119 research outputs found

    The positive and negative effects of online gaming and internet use in people with social anxiety

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    Antecedents: The internet has become a global phenomenon that has integrated itself into every society throughout the world (Internet World Stats, 2018). As the availability of the internet and all of forms of communications within it evolve, so do the risks and benefits that come with it, including psychological disorders...Antecedentes: El internet es un fenómeno mundial que cada vez más se ha ido integrando en todas las sociedades alrededor del mundo (Internet World Stats, 2018). A la vez que esto va incrementando también empiezan aparecer riesgos y beneficio en un aspecto psicológico..

    Аналіз педагогічних умов формування правового виховання підлітків у процесі роботи громадських об’єднань

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    У статті розглянуто проблему правового виховання підлітків. Проведено аналіз педа- гогічних умов для формування правової сві- домості підлітків. Досліджується питання наукової проблеми, а саме сутність право- вого виховання підлітків у процесі виховної роботи громадського об’єднання. Здійснено аналіз теоретичних робіт вітчизняних і зарубіжних експертів щодо формування пра- вової свідомості підлітків. Проаналізовано теоретико-методологічні аспекти наукової проблеми педагогічних умов формування правосвідомості в підлітків. Відображено процес роботи громадського об’єднання з підлітками. Визначено пріоритетність цього питання в модернізації системи сучас- ної політики України. Одним зі структур- них елементів права є правосвідомість, яку можна визначити як систему знань, оцінок та ідей, що виражають ставлення людей до позитивного й ідеального права. Оскільки правосвідомість є частиною здатності до морального судження, її зачатки властиві людині із самого народження. Це варто розу- міти так, що людина здатна інтуїтивно розмежовувати добро і зло, законне і про- тизаконне, справедливе й несправедливе. Однак однієї інтуїції недостатньо. Розви- нена правова свідомість має складну струк- туру й формується частково за допомогою вольових зусиль індивіда, але більшою мірою завдяки зовнішньому впливу під час соціаліза- ції. Визначено, що виховання підлітків і фор- мування їхньої правової свідомості в процесі роботи громадського об’єднання передба- чає вивчення законів, підвищення їхньої пра- вової обізнаності, систематичну звітність про поточні питання права, оскільки правові знання є основою, на якій формується пра- восвідомість. Вони допомагають підліткам співвідносити свої вчинки та поведінку своїх товаришів не лише з відомими моральними нормами, а й із вимогами законів, виправ- ляти, змінювати це в правильному напрямі. Значна частина підлітків, хоча вони не зна- ють конкретних правових норм, не вчиняє правопорушень. Регулятором їхньої пове- дінки є дотримання моральних норм і звичаїв

    The Impact of Social Media on Society

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    It is the objective of this article to present evidence from several researches that were done by many scholars in different environment that distinctly demonstrates the negative impact of social media in three main categories. First, social media fosters a false sense of online connections and superficial friendships leading to emotional and psychological problems. The Second harm of social media is that it can become easily addictive taking away family and personal time as well as diminish interpersonal skills, leading to antisocial behavior. Lastly, social media has become a tool for criminals, predators and terrorists enabling them to commit illegal acts. And the third analysis will consist of showing the link between the psychological problems caused by social media and criminal activities committed

    Concerning Mobile Multitasking Post-Behavior State of Mind

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    With the growing popularity of mobile web service and mobile devices, mobile multitasking behaviour is becoming an important issue for mobile commerce among practitioners and academics. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of polychronicity preference, mobile self-efficacy and anxious trait on multitasking behaviour and the multitasking post-behaviour state of mind. The result shows that polychronicity preference has direct influence on users’ multitasking behaviours and negative influence toward easiness state of mobile multitasking post-behaviour state of mind. Mobile self-efficacy has positive influence on mobile multitasking behaviours while anxiety trait only has negative influence on a portion of the mobile multitasking behaviours. Mobile multitasking has direct influence on post-behaviour state of mind

    Approaching Fake News at the Expense of Truth: A Psychophysiological Study of News on Social Media

