104 research outputs found

    Dynamic Binary Translation for Embedded Systems with Scratchpad Memory

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    Embedded software development has recently changed with advances in computing. Rather than fully co-designing software and hardware to perform a relatively simple task, nowadays embedded and mobile devices are designed as a platform where multiple applications can be run, new applications can be added, and existing applications can be updated. In this scenario, traditional constraints in embedded systems design (i.e., performance, memory and energy consumption and real-time guarantees) are more difficult to address. New concerns (e.g., security) have become important and increase software complexity as well. In general-purpose systems, Dynamic Binary Translation (DBT) has been used to address these issues with services such as Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation, dynamic optimization, virtualization, power management and code security. In embedded systems, however, DBT is not usually employed due to performance, memory and power overhead. This dissertation presents StrataX, a low-overhead DBT framework for embedded systems. StrataX addresses the challenges faced by DBT in embedded systems using novel techniques. To reduce DBT overhead, StrataX loads code from NAND-Flash storage and translates it into a Scratchpad Memory (SPM), a software-managed on-chip SRAM with limited capacity. SPM has similar access latency as a hardware cache, but consumes less power and chip area. StrataX manages SPM as a software instruction cache, and employs victim compression and pinning to reduce retranslation cost and capture frequently executed code in the SPM. To prevent performance loss due to excessive code expansion, StrataX minimizes the amount of code inserted by DBT to maintain control of program execution. When a hardware instruction cache is available, StrataX dynamically partitions translated code among the SPM and main memory. With these techniques, StrataX has low performance overhead relative to native execution for MiBench programs. Further, it simplifies embedded software and hardware design by operating transparently to applications without any special hardware support. StrataX achieves sufficiently low overhead to make it feasible to use DBT in embedded systems to address important design goals and requirements

    A Dynamic Scratchpad Memory Unit for Predictable Real-Time Embedded Systems

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    Scratch-pad memory is a popular alternative to caches in real-time embedded systems due to its advantages in terms of timing predictability and power consumption. However, dynamic management of scratch-pad content is challenging in multitasking environments. To address this issue, this thesis proposes the design of a novel Real-Time Scratchpad Memory Unit (RSMU). The RSMU can be integrated into existing systems with minimal architectural modi cations. Furthermore, scratchpad management is performed at the OS level, requiring no application changes. In conjunction with a two-level scheduling scheme, the RSMU provides strong timing guarantees to critical tasks. Demonstration and evaluation of the system design is provided on an embedded FPGA platform

