124 research outputs found

    Design and Motion Control of a Lower Limb Robotic Exoskeleton

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    This chapter presents the results of research work on design, actuator selection and motion control of a lower extremity exoskeleton developed to provide legged mobility to spinal cord injured (SCI) individuals. The exoskeleton has two degrees of freedom per leg. Hip and knee joints are actuated in the sagittal plane by using DC servomotors. Additional effort supplied by user’s arms through crutches is defined as user support rate (USR). Experimentally determined USR values are considered in actuator torque computations for achieving a realistic actuator selection. A custom-embedded system is used to control exoskeleton. Reference joint trajectories are determined by using clinical gait analysis (CGA). Three-loop cascade controllers with current, velocity and position feedback are designed for controlling the joint motions of the exoskeleton. A non-linear ARX model is used to determine controller parameters. Overall performance and an assistive effect of WSE-2 are experimentally investigated by conducting tests with a paraplegic patient with T10 complete injury

    Design, control, and pilot study of a lightweight and modular robotic exoskeleton for walking assistance after spinal cord injury

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    Walking rehabilitation using exoskeletons is of high importance to maximize independence and improve the general well-being of spinal cord injured subjects. We present the design and control of a lightweight and modular robotic exoskeleton to assist walking in spinal cord injured subjects who can control hip flexion, but lack control of knee and ankle muscles. The developed prototype consists of two robotic orthoses, which are powered by a motor-harmonic drive actuation system that controls knee flexion–extension. This actuation module is assembled on standard passive orthoses. Regarding the control, the stance-to-swing transition is detected using two inertial measurement units mounted on the tibial supports, and then the corresponding motor performs a predefined flexion–extension cycle that is personalized to the specific patient’s motor function. The system is portable by means of a backpack that contains an embedded computer board, the motor drivers, and the battery. A preliminary biomechanical evaluation of the gait-assistive device used by a female patient with incomplete spinal cord injury at T11 is presented. Results show an increase of gait speed (+24.11%), stride length (+7.41%), and cadence (+15.56%) when wearing the robotic orthoses compared with the case with passive orthoses. Conversely, a decrease of lateral displacement of the center of mass (-19.31%) and step width (-13.37% right step, -8.81% left step) are also observed, indicating gain of balance. The biomechanical assessment also reports an overall increase of gait symmetry when wearing the developed assistive device.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Event-based control for sit-to-stand transition using a wearable exoskeleton

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    Sit-to-stand transition is an essential step in a lower limb rehabilitation therapy, mainly for assisting the patient to transit from wheel chair to the next level of therapy. A mixed stiffness-damping control adaptation is proposed for this task which will help in reaching the final position with a constant velocity. A combination of control model is proposed to ensure the initiation and the final stage of the transition, such as to ensure stability and to maintain the equilibrium. The combined control model helps in reaching the goal position with equal participation from the user. For patient studies, such as with paraplegic patients, a combinational control model with muscle stimulation can be included to provide a complete assistance. The role of muscle stimulation and joint movement assistance is also considered in this control model. Further, final stage of this transition must ensure keeping or helping the user to maintain the upright position.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    The Effect of Body Weight Support on Squat Biomechanics

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    Syed, Najam. MSME, Purdue University, December 2015. The Effect of Body Weight Support on Squat Biomechanics. Major Professor: Justin Seipel, School of Mechanical Engineering

