16 research outputs found

    Implementation of Processing Functions for Autonomous Power Quality Measurement Equipment: A Performance Evaluation of CPU and FPGA-Based Embedded System

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    Motivated by the effects of deregulation over power quality and the subsequent need of new types of measurements, this paper assesses different implementations of an estimate for the spectral kurtosis, considered as a low-level harmonic detection. Performance of a processor-based system is compared with a field programmable gate array (FPGA)-based solution, in order to evaluate the accuracy of this processing function for implementation in autonomous measurement equipment. The fourth-order spectrum, with applications in different fields, needs advanced digital signal processing, making it necessary to compare implementation alternatives. In order to obtain reproducible results, the implementations have been developed using common design and programming tools. Several characteristics of the implementations are compared, showing that the increasing complexity and reduced cost of the current FPGA models make the implementation of complex mathematical functions feasible. We show that FPGAs improve the processing capability of the best processor using an operating frequency 33 times lower. This fact strongly supports its implementation in hand-held instruments

    A Hardware Efficient Random Number Generator for Nonuniform Distributions with Arbitrary Precision

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    Nonuniform random numbers are key for many technical applications, and designing efficient hardware implementations of non-uniform random number generators is a very active research field. However, most state-of-the-art architectures are either tailored to specific distributions or use up a lot of hardware resources. At ReConFig 2010, we have presented a new design that saves up to 48% of area compared to state-of-the-art inversion-based implementation, usable for arbitrary distributions and precision. In this paper, we introduce a more flexible version together with a refined segmentation scheme that allows to further reduce the approximation error significantly. We provide a free software tool allowing users to implement their own distributions easily, and we have tested our random number generator thoroughly by statistic analysis and two application tests

    Mobile Application "Paramedic doggy" - Injured Cyclist

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá tvorbou mobilnej aplikácie s edukačným účelom pre deti vo veku 6 až 10 rokov s kreslenou tematikou. Edukačný účel je zameraný na prvú pomoc v situácii kedy je dieťa nutné pomôcť zranenej osobe. Aplikácia je riešená formou edukačného kvízu s možnosťami A), B) a C), ktorý sa prelína s minihrami a animáciami maskota aplikácie. Z dôvodu zamerania na deti vo vekovej kategórii, ktoré sa učia plynule čítať, tak aplikácia obsahuje v nastaveniach možnosť čítania textu hlasovou formou. Práca obsahuje 7 častí vrátane úvodu a záveru. Druhá časť obsahuje všeobecný popis vývoja mobilných aplikácií. Tretia časť bližšie popisuje framework Unity, ktorého výber bol odôvodnený v štvrtej časti práce. Piata a šiesta časť popisujú návrh a implementáciu výslednej aplikácie Pejsek Záchranář.This work deal with creation of mobile application with educational purposes for children in age between 6 to 10 years with cartoon theme. Educational purpose is focused on first aid in situation where child is forced to help injured person. Application is solved in the form of educational quiz with options A), B) and C), which overlaps with minigames and animations of application mascot. Because of the focus on children in age category, who are learning how to read fluently the application contains in settings option text to speech. Work contains 7 parts including introduction and conclusion. Second part contains general description of the mobile application development. Third part describes in more detail framework Unity, which choice is justified in the part four. Fifth and sixth part describe design and implementation of the resulting application Pejsek Záchranář.

    A novel pairwise comparison method for in silico discovery of statistically significant cis-regulatory elements in eukaryotic promoter regions: application to Arabidopsis

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    Abstract not availableRoohollah Shamloo-Dashtpagerdi, Hooman Razi, Massumeh Aliakbari, Angelica Lindlöf, Mahdi Ebrahimi, Esmaeil Ebrahimi

    Programs for calculating measurement uncertainty using Monte Carlo method

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    Diplomová práce se zabývá stanovováním nejistot nepřímých měření. Zaměřuje se pře-devším na generátory náhodných čísel v softwarech umožňujících výpočet nejistot mě-ření metodou Monte Carlo. Dále se zaměřuje na výpočet nejistot nepřímého měření, jak metodou Monte Carlo, tak i klasickou numerickou metodou. Praktická část práce pojed-nává o ověření náhodnosti generátorů čísel obsažených v různých softwarech. Dále se zabývá stanovením nejistot nepřímého měření proudu oběma výše zmiňovanými meto-dami a následným porovnáním a zhodnocením dosažených výsledků.The thesis deals with establishing uncertainties of indirect measurements. It focuses primarily on random number generators in software enabling the calculation of mea-surement uncertainties using Monte Carlo. Then it focuses on the uncertainty calculati-on indirect measurement as the Monte Carlo method and the classical numerical met-hod. The practical part deals with the verification of randomness generators numbers contained in various softwares. It also deals with the determination of uncertainties indi-rect current measurements by both above-mentioned methods and then comparing and evaluating the values achieved.

    Peer-to-Peer Energy Trading for Networked Microgrids

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    Considering the limitations of the existing centralized power infrastructure, research interests have been directed to decentralized smart power systems constructed as networks of interconnected microgrids. Therefore, it has become critical to develop secure and efficient energy trading mechanisms among networked microgrids for reliability and economic mutual benefits. Furthermore, integrating blockchain technologies into the energy sector has gained significant interest among researchers and industry professionals. Considering these trends, the work in this thesis focuses on developing Peer-to-Peer (P2P) energy trading models to facilitate transactions among microgrids in a multiagent network. Price negotiation mechanisms are proposed for both islanded and grid-connected microgrid networks. To enable a trusted settlement of electricity trading transactions, a two-stage blockchain-based settlement consensus protocol is also developed. Simulation results have shown that the model has successfully facilitated energy trading for networked microgrids