    A TrustZone-assisted secure silicon on a co-design framework

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresEmbedded systems were for a long time, single-purpose and closed systems, characterized by hardware resource constraints and real-time requirements. Nowadays, their functionality is ever-growing, coupled with an increasing complexity and heterogeneity. Embedded applications increasingly demand employment of general-purpose operating systems (GPOSs) to handle operator interfaces and general-purpose computing tasks, while simultaneously ensuring the strict timing requirements. Virtualization, which enables multiple operating systems (OSs) to run on top of the same hardware platform, is gaining momentum in the embedded systems arena, driven by the growing interest in consolidating and isolating multiple and heterogeneous environments. The penalties incurred by classic virtualization approaches is pushing research towards hardware-assisted solutions. Among the existing commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) technologies for virtualization, ARM TrustZone technology is gaining momentum due to the supremacy and lower cost of TrustZone-enabled processors. Programmable system-on-chips (SoCs) are becoming leading players in the embedded systems space, because the combination of a plethora of hard resources with programmable logic enables the efficient implementation of systems that perfectly fit the heterogeneous nature of embedded applications. Moreover, novel disruptive approaches make use of field-programmable gate array (FPGA) technology to enhance virtualization mechanisms. This master’s thesis proposes a hardware-software co-design framework for easing the economy of addressing the new generation of embedded systems requirements. ARM TrustZone is exploited to implement the root-of-trust of a virtualization-based architecture that allows the execution of a GPOS side-by-side with a real-time OS (RTOS). RTOS services were offloaded to hardware, so that it could present simultaneous improvements on performance and determinism. Instead of focusing in a concrete application, the goal is to provide a complete framework, specifically tailored for Zynq-base devices, that developers can use to accelerate a bunch of distinct applications across different embedded industries.Os sistemas embebidos foram, durante muitos anos, sistemas com um simples e único propósito, caracterizados por recursos de hardware limitados e com cariz de tempo real. Hoje em dia, o número de funcionalidades começa a escalar, assim como o grau de complexidade e heterogeneidade. As aplicações embebidas exigem cada vez mais o uso de sistemas operativos (OSs) de uso geral (GPOS) para lidar com interfaces gráficas e tarefas de computação de propósito geral. Porém, os seus requisitos primordiais de tempo real mantém-se. A virtualização permite que vários sistemas operativos sejam executados na mesma plataforma de hardware. Impulsionada pelo crescente interesse em consolidar e isolar ambientes múltiplos e heterogéneos, a virtualização tem ganho uma crescente relevância no domínio dos sistemas embebidos. As adversidades que advém das abordagens de virtualização clássicas estão a direcionar estudos no âmbito de soluções assistidas por hardware. Entre as tecnologias comerciais existentes, a tecnologia ARM TrustZone está a ganhar muita relevância devido à supremacia e ao menor custo dos processadores que suportam esta tecnologia. Plataformas hibridas, que combinam processadores com lógica programável, estão em crescente penetração no domínio dos sistemas embebidos pois, disponibilizam um enorme conjunto de recursos que se adequam perfeitamente à natureza heterogénea dos sistemas atuais. Além disso, existem soluções recentes que fazem uso da tecnologia de FPGA para melhorar os mecanismos de virtualização. Esta dissertação propõe uma framework baseada em hardware-software de modo a cumprir os requisitos da nova geração de sistemas embebidos. A tecnologia TrustZone é explorada para implementar uma arquitetura que permite a execução de um GPOS lado-a-lado com um sistemas operativo de tempo real (RTOS). Os serviços disponibilizados pelo RTOS são migrados para hardware, para melhorar o desempenho e determinismo do OS. Em vez de focar numa aplicação concreta, o objetivo é fornecer uma framework especificamente adaptada para dispositivos baseados em System-on-chips Zynq, de forma a que developers possam usar para acelerar um vasto número de aplicações distintas em diferentes setores