    HyExo:A Novel Quasi-Passive Hydraulic Exoskeleton for Load-Carrying Augmentation

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    The development of assistive lower-limb exoskeletons gains prominence for human load-carrying augmentation. Hydraulic transmission has attractive hydrostatic features and lower inertia at the end of human limbs. However, few hydraulic lower-limb exoskeletons were developed with low energy consumption and light weight. In this article, we introduce HyExo, a quasi-passive hydraulic exoskeleton that is built on a lightweight rotary cage valve (RCV) block with a fast response and low energy consumption of 1.55&amp;#x00A0;W. Based on the RCV block, we propose an optimization-based regulator for joint energy distribution to harvest and release the hydraulic energy among joints during the stance phase. The interaction force model and control of the novel nonanthropomorphic structure are presented and evaluated. The load-supporting effect was investigated and validated through human subject experiments. The results show that with an assisting fluid pressure of 2.5&amp;#x00A0;MPa, HyExo can transfer a mean force of 237&amp;#x00A0;N to the ground. Meanwhile, the impact of wearing HyExo on gait is analyzed. The metabolic expenditure test shows that HyExo can slow the increasing rate in metabolic cost as load increases. Compared with a regular backpack, walking with HyExo to carry 30&amp;#x00A0;kg of weight reduces wearers&amp;#x0027; metabolic energy expenditure by 7.8&amp;#x0025;.</p

    Robotic design and modelling of medical lower extremity exoskeletons

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    This study aims to explain the development of the robotic Lower Extremity Exoskeleton (LEE) systems between 1960 and 2019 in chronological order. The scans performed in the exoskeleton system’s design have shown that a modeling program, such as AnyBody, and OpenSim, should be used first to observe the design and software animation, followed by the mechanical development of the system using sensors and motors. Also, the use of OpenSim and AnyBody musculoskeletal system software has been proven to play an essential role in designing the human-exoskeleton by eliminating the high costs and risks of the mechanical designs. Furthermore, these modeling systems can enable rapid optimization of the LEE design by detecting the forces and torques falling on the human muscles

    Subject-exoskeleton contact model calibration leads to accurate interaction force predictions

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    Knowledge of human–exoskeleton interaction forces is crucial to assess user comfort and effectiveness of the interaction. The subject-exoskeleton collaborative movement and its interaction forces can be predicted in silico using computational modeling techniques. We developed an optimal control framework that consisted of three phases. First, the foot-ground (Phase A) and the subject-exoskeleton (Phase B) contact models were calibrated using three experimental sit-to-stand trials. Then, the collaborative movement and the subject-exoskeleton interaction forces, of six different sit-to-stand trials were predicted (Phase C). The results show that the contact models were able to reproduce experimental kinematics of calibration trials (mean root mean square differences - RMSD - coordinates = 1.1° and velocities = 6.8°/s), ground reaction forces (mean RMSD= 22.9 N), as well as the interaction forces at the pelvis, thigh, and shank (mean RMSD = 5.4 N). Phase C could predict the collaborative movements of prediction trials (mean RMSD coordinates = 3.5° and velocities = 15.0°/s), and their subject-exoskeleton interaction forces (mean RMSD = 13.1° N). In conclusion, this optimal control framework could be used while designing exoskeletons to have in silico knowledge of new optimal movements and their interaction forces.Postprint (author's final draft

    A Pediatric Knee Exoskeleton With Real-Time Adaptive Control for Overground Walking in Ambulatory Individuals With Cerebral Palsy

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    Gait training via a wearable device in children with cerebral palsy (CP) offers the potential to increase therapy dosage and intensity compared to current approaches. Here, we report the design and characterization of a pediatric knee exoskeleton (P.REX) with a microcontroller based multi-layered closed loop control system to provide individualized control capability. Exoskeleton performance was evaluated through benchtop and human subject testing. Step response tests show the averaged 90% rise was 26 ± 0.2 ms for 5 Nm, 22 ± 0.2 ms for 10 Nm, 32 ± 0.4 ms for 15 Nm. Torque bandwidth of P.REX was 12 Hz and output impedance was less than 1.8 Nm with control on (Zero mode). Three different control strategies can be deployed to apply assistance to knee extension: state-based assistance, impedance-based trajectory tracking, and real-time adaptive control. One participant with typical development (TD) and one participant with crouch gait from CP were recruited to evaluate P.REX in overground walking tests. Data from the participant with TD were used to validate control system performance. Kinematic and kinetic data were collected by motion capture and compared to exoskeleton on-board sensors to evaluate control system performance with results demonstrating that the control system functioned as intended. The data from the participant with CP are part of a larger ongoing study. Results for this participant compare walking with P.REX in two control modes: a state-based approach that provided constant knee extension assistance during early stance, mid-stance and late swing (Est+Mst+Lsw mode) and an Adaptive mode providing knee extension assistance proportional to estimated knee moment during stance. Both were well tolerated and significantly improved knee extension compared to walking without extension assistance (Zero mode). There was less reduction in gait speed during use of the adaptive controller, suggesting that it may be more intuitive than state-based constant assistance for this individual. Future work will investigate the effects of exoskeleton assistance during overground gait training in children with neurological disorders and will aim to identify the optimal individualized control strategy for exoskeleton prescription

