1,575 research outputs found

    Object recognition and retrieval by context dependent similarity kernels

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    International audienceThe success of kernel methods including support vector machines (SVMs) strongly depends on the design of appropriate kernels. While initially kernels were designed in order to handle fixed-length data, their extension to unordered, variable-length data became more than necessary for real pattern recognition problems such as object recognition and bioinformatics. We focus in this paper on object recognition using a new type of kernel referred to as "context-dependent". Objects, seen as constellations of local features (interest points, regions, etc.), are matched by minimizing an energy function mixing (1) a fidelity term which measures the quality of feature matching, (2) a neighborhood criteria which captures the object geometry and (3) a regularization term. We will show that the fixed-point of this energy is a "context-dependent" kernel ("CDK") which also satisfies the Mercer condition. Experiments conducted on object recognition show that when plugging our kernel in SVMs, we clearly outperform SVMs with "context-free" kernels

    A Performance Evaluation of Exact and Approximate Match Kernels for Object Recognition

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    Local features have repeatedly shown their effectiveness for object recognition during the last years, and they have consequently become the preferred descriptor for this type of problems. The solution of the correspondence problem is traditionally approached with exact or approximate techniques. In this paper we are interested in methods that solve the correspondence problem via the definition of a kernel function that makes it possible to use local features as input to a support vector machine. We single out the match kernel, an exact approach, and the pyramid match kernel, that uses instead an approximate strategy. We present a thorough experimental evaluation of the two methods on three different databases. Results show that the exact method performs consistently better than the approximate one, especially for the object identification task, when training on a decreasing number of images. Based on these findings and on the computational cost of each approach, we suggest some criteria for choosing between the two kernels given the application at hand

    Orientation covariant aggregation of local descriptors with embeddings

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    Image search systems based on local descriptors typically achieve orientation invariance by aligning the patches on their dominant orientations. Albeit successful, this choice introduces too much invariance because it does not guarantee that the patches are rotated consistently. This paper introduces an aggregation strategy of local descriptors that achieves this covariance property by jointly encoding the angle in the aggregation stage in a continuous manner. It is combined with an efficient monomial embedding to provide a codebook-free method to aggregate local descriptors into a single vector representation. Our strategy is also compatible and employed with several popular encoding methods, in particular bag-of-words, VLAD and the Fisher vector. Our geometric-aware aggregation strategy is effective for image search, as shown by experiments performed on standard benchmarks for image and particular object retrieval, namely Holidays and Oxford buildings.Comment: European Conference on Computer Vision (2014

    A Framework for Image Segmentation Using Shape Models and Kernel Space Shape Priors

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    ©2008 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. However, permission to reprint/republish this material for advertising or promotional purposes or for creating new collective works for resale or distribution to servers or lists, or to reuse any copyrighted component of this work in other works must be obtained from the IEEE. This material is presented to ensure timely dissemination of scholarly and technical work. Copyright and all rights therein are retained by authors or by other copyright holders. All persons copying this information are expected to adhere to the terms and constraints invoked by each author's copyright. In most cases, these works may not be reposted without the explicit permission of the copyright holder.DOI: 10.1109/TPAMI.2007.70774Segmentation involves separating an object from the background in a given image. The use of image information alone often leads to poor segmentation results due to the presence of noise, clutter or occlusion. The introduction of shape priors in the geometric active contour (GAC) framework has proved to be an effective way to ameliorate some of these problems. In this work, we propose a novel segmentation method combining image information with prior shape knowledge, using level-sets. Following the work of Leventon et al., we propose to revisit the use of PCA to introduce prior knowledge about shapes in a more robust manner. We utilize kernel PCA (KPCA) and show that this method outperforms linear PCA by allowing only those shapes that are close enough to the training data. In our segmentation framework, shape knowledge and image information are encoded into two energy functionals entirely described in terms of shapes. This consistent description permits to fully take advantage of the Kernel PCA methodology and leads to promising segmentation results. In particular, our shape-driven segmentation technique allows for the simultaneous encoding of multiple types of shapes, and offers a convincing level of robustness with respect to noise, occlusions, or smearing

    Comparative Evaluation of Action Recognition Methods via Riemannian Manifolds, Fisher Vectors and GMMs: Ideal and Challenging Conditions

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    We present a comparative evaluation of various techniques for action recognition while keeping as many variables as possible controlled. We employ two categories of Riemannian manifolds: symmetric positive definite matrices and linear subspaces. For both categories we use their corresponding nearest neighbour classifiers, kernels, and recent kernelised sparse representations. We compare against traditional action recognition techniques based on Gaussian mixture models and Fisher vectors (FVs). We evaluate these action recognition techniques under ideal conditions, as well as their sensitivity in more challenging conditions (variations in scale and translation). Despite recent advancements for handling manifolds, manifold based techniques obtain the lowest performance and their kernel representations are more unstable in the presence of challenging conditions. The FV approach obtains the highest accuracy under ideal conditions. Moreover, FV best deals with moderate scale and translation changes

    Recognizing flu-like symptoms from videos

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    © 2014 Hue Thi et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. Background: Vision-based surveillance and monitoring is a potential alternative for early detection of respiratory disease outbreaks in urban areas complementing molecular diagnostics and hospital and doctor visit-based alert systems. Visible actions representing typical flu-like symptoms include sneeze and cough that are associated with changing patterns of hand to head distances, among others. The technical difficulties lie in the high complexity and large variation of those actions as well as numerous similar background actions such as scratching head, cell phone use, eating, drinking and so on. Results: In this paper, we make a first attempt at the challenging problem of recognizing flu-like symptoms from videos. Since there was no related dataset available, we created a new public health dataset for action recognition that includes two major flu-like symptom related actions (sneeze and cough) and a number of background actions. We also developed a suitable novel algorithm by introducing two types of Action Matching Kernels, where both types aim to integrate two aspects of local features, namely the space-time layout and the Bag-of-Words representations. In particular, we show that the Pyramid Match Kernel and Spatial Pyramid Matching are both special cases of our proposed kernels. Besides experimenting on standard testbed, the proposed algorithm is evaluated also on the new sneeze and cough set. Empirically, we observe that our approach achieves competitive performance compared to the state-of-the-arts, while recognition on the new public health dataset is shown to be a non-trivial task even with simple single person unobstructed view. Conclusions: Our sneeze and cough video dataset and newly developed action recognition algorithm is the first of its kind and aims to kick-start the field of action recognition of flu-like symptoms from videos. It will be challenging but necessary in future developments to consider more complex real-life scenario of detecting these actions simultaneously from multiple persons in possibly crowded environments
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