151 research outputs found

    Message from the general chair

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    Journal ArticleI am very pleased to welcome all attendees to the 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Performance Analysis of Systems and Software (ISPASS) in New Brunswick, New Jersey on April 1-3, 2012. The conference represents the hard work of several organizing committee members and contributing authors. We all hope that the conference will be highly productive for every attendee. ISPASS has emerged as a premier forum for research on tools and performance analysis. This year's program continues that tradition. Dr. Viji Srinivasan of IBM T.J. Watson did an excellent job as program chair. She assembled a world-class program committee, and efficiently organized the reviewing and PC meeting. She was meticulous in her review assignments, which contributed greatly to a fair review process. I am very thankful to a dedicated program committee and external reviewers that spent many hours providing feedback to several authors. I'd also like to thank Dr. Mazda Marvasti (VMware) and Prof. Margaret Martonosi (Princeton) for agreeing to deliver keynote presentations. The conference is being kicked off with an excellent serving of workshops and tutorials on Sunday April 1st. I appreciate the efforts of Vijay Reddi (UT Austin) who served as the Workshop/Tutorial Chair. I also thank the organizers of the workshops and tutorials for the time they are putting into augmenting the ISPASS program

    Message from the general chair

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    Design of Smart Open Parking Using Background Subtraction in the IoT Architecture

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has evolved and penetrated to our live since the end of the last century. Nowadays, many devices for any purpose are connected through the Internet. A smart node, in smart campus environment, can detect an availability of an open parking space by calculating the vehicle that enters or outs from the space. The node applies a background subtraction method, which is deployed in IoT architecture. The Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) is utilized to determine foreground and background image, in order to detect a moving object at an open area. Furthermore, the node can discriminate the type of vehicle with a high accuracy. The result of vehicle type classification is transmitted by the node through the Internet, and then it is saved to the data server. We observe the designed system succeeds delivering a good performance in terms of average accuracy determining car and motorcycle are 93.47% and 91.73%, respectively

    Human Aspect on Chain of Custody (CoC) System Performance

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    The tropical forests cover 24% of tropical land area. They are the most productive terrestrial ecosystems on earth with high priorities for biodiversity conservation. These forests store a substantial amount of carbon in biomass and soil, and they also regulate the transfer of carbon into the atmosphere as carbon dioxide (CO2). Indonesia is having the third tropical forest area in the world after Brazil and Congo. Over 50 years forest has been felled both legally as well as illegally. High rate of forest degradation resulted from unsustainable forest management, rampant illegal logging, forest area encroachment, conversion and natural disaster. All urges rapid improvement of management system of Indonesia’s forest resources (Holmes, 2002). Forest certification is one tool that can support the achievement of sustainable forest management goal. Under current operation of join certification protocol between the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) and the Indonesian Ecolabelling Institute (LEI) in Indonesia, forest management units must be able to show the required performance indicated in LEI criteria and indicator as well as FSC principles and criteria to attain certification of their products. The gap between current practices and performance required by forest certifications schemes is still enormous. The performance of forest certification system from LEI is determined very much by the human that is involved in the process of planning and operation. The name of certification system is chain of custody (CoC) certification. CoC operation involves activities such as tracing raw material from the forest to the factory, through shipping and manufacturing, to the final end product. In all of the above processes, the roles of human are critical, although the specific roles played from one process to another are different. In this paper we present an identification of human aspect and other factors that predominantly affect CoC system performance

    Workshop WAIN: Welcome message

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    Message from the Program Chair

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    Neural avalanches at the edge-of-chaos?

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    Does the brain operate at criticality, to optimize neural computation? Literature uses different fingerprints of criticality in neural networks, leaving the relationship between them mostly unclear. Here, we compare two specific signatures of criticality, and ask whether they refer to observables at the same critical point, or to two differing phase transitions. Using a recurrent spiking neural network, we demonstrate that avalanche criticality does not necessarily lie at edge-of-chaos

    GLOBAL-MANAGER: A Serious Game for Providing Training in Project Manager Skills

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    The emergence of Global Software Development (GSD) has led to certain difficulties in the life cycle of global projects, in addition to the traditional challenges of collocated development, particularly as regards Project Management (PM). These difficulties are caused by the geographical, linguistic and cultural distance among the members of the team, signifying that the project manager requires special skills with which to mitigate these issues. Bearing this in mind, this paper describes a serious game (SG), denominated as GLOBAL-MANAGER, whose objective is to provide training in the management of GSD projects. The game attempts to develop several skills in its players whilst simultaneously providing them with an immersive, pleasant and attractive experience. The skills developed are related to coordination, communication and control, which are three of the principal challenges in GSD
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