38 research outputs found

    Deeper Understanding of Tutorial Dialogues and Student Assessment

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    Bloom (1984) reported two standard deviation improvement with human tutoring which inspired many researchers to develop Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITSs) that are as effective as human tutoring. However, recent studies suggest that the 2-sigma result was misleading and that current ITSs are as good as human tutors. Nevertheless, we can think of 2 standard deviations as the benchmark for tutoring effectiveness of ideal expert tutors. In the case of ITSs, there is still the possibility that ITSs could be better than humans.One way to improve the ITSs would be identifying, understanding, and then successfully implementing effective tutorial strategies that lead to learning gains. Another step towards improving the effectiveness of ITSs is an accurate assessment of student responses. However, evaluating student answers in tutorial dialogues is challenging. The student answers often refer to the entities in the previous dialogue turns and problem description. Therefore, the student answers should be evaluated by taking dialogue context into account. Moreover, the system should explain which parts of the student answer are correct and which are incorrect. Such explanation capability allows the ITSs to provide targeted feedback to help students reflect upon and correct their knowledge deficits. Furthermore, targeted feedback increases learners\u27 engagement, enabling them to persist in solving the instructional task at hand on their own. In this dissertation, we describe our approach to discover and understand effective tutorial strategies employed by effective human tutors while interacting with learners. We also present various approaches to automatically assess students\u27 contributions using general methods that we developed for semantic analysis of short texts. We explain our work using generic semantic similarity approaches to evaluate the semantic similarity between individual learner contributions and ideal answers provided by experts for target instructional tasks. We also describe our method to assess student performance based on tutorial dialogue context, accounting for linguistic phenomena such as ellipsis and pronouns. We then propose an approach to provide an explanatory capability for assessing student responses. Finally, we recommend a novel method based on concept maps for jointly evaluating and interpreting the correctness of student responses

    Hizkuntza-ulermenari ekarpenak: N-gramen arteko atentzio eta lerrokatzeak antzekotasun eta inferentzia interpretagarrirako.

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    148 p.Hizkuntzaren Prozesamenduaren bitartez hezkuntzaren alorreko sistemaadimendunak hobetzea posible da, ikasleen eta irakasleen lan-karganabarmenki arinduz. Tesi honetan esaldi-mailako hizkuntza-ulermena aztertueta proposamen berrien bitartez sistema adimendunen hizkuntza-ulermenaareagotzen dugu, sistemei erabiltzailearen esaldiak modu zehatzagoaninterpretatzeko gaitasuna emanez. Esaldiak modu finean interpretatzekogaitasunak feedbacka modu automatikoan sortzeko aukera ematen baitu.Tesi hau garatzeko hizkuntza-ulermenean sakondu dugu antzekotasunsemantikoari eta inferentzia logikoari dagokien ezaugarriak eta sistemakaztertuz. Bereziki, esaldi barneko hitzak multzotan egituratuz eta lerrokatuzesaldiak hobeto modelatu daitezkeela erakutsi dugu. Horretarako, hitz solteaklerrokatzen dituen aurrekarien egoerako neurona-sare sistema batinplementatu eta n-grama arbitrarioak lerrokatzeko moldaketak egin ditugu.Hitzen arteko lerrokatzea aspalditik ezaguna bada ere, tesi honek, lehen aldiz,n-grama arbitrarioak atentzio-mekanismo baten bitartez lerrokatzekoproposamenak plazaratzen ditu.Gainera, esaldien arteko antzekotasunak eta desberdintasunak moduzehatzean identifikatzeko, esaldien interpretagarritasuna areagotzeko etaikasleei feedback zehatza emateko geruza berri bat sortu dugu: iSTS.Antzekotasun semantikoa eta inferentzia logikoa biltzen dituen geruzahorrekin chunkak lerrokatu ditugu, eta ikasleei feedback zehatza emateko gaiizan garela frogatu dugu hezkuntzaren testuinguruko bi ebaluazioeszenariotan.Tesi honekin batera hainbat sistema eta datu-multzo argitaratu diraetorkizunean komunitate zientifikoak ikertzen jarrai dezan

    Learning logic rules from text using statistical methods for natural language processing

