9 research outputs found

    The Impact of Branch Prediction on Control Structures for Dynamic Dispatch in Java

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    Dynamic dispatch, or late binding of function calls, is a salient feature of object-oriented programming languages like C++ and Java. The target of a dispatched call changes according to the type of the object receiving the call. Due to inheritance the exact type is unknown at compile time, and therefore dispatch must occur in general at run time, implying a cost to the use of object-oriented programming languages. In previous work, we measured the performance of various equivalent non-object-oriented control structures to determine if dispatch cost can be reduced by translation. Measurements on a variety of virtual machines and hardware platforms show that alternative control structures are useful for a low number of expected types (low degrees of polymorphism). However, the gains differ substantially for different type patterns, even when the number of types is constant. The difference is likely to be caused by a processor's branch predictor, which guess the outcome of branches involved in dynamic dispatch . In this paper, we simulate branch predictors of Athlon and Pentium in order to validate this insight. The results show that branch prediction accuracy is indeed responsible. For successful optimization it is therefore not sufficient to guess the number of types occurring in a call. The type pattern should also be taken into account

    Bridging the Gap between Machine and Language using First-Class Building Blocks

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    High-performance virtual machines (VMs) are increasingly reused for programming languages for which they were not initially designed. Unfortunately, VMs are usually tailored to specific languages, offer only a very limited interface to running applications, and are closed to extensions. As a consequence, extensions required to support new languages often entail the construction of custom VMs, thus impacting reuse, compatibility and performance. Short of building a custom VM, the language designer has to choose between the expressiveness and the performance of the language. In this dissertation we argue that the best way to open the VM is to eliminate it. We present Pinocchio, a natively compiled Smalltalk, in which we identify and reify three basic building blocks for object-oriented languages. First we define a protocol for message passing similar to calling conventions, independent of the actual message lookup mechanism. The lookup is provided by a self-supporting runtime library written in Smalltalk and compiled to native code. Since it unifies the meta- and base-level we obtain a metaobject protocol (MOP). Then we decouple the language-level manipulation of state from the machine-level implementation by extending the structural reflective model of the language with object layouts, layout scopes and slots. Finally we reify behavior using AST nodes and first-class interpreters separate from the low-level language implementation. We describe the implementations of all three first-class building blocks. For each of the blocks we provide a series of examples illustrating how they enable typical extensions to the runtime, and we provide benchmarks validating the practicality of the approaches

    Simple optimizing JIT compilation of higher-order dynamic programming languages

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    Implémenter efficacement les langages de programmation dynamiques demande beaucoup d’effort de développement. Les compilateurs ne cessent de devenir de plus en plus complexes. Aujourd’hui, ils incluent souvent une phase d’interprétation, plusieurs phases de compilation, plusieurs représentations intermédiaires et des analyses de code. Toutes ces techniques permettent d’implémenter efficacement un langage de programmation dynamique, mais leur mise en oeuvre est difficile dans un contexte où les ressources de développement sont limitées. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche et de nouvelles techniques dynamiques permettant de développer des compilateurs performants pour les langages dynamiques avec de relativement bonnes performances et un faible effort de développement. Nous présentons une approche simple de compilation à la volée qui permet d’implémenter un langage en une seule phase de compilation, sans transformation vers des représentations intermédiaires. Nous expliquons comment le versionnement de blocs de base, une technique de compilation existante, peut être étendue, sans effort de développement significatif, pour fonctionner interprocéduralement avec les langages de programmation d’ordre supérieur, permettant d’appliquer des optimisations interprocédurales sur ces langages. Nous expliquons également comment le versionnement de blocs de base permet de supprimer certaines opérations utilisées pour implémenter les langages dynamiques et qui impactent les performances comme les vérifications de type. Nous expliquons aussi comment les compilateurs peuvent exploiter les représentations dynamiques des valeurs par Tagging et NaN-boxing pour optimiser le code généré avec peu d’effort de développement. Nous présentons également notre expérience de développement d’un compilateur à la volée pour le langage de programmation Scheme, pour montrer que ces techniques permettent effectivement de construire un compilateur avec un effort moins important que les compilateurs actuels et qu’elles permettent de générer du code efficace, qui rivalise avec les meilleures implémentations du langage Scheme.Efficiently implementing dynamic programming languages requires a significant development effort. Over the years, compilers have become more complex. Today, they typically include an interpretation phase, several compilation phases, several intermediate representations and code analyses. These techniques allow efficiently implementing these programming languages but are difficult to implement in contexts in which development resources are limited. We propose a new approach and new techniques to build optimizing just-in-time compilers for dynamic languages with relatively good performance and low development effort. We present a simple just-in-time compilation approach to implement a language with a single compilation phase, without the need to use code transformations to intermediate representations. We explain how basic block versioning, an existing compilation technique, can be extended without significant development effort, to work interprocedurally with higherorder programming languages allowing interprocedural optimizations on these languages. We also explain how basic block versioning allows removing operations used to implement dynamic languages that degrade performance, such as type checks, and how compilers can use Tagging and NaN-boxing to optimize the generated code with low development effort. We present our experience of building a JIT compiler using these techniques for the Scheme programming language to show that they indeed allow building compilers with less development effort than other implementations and that they allow generating efficient code that competes with current mature implementations of the Scheme language

