17 research outputs found

    Development of Supply Chain Quality Management in Peruvian Blueberry Companies: A Case Study in Cañete, Peru

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    The keen research objective is to develop a quality system in the Supply Chain Management geared to the agribusiness sector. The Supply Chain Quality Management (SCQM) proposed for blueberry companies must improve their operational performance. This study includes micro and small agricultural enterprises located in the Caete region of Peru, where thanks to the interviews and questionnaires, it was possible to determine the critical practices, which will be applied in the agribusiness sector. An important point of this research is the literature review found to enrich the methodical procedures that are the most important practices of the innovative SCQM model. The research shows that the critical practices to develop the quality management in this sector are Customer Relationship Management, Supplier Relationship Management, Process Management and Human Resources Management. These correctly designed and implemented practices will lead to operational improvement and other qualitative advantages. This research turns out to be completely innovative because the use of the recently proposed technique of Quality Management into the Supply Chain combined with the best practices will be very useful knowledge to the agribusiness sector. The implementation and development of quality systems for the main practices of SCQM is a differentiating factor that is rare to find in similar research. On the other hand, the development of the Peruvian case study focused on the blueberry industry provides great practical value to supply chain operations management of quality. Finally, the knowledge embedded in SCQM applied to small blueberry companies in an emerging country can provideadded value to management to increase the competitiveness of the agribusiness sector

    Žinių valdymo procesų ir verslo procesų integracijos sąveikos vertinimo modelis

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    In a contemporary organization, knowledge management is rarely assumed to be a supportive activity. Knowledge management processes are rather assessed as being inseparable from other main organizational processes. Considering the up-to-date research, there are no doubts about the benefits of knowledge management. However, because of its wide internal and external dissemination, it is challenging to identify and assess its value both in its entirety and in its value created by its individual processes. In the interdisciplinary context of literature analysis of information and communication and management research, in this article, the authors present the integrative evaluation model of the relationship between knowledge management processes and business processes. The model is characterised by its wide organizational applicability and allows measuring the value created by knowledge management processes in a real business environment. The model integrates the processes of product development, manufacturing and sales, including their constitutional dimensions, metrics and indexes, respectively. All this enables determining the impact of knowledge management processes on the main business processes and the resulting organizational added value.Žinių valdymas šiuolaikinėje organizacijoje jau retai traktuojamas kaip remiamoji veikla – jo procesai vertinami kaip neatsiejami nuo kitų svarbiausių organizacijos procesų. Šiuo metu analizuojant atliktus tyrimus žinių valdymo teikiama nauda abejonių nekelia, tačiau dėl itin plačios sklaidos organizacijos viduje ir už jos ribų sunku identifikuoti ir įvertinti tiek žinių valdymo kaip visumos, tiek atskirų procesų kuriamą vertę. Šiame straipsnyje, atsižvelgiant į tarpdisciplininę informacijos ir komunikacijos bei vadybos mokslų mokslinės literatūros analizę, pristatomas plačiai organizacijose pritaikomas integralus žinių valdymo ir verslo procesų sąveikos vertinimo modelis, leidžiantis išmatuoti žinių valdymo procesų kuriamą vertę realioje verslo aplinkoje. Modelis integruoja produkto kūrimo, gamybos ir pardavimo procesus, jų sudedamąsias dimensijas ir šių metrikas bei atitinkamai indeksus, kas leidžia nustatyti žinių valdymo proceso įtaką pagrindiniams verslo procesams, galiausiai iš to – organizacijos kuriamą pridėtinę vertę

    Selected aspects of change adoption and of the functioning of business process management offices in enterprises

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    Enterprises adapt their activities and structures to the requirements of the environment. One such measure, aimed at a more complete implementation of environmental requirements, is the adoption of process orientation. To this end, organizations take a number of different steps, one of them being to establish a business process management office to support various internal initiatives and thus strengthen the overall performance of the organization. The aim of this article is to present, based on personal research, the actual measures taken by Polish process-managed enterprises. This study attempts to indicate, against the backdrop of the research, the course of action prevalent in these measures and the resulting restrictions

