7 research outputs found

    A Review on Perturb and Observe Maximum Power Point Tracking in Photovoltaic System

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    Solar energy is becoming popular and has drawn lots of attention from researchers nowadays. However, the output power of the photovoltaic (PV) arrays varies with solar irradiation and temperature, which affect the efficiency of PV arrays. Therefore, Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) control technique is used to extract the maximum available power from the PV arrays. Perturb and Observe (P&O) algorithm is one of the favorite techniques frequently used due to its simplicity and low cost. Yet, the conventional P&O algorithm has several drawbacks, which leads to power loss and lack of efficiency. This paper presents comparison of the basic P&O algorithm with the modified P&O algorithm used for partial shading condition in terms of complexity, accuracy, cost, and basic concept of each method


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    Teknologi pemanfaatan energi matahari mengalami peningkatan dan berperan peran penting dalam mendukung kebutuhan energi di masa depan sehingga mampu didistribusikan secara luas. Dalam tulisan ini penentuan sudut kemiringan atau tilt angle yang optimal dan sudut azimuth optimal panel photovoltaic, menggunakan PVSyst simulation software. Studi ini didasarkan nilai radiasi matahari global dan temperatur permukaan horizontal. Sudut kemiringan optimal untuk setiap bulan memungkinkan kita untuk mengumpulkan energi matahari maksimum pertahun. Hasil pemodelan yang dilakukan pada sistem PLTS 1000 Wp di lintang 6˚53'2.69"S dan bujur 107˚32'28.69", menghasilkan kerugian rata-rata 0.6%, dan global irradiance yang mampu diserap oleh panel surya adalah 1747 kWh/m2 pertahun dengan sudut kemiringan panel surya 15˚. Hasil simulasi faktor near shading menunjukkan faktor bayangan pada luas daerah yang diarsir setiap modul surya adalah 0.68 m2

    Maximum power point tracking for PV array under partially shaded conditions

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    Abstract -Solar photovoltaic (PV) array which is exposed to the uniform solar irradiance shows the non-linear P-V characteristic. Nevertheless, the P-V characteristic becomes more complex with multiple maximum power point (MPP) when the array is operated under partially shaded condition. Conventional maximum power point tracking (MPPT) approach which is designed to track the MPP will be trapped at the local MPP. Therefore, one of the challenges is to continuously track the absolute MPP while the environmental factors such as solar irradiation, PV temperature and partial shaded condition are rapidly changing. This paper presents a novel method of parallel tracking function to assist the on-line fuzzy logic perturb and observe (P&O) MPPT to continuously search beyond the trapped MPP operating voltage point. The information of PV array such as the operating voltage and the corresponding generation current are stored in the database. The characteristics of the shaded array can be estimated via simulation and the absolute MPP is identified via the tracking function. The simulation results show that the enhanced fuzzy logic P&O MPPT is capable of tracking the real absolute MPP during the partially shaded condition

    Maximum power point tracking technique under partial shading condition for photovoltaic systems

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    Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) technique extracts the maximum available power from the photovoltaic array (PV). Perturb and Observe (P&O) is the most preferable type of MPPT algorithm due to its simplicity, accuracy and low cost. However, when partial shading condition occurs, it produces multiple local maximum power points (MPPs) on the PV characteristics curve. This causes confusion for the conventional P&O algorithm to track the true MPP. This thesis studies the impact of partial shading on the PV system and to improve the P&O algorithm by adding a checking algorithm into the variable step size. This checking algorithm determines the global maximum power by first comparing all existing peak points before the P&O algorithm identifies the voltage at MPP to calculate the duty cycle of the boost converter. The PV power and voltage rating used for this research are 42 W and 17 V, respectively. The boost converter can double the PV output voltage. The simulation results have proven that the proposed algorithm is able to track the global MPP with a tracking efficiency of 99.96%. This has been verified by hardware implementation of the proposed algorithm using Arduino Mega 2560. The proposed MPPT algorithm also provides better stability with less percentage error on the PV output voltage and power compared to using the conventional P&O MPPT algorithm

    Modified adaptive perturb and observe maximum power point tracking algorithm for higher effiency in photovoltaic system

