerable similarities between the sketch maps and metric maps. In this work, a shape-based approach was outlined to align roads in the sketch maps and metric maps. Specifically, the shapes of main roads were compared and analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively in three levels pertaining to an individual road, composite road, and road scene. An experiment was performed in which for eight out of nine maps sketched by our participants, accurate road maps could be obtained automatically taking as input the sketch and the metric map. The experimental results indicate that accurate matches can be obtained when the proposed road alignment approach Shape-based Spatial-Query-by-Sketch (SSQbS) is applied to incomplete or distorted roads present in sketch maps and even to roads with an inconsistent spatial relationship with the roads in the metric maps. Moreover, highly similar matches can be obtained for sketches involving fewer roads

    A Classification of the Intersections Between Regions and their Topical Transitions

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    As two topological regions are morphed and translated, how does their intersection change? Previous research has been done on static configurations with planar spatial regions. I expand upon this research to include dynamically changing regions and intersections. I examine what forms of intersection are possible, and what transitions are directly possible, while considering such variables as the connectedness of the regions

    Arrow Symbols: Theory for Interpretation

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    People often sketch diagrams when they communicate successfully among each other. Such an intuitive collaboration would also be possible with computers if the machines understood the meanings of the sketches. Arrow symbols are a frequent ingredient of such sketched diagrams. Due to the arrows’ versatility, however, it remains a challenging problem to make computers distinguish the various semantic roles of arrow symbols. The solution to this problem is highly desirable for more effective and user-friendly pen-based systems. This thesis, therefore, develops an algorithm for deducing the semantic roles of arrow symbols, called the arrow semantic interpreter (ASI). The ASI emphasizes the structural patterns of arrow-containing diagrams, which have a strong influence on their semantics. Since the semantic roles of arrow symbols are assigned to individual arrow symbols and sometimes to the groups of arrow symbols, two types of the corresponding structures are introduced: the individual structure models the spatial arrangement of components around each arrow symbol and the inter-arrow structure captures the spatial arrangement of multiple arrow symbols. The semantic roles assigned to individual arrow symbols are classified into orientation, behavioral description, annotation, and association, and the formats of individual structures that correspond to these four classes are identified. The result enables the derivation of the possible semantic roles of individual arrow symbols from their individual structures. In addition, for the diagrams with multiple arrow symbols, the patterns of their inter-arrow structures are exploited to detect the groups of arrow symbols that jointly have certain semantic roles, as well as the nesting relations between the arrow symbols. The assessment shows that for 79% of sample arrow symbols the ASI successfully detects their correct semantic roles, even though the average number of the ASI’s interpretations is only 1.31 per arrow symbol. This result indicates that the structural information is highly useful for deriving the reliable interpretations of arrow symbols

    Fouille de données : vers une nouvelle approche intégrant de façon cohérente et transparente la composante spatiale

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    Depuis quelques décennies, on assiste à une présence de plus en plus accrue de l’information géo-spatiale au sein des organisations. Cela a eu pour conséquence un stockage massif d’informations de ce type. Ce phénomène, combiné au potentiel d’informations que renferment ces données, on fait naître le besoin d’en apprendre davantage sur elles, de les utiliser à des fins d’extraction de connaissances qui puissent servir de support au processus de décision de l’entreprise. Pour cela, plusieurs approches ont été envisagées dont premièrement la mise à contribution des outils de fouille de données « traditionnelle ». Mais face à la particularité de l’information géo-spatiale, cette approche s’est soldée par un échec. De cela, est apparue la nécessité d’ériger le processus d’extraction de connaissances à partir de données géographiques en un domaine à part entière : le Geographic Knowlegde Discovery (GKD). La réponse à cette problématique, par le GKD, s’est traduite par la mise en œuvre d’approches qu’on peut catégoriser en deux grandes catégories: les approches dites de prétraitement et celles de traitement dynamique de l’information spatiale. Pour faire face aux limites de ces méthodes et outils nous proposons une nouvelle approche intégrée qui exploite l’existant en matière de fouille de données « traditionnelle ». Cette approche, à cheval entre les deux précédentes vise comme objectif principal, le support du type géo-spatial à toutes les étapes du processus de fouille de données. Pour cela, cette approche s’attachera à exploiter les relations usuelles que les entités géo-spatiales entretiennent entre elles. Un cadre viendra par la suite décrire comment cette approche supporte la composante spatiale en mettant à contribution des bibliothèques de traitement de la donnée géo-spatiale et les outils de fouille « traditionnelle »In recent decades, geospatial data has been more and more present within our organization. This has resulted in massive storage of such information and this, combined with the learning potential of such information, gives birth to the need to learn from these data, to extract knowledge that can be useful in supporting decision-making process. For this purpose, several approaches have been proposed. Among this, the first has been to deal with existing data mining tools in order to extract any knowledge of such data. But due to a specificity of geospatial information, this approach failed. From this arose the need to erect the process of extracting knowledge from geospatial data in its own right; this lead to Geographic Knowledge Discovery. The answer to this problem, by GKD, is reflected in the implementation of approaches that can be categorized into two: the so-called pre-processing approaches and the dynamic treatment of spatial relationships. Given the limitations of these approaches we propose a new approach that exploits the existing data mining tools. This approach can be seen as a compromise of the two previous. It main objective is to support geospatial data type during all steps of data mining process. To do this, the proposed approach will exploit the usual relationships that geo-spatial entities share each other. A framework will then describe how this approach supports the spatial component involving geo-spatial libraries and "traditional" data mining tool

