43 research outputs found

    Metal mount fractal RFID tag antenna with complementary split ring resonator

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    This paper proposes miniature radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna designed to operate on metallic objects, in the UHF frequency range (915 MHz). The antenna structure is comprised of two parts: Part 1 with two layers; a top layer of two square fractal patches electrically connected to the ground plane (bottom layer) through vias while Part 2 is an unconnected inter-layer consisting of two square complementary split ring resonators to allow for capacitive reactance increase. Consequently, the antenna resonant frequency is lowered, which theoretically allows shrinking RFID tag antenna into smaller size. The antenna was simulated and measured to verify its conjugate matching with chip impedance. The results of experimental tests showed that the proposed RFID tag offers a maximum read range of 0.48 m when placed on a metallic object. The tag's overall size is 36.7×18.1×3.2 mm3. Both simulation and measurement results are provided to validate the design

    Miniaturized metal mount Minkowski fractal RFID tag antenna with complementary split ring resonator

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    This paper proposes miniature radio frequency identification (RFID) tag antenna designed to operate on metallic objects, in the UHF frequency range (915 MHz), without significantly degrading its read range. The antenna structure is composed of two parts: Part 1 comprises two square patches electrically connected to the ground plane through vias while Part 2 is an unconnected inter-layer consisting of two square complementary split ring resonators to allow for capacitive reactance increase. Consequently, its self-resonant frequency will shift towards low frequency, which theoretically allows shrinking RFID tag antenna into smaller size. The antenna was simulated and measured to verify its conjugate matching with chip impedance. The results of experimental tests show that the proposed RFID tag offers a maximum read range of 0.82 m when placed on a metallic object. The tag's overall size is 36.7×18.1×3.2 mm3. Both simulation and measurement results are provided to validate the design

    On-metal UHF-RFID passive tags based on complementary split-ring resonators

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    The use of complementary split-ring resonators (CSRRs) as radiating elements in low-profile on-metal ultra-high-frequency radio-frequency identification (UHF-RFID) tags is explored in this study. First, the radiation properties of the edge-coupled and the non-bianisotropic (NB-CSRR) versions of the CSRR are studied. The tag design strategy is then discussed in detail. On that basis, a compact (λ0/7 × λ0/7) low-profile (1.27mm) tag prototype based on the non-bianisotropic version of the CSRR (NB-CSRR) antenna is designed and manufactured to operate in the North-American UHF-RFID band. The experimental results validate the theoretical and simulated behaviour, and exhibit a maximum read range of 6.8m

    Advanced Radio Frequency Identification Design and Applications

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    Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a modern wireless data transmission and reception technique for applications including automatic identification, asset tracking and security surveillance. This book focuses on the advances in RFID tag antenna and ASIC design, novel chipless RFID tag design, security protocol enhancements along with some novel applications of RFID

    On the Performance of a Microstrip Antenna Based UC-PBG Structures for UHF RFID Readers

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    Microstrip antennas suffer from low gain bandwidth product due to surface wave effects and aperture diffractions that limit their use for long-range communications. On top of that, the difficulty of achieving a pure circularly polarized radiation with high gain due to the feeding structure effects. This paper is subjected to design a gain enhanced circularly polarized patch antenna using Uniplanar Compact-Photonic Band Gap (UC-PBG) structu.res for UHF RFID applications. The patch is structured as truncated corners with cross slots at the centre mounted on an FR-4 epoxy substrate of 1.6mm thickness with an overall area of 188×188mm2. The UC-PBG is constructed of two layers; each is made of 7×7 unit cells, separated by 20mm mounted from the top of the patch at 30mm height. The unit cell characterizations are evaluated in terms of their S-parameters and dispersion diagram CST-MWS environment. The antenna shows a boresight gain of about 8.2 dBi at 915MHz with a front to back ratio (F/B) of 13dB. The benchmark enhancement in boresight gain after adding the UC-PBG layers is found to be 3.4 dBi with a radiation efficiency of 87%. Finally, an excellent agreement is achieved between the obtained measurements and numerical results

    Design and Testing of Simple, Electrically Small, Low-Profile, Huygens Source Antennas with Broadside Radiation Performance