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    In 2018, sixty-eight percent of adults in America obtained their news from social media sites. During the same period, the amount of fake news online has increased substantially, resulting in increased propagation of false information. The research literature is growing on the effects of fake news on social media, but few studies have examined psychophysiological responses to true and fake news on social media. This research utilizes psychophysiological measures, specifically heart rate variability and skin conductance, to compare the perceived believability of news headlines posted on social media. Our findings indicate that individuals exhibit increased levels of approach behavior to true and fake news on social media. Additionally, higher time spent on social media is related to an increase in approach behavior to fake news. These findings have important implications for research and practice

    College Students\u27 Social Media Uses and Affective Correlates

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    Given the high prevalence of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety among college students, research on social media use, a salient feature of the modern college experience, is increasingly warranted. While research documents a link between negative psychological symptomology and social media use, few studies have examined what specific patterns of use may be more or less harmful than others. Therefore, the present study investigated whether specific types of social media use (socially oriented uses, information seeking uses, and entertainment uses) are more or less strongly associated with affective variables (depression, anxiety, positive affect, and negative affect). Utilizing four hierarchical linear regression models, we examined the degree to which the different types of social media use account for the variance in our four affective criterion variables. Contrary to our hypotheses, none of the three types of use were significant predictors of depression, anxiety, or positive affect (ps\u3e.05). However, both social and information seeking use were found to be significant predictors of negative affect, such that higher social use predicted lower negative affect (B= - .218, t(197) = -2.198, p \u3c .05) and higher information seeking use predicted higher negative affect (B= .240, t(197) = 2.706, p \u3c .01). These results suggest that while these three types of social media use may not have differential relationships with specific symptoms of psychopathology, social and information seeking use do seem related to more global experiences of negative affect. Further, while the link between information seeking and negative affect reflects findings in other research on news exposure, our findings on social use and lower negative affect were unexpected given prior documentation of a link between socially oriented uses and increased psychological distress and depression symptoms. Our findings suggest that the relationship between socially oriented use of social media and negative affect is likely more complex than previously suggested, with the possibility for both harmful and beneficial impacts of interacting with others online. Implications of these findings and directions for future research will be discussed


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    O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto das redes sociais na autoimagem e bem estar subjetivo em estudantes secundaristas a partir da análise estatística descritiva e testes não paramétricos para correlação entre variáveis. Foi identificada correlação positiva entre indicadores de depressão e tempo de uso de redes sociais para o sexo feminino e entre ansiedade e tempo de uso para o sexo masculino. A maior exposição a imagens de redes sociais apresentou associação com relato de sentimentos negativos, insatisfação corporal e com estilo de vida. Foi possível correlacionar o tempo e padrão de uso das redes sociais com desfechos negativos em saúde mental.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Adaptation of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale for a sample of portuguese population

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    The aim of this study is to adapt a Portuguese version of the original 18 items of the Bergen Facebook Addiction Scale (BFAS), via a translation / back translation process, using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) in a Portuguese sample. The sample comprised 232 respondents from the general population. The modified BFAS acquires a different factor structure from the original, keeping 4 of the main theoretical elements (subscales) and 10 of the 18 original items. The results indicate that the Portuguese version of the original BFAS presents good psychometric qualities. The statistical techniques used in the study allowed assessing the reliability and validity of the modified BFAS. Nevertheless, further uses of this scale with other samples from the Portuguese population are necessary to confirm the obtained results.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The main aim of this study was to investigate the levels of nomophobia and cyberloafing among undergraduate students. Participants were 65 undergraduates from the department of English at Najran University. Nomophobia questionnaire (NMP-Q) and the cyberloafing scale were used as main instruments for data collection. The descriptive, inferential and analytical approach was used. Results indicated that undergraduate students had moderate levels of nomophobia and their practice levels of cyberloafing behaviors were somehow high. The most prominent factors that were affecting their nomophobia levels were their inability to keep in touch with their families and friends, anxiety if their families could not contact them once their smartphones are not ready to use, desire to keep checking their smartphones if they could not check them for a while, and battery run out in their smartphones. In accordance with cyberloafing, results showed that posting status updates on social networks, chatting with friends, reading tweets, retweeting the tweets they like, downloading needed applications, and watching videos online were the behaviors that were mostly practiced by the majority of undergraduates. Article visualizations