    Automatic reconstruction of itineraries from descriptive texts

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    Esta tesis se inscribe dentro del marco del proyecto PERDIDO donde los objetivos son la extracción y reconstrucción de itinerarios a partir de documentos textuales. Este trabajo se ha realizado en colaboración entre el laboratorio LIUPPA de l' Université de Pau et des Pays de l' Adour (France), el grupo de Sistemas de Información Avanzados (IAAA) de la Universidad de Zaragoza y el laboratorio COGIT de l' IGN (France). El objetivo de esta tesis es concebir un sistema automático que permita extraer, a partir de guías de viaje o descripciones de itinerarios, los desplazamientos, además de representarlos sobre un mapa. Se propone una aproximación para la representación automática de itinerarios descritos en lenguaje natural. Nuestra propuesta se divide en dos tareas principales. La primera pretende identificar y extraer de los textos describiendo itinerarios información como entidades espaciales y expresiones de desplazamiento o percepción. El objetivo de la segunda tarea es la reconstrucción del itinerario. Nuestra propuesta combina información local extraída gracias al procesamiento del lenguaje natural con datos extraídos de fuentes geográficas externas (por ejemplo, gazetteers). La etapa de anotación de informaciones espaciales se realiza mediante una aproximación que combina el etiquetado morfo-sintáctico y los patrones léxico-sintácticos (cascada de transductores) con el fin de anotar entidades nombradas espaciales y expresiones de desplazamiento y percepción. Una primera contribución a la primera tarea es la desambiguación de topónimos, que es un problema todavía mal resuelto dentro del reconocimiento de entidades nombradas (Named Entity Recognition - NER) y esencial en la recuperación de información geográfica. Se plantea un algoritmo no supervisado de georreferenciación basado en una técnica de clustering capaz de proponer una solución para desambiguar los topónimos los topónimos encontrados en recursos geográficos externos, y al mismo tiempo, la localización de topónimos no referenciados. Se propone un modelo de grafo genérico para la reconstrucción automática de itinerarios, donde cada nodo representa un lugar y cada arista representa un camino enlazando dos lugares. La originalidad de nuestro modelo es que además de tener en cuenta los elementos habituales (caminos y puntos del recorrido), permite representar otros elementos involucrados en la descripción de un itinerario, como por ejemplo los puntos de referencia visual. Se calcula de un árbol de recubrimiento mínimo a partir de un grafo ponderado para obtener automáticamente un itinerario bajo la forma de un grafo. Cada arista del grafo inicial se pondera mediante un método de análisis multicriterio que combina criterios cualitativos y cuantitativos. El valor de estos criterios se determina a partir de informaciones extraídas del texto e informaciones provenientes de recursos geográficos externos. Por ejemplo, se combinan las informaciones generadas por el procesamiento del lenguaje natural como las relaciones espaciales describiendo una orientación (ej: dirigirse hacia el sur) con las coordenadas geográficas de lugares encontrados dentro de los recursos para determinar el valor del criterio ``relación espacial''. Además, a partir de la definición del concepto de itinerario y de las informaciones utilizadas en la lengua para describir un itinerario, se ha modelado un lenguaje de anotación de información espacial adaptado a la descripción de desplazamientos, apoyándonos en las recomendaciones del consorcio TEI (Text Encoding and Interchange). Finalmente, se ha implementado y evaluado las diferentes etapas de nuestra aproximación sobre un corpus multilingüe de descripciones de senderos y excursiones (francés, español, italiano)