31 research outputs found

    Nano-Communication for Biomedical Applications: A Review on the State-of-the-Art From Physical Layers to Novel Networking Concepts

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    We review EM modeling of the human body, which is essential for in vivo wireless communication channel characterization; discuss EM wave propagation through human tissues; present the choice of operational frequencies based on current standards and examine their effects on communication system performance; discuss the challenges of in vivo antenna design, as the antenna is generally considered to be an integral part of the in vivo channel; review the propagation models for the in vivo wireless communication channel and discuss the main differences relative to the ex vivo channel; and address several open research problems and future research directions

    Intra-Body Communications for Nervous System Applications: Current Technologies and Future Directions

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    The Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) paradigm will enable next generation healthcare by enhancing human abilities, supporting continuous body monitoring and restoring lost physiological functions due to serious impairments. This paper presents intra-body communication solutions that interconnect implantable devices for application to the nervous system, challenging the specific features of the complex intra-body scenario. The presented approaches include both speculative and implementative methods, ranging from neural signal transmission to testbeds, to be applied to specific neural diseases therapies. Also future directions in this research area are considered to overcome the existing technical challenges mainly associated with miniaturization, power supply, and multi-scale communications.Comment: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S138912862300163

    Dielectric Resonator Nantennas for Optical Communication

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    Dielectric resonator antennas (DRA) are ceramic based materials that are nonmetallic in nature. They offer high permitivity values (εr: 10-100). DRAs? have made their mark in various applications specially in the microwave and millimeter wave (MMW) spectrum, and are making encouraging progress in the THz band, because of their low conduction losses and higher radiation efficiencies compared to their metallic counterparts. With the advancements in nano fabrication, metallic antennas designed in the THz band have taken an interest. These antennas are termed as optical antennas or nantennas. Optical antennas work by receiving the incident electromagnetic wave or light and focusing it on a certain point or hot spot. Since most of the antennas are metallic based with Noble metals as radiators, the conducting losses are huge. One solution that we offer in this work is to integrate the nantennas with DRs. Two different DR based designs, one triangular and other hexagonal, are presented. Both the antennas operate in the optical C-band window (1550 nm). We design, perform numerical analysis, simulate, and optimize the proposed DR nantennas. We also consider array synthesis of the proposed nantennas in evaluating how much directive the nantennas are for use in nano network applications

    Exploring ways towards the excitation and amplification of surface plasmon-polaritons

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    On Driving plasmonic resonance THz graphena antennasWith the rapidly increasing demand for smaller and faster technology in the world of telecommunications over the past few years, there has come a time for nanotechnology to take over. Nanotechnology will provide with a new set of tools to the engineering community to design and manufacture nanoscale components with unprecedented functionalities. The ability to integrate several of those components into a single structure in just hundreds of nanometers will enable the development of new and advanced nanosystems. In this thesis, we go over the basics of nanoscale communications, the fundamentals of nanonetworks as well as the main state-of-the-art devices proposed to date. As the main focus of this work, two different alternatives to provide a signal source to an optical nanoscale communication system are proposed. First, as the optical term suggests, the basics of the most common light source are covered: the semiconductor laser. We describe its working principles and analyze its capabilities in order to determine its suitability for nanoscale communications. Last, a new concept of light source is proposed, which deals with light-matter interactions in the nanoscale: the plasmon nanolaser.Con la creciente demanda de dispositivos más inteligentes en el mundo de las telecomunicaciones en los últimos años, ha llegado la hora de hacer uso de la nanotecnología. La nanotecnología proporcionará un nuevo conjunto de herramientas para el sector de la ingeniería para diseñar y fabricar nano-dispositivos con funcionalidades sin precedentes. La habilidad de integrar múltiples componentes en una sola estructura en solo centenares de nanómetros permitirá el desarrollo de nuevos y avanzados nano-sistemas. En esta tesis, se presentan los fundamientos sobre las nano-comunicaciones, las nano-redes como también los componentes más avanzados que existen hoy en día. En concreto, en este trabajo se proponen dos alternativas sobre fuentes de señal para un sistema de nano-comunicaciones ópticas. En primer lugar se estudia la fuente de señal más común en comunicaciones ópticas: el láser semiconductor. Se analizan sus propiedades y características para determinar su idoneidad para integrarlo en un sistema de nano-comunicaciones ópticas. En segundo lugar, se propone otro tipo de fuente de luz, la cual se basa en interaciones de luz-materia en regiones cuánticas: el nano-láser plasmónico.Amb la creixent demanda de dispositius més intel·ligents en el món de les telecomunicacions en els darrers anys, ha arribat l'hora de fer ús de la nanotecnologia. La nanotecnologia proporcionarà un nou conjunt d'eines pel sector de l'enginyeria per dissenyar i fabricar nano-dispositius amb funcionalitats sense precedents. L'habilitat d'integrar diferents components en una sola estructura en només centenars de nanòmetres permetrà el desenvolupament de nous i avançats nano-sistemes. En aquesta tesi, es presenten els fonaments sobre les nano-comunicacions, les nano-xarxes com també els components més avançats que existeixen avui dia. En concret, en aquest treball es proposen dues alternatives sobre fonts de senyal per a un sistema de nano-comunicacions òptiques. En primer lloc s'estudia la font de senyal més comú a les comunicacions òptiques: el làser semiconductor. S'analitzen les seves propietats i característiques per determinar la seva idoneïtat per integrar-lo a un sistema de nano-comunicacions òptiques. En segon lloc, es proposa un altre tipus de font de llum, la qual es basa en interaccions de llum-matèria a regions quàntiques: el nano-làser plasmònic

