30 research outputs found

    Full-field 3D shape measurement of discontinuous specular objects by direct phase measuring deflectometry

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    With the advent of intelligent manufacturing, phase measuring deflectometry (PMD) has been widely studied for the measurement of the three-dimensional (3D) shape of specular objects. However, existing PMDs cannot measure objects having discontinuous specular surfaces. This paper presents a new direct PMD (DPMD) method that measures the full-field 3D shape of complicated specular objects. A mathematical model is derived to directly relate an absolute phase map to depth data, instead of the gradient. Two relevant parameters are calibrated using a machine vision-based method. On the basis of the derived model, a full-field 3D measuring system was developed. The accuracy of the system was evaluated using a mirror with known positions along an accurate translating stage. The 3D shape of a monolithic multi-mirror array having multiple specular surfaces was measured. Experimental results show that the proposed DPMD method can obtain the full-field 3D shape of specular objects having isolated and/or discontinuous surfaces accurately and effectively

    Three-Dimensional Shape Measurements of Specular Objects Using Phase-Measuring Deflectometry

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    The fast development in the fields of integrated circuits, photovoltaics, the automobile industry, advanced manufacturing, and astronomy have led to the importance and necessity of quickly and accurately obtaining three-dimensional (3D) shape data of specular surfaces for quality control and function evaluation. Owing to the advantages of a large dynamic range, non-contact operation, full-field and fast acquisition, high accuracy, and automatic data processing, phase-measuring deflectometry (PMD, also called fringe reflection profilometry) has been widely studied and applied in many fields. Phase information coded in the reflected fringe patterns relates to the local slope and height of the measured specular objects. The 3D shape is obtained by integrating the local gradient data or directly calculating the depth data from the phase information. We present a review of the relevant techniques regarding classical PMD. The improved PMD technique is then used to measure specular objects having discontinuous and/or isolated surfaces. Some influential factors on the measured results are presented. The challenges and future research directions are discussed to further advance PMD techniques. Finally, the application fields of PMD are briefly introduce


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    Three-dimensional (3D) shape measurement techniques play an increasingly important role in the quality control proceedures of industry, such as aerospace, bioengineering, information security, automobile, integrated circuits and so on. Additive manufacturing (AM) provide significant advantages over conventional subtractive manufacturing techniques in terms of the wide range of part geometry that can be obtained. The key metal AM technology is powder bed processing. During the AM process, powder delivery occurs thousands of times. Therefore, the assessment of delivery quality would be advantageous for the process to provide feedback for process control. After the energy source melts the powder bed, the detection of the machined surface is also a critically important criterion for the evaluation of the manufacturing quality. This thesis presents an in-situ quantitative inspection technique for the powder bed post raking and printed surface after melting, the technique uses fringe projection profilometry. In this thesis, system calibration methods, phase analysis algorithms, and error correction methods are investigated. A novel surface fitting algorithm is employed to reduce the influence of phase error and random noise during system calibration. A novel intelligent fringe projection technique using a support-vector-machine (SVM) algorithm is proposed to measure the 3D topography of high dynamic range surfaces on a layer by layer basis within the EBAM machine. A simple calibration method is used to eliminate phase errors during system calibration. The proposed in-situ inspection technique has been installed on a commercial electron beam melting (EBM) AM machine. Exemplar powder beds with defects and printed surfaces, are measured with the proposed technique. The whole inspection process lasts less than 5 seconds. Experimental results showed that the powder and the melting surface defects could be efficiently inspected using the proposed system and the measurement result could be fed back to the build process to improve the processing quality. For the inspection of highly reflective surface geometries that have been further machined post AM, phase measuring deflectometry (PMD) has been widely studied for the 3D form measurement. This thesis presents a new direct PMD (DPMD) method that measures the full-field 3D shape of complicated specular objects. A mathematical model is derived to directly relate an absolute phase map to depth data, instead of the gradient. The 3D shape of a monolithic multi-mirror array having multiple specular surfaces was measured. Experimental results show that the proposed DPMD method can obtain the full-field 3D shape of specular objects having isolated and/or discontinuous surfaces accurately and effectively. In this thesis, the fringe projection and the deflectometry techniques are studied. Two different measurement systems were used to measure different roughness surfaces. The experimental results shows the rough surfaces, reflective surfaces, and the highly reflective specular surfaces can be measured and reconstructed by the proposed methods