    BPMS for management: a systematic literature review

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    The aim of this paper is to carry out a systematic analysis of the literature to show the state of the art of Business Processes Management Systems (BPMS). BPMS represents a technology that automates business processes connecting users with their tasks. For this, a systematic review of the literature of the last ten years was carried out, using scientific papers indexed in the main databases of the knowledge area. The papers generated by the search were later analysed and filtered. Among the findings of this study, the academic interest and the multidisciplinary nature of the subject, as this type of studies have been identified in different areas of knowledge. Our research is a starting point for future research eager to develop a more robust theory and broaden the interest of the subject due its economic impact on process management

    Procesos empresariales que inciden en la creación de valor en la producción de carbón vegetal

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    The creation of organizational value is a fundamental pillar for the differentiation of products and services, charcoal production is no exception and that is why this research consists of carrying out a study of the processes that create value in the production of charcoal, with the objective of designing a procedural proposal, to be able to identify each activity and process involved in the creation of value during the production of charcoal. A theoretical approach related to processes and their management in Cuban agroforestry enterprises is carried out. For this purpose, it defines a methodology with a systemic approach, using theoretical and descriptive methods to approve each one of the results reached and to be in conditions to elaborate the research with its corresponding structure, taking as a basis the Agroforestry enterprise of Pinar del Río. Allowing then, once this proposal is finished, to make the right decisions on the part of the managers and workers of the entity, to structure those inputs that produce outputs reflected in terms of value and efficiency in the production to establish itself in the market.La creación de valor organizacional constituye un pilar fundamental para la diferenciación de productos y servicios, la producción de carbón vegetal no es la excepción y espor ello que esta investigación consiste en realizar un estudio de los procesos que crean valor en la producción del carbón vegetal, teniendo como objetivo diseñar una propuesta de procedimiento, para estar en condiciones de identificar cada actividad y proceso que intervienen en la creación de valor durante la producción de carbón vegetal. Se realiza un abordaje teórico relacionado con los procesos y su gestión en las empresas agroforestales cubanas. Para ello define una metodología con enfoque sistémico, a través del uso de métodos teóricos y descriptivos para aprobar cada uno de los resultados alcanzados y estar en condiciones de elaborar la investigación con su correspondiente estructura, tomando como base a la empresa Agroforestal de Pinar del Río. Permitiendo entonces, una vez terminado dicha propuesta en tomar las decisiones correctas por parte de los directivos y trabajadores de la entidad, para estructurar aquellas entradas que produzcan salidas reflejadas en término de valor y eficiencia en la producción para establecerse en el mercado

    Implementing process improvement initiative: the role of visualisation and standardisation methods

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    Purpose: Due to the difficulties organisations face in implementing process improvement initiatives (PIIs), this research explores how visualisation and standardisation of business processes help organisations achieve PIIs to improve organisational performance. Design/methodology/approach: A multi-staged case study strategy that analyse qualitative data and performs a process modelling analysis of quantitative data. Findings: The paper makes two main contributions to existing knowledge. Firstly, it explains how taking the visualised and standardised methods on PIIs can reduce service delivery times and enhance organisational performance. Secondly, it demonstrates how adopting these dual methods offers a better chance of increasing organisational performance than using only a single method. Research limitations/implications: Although the paper considers the flexibility in the standardisation of business processes as it gives scope for innovation and creativity on the part of the process, it did not consider if flexibility is possible without breaking the standardised working way. Hence, future research can consider this. Also, future research can hypothesise the BPM model and test for statistical generalisability. Originality/value: The research offers new insight into how and when both visualisation and standardisation of PIIs can benefit organisations

    Propuesta de un sistema de gestión básico ante la falta de estandarización de los procesos en una mype del sector confecciones para mejorar su productividad