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    © 2016 IEEE. The efficacy of a simple, electrically small, low-profile, Huygens source antenna that radiates in its broadside direction is demonstrated numerically and experimentally. First, two types of electrically small, near-field resonant parasitic (NFRP) antennas are introduced and their individual radiation performance characteristics are discussed. The electric one is based on a modified Egyptian axe dipole NFRP element; the magnetic one is based on a capacitively loaded loop NFRP element. In both cases, the driven element is a simple coax-fed dipole antenna, and there is no ground plane. By organically combining these two elements, Huygens source antennas are obtained. A forward propagating demonstrator version was fabricated and tested. The experimental results are in good agreement with their analytical and simulated values. This low profile, ∼0.05λ0, and electrically small, ka = 0.645, prototype yielded a peak realized gain of 2.03 dBi in the broadside direction with a front-to-back ratio of 16.92 dB. A backward radiating version is also obtained; its simulated current distribution behavior is compared with that of the forward version to illustrate the design principles

    Dual-linearly polarized, electrically small, low-profile, broadside radiating, huygens dipole antenna

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    © 1963-2012 IEEE. A dual-linearly polarized, electrically small, low-profile, broadside radiating Huygens dipole antenna is presented, that is, an advanced combination of electric and magnetic near-field resonant parasitic elements. Its prototype was fabricated and tested. The measured results are in good agreement with their simulated values. At 1.515 GHz, the prototype is electrically small ( ka = 0.904 ) and low profile ( 0.0483\lambda -{0} ). It exhibits high port isolation and a large front-to-back ratio (FTBR). The isolation between its two ports is demonstrated to be over 25.8 dB within its -10 dB fractional impedance bandwidth, 0.46%. When port 1 (port 2) is excited, the peak realized gain is 2.03 dBi (2.15 dBi) strictly along the broadside direction with a 12.4 dB (12.1 dB) FTBR

    A Review on Antenna Technologies for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer: Designs, Challenges and Applications

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    Radio frequency energy harvesting (RFEH) and wireless power transmission (WPT) are two emerging alternative energy technologies that have the potential to offer wireless energy delivery in the future. One of the key components of RFEH or WPT system is the receiving antenna. The receiving antenna's performance has a considerable impact on the power delivery capability of an RFEH or WPT system. This paper provides a well-rounded review of recent advancements of receiving antennas for RFEH and WPT. Antennas discussed in this paper are categorized as low-profile antennas, multi-band antennas, circularly polarized antennas, and array antennas. A number of contemporary antennas from each category are presented, compared, and discussed with particular emphasis on design approach and performance. Current design and fabrication challenges, future development, open research issues of the antennas and visions for RFEH and WPT are also discussed in this review

    Additive Manufactured Antennas and Novel Frequency Selective Sensors

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    The research work carried out and reported in this thesis focuses on the application of additive manufacturing (AM) for the development antennas and novel frequency selective surfaces structures. Various AM techniques such as direct writing (DW), material extrusion, nanoparticle conductive inks are investigated for the fabrication of antennas and FSS based sensors. This research has two parts. The first involves the development of antennas at the microwave and millimetre wave bands using AM techniques. Inkjet printing of nanoparticle silver inks on paper substrate is employed in the fabrication of antennas for an origami robotic bird. This provides an exploration on the practicability of developing foldable antennas which can be integrated on expendable robots using low-cost household inkjet printers. This is followed using Aerosol jet printing in the fabrication of fingernail wearable antennas. The antennas are developed to operate at microwave and millimetre wave bands for potential use in 5G Internet of Things (IoT) or body-centric networks. The second part of the research work involves the development of frequency selective sensors. Trenches have been incorporated on an FSS structure to produce a new concept of liquid sensor. The sensor is fabricated using standard etching techniques and then using FDM method in conjunction with nanoparticle conductive ink. Finally, a new concept displacement sensor using an FSS coupled with a retracting substrate complement is introduced. The displacement sensor is a 3D structure which is conveniently fabricated using AM techniques

    1-D broadside-radiating leaky-wave antenna based on a numerically synthesized impedance surface

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    A newly-developed deterministic numerical technique for the automated design of metasurface antennas is applied here for the first time to the design of a 1-D printed Leaky-Wave Antenna (LWA) for broadside radiation. The surface impedance synthesis process does not require any a priori knowledge on the impedance pattern, and starts from a mask constraint on the desired far-field and practical bounds on the unit cell impedance values. The designed reactance surface for broadside radiation exhibits a non conventional patterning; this highlights the merit of using an automated design process for a design well known to be challenging for analytical methods. The antenna is physically implemented with an array of metal strips with varying gap widths and simulation results show very good agreement with the predicted performance