    Hardware IPC for a TrustZone-assisted Hypervisor

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e ComputadoresIn this modern era ruled by technology and the IoT (Internet of Things), embedded systems have an ubiquitous presence in our daily lives. Although they do differ from each other in their functionalities and end-purpose, they all share the same basic requirements: safety and security. Whether in a non-critical system such as a smartphone, or a critical one, like an electronic control unit of any modern vehicle, these requirements must always be fulfilled in order to accomplish a reliable and trust-worthy system. One well-established technology to address this problem is virtualization. It provides isolation by encapsulating each subsystem in separate Virtual-Machines (VMs), while also enabling the sharing of hardware resources. However, these isolated subsystems may still need to communicate with each other. Inter-Process Communication is present in most OSes’ stacks, representing a crucial part of it, which allows, through a myriad of different mechanisms, communication be- tween tasks. In a virtualized system, Inter-Partition Communication mechanisms implement the communication between the different subsystems referenced above. TrustZone technology has been in the forefront of hardware-assisted security and it has been explored for virtualization purposes, since natively it provides sep- aration between two execution worlds while enforcing, by design, different privi- lege to these execution worlds. LTZVisor, an open-source lightweight TrustZone- assisted hypervisor, emerged as a way of providing a platform for exploring how TrustZone can be exploited to assist virtualization. Its IPC mechanism, TZ- VirtIO, constitutes a standard virtual I/O approach for achieving communication between the OSes, but some overhead is caused by the introduction of the mech- anism. Hardware-based solutions are yet to be explored with this solution, which could bring performance and security benefits while diminishing overhead. Attending the reasons mentioned above, hTZ-VirtIO was developed as a way to explore the offloading of the software-based communication mechanism of the LTZVisor to hardware-based mechanisms.Atualmente, onde a tecnologia e a Internet das Coisas (IoT) dominam a so- ciedade, os sistemas embebidos são omnipresentes no nosso dia-a-dia, e embora possam diferir entre as funcionalidades e objetivos finais, todos partilham os mes- mos requisitos básicos. Seja um sistema não crítico, como um smartphone, ou um sistema crítico, como uma unidade de controlo de um veículo moderno, estes requisitos devem ser cumpridos de maneira a se obter um sistema confiável. Uma tecnologia bem estabelecida para resolver este problema é a virtualiza- ção. Esta abordagem providencia isolamento através do encapsulamento de sub- sistemas em máquinas virtuais separadas, além de permitir a partilha de recursos de hardware. No entanto, estes subsistemas isolados podem ter a necessidade de comunicar entre si. Comunicação entre tarefas está presente na maioria das pilhas de software de qualquer sistema e representa uma parte crucial dos mesmos. Num sistema virtualizado, os mecanismos de comunicação entre-partições implementam a comunicação entre os diferentes subsistemas mencionados acima. A tecnologia TrustZone tem estado na vanguarda da segurança assistida por hardware, e tem sido explorada na implementação de sistemas virtualizados, visto que permite nativamente a separação entre dois mundos de execução, e impondo ao mesmo tempo, por design, privilégios diferentes a esses mundos de execução. O LTZVisor, um hypervisor em código-aberto de baixo overhead assistido por Trust- Zone, surgiu como uma forma de fornecer uma plataforma que permite a explo- ração da TrustZone como tecnologia de assistência a virtualização. O TZ-VirtIO, mecanismo de comunicação do LTZVisor, constitui uma abordagem padrão de E/S virtuais, para permitir comunicação entre os sistemas operativos. No entanto, a introdução deste mecanismo provoca sobrecarga sobre o hypervisor. Soluções baseadas em hardware para o TZ-VirtIO ainda não foram exploradas, e podem trazer benefícios de desempenho e segurança, e diminuir a sobrecarga. Atendendo às razões mencionadas acima, o hTZ-VirtIO foi desenvolvido como uma maneira de explorar a migração do mecanismo de comunicação baseado em software do LTZVisor para mecanismos baseados em hardware