    Bridging the Gap between Machine and Language using First-Class Building Blocks

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    High-performance virtual machines (VMs) are increasingly reused for programming languages for which they were not initially designed. Unfortunately, VMs are usually tailored to specific languages, offer only a very limited interface to running applications, and are closed to extensions. As a consequence, extensions required to support new languages often entail the construction of custom VMs, thus impacting reuse, compatibility and performance. Short of building a custom VM, the language designer has to choose between the expressiveness and the performance of the language. In this dissertation we argue that the best way to open the VM is to eliminate it. We present Pinocchio, a natively compiled Smalltalk, in which we identify and reify three basic building blocks for object-oriented languages. First we define a protocol for message passing similar to calling conventions, independent of the actual message lookup mechanism. The lookup is provided by a self-supporting runtime library written in Smalltalk and compiled to native code. Since it unifies the meta- and base-level we obtain a metaobject protocol (MOP). Then we decouple the language-level manipulation of state from the machine-level implementation by extending the structural reflective model of the language with object layouts, layout scopes and slots. Finally we reify behavior using AST nodes and first-class interpreters separate from the low-level language implementation. We describe the implementations of all three first-class building blocks. For each of the blocks we provide a series of examples illustrating how they enable typical extensions to the runtime, and we provide benchmarks validating the practicality of the approaches

    Perspektiven: Persistente Objekte mit anwendungsspezifischer Struktur und Funktionalität

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    Flexibilität und Anpassbarkeit von Softwarekomponenten sind in den letzten Jahren zu stark diskutierten Themen im Bereich des Software-Engineering geworden. Um eine höhere Wiederverwendungsquote zu erreichen als dies in der Vergangenheit möglich war, werden Konzepte gesucht, die eine nachträgliche und nicht antizipierte Anpassung von Modulen und Komponenten an geänderte Anforderungen unterstützen. Objektorientiertes Design und dessen Umsetzung durch objekt-orientierte Programmiersprachen bilden zwar einen Schritt in diese Richtung, in dem durch die Konzepte Kapselung und dynamisches Binden eine dynamische Austauschbarkeit von Implementierungen zur Laufzeit einer Applikation unterstützt wird. In der Praxis erfordern traditionelle objektorientierte Programmiersprachen jedoch den Einsatz einer Vielzahl ineinander verzahnter Entwurfsmuster, um dem Anspruch einer nachträglichen Adaptierbarkeit gerecht zu werden. Die vorliegende Arbeit schlägt Sprachkonzepte für streng getypte objektorientierte Programmiersprachen vor, welche ein nachträgliches „Zuschneidern“ von Klassen und deren bereits existierenden Instanzen unterstützen. Damit werden Komponenten und deren Schnittstellen einerseits leicht erweiterbar, andererseits ermöglichen diese Mechanismen auch die Veränderung und Anreicherung bestehender Implementierungen an neue Gegebenheiten

