157 research outputs found

    Scaling Up Concurrent Analytical Workloads on Multi-Core Servers

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    Today, an ever-increasing number of researchers, businesses, and data scientists collect and analyze massive amounts of data in database systems. The database system needs to process the resulting highly concurrent analytical workloads by exploiting modern multi-socket multi-core processor systems with non-uniform memory access (NUMA) architectures and increasing memory sizes. Conventional execution engines, however, are not designed for many cores, and neither scale nor perform efficiently on modern multi-core NUMA architectures. Firstly, their query-centric approach, where each query is optimized and evaluated independently, can result in unnecessary contention for hardware resources due to redundant work found across queries in highly concurrent workloads. Secondly, they are unaware of the non-uniform memory access costs and the underlying hardware topology, incurring unnecessarily expensive memory accesses and bandwidth saturation. In this thesis, we show how these scalability and performance impediments can be solved by exploiting sharing among concurrent queries and incorporating NUMA-aware adaptive task scheduling and data placement strategies in the execution engine. Regarding sharing, we identify and categorize state-of-the-art techniques for sharing data and work across concurrent queries at run-time into two categories: reactive sharing, which shares intermediate results across common query sub-plans, and proactive sharing, which builds a global query plan with shared operators to evaluate queries. We integrate the original research prototypes that introduce reactive and proactive sharing, perform a sensitivity analysis, and show how and when each technique benefits performance. Our most significant finding is that reactive and proactive sharing can be combined to exploit the advantages of both sharing techniques for highly concurrent analytical workloads. Regarding NUMA-awareness, we identify, implement, and compare various combinations of task scheduling and data placement strategies under a diverse set of highly concurrent analytical workloads. We develop a prototype based on a commercial main-memory column-store database system. Our most significant finding is that there is no single strategy for task scheduling and data placement that is best for all workloads. In specific, inter-socket stealing of memory-intensive tasks can hurt overall performance, and unnecessary partitioning of data across sockets involves an overhead. For this reason, we implement algorithms that adapt task scheduling and data placement to the workload at run-time. Our experiments show that both sharing and NUMA-awareness can significantly improve the performance and scalability of highly concurrent analytical workloads on modern multi-core servers. Thus, we argue that sharing and NUMA-awareness are key factors for supporting faster processing of big data analytical applications, fully exploiting the hardware resources of modern multi-core servers, and for more responsive user experience

    Secure Time-Aware Provenance for Distributed Systems

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    Operators of distributed systems often find themselves needing to answer forensic questions, to perform a variety of managerial tasks including fault detection, system debugging, accountability enforcement, and attack analysis. In this dissertation, we present Secure Time-Aware Provenance (STAP), a novel approach that provides the fundamental functionality required to answer such forensic questions – the capability to “explain” the existence (or change) of a certain distributed system state at a given time in a potentially adversarial environment. This dissertation makes the following contributions. First, we propose the STAP model, to explicitly represent time and state changes. The STAP model allows consistent and complete explanations of system state (and changes) in dynamic environments. Second, we show that it is both possible and practical to efficiently and scalably maintain and query provenance in a distributed fashion, where provenance maintenance and querying are modeled as recursive continuous queries over distributed relations. Third, we present security extensions that allow operators to reliably query provenance information in adversarial environments. Our extensions incorporate tamper-evident properties that guarantee eventual detection of compromised nodes that lie or falsely implicate correct nodes. Finally, the proposed research results in a proof-of-concept prototype, which includes a declarative query language for specifying a range of useful provenance queries, an interactive exploration tool, and a distributed provenance engine for operators to conduct analysis of their distributed systems. We discuss the applicability of this tool in several use cases, including Internet routing, overlay routing, and cloud data processing