    Automatic volume inspection for glass blow moulds

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    In the glass bottle mould making industry, volume control is done by measuring the amount of water needed to fill the mould. This process has several issues. Firstly, it requires a trained operator to properly seal the mould. Secondly, different operators will lead to different volume values. Another issue is related to the time and work necessary for the procedure, which can take up to 20 minutes for a single mould, making it unsuitable to inspect several moulds of the same series. These issues can be solved by automating the procedure. By using reverse engineering systems to obtain the internal cavity surfaces, comparative studies can be done, such as wear study, enabling the optimization of the moulds. The goal of this project is to establish a system to automate the inspection of the moulds which will result in the acquisition of the moulding surfaces. Then, the volume of the moulds and surface deviations in specific areas can be measured. The development of this project focused in two main areas: the development of a script, where the volume is calculated and the surface is inspected, from cloud points, to determine if the mould is in an acceptable state; and the study of technologies capable of acquiring the mould’s surface while simultaneously being automatable. As for this study, several case studies using laser and structured light are performed to understand the abilities and limitations of these technologies. The first study was done using polished cast iron moulds to determine the ability to acquire the surface and obtain the volume. Then, the ability to present proper comparative results is explored by using a set of unpolished cast iron moulds and then these same moulds once polished to verify if the used systems can obtain the deviations between the two situations. Finally, the validation of the technologies was done using a demo bronze mould, where surface deviations were inspected as well as a ring gauge where the inner cylinder was used for inspection. From these cases, the used laser scanner was able to obtain the volumes of the moulds as well as proper comparative results without spray. As for the used structured light system, it proved unable to acquire the surfaces of the moulds and of the ring gauge, requiring spray. Despite this performance, the system is quite automatable and a state-of-the-art structured light system, using blue light, could be used for this purpose. The laser is also a viable solution, but the cost and complexity to automate can be higher than the structured light system

    Proceedings of the 2010 Joint Workshop of Fraunhofer IOSB and Institute for Anthropomatics, Vision and Fusion Laboratory

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    On the annual Joint Workshop of the Fraunhofer IOSB and the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Vision and Fusion Laboratory, the students of both institutions present their latest research findings on image processing, visual inspection, pattern recognition, tracking, SLAM, information fusion, non-myopic planning, world modeling, security in surveillance, interoperability, and human-computer interaction. This book is a collection of 16 reviewed technical reports of the 2010 Joint Workshop

    Topics in Adaptive Optics

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    Advances in adaptive optics technology and applications move forward at a rapid pace. The basic idea of wavefront compensation in real-time has been around since the mid 1970s. The first widely used application of adaptive optics was for compensating atmospheric turbulence effects in astronomical imaging and laser beam propagation. While some topics have been researched and reported for years, even decades, new applications and advances in the supporting technologies occur almost daily. This book brings together 11 original chapters related to adaptive optics, written by an international group of invited authors. Topics include atmospheric turbulence characterization, astronomy with large telescopes, image post-processing, high power laser distortion compensation, adaptive optics and the human eye, wavefront sensors, and deformable mirrors


