21 research outputs found

    Efficient incremental modelling and solving

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    Funding: This work is supported by EPSRC grant EP/P015638/1. Nguyen Dang is a Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellow (ECF-2020-168).In various scenarios, a single phase of modelling and solving is either not sufficient or not feasible to solve the problem at hand. A standard approach to solving AI planning problems, for example, is to incrementally extend the planning horizon and solve the problem of trying to find a plan of a particular length. Indeed, any optimization problem can be solved as a sequence of decision problems in which the objective value is incrementally updated. Another example is constraint dominance programming (CDP), in which search is organized into a sequence of levels. The contribution of this work is to enable a native interaction between SAT solvers and the automated modelling system Savile Row to support efficient incremental modelling and solving. This allows adding new decision variables, posting new constraints and removing existing constraints (via assumptions) between incremental steps. Two additional benefits of the native coupling of modelling and solving are the ability to retain learned information between SAT solver calls and to enable SAT assumptions, further improving flexibility and efficiency. Experiments on one optimisation problem and five pattern mining tasks demonstrate that the native interaction between the modelling system and SAT solver consistently improves performance significantly.Publisher PD

    Exploring Pattern Mining Algorithms for Hashtag Retrieval Problem

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    Hashtag is an iconic feature to retrieve the hot topics of discussion on Twitter or other social networks. This paper incorporates the pattern mining approaches to improve the accuracy of retrieving the relevant information and speeding up the search performance. A novel algorithm called PM-HR (Pattern Mining for Hashtag Retrieval) is designed to first transform the set of tweets into a transactional database by considering two different strategies (trivial and temporal). After that, the set of the relevant patterns is discovered, and then used as a knowledge-based system for finding the relevant tweets based on users\u27 queries under the similarity search process. Extensive results are carried out on large and different tweet collections, and the proposed PM-HR outperforms the baseline hashtag retrieval approaches in terms of runtime, and it is very competitive in terms of accuracy

    Exploring Pattern Mining Algorithms for Hashtag Retrieval Problem

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    Hashtag is an iconic feature to retrieve the hot topics of discussion on Twitter or other social networks. This paper incorporates the pattern mining approaches to improve the accuracy of retrieving the relevant information and speeding up the search performance. A novel algorithm called PM-HR (Pattern Mining for Hashtag Retrieval) is designed to first transform the set of tweets into a transactional database by considering two different strategies (trivial and temporal). After that, the set of the relevant patterns is discovered, and then used as a knowledge-based system for finding the relevant tweets based on users' queries under the similarity search process. Extensive results are carried out on large and different tweet collections, and the proposed PM-HR outperforms the baseline hashtag retrieval approaches in terms of runtime, and it is very competitive in terms of accuracy.publishedVersio

    Hybrid ASP-based Approach to Pattern Mining

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    Detecting small sets of relevant patterns from a given dataset is a central challenge in data mining. The relevance of a pattern is based on user-provided criteria; typically, all patterns that satisfy certain criteria are considered relevant. Rule-based languages like Answer Set Programming (ASP) seem well-suited for specifying such criteria in a form of constraints. Although progress has been made, on the one hand, on solving individual mining problems and, on the other hand, developing generic mining systems, the existing methods either focus on scalability or on generality. In this paper we make steps towards combining local (frequency, size, cost) and global (various condensed representations like maximal, closed, skyline) constraints in a generic and efficient way. We present a hybrid approach for itemset, sequence and graph mining which exploits dedicated highly optimized mining systems to detect frequent patterns and then filters the results using declarative ASP. To further demonstrate the generic nature of our hybrid framework we apply it to a problem of approximately tiling a database. Experiments on real-world datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed method and computational gains for itemset, sequence and graph mining, as well as approximate tiling. Under consideration in Theory and Practice of Logic Programming (TPLP).Comment: 29 pages, 7 figures, 5 table