    Design of an Elastic Actuation System for a Gait-Assistive Active Orthosis for Incomplete Spinal Cord Injured Subjects

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    A spinal cord injury severely reduces the quality of life of affected people. Following the injury, limitations of the ability to move may occur due to the disruption of the motor and sensory functions of the nervous system depending on the severity of the lesion. An active stance-control knee-ankle-foot orthosis was developed and tested in earlier works to aid incomplete SCI subjects by increasing their mobility and independence. This thesis aims at the incorporation of elastic actuation into the active orthosis to utilise advantages of the compliant system regarding efficiency and human-robot interaction as well as the reproduction of the phyisological compliance of the human joints. Therefore, a model-based procedure is adapted to the design of an elastic actuation system for a gait-assisitve active orthosis. A determination of the optimal structure and parameters is undertaken via optimisation of models representing compliant actuators with increasing level of detail. The minimisation of the energy calculated from the positive amount of power or from the absolute power of the actuator generating one human-like gait cycle yields an optimal series stiffness, which is similar to the physiological stiffness of the human knee during the stance phase. Including efficiency factors for components, especially the consideration of the electric model of an electric motor yields additional information. A human-like gait cycle contains high torque and low velocities in the stance phase and lower torque combined with high velocities during the swing. Hence, the efficiency of an electric motor with a gear unit is only high in one of the phases. This yields a conceptual design of a series elastic actuator with locking of the actuator position during the stance phase. The locked position combined with the series compliance allows a reproduction of the characteristics of the human gait cycle during the stance phase. Unlocking the actuator position for the swing phase enables the selection of an optimal gear ratio to maximise the recuperable energy. To evaluate the developed concept, a laboratory specimen based on an electric motor, a harmonic drive gearbox, a torsional series spring and an electromagnetic brake is designed and appropriate components are selected. A control strategy, based on impedance control, is investigated and extended with a finite state machine to activate the locking mechanism. The control scheme and the laboratory specimen are implemented at a test bench, modelling the foot and shank as a pendulum articulated at the knee. An identification of parameters yields high and nonlinear friction as a problem of the system, which reduces the energy efficiency of the system and requires appropriate compensation. A comparison between direct and elastic actuation shows similar results for both systems at the test bench, showing that the increased complexity due to the second degree of freedom and the elastic behaviour of the actuator is treated properly. The final proof of concept requires the implementation at the active orthosis to emulate uncertainties and variations occurring during the human gait

    An Underactuated Active Transfemoral Prosthesis With Series Elastic Actuators Enables Multiple Locomotion Tasks

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    Robotic lower limb prostheses have the power to revolutionize mobility by enhancing gait efficiency and facilitating movement. While several design approaches have been explored to create lightweight and energy-efficient devices, the potential of underactuation remains largely untapped in lower limb prosthetics. Taking inspiration from the natural harmony of walking, in this article, we have developed an innovative active transfemoral prosthesis. By incorporating underactuation, our design uses a single power actuator placed near the knee joint and connected to a differential mechanism to drive both the knee and ankle joints. We conduct comprehensive benchtop tests and evaluate the prosthesis with three individuals who have above-knee amputations, assessing its performance in walking, stair climbing, and transitions between sitting and standing. Our evaluation focuses on gathering position and torque data recorded from sensors integrated into the prosthesis and comparing these measurements to biomechanical data of able-bodied locomotion. Our findings highlight the promise of underactuation in advancing lower limb prosthetics and demonstrate the feasibility of our knee–ankle underactuated design in various tasks, showcasing its ability to replicate natural movement
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