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    The field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) examines how computers can be made to do beneficial tasks by understanding the natural language. The foundations of NLP are diverse and include scientific fields such as electrical and electronic engineering, linguistics, and artificial intelligence. Some popular NLP applications are information extraction, machine translation, text summarization, and question answering. This dissertation proposes a new methodology using Answer Set programming (ASP) as our main formalism to predict Interpretable Semantic Textual Similarity (iSTS) with a rule-based approach focusing on hard-coded rules for our system, Inspire. We next propose an intelligent rule learning methodology using Inductive Logic Programming (ILP) and modify the ILP-tool eXtended Hyrbid Abductive Inductive Learning (XHAIL) in order to test if we are able to learn the ASP-based rules that were hard-coded earlier on the chunking subtask of the Inspire system. Chunking is the identification of short phrases such as noun phrases which mainly rely on Part-of-Speech (POS) tags. We next evaluate our results using real data sets obtained from the SemEval2016 Task-2 iSTS competition to work with a real application which could be evaluated objectively using the test-sets provided by experts. The Inspire system participated at the SemEval2016 Task-2 iSTS competition in the subtasks of predicting chunk similarity alignments for gold chunks and system generated chunks for three different Datasets. The Inspire system extended the basic ideas from SemEval2015 iSTS Task participant NeRoSim, by realising the rules in logic programming and obtaining the result with an Answer Set Solver. To prepare the input for the logic program, the PunktTokenizer, Word2Vec, and WordNet APIs of NLTK, and the Part-of-Speech (POS) and Named-Entity-Recognition (NER) taggers from Stanford CoreNLP were used. For the chunking subtask, a joint POS-tagger and dependency parser were used based on which an Answer Set program determined chunks. The Inspire system ranked third place overall and first place in one of the competition datasets in the gold chunk subtask. For the above mentioned system, we decided to automate the sentence chunking process by learning the ASP rules using a statistical logical method which combines rule-based and statistical artificial intelligence methods, namely ILP. ILP has been applied to a variety of NLP problems some of which include parsing, information extraction, and question answering. XHAIL, is the ILP-tool we used that aims at generating a hypothesis, which is a logic program, from given background knowledge and examples of structured knowledge based on information provided by the POS-tags One of the main challenges was to extend the XHAIL algorithm for ILP which is based on ASP. With respect to processing natural language, ILP can cater for the constant change in how language is used on a daily basis. At the same time, ILP does not require huge amounts of training examples such as other statistical methods and produces interpretable results, that means a set of rules, which can be analysed and tweaked if necessary. As contributions XHAIL was extended with (i) a pruning mechanism within the hypothesis generalisation algorithm which enables learning from larger datasets, (ii) a better usage of modern solver technology using recently developed optimisation methods, and (iii) a time budget that permits the usage of suboptimal results. These improvements were evaluated on the subtask of sentence chunking using the same three datasets obtained from the SemEval2016 Task-2 competition. Results show that these improvements allow for learning on bigger datasets with results that are of similar quality to state-of-the-art systems on the same task. Moreover, the hypotheses obtained from individual datasets were compared to each other to gain insights on the structure of each dataset. Using ILP to extend our Inspire system not only automates the process of chunking the sentences but also provides us with interpretable models that are useful for providing a deeper understanding of the data being used and how it can be manipulated, which is a feature that is absent in popular Machine Learning methods

    Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan languages

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    Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference Formal Approaches to South Slavic and Balkan Languages publishes 22 papers that were presented at the conference organised in Dubrovnik, Croatia, 25-28 Septembre 2008

