37,790 research outputs found

    Properties of potential eco-friendly gas replacements for particle detectors in high-energy physics

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    Gas detectors for elementary particles require F-based gases for optimal performance. Recent regulations demand the use of environmentally unfriendly F-based gases to be limited or banned. This work studies properties of potential eco-friendly gas replacements by computing the physical and chemical parameters relevant for use as detector media, and suggests candidates to be considered for experimental investigation


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    In this article we propose the mathematical model for revelation of deliberate unfriendly information impacts which are fulfilled by means of specially prepared information messages (news, reviews and others) in mass-media. The model calculates the quantitative measure for fact determination of purposeful information impact and evaluation of potential damage to interests of state (party, corporation) from impact fulfilment. The model use the following data: intensity and direction of information streams (publication frequency and themes of news), structure of important state and public problems, structure of social groups of a society, priorities of these social groups, mass-media popularity in social groups, priorities of a state policy. The model is the semantic network in which the relations between concepts we formalize by use of fuzzy measures by Sugeno. We have used this model for revelation of information impacts on public opinion of Russian-speaking national minority of Crimea (Ukraine) during 01.2002 - 02.2005 (final stage of presidential elections). The model also can has important implications for evaluation of election cleanness, for neutralization of dirty voting technologies, for facts determination of unfair competition, when corporations involve a public opinion into own competitive activity.public opinion; information impact; fuzzy measures; mathematical model

    Sex-role stereotyping and sex discrimination regulation in advertising: the Belgian case

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    Stereotypy w ukraińskim społeczeństwie w stosunku do osób wewnętrznie przemieszczonych z Donbasu

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    Stereotypes have always existed in Ukrainian society. The main reason for their occurrence as a rule, was the differences in the historical development of certain regions. With the influence of time, some stereotypes disappeared, but others appeared in their place. The war in the Donbass, has led to the emergence of new stereotypes, which began to firmly take root in the minds of people. Basically, these stereotypes relate to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) from the Donbass and have a negative connotation. The main disseminators of stereotypes are public figures, community activists and the media. The purpose of the article is to analyze the most widespread stereotypes in some regions of Ukraine not covered by the conflict and to find out the reasons for their occurrence.W ukraińskim społeczeństwie zawsze istniały stereotypy. Główną przyczyną ich występowania były z reguły różnice w rozwoju historycznym niektórych regionów. Pod wpływem czasu niektóre stereotypy zniknęły, ale inne pojawiły się w ich miejscu. Wojna w Donbasie doprowadziła do pojawienia się nowych stereotypów, które zaczęły mocno zakorzeniać się w świadomości społecznej. Zasadniczo te stereotypy odnoszą się do osób wewnętrznie przesiedlonych (IDP) z Donbasu i mają negatywną konotację. Głównymi dostarczycielami stereotypów są osoby publiczne, działacze społeczni i media. Celem artykułu jest analiza najbardziej rozpowszechnionych stereotypów w niektórych regionach Ukrainy nieobjętych konfliktem oraz poznanie przyczyn ich wystąpienia

    Media and Democracy in Turkey: Towards a Model of Neoliberal Media Autocracy

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    This paper reveals the ways in which media autocracy operates on political, judicial, economic and discursive levels in post-2007 Turkish media. Newsmakers in Turkey currently experience five different systemic kinds of neoliberal government pressures to keep their voice down: conglomerate pressure, judicial suppression, online banishment, surveillance defamation and accreditation discrimination. The progression of restrictions on media freedom has increased in volume annually since 2007; this includes pressure on the Doğan Media Group, the YouTube ban, arrests of journalists in the Ergenekon trials, phone tapping/taping of political figures and the exclusion of all unfriendly reporters from political circles. The levels and tools of this autocracy eventually lead to certain conclusions about the qualities of this media environment: it is a historically conservative, redistributive, panoptic and discriminatory media autocracy.</jats:p

    Person to Person in Germany

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    While still in the midst of their study abroad experiences, students at Linfield College write reflective essays. Their essays address issues of cultural similarity and difference, compare lifestyles, mores, norms, and habits between their host countries and home, and examine changes in perceptions about their host countries and the United States. In this essay, Savannah Fellers describes her observations during her study abroad program at Nürtigen-Geislingen University in Nürtigen, Germany

    Model for revelation of unfriendly information impacts in mass-media which are directed on change of public opinion

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    In this article we proposes the mathematical model for revelation of deliberate unfriendly information impacts which are fulfilled by means of specially prepared information messages (news, reviews and others) in mass-media. The model calculates the quantitative measure for fact determination of purposeful information impact and evaluation of potential damage to interests of state (party, corporation) from impact fulfilment. The model use the following data: intensity and direction of information streams (publication frequency and themes of news), structure of important state and public problems, structure of social groups of a society, priorities of these social groups, mass-media popularity in social groups, priorities of a state policy. The model is the semantic network in which the relations between concepts we formalize by use of fuzzy measures by Sugeno. We have used this model for revelation of information impacts on public opinion of Russian-speaking national minority of Crimea (Ukraine) during 01.2002 - 02.2005 (final stage of presidential elections). The model also can has important implications for evaluation of election cleanness, for neutralization of dirty voting technologies, for facts determination of unfair competition, when corporations involve a public opinion into own competitive activity.Information impact; public opinion; fuzzy measures; preferences; social groups

    A Shifting Landscape: A Decade of Change in American Attitudes about Same-Sex Marriage and LGBT Issues

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    This national survey of more than 4,500 Americans finds that support for allowing gay and lesbian people to legally wed has jumped 21 percentage points over the last decade, from 32 percent in 2003 to 53 percent in 2013, transforming the American religious landscape in the process