    Secure and safe virtualization-based framework for embedded systems development

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    Tese de Doutoramento - Programa Doutoral em Engenharia Electrónica e de Computadores (PDEEC)The Internet of Things (IoT) is here. Billions of smart, connected devices are proliferating at rapid pace in our key infrastructures, generating, processing and exchanging vast amounts of security-critical and privacy-sensitive data. This strong connectivity of IoT environments demands for a holistic, end-to-end security approach, addressing security and privacy risks across different abstraction levels: device, communications, cloud, and lifecycle managment. Security at the device level is being misconstrued as the addition of features in a late stage of the system development. Several software-based approaches such as microkernels, and virtualization have been used, but it is proven, per se, they fail in providing the desired security level. As a step towards the correct operation of these devices, it is imperative to extend them with new security-oriented technologies which guarantee security from the outset. This thesis aims to conceive and design a novel security and safety architecture for virtualized systems by 1) evaluating which technologies are key enablers for scalable and secure virtualization, 2) designing and implementing a fully-featured virtualization environment providing hardware isolation 3) investigating which "hard entities" can extend virtualization to guarantee the security requirements dictated by confidentiality, integrity, and availability, and 4) simplifying system configurability and integration through a design ecosystem supported by a domain-specific language. The developed artefacts demonstrate: 1) why ARM TrustZone is nowadays a reference technology for security, 2) how TrustZone can be adequately exploited for virtualization in different use-cases, 3) why the secure boot process, trusted execution environment and other hardware trust anchors are essential to establish and guarantee a complete root and chain of trust, and 4) how a domain-specific language enables easy design, integration and customization of a secure virtualized system assisted by the above mentioned building blocks.Vivemos na era da Internet das Coisas (IoT). Biliões de dispositivos inteligentes começam a proliferar nas nossas infraestruturas chave, levando ao processamento de avolumadas quantidades de dados privados e sensíveis. Esta forte conectividade inerente ao conceito IoT necessita de uma abordagem holística, em que os riscos de privacidade e segurança são abordados nas diferentes camadas de abstração: dispositivo, comunicações, nuvem e ciclo de vida. A segurança ao nível dos dispositivos tem sido erradamente assegurada pela inclusão de funcionalidades numa fase tardia do desenvolvimento. Têm sido utilizadas diversas abordagens de software, incluindo a virtualização, mas está provado que estas não conseguem garantir o nível de segurança desejado. De forma a garantir a correta operação dos dispositivos, é fundamental complementar os mesmos com novas tecnologias que promovem a segurança desde os primeiros estágios de desenvolvimento. Esta tese propõe, assim, o desenvolvimento de uma solução arquitetural inovadora para sistemas virtualizados seguros, contemplando 1) a avaliação de tecnologias chave que promovam tal realização, 2) a implementação de uma solução de virtualização garantindo isolamento por hardware, 3) a identificação de componentes que integrados permitirão complementar a virtualização para garantir os requisitos de segurança, e 4) a simplificação do processo de configuração e integração da solução através de um ecossistema suportado por uma linguagem de domínio específico. Os artefactos desenvolvidos demonstram: 1) o porquê da tecnologia ARM TrustZone ser uma tecnologia de referência para a segurança, 2) a efetividade desta tecnologia quando utilizada em diferentes domínios, 3) o porquê do processo seguro de inicialização, juntamente com um ambiente de execução seguro e outros componentes de hardware, serem essenciais para estabelecer uma cadeia de confiança, e 4) a viabilidade em utilizar uma linguagem de um domínio específico para configurar e integrar um ambiente virtualizado suportado pelos artefactos supramencionados

