7 research outputs found

    Social Media Technologies' Use for the Competitive Information and Knowledge Sharing, and Its Effects on Industrial SMEs' Innovation

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    The effective use of technologies supporting decision making is essential to companies? survival. Recent studies analyzed social media technologies (SMT) in the context of small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), contributing to the discussion on SMT benefits from the marketing perspective. This article focuses on the effects of SMT use on innovation. Our findings provide empirical evidence on the positive effects of SMT use for acquiring external information and for sharing knowledge and innovation performance

    Intelligence Economique : Une revue de la litt茅rature

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    Dans un environnement instable, o霉 l'analyse des menaces et opportunit茅s n'est plusune option, les entreprises r茅alisent qu'il devrait y avoir des changements majeurs dans la mani猫redont ils prennent leurs d茅cisions. La concurrence croissante a incit茅 les praticiens 脿 mettre en艙uvre des fonctions d'intelligence 茅conomique au sein de leur organisation afin de prendre demeilleures d茅cisions. Le but de cet article est d'analyser la litt茅rature anglo-saxonne surl'intelligence 茅conomique, son 茅volution et les concepts associ茅s, en mettant l'accent sur leprocessus de l'intelligence 茅conomique et la prise de d茅cision

    Effect of competitive intelligence dimensions on effectiveness of marketing strategies: A path analysis approach

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    One of the features of new organizations is the accumulation of excessive knowledge on a competitive scale, so that the information enhancement in organizations and the need for their analysis and proper and logical use in organizational decisions within the last two decades has led to the emergence of a phenomenon called Competitive Intelligence. Competitive Intelligence is considered as a strategic management tool and also as one of the world fastest domains in business development. The objective of this article is to identify the impact rate and prioritization of the categories and components of competitive intelligence patterns together with the effectiveness of marketing strategies in order to increase awareness and provide a better recognition of operational and executive solutions. In this paper, after introducing a competitive intelligence pattern, we used a questionnaire to identify the pattern components impact on the effect of marketing strategies among the Food Industry staff in Sari who were selected by stratified random sampling. The statistical analysis has shown that quality differences, barriers to entry and price sensitivity components and also competitive rivalries category have had the greatest impact on the effectiveness of marketing strategies

    Effect of competitive intelligence dimensions on effectiveness of marketing strategies: A path analysis approach

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    One of the features of new organizations is the accumulation of excessive knowledge on a competitive scale, so that the information enhancement in organizations and the need for their analysis and proper and logical use in organizational decisions within the last two decades has led to the emergence of a phenomenon called Competitive Intelligence. Competitive Intelligence is considered as a strategic management tool and also as one of the world fastest domains in business development. The objective of this article is to identify the impact rate and prioritization of the categories and components of competitive intelligence patterns together with the effectiveness of marketing strategies in order to increase awareness and provide a better recognition of operational and executive solutions. In this paper, after introducing a competitive intelligence pattern, we used a questionnaire to identify the pattern components impact on the effect of marketing strategies among the Food Industry staff in Sari who were selected by stratified random sampling. The statistical analysis has shown that quality differences, barriers to entry and price sensitivity components and also competitive rivalries category have had the greatest impact on the effectiveness of marketing strategies

    Modelo de medici贸n de la relaci贸n entre madurez organizacional y beneficios obtenidos a partir del uso de inteligencia de negocios en el contexto empresarial colombiano

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    La inteligencia de negocios ha tomado gran relevancia para la gesti贸n de las organizaciones, sin embargo, existe incertidumbre sobre cu谩les son los beneficios que realmente puede esperar una organizaci贸n al implementar este tipo de instrumentos, as铆 como los factores que afectan obtener con 茅xito estos beneficios y la forma en que deben ser abordados. Los beneficios son alcanzados en la medida en la que se cumplen con determinados requerimientos, que agrupados en niveles o estados determinan la madurez de la organizaci贸n. Este trabajo busca contribuir al estudio de las organizaciones mediante la identificaci贸n de los beneficios del uso de la inteligencia de negocios y el desarrollo de un modelo de madurez para evaluar los aspectos y hojas de ruta que se pueden trazar para obtener los beneficios propuestos. La investigaci贸n se desarrolla con un enfoque multimetodol贸gico, con el cual se abordan los atributos individuales, sociales y tecnol贸gicos del uso de la inteligencia de negocios, as铆 como los estados o niveles de madurez. Con la revisi贸n sistem谩tica de la literatura y el desarrollo de un modelo para realizar la medici贸n dentro de un estudio de caso en el que se eval煤an postulados hipot茅ticos sobre madurez, beneficios y su relaci贸n.Abstract: Business intelligence has taken great relevance to the organizational management, however, there is uncertainty about what are the benefits that an organization can really expect when implementing this type of instruments, as well as the factors that affect successfully obtaining these benefits and the way they should be addressed. The benefits are achieved to the extent that certain requirements are fulfilled, which grouped into levels or states determine the maturity of the organization. This work seeks to contribute to the study of organizations by identifying the benefits of using business intelligence and developing a maturity model to assess the aspects and roadmaps that can be drawn to obtain the proposed benefits. The research is developed with a multimetodological approach, which addresses the individual, social and technological attributes of the use of business intelligence, as well as the states or levels of maturity. With the systematic review of the literature and the development of a model to perform the measurement within a case study in which hypothetical postulates about maturity, benefits and their relationship are evaluated.Maestr铆

    La integraci贸n de los enfoques de Inteligencia para la promoci贸n del desarrollo de ventajas competitivas cient铆ficas, tecnol贸gicas e innovadoras en el Sector Vasco de Automoci贸n.