    Graphene and Related Materials for the Internet of Bio-Nano Things

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    Internet of Bio-Nano Things (IoBNT) is a transformative communication framework, characterized by heterogeneous networks comprising both biological entities and artificial micro/nano-scale devices, so-called Bio-Nano Things (BNTs), interfaced with conventional communication networks for enabling innovative biomedical and environmental applications. Realizing the potential of IoBNT requires the development of new and unconventional communication technologies, such as molecular communications, as well as the corresponding transceivers, bio-cyber interfacing technologies connecting the biochemical domain of IoBNT to the electromagnetic domain of conventional networks, and miniaturized energy harvesting and storage components for the continuous power supply to BNTs. Graphene and related materials (GRMs) exhibit exceptional electrical, optical, biochemical, and mechanical properties, rendering them ideal candidates for addressing the challenges posed by IoBNT. This perspective article highlights recent advancements in GRM-based device technologies that are promising for implementing the core components of IoBNT. By identifying the unique opportunities afforded by GRMs and aligning them with the practical challenges associated with IoBNT, particularly in the materials domain, our aim is to accelerate the transition of envisaged IoBNT applications from theoretical concepts to practical implementations, while also uncovering new application areas for GRMs

    On the scalability limits of communication networks to the nanoscale

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    Nanosystems, integrated systems with a total size of a few micrometers, are capable of interacting at the nanoscale, but their short operating range limits their usefulness in practical macro-scale scenarios. Nanonetworks, the interconnection of nanosystems, will extend their range of operation by allowing communication among nanosystems, thereby greatly enhancing their potential applications. In order to integrate communication capabilities into nanosystems, their communication subsystem needs to shrink to a size of a few micrometers. There are doubts about the feasibility of scaling down current metallic antennas to such a small size, mainly because their resonant frequency would be extremely high (in the optical domain) leading to a large free-space attenuation of the radiated EM waves. In consequence, as an alternative to implement wireless communications among nanosystems, two novel paradigms have emerged: molecular communication and graphene-enabled wireless communications. On the one hand, molecular communication is based on the exchange of molecules among nanosystems, inspired by communication among living cells. In Diffusion-based Molecular Communication (DMC), the emitted molecules propagate throughout the environment following a diffusion process until they reach the receiver. On the other hand, graphene, a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon atoms, has been proposed to implement graphene plasmonic RF antennas, or graphennas. Graphennas with a size in the order of a few micrometers show plasmonic effects which allow them to radiate EM waves in the terahertz band. Graphennas are the enabling technology of Graphene-enabled Wireless Communications (GWC). In order to answer the question of how communication networks will scale when their size shrinks, this thesis presents a scalability analysis of the performance metrics of communication networks to the nanoscale, following a general model with as few assumptions as possible. In the case of DMC, two detection schemes are proposed: amplitude detection and energy detection. Key performance metrics are identified and their scalability with respect to the transmission distance is found to differ significantly from the case of traditional wireless communications. These unique scaling trends present novel challenges which require the design of novel networking protocols specially adapted to DMC networks. The analysis of the propagation of plasmonic waves in graphennas allows determining their radiation performance. In particular, the resonant frequency of graphennas is not only lower than in metallic antennas, but it also increases more slowly as their length is reduced to the nanoscale. Moreover, the study of parameters such as the graphenna dimensions, the relaxation time of graphene and the applied chemical potential shows the tunability of graphennas in a wide frequency range. Furthermore, an experimental setup to measure graphennas based on feeding them by means of a photoconductive source is described. The effects of molecular absorption in the short-range terahertz channel, which corresponds to the expected operating scenario of graphennas, are analyzed. Molecular absorption is a process in which molecules present in the atmosphere absorb part of the energy of the terahertz EM waves radiated by graphennas, causing impairments in the performance of GWC. The study of molecular absorption allows quantifying this loss by deriving relevant performance metrics in this scenario, which show novel scalability trends as a function of the transmission distance with respect to the case of free-space propagation. Finally, the channel capacity of GWC is found to scale better as the antenna size is reduced than in traditional wireless communications. In consequence, GWC will require lower transmission power to achieve a given performance target. These results establish a general framework which may serve designers as a guide to implement wireless communication networks among nanosystems

