10 research outputs found

    Implementation Of The AHP Method And Decision Table To Determine The Problem Student

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    o far, the selection of types and weight of student violations is rather difficult to be done by the college. Sometimes a student has a good performance in terms of lectures, but on the other hand less in terms of behavior or attitude compared with other students and vice versa. It is necessary to develop assessment methods to conduct selection and evaluation of the students, especially those indicated problematic to be evaluated and handled in a more structured manner. In this study created a system that produces a system that supports decision-making to determine students who have problems and need attention as well as special guidance objectively. The system is created by using AHP method which is one of the methods in decision support system and decision table which is one method in data mining. The criteria used are value of achievement index, length of study, duration of not active as student, amount of absenteeism, payment of SPP, alcohol use, drugs and fighting. The AHP method is used to determine the weight of each criterion according to the input of the interest ratio. In addition to weight, the results of the AHP method also determine the classification of actions forproblem students. Decision table generates referrals according to the classification produced by the AHP method.The system can describe the AHP process at each step in the form of a matrix so that it can be studied and evaluated the truth of each step on the method used. Keywords: AHP, Decision Table, Problematic Students

    A Review On Evaluation And Benefits Of Decision Support Systems

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    This review paper identifies benefits from various Decision Support Systems (DSSs) and introduces a range of examples from the literature. Those examples are organized according to the driving technological architecture of the DSS. Benefits may impact a decision or the decision-making process. Some techniques for assessing the benefits of a particular DSS were also surveyed


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    This study aims to determine the effect of perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, and behavioral intention to use the service of e-commerce-based accounting information systems on Millennial MSME performance. The population in this research were all Millennial MSME actors in Medan City. The research sample comprised 46 respondents from this population using the purposive sampling method. According to the findings of this research, perceived usefulness has a positive and significant effect on MSMEs' performance, perceived ease of use has no significant effect on MSMEs' performance, attitude toward using has no significant effect on MSMEs' performance, and behavioral intention to use has no significant effect on MSMEs' performance. However, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitude toward using, and behavioral intention to use all significantly impact MSMEs' performance. This research highlights the effectiveness of MSME technology acceptance in adopting e-commerce and provides an overview of the condition of MSMEs amid technological advances, as well as empirical evidence to carry out further guidance for MSME actors


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    In best selection process such as best student, best employee, best destination, etc. need an effective method so it may have the best object in output. Criteria on each process consist of among qualitative variable and numeric variable. In fact, to make a decision we cant use our feeling but should use science method. In our research we offer integrated AHP (Analytical Hierarchical Process) and Fuzzy-Promethee to solve the selection process that has among categorical variable. The result show algorithm from integrated AHP and Fuzzy-Promethee

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Penentuan Lokasi Perbaikan Jalan Menggunakan Metode Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) (Studi Kasus : Dinas P.U Bina Marga Kabupaten Ogan Ilir)

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    Currently the system to determine the location of roadworks at the Department of Public Works Highways Ogan Ilir already running properly with the working guidelines of government regulation No. 34 of 2006 on the road needs to be improved in accordance with the streets according to their status as district roads. However, the process to determine which path should be repaired first they compare with the printed document, so that problems that occur are not effective in the process of decision-making and reporting. Therefore, this study about decision support systems determining the location of roadwork that aims to speed up the decision making process regarding the location of which road to be repaired first by a ratio of specified criteria. The method used mainly in the development of the system is a Simple Additive weighting method (SAW) that can help best decision against several alternative decisions to obtain an accurate and optimal decision. The system is developed using PHP programming language and MySQL database in order to produce a support system that can provide an alternative in the decision

    Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Monitoring Mahasiswa Menggunakan Metode AHP Dan Promethee