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    Optical freeform components, featured with high functional performance, are of enormous demand in advanced imaging and illumination applications. However, the geometrical complexity and high accuracy demand impose considerable challenges on the existing ultra-precision freeform machining technologies. Surface measurement and characterisation become the key to further improving machining performance. In order to further increase the metrology availability and efficiency, a shift in the approach of surface metrology from offline lab-based solutions towards the use of metrology upon manufacturing platforms is needed. On-machine surface measurement (OMSM) will not only allow the assessment of manufactured surfaces just-in-time without transportation and repositioning, but also provide feedback for process optimization and post-process correction with consistent coordinate frame. In the thesis, a single point robust interferometer is integrated onto a diamond turning lathe to establish the metrology-embedded ultra-precision manufacturing platform. To extract a priori information for the subsequent OMSM, a theoretical and experimental study of surface generation was carried out for ultra-precision turning of optical freeform surfaces. With the proposed machining methodology and surface generation simulation, two freeform surfaces (sinusoidal grid and micro-lens arrays) were successfully fabricated using the slow tool servo technique. The machined topography of freeform surfaces was uniformly distributed and in agreement with simulated results. Since it operates in the manufacturing environment, the machine tool effects on the OMSM were comprehensively evaluated, including on-machine vibration test, machine kinematic error mapping and linearity error calibration. A systematic calibration methodology for single point OMSM was proposed. Both theoretical and experimental investigation have been conducted to prove the validity of the proposed calibration methodology and the effectiveness of OMSM. With the aid of OMSM, potential applications were explored to exploit the integration benefits to further enhance the ultra-precision machining performance. OMSM integration will increase the automation level of the manufacturing. As OMSM preserves the coordinate system between the machining and measurement, the process investigation can be carried out in a more deterministic manner. The effect of process parameters on the surface form errors was investigated for ultra-precision cylindrical turning process. An empirical model based on response surface methodology has been established and validated with the experimental results. Moreover, a corrective machining methodology was proposed to further improve the accuracy of diamond turned surfaces with OMSM. According to different correction tasks, corresponding OMSM data processing methods were presented. Profile and surface correction experiments were performed to validate the proposed corrective machining methodology and 40% improvement of surface accuracy was achieved

    Development of a Data Fusion-Based Multi-Sensor System for Hybrid Sheet Molding Compound

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    In den letzten Jahren ist die Produktion von faserverstärkten Kunststoffen stetig gestiegen. Ein Teil davon ist das glasfaser-verstärkte Sheet Molding Compound (SMC), welches sich durch seine günstigen Herstellkosten und einfache Verarbeitung auszeichnet. Allerdings weist dieses Material schlechte mechanische Eigenschaften auf, welche eine Anwendung für Strukturbauteile verhindert. Um diesem Nachteil entgegen zu wirken, wird das diskontinuierliche Glasfaser-SMC lokal mit kontinuierlichem Carbonfaser-SMC verstärkt. Dadurch können die Vorteile des günstigen und leicht zu verarbeitenden Glasfaser-SMC mit den sehr guten mechanischen Eigenschaften von Carbonfaser-SMC in Faserrichtung kombiniert werden. Die Kombination dieser beiden Werkstoffe kann bereits in einem frühen Produktionsschritt zu einer Vielzahl an möglichen Defekten wie beispielsweise Delamination, Falten oder Winkelabweichungen führen. Um keine weiteren wertschöpfenden Maßnahmen an defekten Bauteilen durchzuführen, muss die Qualitätssicherung bereits in einem frühen Prozessstadium durchgeführt werden. Die zu entdeckenden Fehler werden in außen- und innenliegende Defekte unterteilt. Da kein System verfügbar ist, um alle relevanten Defekte zu detektieren, wird pro Defektklasse ein Messsystem benötigt. Zudem erstreckt sich der Anwendungsbereich neben dem Halbzeug auch auf das ausgehärtete Bauteil. Das Laserlichtschnittsystem und die aktive Thermografie, in Form der Puls-Phasen-Thermografie, haben sich als geeignet erwiesen. Beide Systeme werden zunächst einzeln untersucht und für den vorliegenden Anwendungsfall angepasst. Dabei ist es möglich die Puls-Phasen-Thermografie methodisch zu einer Tiefenauswertung weiterzuentwickeln. Des Weiteren werden Fehler nicht nur detektiert, sondern auch definiert. Anschließen werden die beiden Systeme in einem Multisensorik-System zusammengeführt. Mit Hilfe der Datenfusion sind eine Auswertung von außen- und innenliegenden Defekten, sowie die Ermittlung von geometrischen Zusammenhängen zwischen einzelnen Defekten möglich. Durch den Aufbau eines Schichtmodells wird zusätzlich eine benutzerfreundliche Auswertung ermöglicht, welche dem Anwender schnell einzelne Schichten aufzeigen kann. Mit der Ermittlung der Messunsicherheit des Multisensorik-Systems wird die Güte aufgezeigt