207,315 research outputs found

    Chance Constrained Mixed Integer Program: Bilinear and Linear Formulations, and Benders Decomposition

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    In this paper, we study chance constrained mixed integer program with consideration of recourse decisions and their incurred cost, developed on a finite discrete scenario set. Through studying a non-traditional bilinear mixed integer formulation, we derive its linear counterparts and show that they could be stronger than existing linear formulations. We also develop a variant of Jensen's inequality that extends the one for stochastic program. To solve this challenging problem, we present a variant of Benders decomposition method in bilinear form, which actually provides an easy-to-use algorithm framework for further improvements, along with a few enhancement strategies based on structural properties or Jensen's inequality. Computational study shows that the presented Benders decomposition method, jointly with appropriate enhancement techniques, outperforms a commercial solver by an order of magnitude on solving chance constrained program or detecting its infeasibility

    Reusing Scenario Based Approaches in Requirement Engineering Methods: CREWS Method Base

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    National audienceIn the CREWS project four different scenario-based approaches have been developed with the aim of supporting system requirements acquisition and validation in a systematic way. Two approaches deal with the requirements acquisition from real world scenes [Haumer 98] and from natural language scenario descriptions [Rolland 97], [Rolland 98a]. Two other approaches deal with the requirements validation through systematic scenario generation coupled to scenario walkthrough [Sutcliffe 98] and scenario animation [Dubois 98]. The project hypothesis is that each of the approaches might be useful in specific project situations which are not well tackled by existing analysis methods and therefore, that it is worth looking for the integration of such approaches in current methods. This shall lead to an enhancement of the existing methods with scenario-based techniques. Moreover, in the CREWS project we have proposed a framework for classifying scenarios [Rolland 98b] as a way to explore the issues underlying scenario based approaches in Requirements Engineering (RE). The application of this framework on several scenario based approaches proven the existence of the variety of products and practices of scenarios. We situate our work in the situational method engineering domain. The situational method engineering discipline aims at defining information systems development methods by reusing and assembling different existing method fragments. This approach allows to construct modular methods which can be modified and augmented to meet the requirements of a given situation. Following this approach, a method is viewed as a collection of method fragments [Rolland 96], [Harmsen 94], [Harmsen 97]. New methods can be constructed by selecting fragments from different methods which are the more appropriate to a given situation [Brinkkemper 98], [Plihon 98]. Thus, method fragments are the basic building blocks which allow to define methods in a modular way. In our work we are interested in specific method fragments, namely scenario based approaches, that we call scenario method chunks. The objective of our work is to develop an approach for integrating different kinds of scenarios as method components into usual RE methods. To achieve this goal we propose to represent the scenario based approaches in a method base as method components called scenario method chunks. We need also to define the approach for retrieving relevant scenario method chunk for the situation at hand. Finally, we need to define the approach supporting the integration of the retrieved component with the existing RE method or with another method component

    Quantify resilience enhancement of UTS through exploiting connect community and internet of everything emerging technologies

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    This work aims at investigating and quantifying the Urban Transport System (UTS) resilience enhancement enabled by the adoption of emerging technology such as Internet of Everything (IoE) and the new trend of the Connected Community (CC). A conceptual extension of Functional Resonance Analysis Method (FRAM) and its formalization have been proposed and used to model UTS complexity. The scope is to identify the system functions and their interdependencies with a particular focus on those that have a relation and impact on people and communities. Network analysis techniques have been applied to the FRAM model to identify and estimate the most critical community-related functions. The notion of Variability Rate (VR) has been defined as the amount of output variability generated by an upstream function that can be tolerated/absorbed by a downstream function, without significantly increasing of its subsequent output variability. A fuzzy based quantification of the VR on expert judgment has been developed when quantitative data are not available. Our approach has been applied to a critical scenario (water bomb/flash flooding) considering two cases: when UTS has CC and IoE implemented or not. The results show a remarkable VR enhancement if CC and IoE are deploye

    Wavelet Packet Transform based Speech Enhancement via Two-Dimensional SPP Estimator with Generalized Gamma Priors

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    Despite various speech enhancement techniques have been developed for different applications, existing methods are limited in noisy environments with high ambient noise levels. Speech presence probability (SPP) estimation is a speech enhancement technique to reduce speech distortions, especially in low signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) scenario. In this paper, we propose a new two-dimensional (2D) Teager-energyoperators (TEOs) improved SPP estimator for speech enhancement in time-frequency (T-F) domain. Wavelet packet transform (WPT) as a multiband decomposition technique is used to concentrate the energy distribution of speech components. A minimum mean-square error (MMSE) estimator is obtained based on the generalized gamma distribution speech model in WPT domain. In addition, the speech samples corrupted by environment and occupational noises (i.e., machine shop, factory and station) at different input SNRs are used to validate the proposed algorithm. Results suggest that the proposed method achieves a significant enhancement on perceptual quality, compared with four conventional speech enhancement algorithms (i.e., MMSE-84, MMSE-04, Wiener-96, and BTW)

    Speech Enhancement Using Wavelet Coefficients Masking with Local Binary Patterns

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    In this paper, we present a wavelet coefficients masking based on Local Binary Patterns (WLBP) approach to enhance the temporal spectra of the wavelet coefficients for speech enhancement. This technique exploits the wavelet denoising scheme, which splits the degraded speech into pyramidal subband components and extracts frequency information without losing temporal information. Speech enhancement in each high-frequency subband is performed by binary labels through the local binary pattern masking that encodes the ratio between the original value of each coefficient and the values of the neighbour coefficients. This approach enhances the high-frequency spectra of the wavelet transform instead of eliminating them through a threshold. A comparative analysis is carried out with conventional speech enhancement algorithms, demonstrating that the proposed technique achieves significant improvements in terms of PESQ, an international recommendation of objective measure for estimating subjective speech quality. Informal listening tests also show that the proposed method in an acoustic context improves the quality of speech, avoiding the annoying musical noise present in other speech enhancement techniques. Experimental results obtained with a DNN based speech recognizer in noisy environments corroborate the superiority of the proposed scheme in the robust speech recognition scenario

    Generic techniques to improve SVC enhancement layer encoding: digest of technical papers

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    Scalable video coding is an important mechanism to provide different types of end-user devices with different versions of the same encoded bitstream. However, scalable video encoding remains a computationally expensive operation. To decrease the complexity we propose generic techniques. These techniques can also be combined with existing fast mode decision modes. We show that extending these existing techniques yield an average complexity reduction of 87%

    thermogram Breast Cancer Detection : a comparative study of two machine learning techniques

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    Breast cancer is considered one of the major threats for women’s health all over the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported that 1 in every 12 women could be subject to a breast abnormality during her lifetime. To increase survival rates, it is found that it is very effective to early detect breast cancer. Mammography-based breast cancer screening is the leading technology to achieve this aim. However, it still can not deal with patients with dense breast nor with tumor size less than 2 mm. Thermography-based breast cancer approach can address these problems. In this paper, a thermogram-based breast cancer detection approach is proposed. This approach consists of four phases: (1) Image Pre-processing using homomorphic filtering, top-hat transform and adaptive histogram equalization, (2) ROI Segmentation using binary masking and K-mean clustering, (3) feature extraction using signature boundary, and (4) classification in which two classifiers, Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) and Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), were used and compared. The proposed approach is evaluated using the public dataset, DMR-IR. Various experiment scenarios (e.g., integration between geometrical feature extraction, and textural features extraction) were designed and evaluated using different measurements (i.e., accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity). The results showed that ELM-based results were better than MLP-based ones with more than 19%