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    Los problemas que se abarcan en esta tesis son el número de prendas finales en mal estado y el atraso de pedidos por parte de la empresa en estudio. Se sabe que las mypes aportan grandemente en el desarrollo del país, ya sea con el aporte al PBI y la contribución de empleos. Las mypes de confecciones en el país conforman el 59.6% de las empresas; sin embargo, en los últimos años su crecimiento se ha ido afectando debido a los problemas que presentan, siendo la informalidad uno de ellos. Así que considerando el rol que juegan este tipo de empresas en el país, es importante trabajar en el crecimiento y desarrollo dentro de un mercado más competitivo. Por ello, se busca mejorar los procesos de una mype de confección a modo de reducir sus problemas y mejorar su productividad. Después de revisar la literatura se propone un sistema básico de gestión, el cual no solo ayudará a reducir los problemas, también les permitirá fortalecerse como organización para así consolidarse en el mercado siendo más competitivos. El sistema propuesto está compuesto por 4 procesos: gestión de pedidos, planificación y control de la producción, gestión de la calidad, gestión de la logística. En el desarrollo del documento se presenta cada uno de los procesos con sus respectivos componentes; asimismo se muestra la validación de la propuesta a través de indicadores, en donde después de haber comparado los valores se aprecia un aumento en la productividad de 37.5% a 83.3%.The problems covered in this thesis are the number of unhealthy end garments and the delay of orders by the company under study. It’s known that SMEs contribute greatly to the development of the country, either with the contribution to PIB and the contribution of jobs. The SMEs of confections in Peru make up 59.6% of the companies; however, in recent years their growth has been affected by the problems they present, with informality being one of them. So, considering the role of such companies in the country, it is important to work on growth and development within a more competitive market. Therefore, it seeks to improve the processes of SMEs of tailoring in order to reduce its problems and improve its productivity. Therefore, after reviewing the literature, a basic management system is proposed, which will not only help to reduce problems, it will also allow them to strengthen themselves as an organization in order to consolidate themselves in the market being more competitive. The proposed system consists of 4 processes: order management, production planning and control, quality management, logistics management. The development of the document presents each of the processes with their respective components; validation of the proposal is also shown through indicators, where after having compared the values there is an increase in productivity from 37.5% to 83.3%.Tesi

    Supply Chain Strategies to Ensure Delivery of Undamaged Goods

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    Supply chain leaders in the oil and gas industry face significant logistical challenges regarding the efficient and safe delivery of undamaged products to their customers. Within the conceptual framework of business process orientation theory, the purpose of this multiple case study was to explore the strategies that supply chain leaders used to ensure delivery of undamaged goods to their customers. Four supply chain leaders in the oil and gas industry in Texas were purposefully selected as participants because they had successfully implemented strategies to ensure the delivery of undamaged goods. Data were collected through semistructured interviews and review of publicly published documents from 4 companies. Data were analyzed using Yin\u27s 5-step data analysis process of compiling, disassembling, reassembling, data interpretation, and conclusion. Four themes emerged from the analyzed data: process strategy, inspection strategy, information technology strategy, and employee training strategy. The findings of this study may provide knowledge to business leaders on how to reduce the cost of product delivery and increase profitability. The study\u27s implications for positive social change include the potential for supply chain leaders to reduce material wastage and environmental pollution through the safe delivery of undamaged oil and gas products to customers

    Strategies for Implementing a Successful Customer Relationship Management System

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    Customer relationship management (CRM) software implementation fails in thepackaging industry because of ineffective CRM implementation strategies. Effective strategies for CRM software implementation are essential to CRM managers for improving CRM project success rates. Grounded in Kano’s customer satisfaction theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies CRM managers in the packaging industry used to operate a profitable business. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documents of CRM strategies. Participants were four CRM managers located in Illinois who had a minimum of 10 years of successfully managing CRM systems with high success rates. Data analysis was done through thematic analysis. Data analysis revealed three themes: top management commitment, technical capability, and implementation teams. The key recommendation is for CRM managers to involve key stakeholders during the earliest stage of the project. Implications for positive social change include the potential to improve product quality by eliminating waste and reducing pollution’s environmental effects through automated processes to eliminate task repetition and streamline the lead process

    Strategies for Implementing a Successful Customer Relationship Management System

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    Customer relationship management (CRM) software implementation fails in thepackaging industry because of ineffective CRM implementation strategies. Effective strategies for CRM software implementation are essential to CRM managers for improving CRM project success rates. Grounded in Kano’s customer satisfaction theory, the purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the strategies CRM managers in the packaging industry used to operate a profitable business. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and documents of CRM strategies. Participants were four CRM managers located in Illinois who had a minimum of 10 years of successfully managing CRM systems with high success rates. Data analysis was done through thematic analysis. Data analysis revealed three themes: top management commitment, technical capability, and implementation teams. The key recommendation is for CRM managers to involve key stakeholders during the earliest stage of the project. Implications for positive social change include the potential to improve product quality by eliminating waste and reducing pollution’s environmental effects through automated processes to eliminate task repetition and streamline the lead process