20 research outputs found

    A flexible mathematical model for the planning and designing of a sporting fixture by considering the assignment of referees

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    Indexación: Scopus.This paper deals with the problems faced with the designing and planning of a sporting fixture considering correct referee assignments. A non-linear binary program model is proposed to solve the problems, which aims to minimize the sums of the differences that exist between the requirements of each match and the quality of the referee assigned achieving the design of the most adequate referee for each match. The efficiency of the proposed model is proved using some real data obtained from various fixtures for sports such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball. The mathematical model is solved by using CPLEX 12.7.0., which allows the automatic linearization of the problems. The results obtained demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology for tackling problems, as well as its extension to other sporting disciplines, which require a similar type of planning. Similarly, given the robust nature of the proposed model, it is possible to implement other objective functions in accordance with the requirements of each league. © 2019 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, Canada.http://growingscience.com/beta/ijiec/2960-a-flexible-mathematical-model-for-the-planning-and-designing-of-a-sporting-fixture-by-considering-the-assignment-of-referees.htm

    A flexible mathematical model for the planning and designing of a sporting fixture by considering the assignment of referees

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    This paper deals with the problems faced with the designing and planning of a sporting fixture considering correct referee assignments. A non-linear binary program model is proposed to solve the problems, which aims to minimize the sums of the differences that exist between the requirements of each match and the quality of the referee assigned achieving the design of the most adequate referee for each match. The efficiency of the proposed model is proved using some real data obtained from various fixtures for sports such as soccer, volleyball, and basketball. The mathematical model is solved by using CPLEX 12.7.0., which allows the automatic linearization of the problems. The results obtained demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed methodology for tackling problems, as well as its extension to other sporting disciplines, which require a similar type of planning. Similarly, given the robust nature of the proposed model, it is possible to implement other objective functions in accordance with the requirements of each league

    The referee assignment problem

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    In collaboration between a UPC spinoff, Barcelogic, and the Dutch Football Federation (KNVB), we define, study, implement and evaluate different approaches for solving the so-called Referee Assignment Problem(RAP). In this NP-complete constraint solving problem, numerous conditions must be met, such as the balance in the number of matches each referee must officiate, the frequency of each referee being assigned to a given team, the distance each referee must travel over the course of a season, etc

    Referee Assignment Problem Case: Italian Volleyball Championships

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    This thesis addresses the formulation of a referee assignment problem for the Italian Volleyball Serie A Championships. The problem has particular constraints such as a referee must be assigned to different teams in a given period of times, and the minimal/maximal level of workload for each referee is obtained by considering cost and profit in the objective function. The problem has been solved through an exact method by using an integer linear programming formulation and a clique based decomposition for improving the computing time. Extensive computational experiments on real-world instances have been performed to determine the effectiveness of the proposed approach

    Méthodes et outils pour une affectation optimale des juges lors des compétitions : une application au concours John Molson

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    Thèse numérisée par la Division de la gestion de documents et des archives de l'Université de Montréal

    Evolutionary Computation 2020

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    Intelligent optimization is based on the mechanism of computational intelligence to refine a suitable feature model, design an effective optimization algorithm, and then to obtain an optimal or satisfactory solution to a complex problem. Intelligent algorithms are key tools to ensure global optimization quality, fast optimization efficiency and robust optimization performance. Intelligent optimization algorithms have been studied by many researchers, leading to improvements in the performance of algorithms such as the evolutionary algorithm, whale optimization algorithm, differential evolution algorithm, and particle swarm optimization. Studies in this arena have also resulted in breakthroughs in solving complex problems including the green shop scheduling problem, the severe nonlinear problem in one-dimensional geodesic electromagnetic inversion, error and bug finding problem in software, the 0-1 backpack problem, traveler problem, and logistics distribution center siting problem. The editors are confident that this book can open a new avenue for further improvement and discoveries in the area of intelligent algorithms. The book is a valuable resource for researchers interested in understanding the principles and design of intelligent algorithms

    Intelligenza Artificiale a Supporto delle Designazioni Arbitrali nello Sport della Pallacanestro

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    La Data Analytics al giorno d’oggi è applicata in diversi ambiti: sanitario, industriale, economico, sociale e molti altri ancora. Anche lo sport fa uso di questa disciplina, al fine di analizzare i propri giocatori, squadre e società. “Quali sono i più promettenti tra i giocatori emergenti?”, “Quali squadre si qualificheranno ai playoff?”, “Quale squadra vincerà il campionato?”. Queste sono solo alcune delle domande che si pongono gli appassionati del proprio sport, e ancora di più le società stesse. La Data Analytics prova quindi a fornire alcune risposte. La pallacanestro è sul podio tra gli sport più praticati in Italia, e tra le sue categorie certamente la Serie A è la più seguita dal pubblico cestistico. Una componente che permette il corretto svolgimento di tutte le gare, assieme a giocatori, allenatori, società e staff, sono gli arbitri. Questo elaborato propone uno studio su come fornire un supporto al designatore di tali arbitri, ovvero colui che li designa alle partite, in modo da svolgere più facilmente il suo importante compito. Gli arbitri designati devono essere all’altezza della partita che si disputerà: a tal fine è meglio conoscere preventivamente il possibile grado di difficoltà di quest’ultima. Ciò però potrebbe non bastare, poiché per designare ogni settimana 21 dei circa 35 arbitri di Serie A, è necessario anche saper gestire al meglio la loro rotazione tra le squadre, in modo che non vengano arbitrate dagli stessi arbitri troppo frequentemente al fine di prevenire l’insorgere di problemi. Molte sono le variabili in gioco, come il cercare di mantenere un equo ed omogeneo numero di designazioni all’interno del gruppo e mantenerlo nel corso dell’anno, rispettare le indisponibilità che si possono presentare durante la stagione e diversi altri fattori che verranno dettagliati nel corso di questa tesi