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    Abstract - Decision support systems are widely used for optimization and effectiveness in making a decision in various fields such as in terms of decision making to know students who commit violations. The criteria for doing so is taken from the academic field (index value achievement, long studies, leave and attendance), finance and Student Affairs (mires, drugs and fighting. The methods used for monitoring student’s decision-making are the merger of the two methods, namely the Promethee and AHP method. AHP method used to obtain the relative weighting of each criterion and generate value for subsequent use in eigen promethee method to calculate the value of leaving flow, entering flow and net flow. Search or selection of the students in this study eventually led to a list of students who are given the attention and the handling of its own in order to complete the study in accordance with the rules of the applicable academic. Keywords : Decision Support Systems; AHP; Promethee    Abstrak - Sistem pendukung keputusan secara luas digunakan untuk optimasi dan efektivitas dalam membuat keputusan di berbagai bidang seperti dalam hal pengambilan keputusan untuk mengetahui siswa yang melakukan pelanggaran. Kriteria untuk melakukannya diambil dari bidang akademik (prestasi nilai indeks, studi yang panjang, meninggalkan dan kehadiran), keuangan dan Kemahasiswaan (Mires, obat-obatan dan pertempuran. Metode yang digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan monitoring siswa adalah penggabungan dua metode, yaitu Promethee dan AHP metode. metode AHP digunakan untuk mendapatkan bobot relatif dari setiap kriteria dan menghasilkan nilai bagi penggunaan selanjutnya di eigen metode PROMETHEE untuk menghitung nilai meninggalkan aliran, memasuki aliran dan aliran bersih. Cari atau seleksi siswa dalam penelitian ini akhirnya menyebabkan daftar siswa yang diberi perhatian dan penanganan sendiri untuk menyelesaikan studi sesuai dengan aturan akademik yang berlaku.Kata kunci: Sistem Pendukung Keputusan; AHP; Promethe

    Análise da importância da capacitação e formação básica dos gestores na utilização de um sistema de apoio à decisão: um estudo de caso múltiplo.

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    A competitividade e a disputa para se manter presente no mercado tem obrigado as empresas a investir em tecnologias para agilizar a produção e otimizar processos. A tomada de decisão, uma das principais atividades exercidas pelos executivos torna-se cada dia mais complexa devido à grande quantidade de informações vindas das mais variadas fontes, resultado da forte informatização das empresas. Os sistemas de apoio à decisão (SAD) vieram para atuar como ferramenta de auxílio para agilizar a análise das informações. É um sistema de alto nível que requer tempo e dedicação de seus usuários. O investimento para adoção do SAD é elevado e sua subutilização pode acarretar perda de tempo e prejuízos para as organizações. Desta forma esta pesquisa objetivou analisar a importância da capacitação e formação dos gestores afim de identificar condições que favorecem a melhor utilização do SAD. A metodologia aplicada foi o estudo de caso múltiplo onde os objetos de estudo correspondem a quatro organizações de grande porte pertencentes a segmentos distintos no mercado. O método de análise de conteúdo, empregado no trabalho permitiu identificar três categorias relevantes para a pesquisa: o papel da alta direção da empresa no apoio ao uso do SAD, as integrações entre as áreas de TI e de gestão e a necessidade de formação técnica e acadêmica dos executivos para propiciar a melhoria no diálogo interdisciplinar na solução de problemas. Por fim, os resultados do estudo permitem que as empresas assim como seus executivos possam melhor observar suas condutas de gestão, políticas de investimentos e capacitações e reforçar a integração entre seus departamentos, visto que este parece ser um caminho para amenizar problemas e gerar segurança para que seus colaboradores possam explorar os recursos tecnológicos que lhes forem disponibilizados

    An Analysis of the Impact of Decision Support Systems on the Performance of Upstream Commodity Chains

