14 research outputs found

    Metric Dimension for Gabriel Unit Disk Graphs is NP-Complete

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    We show that finding a minimal number of landmark nodes for a unique virtual addressing by hop-distances in wireless ad-hoc sensor networks is NP-complete even if the networks are unit disk graphs that contain only Gabriel edges. This problem is equivalent to Metric Dimension for Gabriel unit disk graphs. The Gabriel edges of a unit disc graph induce a planar O(\sqrt{n}) distance and an optimal energy spanner. This is one of the most interesting restrictions of Metric Dimension in the context of wireless multi-hop networks.Comment: A brief announcement of this result has been published in the proceedings of ALGOSENSORS 201

    Metric Dimension of Amalgamation of Graphs

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    A set of vertices SS resolves a graph GG if every vertex is uniquely determined by its vector of distances to the vertices in SS. The metric dimension of GG is the minimum cardinality of a resolving set of GG. Let {G1,G2,…,Gn}\{G_1, G_2, \ldots, G_n\} be a finite collection of graphs and each GiG_i has a fixed vertex v0iv_{0_i} or a fixed edge e0ie_{0_i} called a terminal vertex or edge, respectively. The \emph{vertex-amalgamation} of G1,G2,…,GnG_1, G_2, \ldots, G_n, denoted by Vertex−Amal{Gi;v0i}Vertex-Amal\{G_i;v_{0_i}\}, is formed by taking all the GiG_i's and identifying their terminal vertices. Similarly, the \emph{edge-amalgamation} of G1,G2,…,GnG_1, G_2, \ldots, G_n, denoted by Edge−Amal{Gi;e0i}Edge-Amal\{G_i;e_{0_i}\}, is formed by taking all the GiG_i's and identifying their terminal edges. Here we study the metric dimensions of vertex-amalgamation and edge-amalgamation for finite collection of arbitrary graphs. We give lower and upper bounds for the dimensions, show that the bounds are tight, and construct infinitely many graphs for each possible value between the bounds.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures, Seventh Czech-Slovak International Symposium on Graph Theory, Combinatorics, Algorithms and Applications (CSGT2013), revised version 21 December 201

    On the Distance Identifying Set Meta-Problem and Applications to the Complexity of Identifying Problems on Graphs

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    Numerous problems consisting in identifying vertices in graphs using distances are useful in domains such as network verification and graph isomorphism. Unifying them into a meta-problem may be of main interest. We introduce here a promising solution named Distance Identifying Set. The model contains Identifying Code (IC), Locating Dominating Set (LD) and their generalizations rr-IC and rr-LD where the closed neighborhood is considered up to distance rr. It also contains Metric Dimension (MD) and its refinement rr-MD in which the distance between two vertices is considered as infinite if the real distance exceeds rr. Note that while IC = 1-IC and LD = 1-LD, we have MD = ∞\infty-MD; we say that MD is not local In this article, we prove computational lower bounds for several problems included in Distance Identifying Set by providing generic reductions from (Planar) Hitting Set to the meta-problem. We mainly focus on two families of problem from the meta-problem: the first one, called bipartite gifted local, contains rr-IC, rr-LD and rr-MD for each positive integer rr while the second one, called 1-layered, contains LD, MD and rr-MD for each positive integer rr. We have: - the 1-layered problems are NP-hard even in bipartite apex graphs, - the bipartite gifted local problems are NP-hard even in bipartite planar graphs, - assuming ETH, all these problems cannot be solved in 2o(n)2^{o(\sqrt{n})} when restricted to bipartite planar or apex graph, respectively, and they cannot be solved in 2o(n)2^{o(n)} on bipartite graphs, - even restricted to bipartite graphs, they do not admit parameterized algorithms in 2O(k).nO(1)2^{O(k)}.n^{O(1)} except if W[0] = W[2]. Here kk is the solution size of a relevant identifying set. In particular, Metric Dimension cannot be solved in 2o(n)2^{o(n)} under ETH, answering a question of Hartung in 2013