    Oblivious Bounds on the Probability of Boolean Functions

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    This paper develops upper and lower bounds for the probability of Boolean functions by treating multiple occurrences of variables as independent and assigning them new individual probabilities. We call this approach dissociation and give an exact characterization of optimal oblivious bounds, i.e. when the new probabilities are chosen independent of the probabilities of all other variables. Our motivation comes from the weighted model counting problem (or, equivalently, the problem of computing the probability of a Boolean function), which is #P-hard in general. By performing several dissociations, one can transform a Boolean formula whose probability is difficult to compute, into one whose probability is easy to compute, and which is guaranteed to provide an upper or lower bound on the probability of the original formula by choosing appropriate probabilities for the dissociated variables. Our new bounds shed light on the connection between previous relaxation-based and model-based approximations and unify them as concrete choices in a larger design space. We also show how our theory allows a standard relational database management system (DBMS) to both upper and lower bound hard probabilistic queries in guaranteed polynomial time.Comment: 34 pages, 14 figures, supersedes: http://arxiv.org/abs/1105.281

    Inductive Biases for Deep Learning of Higher-Level Cognition

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    A fascinating hypothesis is that human and animal intelligence could be explained by a few principles (rather than an encyclopedic list of heuristics). If that hypothesis was correct, we could more easily both understand our own intelligence and build intelligent machines. Just like in physics, the principles themselves would not be sufficient to predict the behavior of complex systems like brains, and substantial computation might be needed to simulate human-like intelligence. This hypothesis would suggest that studying the kind of inductive biases that humans and animals exploit could help both clarify these principles and provide inspiration for AI research and neuroscience theories. Deep learning already exploits several key inductive biases, and this work considers a larger list, focusing on those which concern mostly higher-level and sequential conscious processing. The objective of clarifying these particular principles is that they could potentially help us build AI systems benefiting from humans' abilities in terms of flexible out-of-distribution and systematic generalization, which is currently an area where a large gap exists between state-of-the-art machine learning and human intelligence.Comment: This document contains a review of authors research as part of the requirement of AG's predoctoral exam, an overview of the main contributions of the authors few recent papers (co-authored with several other co-authors) as well as a vision of proposed future researc

    Distributed Sparse Computing and Communication for Big Graph Analytics and Deep Learning

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    Sparsity can be found in the underlying structure of many real-world computationally expensive problems including big graph analytics and large scale sparse deep neural networks. In addition, if gracefully investigated, many of these problems contain a broad substratum of parallelism suitable for parallel and distributed executions of sparse computation. However, usually, dense computation is preferred to its sparse alternative as sparse computation is not only hard to parallelize due to the irregular nature of the sparse data, but also complicated to implement in terms of rewriting a dense algorithm into a sparse one. Hence, foolproof sparse computation requires customized data structures to encode the sparsity of the sparse data and new algorithms to mask the complexity of the sparse computation. However, by carefully exploiting the sparse data structures and algorithms, sparse computation can reduce memory consumption, communication volume, and processing power and thus undoubtedly move the scalability boundaries compared to its dense equivalent. In this dissertation, I explain how to use parallel and distributed computing techniques in the presence of sparsity to solve large scientific problems including graph analytics and deep learning. To meet this end goal, I leverage the duality between graph theory and sparse linear algebra primitives, and thus solve graph analytics and deep learning problems with the sparse matrix operations. My contributions are fourfold: (1) design and implementation of a new distributed compressed sparse matrix data structure that reduces both computation and communication volumes and is suitable for sparse matrix-vector and sparse matrix-matrix operations, (2) introducing the new MPI*X parallelism model that deems threads as basic units of computing and communication, (3) optimizing sparse matrix-matrix multiplication by employing different hashing techniques, and (4) proposing the new data-then-model parallelism that mitigates the effect of stragglers in sparse deep learning by combining data and model parallelisms. Altogether, these contributions provide a set of data structures and algorithms to accelerate and scale the sparse computing and communication