    Implementing statically typed object-oriented programming languages

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    A paraîtreInternational audienceObject-oriented programming languages represent an original implementation issue due to the mechanism known as late binding, aka message sending. The underlying principle is that the address of the actually called procedure is not statically determined, at compile-time, but depends on the dynamic type of a distinguished parameter known as the receiver. In statically typed languages, the point is that the receiver's dynamic type may be a subtype of its static type. A similar issue arises with attributes, because their position in the object layout may depends on the object's dynamic type. Furthermore, subtyping introduces another original feature, i.e. subtype checks. All three mechanisms need specific implementations, data structures and algorithms. In statically typed languages, late binding is generally implemented with tables, called virtual function tables in C++ jargon. These tables reduce method calls to pointers to functions, through a small fixed number of extra indirections. It follows that object-oriented programming yields some overhead, as compared to usual procedural languages. The different techniques and their resulting overhead depend on several parameters. Firstly, inheritance and subtyping may be single or multiple and a mixing is even possible, as in JAVA, which presents single inheritance for classes and multiple subtyping for interfaces. Multiple inheritance is a well known complication. Secondly, the production of executable programs may involve various schemes, from global compilation frameworks, where the whole program is known at compile time, to separate compilation and dynamic loading, where each program unit---usually a class in an object-oriented context---is compiled and loaded independently of any usage. Global compilation is well known to facilitate optimization. In this paper, we review the various implementation schemes available in the context of static typing and in the three cases of single inheritance, multiple inheritance, and single inheritance but with multiple subtyping, e.g. JAVA. The survey focuses on separate compilation and dynamic loading, as it is the most commonly used framework and the most demanding. However, many works have been recently undertaken in the global compilation framework, mostly for dynamically typed languages but also applied to the EIFFEL language in the SMARTEIFFEL compiler. Hence, we examine global techniques and how they can improve implementation efficiency. Finally, a mixed framework is considered, where separate compilation is followed by a global step, similar to linking, which uses global techniques, as well for implementation, with coloring, as for optimization, with type analysis. An application to dynamic loading is sketched

    A Pure Embedding of Roles: Exploring 4-dimensional Dispatch for Roles in Structured Contexts

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    Present-day software systems have to fulfill an increasing number of requirements, which makes them more and more complex. Many systems need to anticipate changing contexts or need to adapt to changing business rules or requirements. The challenge of 21th-century software development will be to cope with these aspects. We believe that the role concept offers a simple way to adapt an object-oriented program to its changing context. In a role-based application, an object plays multiple roles during its lifetime. If the contexts are represented as first-class entities, they provide dynamic views to the object-oriented program, and if a context changes, the dynamic views can be switched easily, and the software system adapts automatically. However, the concepts of roles and dynamic contexts have been discussed for a long time in many areas of computer science. So far, their employment in an existing object-oriented language requires a specific runtime environment. Also, classical object-oriented languages and their runtime systems are not able to cope with essential role-specific features, such as true delegation or dynamic binding of roles. In addition to that, contexts and views seem to be important in software development. The traditional code-oriented approach to software engineering becomes less and less satisfactory. The support for multiple views of a software system scales much better to the needs of todays systems. However, it relies on programming languages to provide roles for the construction of views. As a solution, this thesis presents an implementation pattern for role-playing objects that does not require a specific runtime system, the SCala ROles Language (SCROLL). Via this library approach, roles are embedded in a statically typed base language as dynamically evolving objects. The approach is pure in the sense that there is no need for an additional compiler or tooling. The implementation pattern is demonstrated on the basis of the Scala language. As technical support from Scala, the pattern requires dynamic mixins, compiler-translated function calls, and implicit conversions. The details how roles are implemented are hidden in a Scala library and therefore transparent to SCROLL programmers. The SCROLL library supports roles embedded in structured contexts. Additionally, a four-dimensional, context-aware dispatch at runtime is presented. It overcomes the subtle ambiguities introduced with the rich semantics of role-playing objects. SCROLL is written in Scala, which blends a modern object-oriented with a functional programming language. The size of the library is below 1400 lines of code so that it can be considered to have minimalistic design and to be easy to maintain. Our approach solves several practical problems arising in the area of dynamical extensibility and adaptation