    Feature Selection for Classification under Anonymity Constraint

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    Over the last decade, proliferation of various online platforms and their increasing adoption by billions of users have heightened the privacy risk of a user enormously. In fact, security researchers have shown that sparse microdata containing information about online activities of a user although anonymous, can still be used to disclose the identity of the user by cross-referencing the data with other data sources. To preserve the privacy of a user, in existing works several methods (k-anonymity, l-diversity, differential privacy) are proposed that ensure a dataset which is meant to share or publish bears small identity disclosure risk. However, the majority of these methods modify the data in isolation, without considering their utility in subsequent knowledge discovery tasks, which makes these datasets less informative. In this work, we consider labeled data that are generally used for classification, and propose two methods for feature selection considering two goals: first, on the reduced feature set the data has small disclosure risk, and second, the utility of the data is preserved for performing a classification task. Experimental results on various real-world datasets show that the method is effective and useful in practice

    High-level efficient constraint dominance programming for pattern mining problems

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    Pattern mining is a sub-field of data mining that focuses on discovering patterns in data to extract knowledge. There are various techniques to identify different types of patterns in a dataset. Constraint-based mining is a well-known approach to this where additional constraints are introduced to retrieve only interesting patterns. However, in these systems, there are limitations on imposing complex constraints. Constraint programming is a declarative methodology where the problem is modelled using constraints. Generic solvers can operate on a model to find the solutions. Constraint programming has been shown to be a well-suited and generic framework for various pattern mining problems with a selection of constraints and their combinations. However, a system that handles arbitrary constraints in a generic way has been missing in this field. In this thesis, we propose a declarative framework where the pattern mining models can be represented in high-level constraint specifications with arbitrary additional constraints. These models can be efficiently solved using underlying optimisations. The first contribution of this thesis is to determine the key aspects of solving pattern mining problems by creating an ad-hoc solver system. We investigate this further and create Constraint Dominance Programming (CDP) to be able to capture certain behaviours of pattern mining problems in an abstract way. To that end, we integrate CDP into the high-level \essence pipeline. Early empirical evaluation presents that CDP is already competitive with current existing techniques. The second contribution of this thesis is to exploit an additional behaviour, the incomparability, in pattern mining problems. By including the incomparability condition to CDP, we create CDP+I, a more explicit and even more efficient framework to represent these problems. We also prototype an automated system to deduct the optimal incomparability information for a given modelled problem. The third contribution of this thesis is to focus on the underlying solving of CDP+I to bring further efficiency. By creating the Solver Interactive Interface (SII) on SAT and SMT back-ends, we highly optimise not only CDP+I but any iterative modelling and solving, such as optimisation problems. The final contribution of this thesis is to investigate creating an automated configuration selection system to determine the best performing solving methodologies of CDP+I and introduce a portfolio of configurations that can perform better than any single best solver. In summary, this thesis presents a highly efficient, high-level declarative framework to tackle pattern mining problems

    Exploiting incomparability in solution dominance : improving general purpose constraint-based mining

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    In data mining, finding interesting patterns is a challenging task. Constraint-based mining is a well-known approach to this, and one for which constraint programming has been shown to be a well-suited and generic framework. Constraint dominance programming (CDP) has been proposed as an extension that can capture an even wider class of constraint-based mining problems, by allowing us to compare relations between patterns. In this paper we improve CDP with the ability to specify an incomparability condition. This allows us to overcome two major shortcomings of CDP: finding dominated solutions that must then be filtered out after search, and unnecessarily adding dominance blocking constraints between incomparable solutions. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach by extending the problem specification language ESSENCE and implementing it in a solver-independent manner on top of the constraint modelling tool CONJURE. Our experiments on pattern mining tasks with both a CP solver and a SAT solver show that using the incomparability condition during search significantly improves the efficiency of dominance programming and reduces (and often eliminates entirely) the need for post-processing to filter dominated solutions.Publisher PD