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    Los cap铆tulos 4, 5 y 8 est谩n sujetos a confidencialidad por el autor 297 p.Los desaf铆os tecnol贸gicos, econ贸micos y sociales en que viven actualmente las organizaciones han puesto de manifiesto que, para ser competitivas, deben pasar de una posici贸n reactiva a una posici贸n proactiva, con capacidad para innovar y adaptarse 谩gilmente a las singularidades que puedan suscitarse, haciendo uso inteligente de los datos, informaci贸n y conocimientos en todas sus 谩reas.Para dar respuesta a estos desaf铆os, las organizaciones buscan desarrollar e implementar modelos de inteligencia que recopilen, analicen, interpreten y diseminen datos e informaci贸n de alto valor a帽adido para su uso en la definici贸n y ejecuci贸n de su estrategia, as铆 como en los procesos de toma de decisiones.En este sentido, el concepto de inteligencia, originalmente ligado a los 谩mbitos militar, seguridad, pol铆tico, econ贸mico y comercial, y entendido como la capacidad para aprovechar los recursos internos y externos para la definici贸n de estrategias ha pasado al 谩mbito organizacional, con el fin 煤ltimo de dotar a todos los agentes de una serie de capacidades que de otra forma no ser铆a posible. Sin embargo, en ese proceso de migraci贸n, el concepto de inteligencia ha ido evolucionando, especializ谩ndose y encasill谩ndose, de tal forma que ha dado lugar a distintos enfoques, que en esencia comparten objetivos pero que en aplicaci贸n se han ido solapando.Atendiendo a esta situaci贸n, esta investigaci贸n guarda dentro sus objetivos establecer las bases para la definici贸n de los principales enfoques de inteligencia relacionados con las organizaciones, a trav茅s del an谩lisis de sus estructuras intelectuales, evoluci贸n, principales l铆neas de investigaci贸n y desarrollo, autores, publicaciones y organizaciones relevantes, entre otros aspectos. Para ello, se ha recurrido a la utilizaci贸n de t茅cnicas y herramientas bibliom茅tricas, que han permitido evaluar y analizar las publicaciones relacionadas con esta disciplina, as铆 como medir su impacto y calidad en el desarrollo de esta. Adem谩s, para dotar de una visi贸n de contraste, se ha seleccionado el sector de automoci贸n, como caso de uso, atendiendo a su efecto tractor y relevancia en el desarrollo econ贸mico y social, a trav茅s de la realizaci贸n de entrevistas y encuestas en las que se eval煤a el uso de la Inteligencia en toda la cadena de valor.Por 煤ltimo, tomando en cuenta las estructuras intelectuales, se propone el Modelo de Inteligencia STRIM (Strategic Intelligence Model), que hace de marco para la integraci贸n de los enfoques de Inteligencia Competitiva, Inteligencia Tecnol贸gica, Inteligencia de Mercado, Inteligencia Organizacional, Inteligencia de Negocio e Inteligencia Estrat茅gica, de manera sencilla y pr谩ctica, pensando en las necesidades de las organizaciones y su inter茅s por explotar al m谩ximo los beneficios que tienen los datos, informaci贸n y conocimientos

    Developing a competitive intelligence strategy model for South African life assurance industry.

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    Doctoral Degree. University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban.Competitive Intelligence Embeddedness (CIE) and organisational performance studies have used various techniques and methods to explain the relationships between variables. To address this limitation in the body of knowledge, the objective of this study was to apply PLS-SEM and build a model that explained and identified the critical factors affecting CIE in the SA life insurance environment. This study was deductive and based on a non-experimental research design. Quantitative research methods and descriptive design with the positivist research paradigm were employed. The researcher developed a cross-sectional quantitative approach using smart-PLS version 3.2.7. Data were collected from 276 respondents, and the response rate was 72%. Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) was applied to estimate the proposed theoretical model. This model was examined from an explanatory-predictive perspective and exhibited a high out-of-sample predictive power. Furthermore, this study鈥檚 measurement model was confirmed to be valid and reliable and acceptable. The findings of this study revealed that the R虏 value of the model was scored at 0.615, 0.506, and 0.735, which meant that the fourteen exogenous latent constructs collectively explained 61.5%, 50.60%, and 73.50% of the variance CIE, CS, and OP respectively. The model鈥檚 Goodness-of-Fit measured by SRMR and RMS_theta was 0.55 and 0.101 within the acceptable benchmark. The hypothesis validated that CIE was supported by employees, strategy, information usefulness, and information providers. Also, CIE, employee role clarity, and customer satisfaction aided organisational performance. This study showed that CIE is vital in SA life assurance companies because of its close association with customer satisfaction and organisational performance. Moreover, this study highlighted that the success of CIE in SA life assurance companies is influenced by the leadership style, technological readiness of the organisation, corporate culture and the accuracy, and use of information for strategic decision-making. Future research should consider a similar study in other African countries and globally to find similarities in embedding CI in organisations. The future investigation should also consider short-term insurance and other industries to test this study鈥檚 conceptual model