    Infobiotics : computer-aided synthetic systems biology

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    Until very recently Systems Biology has, despite its stated goals, been too reductive in terms of the models being constructed and the methods used have been, on the one hand, unsuited for large scale adoption or integration of knowledge across scales, and on the other hand, too fragmented. The thesis of this dissertation is that better computational languages and seamlessly integrated tools are required by systems and synthetic biologists to enable them to meet the significant challenges involved in understanding life as it is, and by designing, modelling and manufacturing novel organisms, to understand life as it could be. We call this goal, where everything necessary to conduct model-driven investigations of cellular circuitry and emergent effects in populations of cells is available without significant context-switching, “one-pot” in silico synthetic systems biology in analogy to “one-pot” chemistry and “one-pot” biology. Our strategy is to increase the understandability and reusability of models and experiments, thereby avoiding unnecessary duplication of effort, with practical gains in the efficiency of delivering usable prototype models and systems. Key to this endeavour are graphical interfaces that assists novice users by hiding complexity of the underlying tools and limiting choices to only what is appropriate and useful, thus ensuring that the results of in silico experiments are consistent, comparable and reproducible. This dissertation describes the conception, software engineering and use of two novel software platforms for systems and synthetic biology: the Infobiotics Workbench for modelling, in silico experimentation and analysis of multi-cellular biological systems; and DNA Library Designer with the DNALD language for the compact programmatic specification of combinatorial DNA libraries, as the first stage of a DNA synthesis pipeline, enabling methodical exploration biological problem spaces. Infobiotics models are formalised as Lattice Population P systems, a novel framework for the specification of spatially-discrete and multi-compartmental rule-based models, imbued with a stochastic execution semantics. This framework was developed to meet the needs of real systems biology problems: hormone transport and signalling in the root of Arabidopsis thaliana, and quorum sensing in the pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Our tools have also been used to prototype a novel synthetic biological system for pattern formation, that has been successfully implemented in vitro. Taken together these novel software platforms provide a complete toolchain, from design to wet-lab implementation, of synthetic biological circuits, enabling a step change in the scale of biological investigations that is orders of magnitude greater than could previously be performed in one in silico “pot”

    From specialists to generalists : inductive biases of deep learning for higher level cognition