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    The aim of this research is to evaluate the role and application of Decision Support Systems (DSS) adopted to improve the decision-making capability and visibility of the operations of intermediary trading organisations in upstream commodity supply chains. This research investigates the nature and source of specific challenges associated with upstream commodity supply chains that affect supply chain performance, namely, supply chain governance, access to finance, risk management and operational efficiency. Upstream commodity markets are characterised by high price volatility and low unit value, high risk and lack of visibility. Upstream supply chains are highly complex involving multiple parties, cross-border transactions, information asymmetry and a lack of standardised rules and regulations (Ahumada, 2009). Intermediary commodity trading companies participate as mediators between the supply and demand of commodities worldwide and facilitate the transaction of goods between distant countries which allows them to adopt a key position in managing critical supply chain information and material flows (de Haan et al., 2003). Hence, the performance of intermediaries within the upstream supply chains have great impact on the supply chain overall. Academic literature on DSS, upstream supply chains and intermediation have been reviewed in order to establish a reliable and contextual knowledge base. The relational view provides a theoretical grounding for the work. In order to achieve the research objectives, qualitative multiple case study research was undertaken. The case studies were designed to analyse the changes in the case study company processes and operations before and after the implementation of the DSS, using cross-functional process maps. Three case studies with intermediary trading companies in rubber, coffee and cotton supply chains were undertaken. The research found a positive relationship between DSS adoption and business performance. The findings also reveal a significant mediating effect of DSS on supply chain performance. A triangulation research approach was chosen between collected qualitative data, observation and reviewed literature. Based on this finding and conceptual model, the study has contributed to body of knowledge concerning upstream supply chain practice

    Adoption of costing system sophistication and non-financial performance: evidence from Democratic Republic of Congo

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    This study examines factors that influence the adoption of cost system sophistication (CSS) among Congolese firms and the impact of CSS on non-financial performance. Far from the traditional linear concept of organisation, this study apprehends organisation as a complex adaptative system of non-linear interaction. In this regard a triangulation between contingency and complexity theory is used as a basis of conceptualisation. This is done by looking at the interplay of the combination of a set of factors in the specific case of Congolese businesses. In view of the nature of these research objectives, a mixed methods’ approach was adopted within a critical realism perspective. Data were collected using a survey questionnaire from 201 Congolese firms and from semi-structured interviews. SEM results indicate that the majority of Congolese firms use a simplistic costing system. In addition, results show that the adoption of CSS emerge as a pattern from the interplay between behavioural factors – management knowledge, management support -, organisational factors – perceived adequacy of resources -, and contextual factors- size, uncertainty avoidance. Furthermore, findings show that there are three social structures beneath the constant conjunction of association between factors, adoption of CSS and organisation performance: management knowledge norms, cultural norms values, and business strategic norms. Imbued with causal powers, the appearing or disappearing of patterns emerging from the continuous interplay of these social structures enacts or restrains the generative mechanism leading to a regularity in the occurrence of the relation between factors, adoption of CSS and Non-Financial Performance Measurements (NFPM). This study made a significant contribution to costing system literature by presenting for the first time a mechanism explaining what can be observed in the empirical domain regarding the relationships between factors, the adoption of CSS, and organisation performance. In this regard, this critical realism empirical study fills the gap in literature by providing a holistic answer for the first time to the question of why organisations adopt or design a cost system sophistication; or to the question relative to the extent to which factors influence the adoption of CSS and its effects on non-financial performance. In addition, this study is novel in reviving the simplistic and mechanistic contingency theory by integrating information from the contextual uncertainty and dynamism of nowadays business environment. The study asserts that the fitness between the context and the organisation system is underpinned by the contextual uncertainty landscape in which are embedded all aspects of management accounting control package or the entire business management. Furthermore, the findings have a practical implication on the benefit the adoption or the design of cost system sophistication is likely to bring into the organisation cost management effectiveness among Congolese businesses. The adoption of CSS will yield more net benefit - individual benefit and organisation benefit- to Congolese SMEs processes, and subsequently more profitability. This is likely to advance Congolese SMEs competitiveness to face pressures from the global business environment. Similarly, the framework of complex relationships between factors, CSS and NFPM offers to the managers insights on which contingent factors are related to CSS with which fitness will yield more organisational performance