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    Due to the continuous variation in temperature and solar irradiance, P–V characteristics curve of a photovoltaic (PV) system exhibit a non-linear, time-varying Maximum Power Point (MPP). Furthermore, the tracking becomes more complicated when the PV array is partially shaded due to the presence of multiple peaks. This work proposes a Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithm named Modified Adaptive Perturb and Observe (MA-P&O) to address two main limitations of the conventional Perturb and Observe (P&O), namely the steady state oscillation and the divergence from the MPP. At the same time, it locates the global peak during partial shading. The MA-P&O is equipped with an intelligent mechanism to detect the steady state oscillation, and then deploy an adaptive perturbation procedure to reduce it to the minimum. Furthermore, to avoid operating voltage from diverging from its locus, a dynamic boundary condition is imposed. For partial shading, an effective checking mechanism to precisely detect partial shading occurrence is suggested. In addition, an improved set of equation is developed to detect the exact position of local peaks under partial shading. To assess its feasibility, the proposed ideas are simulated using comprehensive PV simulator. For practical validation, the algorithm is implemented in hardware using a buck-boost converter in conjunction with dSPACE DS1104 DSP board. It is demonstrated that under the dynamic irradiance and partial shading test, the MA-P&O ensures the MPPT efficiency is 99.5%. Furthermore, when evaluated against the European Standard EN 50530 test, the MA-P&O records a 98.6% efficiency; this is up to 18% higher than the conventional and other adaptive P&O. Finally, MA-P&O is tested with a tropical daily irradiance and temperature profile. It is found that MA-P&O successfully ensures 99.2%, which is on average 3% higher than the other P&O based algorithms

    Metodología para optimizar el seguimiento del máximo punto de potencia de los generadores fotovoltaicos usando técnicas de control multi-modelo

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    Este trabajo presenta el estudio del seguimiento del punto máximo de potencia de una celda fotovoltaica, utilizando algoritmos de optimización multi-modelo como Pattern Search Method (PSM, por sus siglas en inglés) para mejorar la eficiencia de la transformación de energía en una celda fotovoltaica. La primera parte muestra el estado del arte de los diferentes algoritmos empleados para el seguimiento del punto máximo de potencia (MPPT, por sus siglas en inglés) y algunos métodos para el cálculo de los parámetros del modelo matemático de un diodo del módulo fotovoltaico. En el capítulo 1 se describen los algoritmos de optimización para el MPPT: Perturbar y observar (P&O, por sus siglas en inglés), y Optimización de enjambre de partículas (PSO, por sus siglas en inglés), los algoritmos fueron simulados utilizando la herramienta PSIM®, software dedicado a la simulación de circuitos de potencia con módulos especializados en energías renovablesFor computing the mathematical model parameters of a diode in a photovoltaic module. In chapter 1, optimization algorithm for the MPPT such as perturb and observe algorithm (P&O) and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are described. The algorithm were simulated using PSIM®, software used to simulate power circuits with specialized module in renewable energy. Chapter 2 describes the use of technical data from the photovoltaic panel MSX60 datasheet to generate an emulator of characteristic curves of solar panels. Using PSM, the parameters of the mathematical models are estimated, and an improved algorithm, named as IPSM – Improved Pattern Search Methods, is presentedMagister en Automatización y Contro

    Double-Layer Orthogonal-Offset Platforms in fluid and insolation environments

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    The DLOOP is a structure of non-overlapping tiles (typically corner connected) occupying two layers. Interest in the DLOOP arises from Photo-Voltaic (PV) tracking applications. The tiles (PV modules) of contemporary tracking systems are within one contiguous layer, i.e. a side-by-side platform (SSP). Trees collect solar energy using branching structures to support leaves which are, similar to PV modules, planar surfaces of solar energy transformation. The tree's form is naturally excellent for lowering structural stress in limbs and thermal stress in leaves. For analogous reasons, related to the creation of flow paths that would otherwise be blocked, this research hypothesised (and has subsequently shown) that: * the fluid (wind) dynamic force on tiles of high inclination SSP may be reduced (up to 30%) adopting DLOOP arrangements; and * the temperature of heated tiles in SSP may be reduced (up to 5K within nominal and hot terrestrial environments), by passive convective cooling, adopting DLOOP arrangements. Fluid (wind) dynamic force is significant in PV applications because it typically exceeds the force of gravity on the tiles of SSP in 13m/s winds and increases with velocity squared. Hence reducing wind force by 30% should allow 40% more tiles to be fitted to contemporary tracking mechanisms. Temperature is significant in PV applications because the performance of PV tiles typically falls 0.4%/K. Hence a 5K reduction in temperature should improve efficiency 2%. A combination of wind-tunnel tests, Particle Image Velocimetry and Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) simulations using Reynolds Averaged Navier Stokes and Large Eddy Simulation turbulence models was used for the fluid dynamic research. A combined Finite Element/CFD simulation of PV panels in platforms was developed to model temperature outcomes of thermal diffusion in solid materials and thermal diffusion, radiation and convection in the fluid (air). If PV-tracking ranges are limited below those of the solar-vector, shading of the DLOOP lower by the upper layer occurs. This DLOOP self-shading raises unique cost-benefits associated with tracking ranges. Consequently, this research develops a means to quantify the insolation received by platforms accounting for technology and tracking range in diverse (Australian) climates. Additionally, multiple tracking platforms may be placed in close proximity and suffer "Parasitic" energy losses when shaded by self-similar neighbours. Therefore, this research study introduces a natural no-shade scale to describe and optimise field layouts according to local insolation and economic conditions