    Smart nanotextiles for communication

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    Together with wireless technology, advances in nanotechnology and rapid and scalable synthesis of nanomaterials including the 2D graphene has transformed the realms of biomedical sciences. Recent research in the areas of drug delivery, cancer therapy, bio-sensing and bio-imaging have exploited the unique structural and physiological features of graphene and its different forms. Along with the Graphene, several other nanomaterials including carbon nanotubes (CNTs), make excellent candidates for applications associated with loading of drugs, cellular imaging, sensing other molecules and in-vivo cancer studies due to their biocompatibility and stability. Assimilating from the fundamentals of electromagnetic, wireless communication, medical and material science, a novel concept of nanonetworks was first introduced in 2008, which stems from the concept that a collection of nanodevices have the potential to harness the innate communication capabilities of the human body, thereby allowing them to cooperate and share information. It is anticipated that the advanced healthcare diagnosis can be realised if an efficient communication mechanism and data transfer are established between these nanodevices. The human body is a good example of a naturally existing communication network. For instance, the nervous system is composed of nerve cells, i.e. neurons that communicate the external stimulus to the brain and enable the communication between different systems by conveying information with a molecular impulse signal known as a spike. The human body needs communication amongst different cells to survive, the proposed intra- and inter-body nanonetworks ensure their stability without mechanically (or physically) disturbing the harmony of the in-built molecular structure of the body. Moreover, in several cases, the medicine technology fails to understand the root cause of the problem but once we have a monitoring network established in our body, we can extract various unknowns and treat them effectively. The vision of nanoscale networking attempts to achieve the functionality and performance of the internet with the exception that node size is measured in nanometres and channels are physically separated by up to hundreds or thousands of nanometres. In addition, nodes are assumed to be mobile and rapidly deployable. Nodes (or nanodevices) are expected to be either self-powered or spread in and around the specific location. In a visionary sense, an ultimate application of nanoscale networking would be an automated process, where the nano-nodes are in motion communicating in a complex dynamic environment of living organisms monitoring diseased or sensitive parts of the body

    Fundamentals of electromagnetic nanonetworks in the terahertz band

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    Nanotechnology is providing a new set of tools to the engineering community to design nanoscale components with unprecedented functionalities. The integration of several nano-components into a single entity will enable the development of advanced nanomachines. Nanonetworks, i.e., networks of nanomachines, will enable a plethora of applications in the biomedical, environmental, industrial and military fields. To date, it is still not clear how nanomachines will communicate. The miniaturization of a classical antenna to meet the size requirements of nanomachines would impose the use of very high radiation frequencies. The available transmission bandwidth increases with the antenna resonant frequency, but so does the propagation loss. Due to the expectedly very limited power of nanomachines, the feasibility of nanonetworks would be compromised if this approach were followed. Therefore, a new wireless technology is needed to enable this paradigm. The objective of this thesis is to establish the foundations of graphene-enabled electromagnetic communication in nanonetworks. First, novel graphene-based plasmonic nano-antennas are proposed, modeled and analyzed. The obtained results point to the Terahertz Band (0.1-10 THz) as the frequency range of operation of novel nano-antennas. For this, the second contribution in this thesis is the development of a novel channel model for Terahertz Band communication. In addition, the channel capacity of the Terahertz Band is numerically investigated to highlight the potential of this still-unregulated frequency band. Third, a novel modulation based on the transmission of femtosecond-long pulses is proposed and its performance is analyzed.% in terms of achievable information rates. Fourth, the use of low-weight codes to prevent channel errors in nanonetworks is proposed and investigated. Fifth, a novel symbol detection scheme at the receiver is developed to support the proposed modulation scheme. Sixth, a new energy model for self-powered nanomachines with piezoelectric nano-generators is developed. Moreover, a new Medium Access Control protocol tailored to the Terahertz Band is developed. Finally, a one-to-one nano-link is emulated to validate the proposed solutions.Ph.D