52 research outputs found

    Meta-heuristically seeded genetic algorithm for independent job scheduling in grid computing

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    Grid computing is an infrastructure which connects geographically distributed computers owned by various organizations allowing their resources, such as computational power and storage capabilities, to be shared, selected, and aggregated. Job scheduling problem is one of the most difficult tasks in grid computing systems. To solve this problem efficiently, new methods are required. In this paper, a seeded genetic algorithm is proposed which uses a meta-heuristic algorithm to generate its initial population. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method in terms of minimizing the makespan, the Expected Time to Compute (ETC) simulation model is used to carry out a number of experiments. The results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than other selected techniques

    Hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for independent job scheduling in grid computing

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.The term ’grid computing’ is used to describe an infrastructure that connects geographically distributed computers and heterogeneous platforms owned by multiple organizations allowing their computational power, storage capabilities and other resources to be selected and shared. The job scheduling problem is recognized as being one of the most important and challenging issues in grid computing environments. This paper proposes two strongly coupled hybrid meta-heuristic schedulers. The first scheduler combines Ant Colony Optimisation and Variable Neighbourhood Search in which the former acts as the primary algorithm which, during its execution, calls the latter as a supporting algorithm, while the second merges the Genetic Algorithm with Variable Neighbourhood Search in the same fashion. Several experiments were carried out to analyse the performance of the proposed schedulers in terms of minimizing the makespan using well known benchmarks. The experiments show that the proposed schedulers achieved impressive results compared to other selected approaches from the bibliography

    Genetic Algorithm for Independent Job Scheduling in Grid Computing

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    Grid computing refers to the infrastructure which connects geographically distributed computers ownedby various organizations allowing their resources, such as computational power and storage capabilities, to beshared, selected, and aggregated. Job scheduling is the problem of mapping a set of jobs to a set of resources.It is considered one of the main steps to e ciently utilise the maximum capabilities of grid computing systems.The problem under question has been highlighted as an NP-complete problem and hence meta-heuristic methodsrepresent good candidates to address it. In this paper, a genetic algorithm with a new mutation procedure tosolve the problem of independent job scheduling in grid computing is presented. A known static benchmark forthe problem is used to evaluate the proposed method in terms of minimizing the makespan by carrying out anumber of experiments. The obtained results show that the proposed algorithm performs better than some knownalgorithms taken from the literature

    Hybrid Meta-heuristic Algorithms for Static and Dynamic Job Scheduling in Grid Computing

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    The term ’grid computing’ is used to describe an infrastructure that connects geographically distributed computers and heterogeneous platforms owned by multiple organizations allowing their computational power, storage capabilities and other resources to be selected and shared. Allocating jobs to computational grid resources in an efficient manner is one of the main challenges facing any grid computing system; this allocation is called job scheduling in grid computing. This thesis studies the application of hybrid meta-heuristics to the job scheduling problem in grid computing, which is recognized as being one of the most important and challenging issues in grid computing environments. Similar to job scheduling in traditional computing systems, this allocation is known to be an NPhard problem. Meta-heuristic approaches such as the Genetic Algorithm (GA), Variable Neighbourhood Search (VNS) and Ant Colony Optimisation (ACO) have all proven their effectiveness in solving different scheduling problems. However, hybridising two or more meta-heuristics shows better performance than applying a stand-alone approach. The new high level meta-heuristic will inherit the best features of the hybridised algorithms, increasing the chances of skipping away from local minima, and hence enhancing the overall performance. In this thesis, the application of VNS for the job scheduling problem in grid computing is introduced. Four new neighbourhood structures, together with a modified local search, are proposed. The proposed VNS is hybridised using two meta-heuristic methods, namely GA and ACO, in loosely and strongly coupled fashions, yielding four new sequential hybrid meta-heuristic algorithms for the problem of static and dynamic single-objective independent batch job scheduling in grid computing. For the static version of the problem, several experiments were carried out to analyse the performance of the proposed schedulers in terms of minimising the makespan using well known benchmarks. The experiments show that the proposed schedulers achieved impressive results compared to other traditional, heuristic and meta-heuristic approaches selected from the bibliography. To model the dynamic version of the problem, a simple simulator, which uses the rescheduling technique, is designed and new problem instances are generated, by using a well-known methodology, to evaluate the performance of the proposed hybrid schedulers. The experimental results show that the use of rescheduling provides significant improvements in terms of the makespan compared to other non-rescheduling approaches

    Strategic Technology Maturation and Insertion (STMI): a requirements guided, technology development optimization process

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    This research presents a Decision Support System (DSS) process solution to a problem faced by Program Managers (PMs) early in a system lifecycle, when potential technologies are evaluated for placement within a system design. The proposed process for evaluation and selection of technologies incorporates computer based Operational Research techniques which automate and optimize key portions of the decision process. This computerized process allows the PM to rapidly form the basis of a Strategic Technology Plan (STP) designed to manage, mature and insert the technologies into the system design baseline and identify potential follow-on incremental system improvements. This process is designated Strategic Technology Maturation and Insertion (STMI). Traditionally, to build this STP, the PM must juggle system performance, schedule, and cost issues and strike a balance of new and old technologies that can be fielded to meet the requirements of the customer. To complicate this juggling skill, the PM is typically confronted with a short time frame to evaluate hundreds of potential technology solutions with thousands of potential interacting combinations within the system design. Picking the best combination of new and established technologies, plus selecting the critical technologies needing maturation investment is a significant challenge. These early lifecycle decisions drive the entire system design, cost and schedule well into production The STMI process explores a formalized and repeatable DSS to allow PMs to systematically tackle the problems with technology evaluation, selection and maturation. It gives PMs a tool to compare and evaluate the entire design space of candidate technology performance, incorporate lifecycle costs as an optimizer for a best value system design, and generate input for a strategic plan to mature critical technologies. Four enabling concepts are described and brought together to form the basis of STMI: Requirements Engineering (RE), Value Engineering (VE), system optimization and Strategic Technology Planning (STP). STMI is then executed in three distinct stages: Pre-process preparation, process operation and optimization, and post-process analysis. A demonstration case study prepares and implements the proposed STMI process in a multi-system (macro) concept down select and a specific (micro) single system design that ties into the macro design level decision

    A Polyhedral Study of Mixed 0-1 Set

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    We consider a variant of the well-known single node fixed charge network flow set with constant capacities. This set arises from the relaxation of more general mixed integer sets such as lot-sizing problems with multiple suppliers. We provide a complete polyhedral characterization of the convex hull of the given set