    Integrative bioinformatics applications for complex human disease contexts

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    This thesis presents new methods for the analysis of high-throughput data from modern sources in the context of complex human diseases, at the example of a bioinformatics analysis workflow. New measurement techniques improve the resolution with which cellular and molecular processes can be monitored. While RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) measures mRNA expression, single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) resolves this on a per-cell basis. Long-read sequencing is increasingly used in genomics. With imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) the protein level in tissues is measured spatially resolved. All these techniques induce specific challenges, which need to be addressed with new computational methods. Collecting knowledge with contextual annotations is important for integrative data analyses. Such knowledge is available through large literature repositories, from which information, such as miRNA-gene interactions, can be extracted using text mining methods. After aggregating this information in new databases, specific questions can be answered with traceable evidence. The combination of experimental data with these databases offers new possibilities for data integrative methods and for answering questions relevant for complex human diseases. Several data sources are made available, such as literature for text mining miRNA-gene interactions (Chapter 2), next- and third-generation sequencing data for genomics and transcriptomics (Chapters 4.1, 5), and IMS for spatially resolved proteomics (Chapter 4.4). For these data sources new methods for information extraction and pre-processing are developed. For instance, third-generation sequencing runs can be monitored and evaluated using the poreSTAT and sequ-into methods. The integrative (down-stream) analyses make use of these (heterogeneous) data sources. The cPred method (Chapter 4.2) for cell type prediction from scRNA-seq data was successfully applied in the context of the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic. The robust differential expression (DE) analysis pipeline RoDE (Chapter 6.1) contains a large set of methods for (differential) data analysis, reporting and visualization of RNA-seq data. Topics of accessibility of bioinformatics software are discussed along practical applications (Chapter 3). The developed miRNA-gene interaction database gives valuable insights into atherosclerosis-relevant processes and serves as regulatory network for the prediction of active miRNA regulators in RoDE (Chapter 6.1). The cPred predictions, RoDE results, scRNA-seq and IMS data are unified as input for the 3D-index Aorta3D (Chapter 6.2), which makes atherosclerosis related datasets browsable. Finally, the scRNA-seq analysis with subsequent cPred cell type prediction, and the robust analysis of bulk-RNA-seq datasets, led to novel insights into COVID-19. Taken all discussed methods together, the integrative analysis methods for complex human disease contexts have been improved at essential positions.Die Dissertation beschreibt Methoden zur Prozessierung von aktuellen Hochdurchsatzdaten, sowie Verfahren zu deren weiterer integrativen Analyse. Diese findet Anwendung vor allem im Kontext von komplexen menschlichen Krankheiten. Neue Messtechniken erlauben eine detailliertere Beobachtung biomedizinischer Prozesse. Mit RNA-Sequenzierung (RNA-seq) wird mRNA-Expression gemessen, mit Hilfe von moderner single-cell-RNA-seq (scRNA-seq) sogar für (sehr viele) einzelne Zellen. Long-Read-Sequenzierung wird zunehmend zur Sequenzierung ganzer Genome eingesetzt. Mittels bildgebender Massenspektrometrie (IMS) können Proteine in Geweben räumlich aufgelöst quantifiziert werden. Diese Techniken bringen spezifische Herausforderungen mit sich, die mit neuen bioinformatischen Methoden angegangen werden müssen. Für die integrative Datenanalyse ist auch die Gewinnung von geeignetem Kontextwissen wichtig. Wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse werden in Artikeln veröffentlicht, die über große Literaturdatenbanken zugänglich sind. Mittels Textmining können daraus Informationen extrahiert werden, z.B. miRNA-Gen-Interaktionen, die in eigenen Datenbank aggregiert werden um spezifische Fragen mit nachvollziehbaren Belegen zu beantworten. In Kombination mit experimentellen Daten bieten sich so neue Möglichkeiten für integrative Methoden. Durch die Extraktion von Rohdaten und deren Vorprozessierung werden mehrere Datenquellen erschlossen, wie z.B. Literatur für Textmining von miRNA-Gen-Interaktionen (Kapitel 2), Long-Read- und RNA-seq-Daten für Genomics und Transcriptomics (Kapitel 4.2, 5) und IMS für Protein-Messungen (Kapitel 4.4). So dienen z.B. die poreSTAT und sequ-into Methoden der Vorprozessierung und Auswertung von Long-Read-Sequenzierungen. In der integrativen (down-stream) Analyse werden diese (heterogenen) Datenquellen verwendet. Für die Bestimmung von Zelltypen in scRNA-seq-Experimenten wurde die cPred-Methode (Kapitel 4.2) erfolgreich im Kontext der SARS-CoV-2-Pandemie eingesetzt. Auch die robuste Pipeline RoDE fand dort Anwendung, die viele Methoden zur (differentiellen) Datenanalyse, zum Reporting und zur Visualisierung bereitstellt (Kapitel 6.1). Themen der Benutzbarkeit von (bioinformatischer) Software werden an Hand von praktischen Anwendungen diskutiert (Kapitel 3). Die entwickelte miRNA-Gen-Interaktionsdatenbank gibt wertvolle Einblicke in Atherosklerose-relevante Prozesse und dient als regulatorisches Netzwerk für die Vorhersage von aktiven miRNA-Regulatoren in RoDE (Kapitel 6.1). Die cPred-Methode, RoDE-Ergebnisse, scRNA-seq- und IMS-Daten werden im 3D-Index Aorta3D (Kapitel 6.2) zusammengeführt, der relevante Datensätze durchsuchbar macht. Die diskutierten Methoden führen zu erheblichen Verbesserungen für die integrative Datenanalyse in komplexen menschlichen Krankheitskontexten