    Embedded-systems-oriented virtualization framework with functionality farming

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Eletrónica e de ComputadoresUm: O uso de um hipervisor como kernel de separação em arquiteturas integradas está a ser considerado, visto que, um hipervisor não só proporciona separação temporal e espacial, mas também compatibilidade com software legacy. No entanto, nos dias de hoje, a maior parte dos hipervisores baseiam-se em paravirtualização ou dependem de hardware high-end; ambas as abordagens não cumprem os requisitos dos sistema embebidos críticos para a segurança. A paravirtualização, por um lado, não proporciona compatibilidade total com software legacy, sendo necessária a sua modificação e adaptação a uma interface especifica do hipervisor utilizado. Hardware high-end, por outro lado, apesar de proporcionar compatibilidade total com software legacy, dá origem a sistemas de grande dimensão, de elevado peso, com elevado consumo de energia, de elevado custo, etc. Nesta tese, a capacidade da virtualização completa em hardware lowend para resolver as limitações dos hipervisores existentes é investigada. Para isso, um hipervisor baseado em virtualização completa em hardware low-end é descrito e é apresentada uma avaliação da sua performance e do espaço ocupado em memória. Dois: Métodos de desenvolvimentos convencionais não são capazes de acompanhar os requisitos dos sistemas embebidos críticos para segurança de hoje em dia. Nesta tese: (a) é apresentada uma abordagem baseada em modelos já existente, mais especificamente, geração de código baseada em modelos; (b) são descritas as modificações aplicadas a um compilador de modelos já existente por forma a que este suporte novas capacidades; e (c) é apresentada uma avaliação sobre a capacidade da geração de código baseada em modelos de reduzir o esforço de engenharia quando comparada com abordagens convencionais. Três: A maior parte dos sistemas operativos de hoje em dia seguem uma arquitetura monolítica; esta arquitetura, no entanto, está associada a fraca confiabilidade, baixa segurança, esforço de certificação elevado, bem como baixa previsibilidade e escalabilidade. Para colmatar estes problemas, as soluções propostas na literatura apenas contornam a origem do problema, i.e., a elevada dimensão do kernel numa arquitetura monolítica, e não o resolvem diretamente. Nesta tese, functionality farming é proposto para atacar a origem do problema. Functionality farming apenas, no entanto, depende de um esforço de engenharia significativo. Visto isto, esta tese também apresenta FF-AUTO, uma ferramenta capaz de realizar functionality farming de forma semiautomática. Por último, esta tese demonstra como functionality farming é capaz de melhorar o design e a performance de um kernel já existente, e demonstra também como FF-AUTO permite uma redução significativa do esforço de engenharia.First, the use of a hypervisor as the separation kernel on integrated architectures has been considered, as it not only provides time and space partitioning, but it also provides compatibility with legacy software. Nowadays, most hypervisors, however, either rely on paravirtualization or depend on high-end hardware, both of which do not fulfill the requirements of safety-critical embedded systems. Paravirtualization does not provide complete legacy compatibility as it requires legacy software to be modified to fit a hypervisor-specific interface. High-end hardware, on the other hand, even though it provides complete legacy compatibility, it leads to large system size, weight, power consumption, cost, etc. In this thesis, the feasibility of low-end hardware full virtualization to address the limitations of existing hypervisors is investigated. For that, a hypervisor based on low-end hardware full virtualization is described and an evaluation of its performance and footprint is presented. Second, conventional development methods are unable to keep up with the requirements of nowadays and future safety-critical embedded systems. In this thesis: (a) an existing model-driven engineering approach to address the limitations of conventional development methods is presented; more specifically, a model-driven code generation approach; (b) the modifications applied to an existing model compiler in order for it to support new features are described; and (c) an evaluation of whether or not a model-driven code generation approach leads to lower engineering effort when compared to a conventional approach is presented. Third, most operating systems, nowadays, follow a monolithic architecture; this, however, leads to poor reliability, weak security, high certification effort, as well as poor predictability and scalability. To address this problem, the solutions proposed in the literature just work around the source of the problem, i.e., the large size of the kernel in a monolithic architecture, and do not address it directly. In this thesis, functionality farming is proposed to tackle the source of the problem. Functionality farming alone, however, depends on a significant engineering effort. To address this problem, this thesis also presents FF-AUTO, a tool which performs functionality farming semi-automatically. At last, this thesis demonstrates how functionality farming is able to improve the design and the performance of an existing kernel, as well as how FF-AUTO enables a significant reduction of the required engineering effort