    Metric Dimension Parameterized by Treewidth

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    A resolving set S of a graph G is a subset of its vertices such that no two vertices of G have the same distance vector to S. The Metric Dimension problem asks for a resolving set of minimum size, and in its decision form, a resolving set of size at most some specified integer. This problem is NP-complete, and remains so in very restricted classes of graphs. It is also W[2]-complete with respect to the size of the solution. Metric Dimension has proven elusive on graphs of bounded treewidth. On the algorithmic side, a polytime algorithm is known for trees, and even for outerplanar graphs, but the general case of treewidth at most two is open. On the complexity side, no parameterized hardness is known. This has led several papers on the topic to ask for the parameterized complexity of Metric Dimension with respect to treewidth. We provide a first answer to the question. We show that Metric Dimension parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph is W[1]-hard. More refinedly we prove that, unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails, there is no algorithm solving Metric Dimension in time f(pw)n^{o(pw)} on n-vertex graphs of constant degree, with pw the pathwidth of the input graph, and f any computable function. This is in stark contrast with an FPT algorithm of Belmonte et al. [SIAM J. Discrete Math. \u2717] with respect to the combined parameter tl+Delta, where tl is the tree-length and Delta the maximum-degree of the input graph

    Alternative parameterizations of Metric Dimension

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    A set of vertices WW in a graph GG is called resolving if for any two distinct x,y∈V(G)x,y\in V(G), there is v∈Wv\in W such that distG(v,x)≠distG(v,y){\rm dist}_G(v,x)\neq{\rm dist}_G(v,y), where distG(u,v){\rm dist}_G(u,v) denotes the length of a shortest path between uu and vv in the graph GG. The metric dimension md(G){\rm md}(G) of GG is the minimum cardinality of a resolving set. The Metric Dimension problem, i.e. deciding whether md(G)≤k{\rm md}(G)\le k, is NP-complete even for interval graphs (Foucaud et al., 2017). We study Metric Dimension (for arbitrary graphs) from the lens of parameterized complexity. The problem parameterized by kk was proved to be W[2]W[2]-hard by Hartung and Nichterlein (2013) and we study the dual parameterization, i.e., the problem of whether md(G)≤n−k,{\rm md}(G)\le n- k, where nn is the order of GG. We prove that the dual parameterization admits (a) a kernel with at most 3k43k^4 vertices and (b) an algorithm of runtime O∗(4k+o(k)).O^*(4^{k+o(k)}). Hartung and Nichterlein (2013) also observed that Metric Dimension is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by the vertex cover number vc(G)vc(G) of the input graph. We complement this observation by showing that it does not admit a polynomial kernel even when parameterized by vc(G)+kvc(G) + k. Our reduction also gives evidence for non-existence of polynomial Turing kernels

    Metric Dimension Parameterized By Treewidth

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    A resolving set S of a graph G is a subset of its vertices such that no two vertices of G have the same distance vector to S. The METRIC DIMENSION problem asks for a resolving set of minimum size, and in its decision form, a resolving set of size at most some specified integer. This problem is NP-complete, and remains so in very restricted classes of graphs. It is also W[2]-complete with respect to the size of the solution. METRIC DIMENSION has proven elusive on graphs of bounded treewidth. On the algorithmic side, a polynomial time algorithm is known for trees, and even for outerplanar graphs, but the general case of treewidth at most two is open. On the complexity side, no parameterized hardness is known. This has led several papers on the topic to ask for the parameterized complexity of METRIC DIMENSION with respect to treewidth. We provide a first answer to the question. We show that METRIC DIMENSION parameterized by the treewidth of the input graph is W[1]-hard. More refinedly we prove that, unless the Exponential Time Hypothesis fails, there is no algorithm solving METRIC DIMENSION in time f(pw)no(pw) on n-vertex graphs of constant degree, with pw the pathwidth of the input graph, and f any computable function. This is in stark contrast with an FPT algorithm of Belmonte et al. (SIAM J Discrete Math 31(2):1217–1243, 2017) with respect to the combined parameter tl+Δ, where tl is the tree-length and Δ the maximum-degree of the input graph.publishedVersio