    Decoding speech comprehension from continuous EEG recordings

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    Human language is a remarkable manifestation of our cognitive abilities which is unique to our species. It is key to communication, but also to our faculty of generating complex thoughts. We organise, conceptualise, and share ideas through language. Neuroscience has shed insightful lights on our understanding of how language is processed by the brain although the exact neural organisation, structural or functional, underpinning this processing remains poorly known. This project aims to employ new methodology to understand speech comprehension during naturalistic listening condition. One achievement of this thesis lies in bringing evidence towards putative predictive processing mechanisms for language comprehension and confront those with rule-based grammar processing. Namely, we looked on the one hand at cortical responses to information-theoretic measures that are relevant for predictive coding in the context of language processing and on the other hand to the response to syntactic tree structures. We successfully recorded responses to linguistic features from continuous EEG recordings during naturalistic speech listening. The use of ecologically valid stimuli allowed us to embed neural response in the context in which they naturally occur when hearing speech. This fostered the development of new analysis tools adapted for such experimental designs. Finally, we demonstrate the ability to decode comprehension from the EEG signals of participants with above-chance accuracy. This could be used as a better indicator of the severity and specificity of language disorders, and also to assess if a patient in a vegetative state understands speech without the need for any behavioural response. Hence a primary outcome is our contribution to the neurobiology of language comprehension. Furthermore, our results pave the way to the development of a new range of diagnostic tools to measure speech comprehension of patients with language impairment.Open Acces

    An Automatic Modern Standard Arabic Text Simplification System: A Corpus-Based Approach

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    This thesis brings together an overview of Text Readability (TR) about Text Simplification (TS) with an application of both to Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). It will present our findings on using automatic TR and TS tools to teach MSA, along with challenges, limitations, and recommendations about enhancing the TR and TS models. Reading is one of the most vital tasks that provide language input for communication and comprehension skills. It is proved that the use of long sentences, connected sentences, embedded phrases, passive voices, non- standard word orders, and infrequent words can increase the text difficulty for people with low literacy levels, as well as second language learners. The thesis compares the use of sentence embeddings of different types (fastText, mBERT, XLM-R and Arabic-BERT), as well as traditional language features such as POS tags, dependency trees, readability scores and frequency lists for language learners. The accuracy of the 3-way CEFR (The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages Proficiency Levels) classification is F-1 of 0.80 and 0.75 for Arabic-Bert and XLM-R classification, respectively and 0.71 Spearman correlation for the regression task. At the same time, the binary difficulty classifier reaches F-1 0.94 and F-1 0.98 for the sentence-pair semantic similarity classifier. TS is an NLP task aiming to reduce the linguistic complexity of the text while maintaining its meaning and original information (Siddharthan, 2002; Camacho Collados, 2013; Saggion, 2017). The simplification study experimented using two approaches: (i) a classification approach and (ii) a generative approach. It then evaluated the effectiveness of these methods using the BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2020) evaluation metric. The simple sentences produced by the mT5 model achieved P 0.72, R 0.68 and F-1 0.70 via BERTScore while combining Arabic- BERT and fastText achieved P 0.97, R 0.97 and F-1 0.97. To reiterate, this research demonstrated the effectiveness of the implementation of a corpus-based method combined with extracting extensive linguistic features via the latest NLP techniques. It provided insights which can be of use in various Arabic corpus studies and NLP tasks such as translation for educational purposes