    Memory architectures for exaflop computing systems

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    Most computing systems are heavily dependent on their main memories, as their primary storage, or as an intermediate cache for slower storage systems (HDDs). The capacity of memory systems, as well as their performance, have a direct impact on overall computing capabilities of the system, and are also major contributors to its initial and operating costs. Dynamic Random Access Memory (DRAM) technology has been dominating the main memory landscape since its beginnings in 1970s until today. However, due to DRAM's inherent limitations, its steady rate of development has saturated over the past decade, creating a disparity between CPU and main memory performance, known as the memory wall. Modern parallel architectures, such as High-Performance Computing (HPC) clusters and manycore solutions, create even more stress on their memory systems. It is not trivial to estimate memory requirements that these systems will have in the future, and if DRAM technology would be able to meet them, or we would need to look for a novel memory solution. This thesis attempts to give insight in the most important technological challenges that future memory systems need to address, in order to meet the ever growing requirements of users and their applications, in manycore and HPC context. We try to describe the limitations of DRAM, as the dominant technology in today's main memory systems, that may impede performance or increase cost of future systems. We discuss some of the emerging memory technologies, and by comparing them with DRAM, we try to estimate their potential usage in future memory systems. The thesis evaluates the requirements of manycore scientific applications, in terms of memory bandwidth and footprint, and estimates how these requirements may change in the future. With this evaulation in mind, we propose a hybrid memory solution that employs DRAM and PCM, as well as several page placement and page migration policies, to bridge the gap between fast and small DRAM and larger but slower non-volatile memory. As the aforementioned evaluations required custom software solutions, we present tools we produced over the course of this PhD, which continue to be used in Heterogeneous Computer Architectures group in Barcelona Supercomputing Center. First, Limpio - a LIghtweight MPI instrumentatiOn framework, that provides an interface for low-overhead instrumentation and profiling of MPI applications with user-defined routines. Second, MemTraceMPI, a Valgrind tool, used to produce memory access traces of MPI applications, with several innovative concepts included (filter-cache, iteration tracing, compressed trace files).La mayoría de los sistemas de computación dependen en gran medida de sus principales recuerdos, como su almacenamiento primario, o como un caché intermedio para sistemas de almacenamiento más lentos (discos duros). La capacidad de los sistemas de memoria, así como su rendimiento, tienen un impacto directo en las capacidades globales de computación del sistema, y también son los principales contribuyentes a sus costos iniciales y de operación. Tecnología Dynamic Random Access memoria (DRAM) ha estado dominando el principal paisaje de memoria desde sus inicios en 1970 hasta la actualidad. Sin embargo, debido a las limitaciones inherentes de DRAM, su tasa constante de desarrollo ha saturado durante la última década, creando una disparidad entre la CPU y el rendimiento de la memoria principal, conocido como el muro de la memoria. Arquitecturas modernas paralelas, como la computación (HPC) de alto rendimiento y soluciones manycore, crear aún más presión sobre sus sistemas de memoria. No es trivial para estimar los requisitos de memoria que estos sistemas tendrán en el futuro, y si la tecnología DRAM sería capaz de cumplir con ellas, o que tendría que buscar una solución de memoria novela. En esta tesis se intenta dar una idea de los más importantes retos tecnológicos que los sistemas de memoria futuras deben abordar, con el fin de satisfacer las necesidades cada vez mayores de los usuarios y sus aplicaciones, en Manycore y HPC contexto. Intentamos describir las limitaciones de memoria DRAM, como la tecnología dominante en los sistemas de memoria principal de hoy en día, que pueden impedir el rendimiento o el aumento de los costos de los sistemas futuros. Se discuten algunas de las tecnologías de memoria emergentes, y comparándolos con DRAM, tratamos de estimar su uso potencial en sistemas de memoria futuras. La tesis evalúa los requisitos de las aplicaciones científicas manycore, en términos de ancho de banda de memoria y huella, y estima cómo estos requisitos pueden cambiar en el futuro. Con esta evaulation en mente, proponemos una solución de memoria híbrida que emplea DRAM y PCM, así como varias políticas de colocación de la página y la página de la migración, para cerrar la brecha entre la DRAM rápido y pequeño y más grande pero la memoria más lenta no volátil. Como las evaluaciones mencionadas necesarias soluciones de software personalizadas, se presentan las herramientas que hemos producido en el transcurso de esta tesis doctoral, que se siguen utilizando en el grupo heterogéneo de computadoras Arquitecturas en Barcelona Supercomputing Center. En primer lugar, Limpio - un marco MPI Instrumentación ligero, que proporciona una interfaz para la instrumentación de baja sobrecarga y perfilado de aplicaciones MPI con rutinas definidas por el usuario. En segundo lugar, MemTraceMPI, una herramienta Valgrind, utilizado para producir los rastros de acceso a memoria de aplicaciones MPI, con varios conceptos innovadores incluido (filtro-cache, trazado iteración, archivos de seguimiento comprimido)

    Generation of Application Specific Hardware Extensions for Hybrid Architectures: The Development of PIRANHA - A GCC Plugin for High-Level-Synthesis