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    Les réseaux de neurones actuels obtiennent des résultats de pointe dans une gamme de domaines problématiques difficiles. Avec suffisamment de données et de calculs, les réseaux de neurones actuels peuvent obtenir des résultats de niveau humain sur presque toutes les tâches. En ce sens, nous avons pu former des spécialistes capables d'effectuer très bien une tâche particulière, que ce soit le jeu de Go, jouer à des jeux Atari, manipuler le cube Rubik, mettre des légendes sur des images ou dessiner des images avec des légendes. Le prochain défi pour l'IA est de concevoir des méthodes pour former des généralistes qui, lorsqu'ils sont exposés à plusieurs tâches pendant l'entraînement, peuvent s'adapter rapidement à de nouvelles tâches inconnues. Sans aucune hypothèse sur la distribution génératrice de données, il peut ne pas être possible d'obtenir une meilleure généralisation et une meilleure adaptation à de nouvelles tâches (inconnues). Les réseaux de neurones actuels obtiennent des résultats de pointe dans une gamme de domaines problématiques difficiles. Une possibilité fascinante est que l'intelligence humaine et animale puisse être expliquée par quelques principes, plutôt qu'une encyclopédie de faits. Si tel était le cas, nous pourrions plus facilement à la fois comprendre notre propre intelligence et construire des machines intelligentes. Tout comme en physique, les principes eux-mêmes ne suffiraient pas à prédire le comportement de systèmes complexes comme le cerveau, et des calculs importants pourraient être nécessaires pour simuler l'intelligence humaine. De plus, nous savons que les vrais cerveaux intègrent des connaissances a priori détaillées spécifiques à une tâche qui ne pourraient pas tenir dans une courte liste de principes simples. Nous pensons donc que cette courte liste explique plutôt la capacité des cerveaux à apprendre et à s'adapter efficacement à de nouveaux environnements, ce qui est une grande partie de ce dont nous avons besoin pour l'IA. Si cette hypothèse de simplicité des principes était correcte, cela suggérerait que l'étude du type de biais inductifs (une autre façon de penser aux principes de conception et aux a priori, dans le cas des systèmes d'apprentissage) que les humains et les animaux exploitent pourrait aider à la fois à clarifier ces principes et à fournir source d'inspiration pour la recherche en IA. L'apprentissage en profondeur exploite déjà plusieurs biais inductifs clés, et mon travail envisage une liste plus large, en se concentrant sur ceux qui concernent principalement le traitement cognitif de niveau supérieur. Mon travail se concentre sur la conception de tels modèles en y incorporant des hypothèses fortes mais générales (biais inductifs) qui permettent un raisonnement de haut niveau sur la structure du monde. Ce programme de recherche est à la fois ambitieux et pratique, produisant des algorithmes concrets ainsi qu'une vision cohérente pour une recherche à long terme vers la généralisation dans un monde complexe et changeant.Current neural networks achieve state-of-the-art results across a range of challenging problem domains. Given enough data, and computation, current neural networks can achieve human-level results on mostly any task. In the sense, that we have been able to train \textit{specialists} that can perform a particular task really well whether it's the game of GO, playing Atari games, Rubik's cube manipulation, image caption or drawing images given captions. The next challenge for AI is to devise methods to train \textit{generalists} that when exposed to multiple tasks during training can quickly adapt to new unknown tasks. Without any assumptions about the data generating distribution it may not be possible to achieve better generalization and adaption to new (unknown) tasks. A fascinating possibility is that human and animal intelligence could be explained by a few principles (rather than an encyclopedia). If that was the case, we could more easily both understand our own intelligence and build intelligent machines. Just like in physics, the principles themselves would not be sufficient to predict the behavior of complex systems like brains, and substantial computation might be needed to simulate human intelligence. In addition, we know that real brains incorporate some detailed task-specific a priori knowledge which could not fit in a short list of simple principles. So we think of that short list rather as explaining the ability of brains to learn and adapt efficiently to new environments, which is a great part of what we need for AI. If that simplicity of principles hypothesis was correct it would suggest that studying the kind of inductive biases (another way to think about principles of design and priors, in the case of learning systems) that humans and animals exploit could help both clarify these principles and provide inspiration for AI research. Deep learning already exploits several key inductive biases, and my work considers a larger list, focusing on those which concern mostly higher-level cognitive processing. My work focuses on designing such models by incorporating in them strong but general assumptions (inductive biases) that enable high-level reasoning about the structure of the world. This research program is both ambitious and practical, yielding concrete algorithms as well as a cohesive vision for long-term research towards generalization in a complex and changing world


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    Modern high performance computing applications such as personal computing, gaming, numerical simulations require application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs) that comprises of many cores. Performance for these applications depends mainly on latency of interconnects which transfer data between cores that implement applications by distributing tasks. Time-to-market is a critical consideration while designing ASICs for these applications. Therefore, to reduce design cycle time, predicting system performance accurately at an early stage of design is essential. With process technology in nanometer era, physical phenomena such as crosstalk, reflection on the propagating signal have a direct impact on performance. Incorporating these effects provides a better performance estimate at an early stage. This work presents a methodology for better performance prediction at an early stage of design, achieved by mapping system specification to a circuit-level netlist description. At system-level, to simplify description and for efficient simulation, SystemVerilog descriptions are employed. For modeling system performance at this abstraction, queueing theory based bounded queue models are applied. At the circuit level, behavioral Input/Output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS) models can be used for analyzing effects of these physical phenomena on on-chip signal integrity and hence performance. For behavioral circuit-level performance simulation with IBIS models, a netlist must be described consisting of interacting cores and a communication link. Two new netlists, IBIS-ISS and IBIS-AMI-ISS are introduced for this purpose. The cores are represented by a macromodel automatically generated by a developed tool from IBIS models. The generated IBIS models are employed in the new netlists. Early performance prediction methodology maps a system specification to an instance of these netlists to provide a better performance estimate at an early stage of design. The methodology is scalable in nanometer process technology and can be reused in different designs
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