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    Architectures combining a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and a general-purpose processor on a single chip became increasingly popular in recent years. On the one hand, such hybrid architectures facilitate the use of application specific hardware accelerators that improve the performance of the software on the host processor. On the other hand, it obliges system designers to handle the whole process of hardware/software co-design. The complexity of this process is still one of the main reasons, that hinders the widespread use of hybrid architectures. Thus, an automated process that aids programmers with the hardware/software partitioning and the generation of application specific accelerators is an important issue. The method presented in this thesis neither requires restrictions of the used high-level-language nor special source code annotations. Usually, this is an entry barrier for programmers without deeper understanding of the underlying hardware platform. This thesis introduces a seamless programming flow that allows generating hardware accelerators for unrestricted, legacy C code. The implementation consists of a GCC plugin that automatically identifies application hot-spots and generates hardware accelerators accordingly. Apart from the accelerator implementation in a hardware description language, the compiler plugin provides the generation of a host processor interfaces and, if necessary, a prototypical integration with the host operating system. An evaluation with typical embedded applications shows general benefits of the approach, but also reveals limiting factors that hamper possible performance improvements

    Fault-tolerant satellite computing with modern semiconductors

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    Miniaturized satellites enable a variety space missions which were in the past infeasible, impractical or uneconomical with traditionally-designed heavier spacecraft. Especially CubeSats can be launched and manufactured rapidly at low cost from commercial components, even in academic environments. However, due to their low reliability and brief lifetime, they are usually not considered suitable for life- and safety-critical services, complex multi-phased solar-system-exploration missions, and missions with a longer duration. Commercial electronics are key to satellite miniaturization, but also responsible for their low reliability: Until 2019, there existed no reliable or fault-tolerant computer architectures suitable for very small satellites. To overcome this deficit, a novel on-board-computer architecture is described in this thesis.Robustness is assured without resorting to radiation hardening, but through software measures implemented within a robust-by-design multiprocessor-system-on-chip. This fault-tolerant architecture is component-wise simple and can dynamically adapt to changing performance requirements throughout a mission. It can support graceful aging by exploiting FPGA-reconfiguration and mixed-criticality.  Experimentally, we achieve 1.94W power consumption at 300Mhz with a Xilinx Kintex Ultrascale+ proof-of-concept, which is well within the powerbudget range of current 2U CubeSats. To our knowledge, this is the first COTS-based, reproducible on-board-computer architecture that can offer strong fault coverage even for small CubeSats.European Space AgencyComputer Systems, Imagery and Medi

    Increasing the Performance and Predictability of the Code Execution on an Embedded Java Platform

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    This thesis explores the execution of object-oriented code on an embedded Java platform. It presents established and derives new approaches for the implementation of high-level object-oriented functionality and commonly expected system services. The goal of the developed techniques is the provision of the architectural base for an efficient and predictable code execution. The research vehicle of this thesis is the Java-programmed SHAP platform. It consists of its platform tool chain and the highly-customizable SHAP bytecode processor. SHAP offers a fully operational embedded CLDC environment, in which the proposed techniques have been implemented, verified, and evaluated. Two strands are followed to achieve the goal of this thesis. First of all, the sequential execution of bytecode is optimized through a joint effort of an optimizing offline linker and an on-chip application loader. Additionally, SHAP pioneers a reference coloring mechanism, which enables a constant-time interface method dispatch that need not be backed a large sparse dispatch table. Secondly, this thesis explores the implementation of essential system services within designated concurrent hardware modules. This effort is necessary to decouple the computational progress of the user application from the interference induced by time-sharing software implementations of these services. The concrete contributions comprise a spill-free, on-chip stack; a predictable method cache; and a concurrent garbage collection. Each approached means is described and evaluated after the relevant state of the art has been reviewed. This review is not limited to preceding small embedded approaches but also includes techniques that have proven successful on larger-scale platforms. The other way around, the chances that these platforms may benefit from the techniques developed for SHAP are discussed