11 research outputs found

    An Integrated Method Based on PSO and EDA for the Max-Cut Problem

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    The max-cut problem is NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem with many real world applications. In this paper, we propose an integrated method based on particle swarm optimization and estimation of distribution algorithm (PSO-EDA) for solving the max-cut problem. The integrated algorithm overcomes the shortcomings of particle swarm optimization and estimation of distribution algorithm. To enhance the performance of the PSO-EDA, a fast local search procedure is applied. In addition, a path relinking procedure is developed to intensify the search. To evaluate the performance of PSO-EDA, extensive experiments were carried out on two sets of benchmark instances with 800 to 20000 vertices from the literature. Computational results and comparisons show that PSO-EDA significantly outperforms the existing PSO-based and EDA-based algorithms for the max-cut problem. Compared with other best performing algorithms, PSO-EDA is able to find very competitive results in terms of solution quality

    New solution approaches for the quadratic assignment problem

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    MSc., Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, 2011A vast array of important practical problems, in many di erent elds, can be modelled and solved as quadratic assignment problems (QAP). This includes problems such as university campus layout, forest management, assignment of runners in a relay team, parallel and distributed computing, etc. The QAP is a di cult combinatorial optimization problem and solving QAP instances of size greater than 22 within a reasonable amount of time is still challenging. In this dissertation, we propose two new solution approaches to the QAP, namely, a Branch-and-Bound method and a discrete dynamic convexized method. These two methods use the standard quadratic integer programming formulation of the QAP. We also present a lower bounding technique for the QAP based on an equivalent separable convex quadratic formulation of the QAP. We nally develop two di erent new techniques for nding initial strictly feasible points for the interior point method used in the Branch-and-Bound method. Numerical results are presented showing the robustness of both methods

    An efficient algorithm for nonlinear integer programming

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    M.Sc., Faculty of Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, 2011Abstract This dissertation is concerned with discrete global optimization of nonlinear problems. These problems are constrained and unconstrained and are not easily solvable since there exists multiplicity of local and global minima. In this dissertation, we study the current methods for solving such problems and highlight their ine ciencies. We introduce a new local search procedure. We study the rapidly-exploring random tree (RRT) method, found mostly in the research area of robotics. We then design two global optimization algorithms based on RRT. RRT has never been used in the eld of global optimization. We exploit its attractive properties to develop two new algorithms for solving the discrete nonlinear optimization problems. The rst method is called RRT-Optimizer and is denoted as RRTOpt. RRTOpt is then modi ed to include probabilistic elements within the RRT. We have denoted this method by RRTOptv1. Results are generated for both methods and numerical comparisons are made with a number of recent methods

    An Integrated Method Based on PSO and EDA for the Max-Cut Problem

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    The max-cut problem is NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem with many real world applications. In this paper, we propose an integrated method based on particle swarm optimization and estimation of distribution algorithm (PSO-EDA) for solving the max-cut problem. The integrated algorithm overcomes the shortcomings of particle swarm optimization and estimation of distribution algorithm. To enhance the performance of the PSO-EDA, a fast local search procedure is applied. In addition, a path relinking procedure is developed to intensify the search. To evaluate the performance of PSO-EDA, extensive experiments were carried out on two sets of benchmark instances with 800 to 20000 vertices from the literature. Computational results and comparisons show that PSO-EDA significantly outperforms the existing PSO-based and EDA-based algorithms for the max-cut problem. Compared with other best performing algorithms, PSO-EDA is able to find very competitive results in terms of solution quality

    Partitioned Sampling of Public Opinions Based on Their Social Dynamics

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    Public opinion polling is usually done by random sampling from the entire population, treating individual opinions as independent. In the real world, individuals' opinions are often correlated, e.g., among friends in a social network. In this paper, we explore the idea of partitioned sampling, which partitions individuals with high opinion similarities into groups and then samples every group separately to obtain an accurate estimate of the population opinion. We rigorously formulate the above idea as an optimization problem. We then show that the simple partitions which contain only one sample in each group are always better, and reduce finding the optimal simple partition to a well-studied Min-r-Partition problem. We adapt an approximation algorithm and a heuristic algorithm to solve the optimization problem. Moreover, to obtain opinion similarity efficiently, we adapt a well-known opinion evolution model to characterize social interactions, and provide an exact computation of opinion similarities based on the model. We use both synthetic and real-world datasets to demonstrate that the partitioned sampling method results in significant improvement in sampling quality and it is robust when some opinion similarities are inaccurate or even missing

    Global Optimization of the Maximum K-Cut Problem

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    RÉSUMÉ: Le problème de la k-coupe maximale (max-k-cut) est un problème de partitionnement de graphes qui est un des représentatifs de la classe des problèmes combinatoires NP-difficiles. Le max-kcut peut être utilisé dans de nombreuses applications industrielles. L’objectif de ce problème est de partitionner l’ensemble des sommets en k parties de telle façon que le poids total des arrêtes coupées soit maximisé. Les méthodes proposées dans la littérature pour résoudre le max-k-cut emploient, généralement, la programmation semidéfinie positive (SDP) associée. En comparaison avec les relaxations de la programmation linéaire (LP), les relaxations SDP sont plus fortes mais les temps de calcul sont plus élevés. Par conséquent, les méthodes basées sur la SDP ne peuvent pas résoudre de gros problèmes. Cette thèse introduit une méthode efficace de branchement et de résolution du problème max-k-cut en utilisant des relaxations SDP et LP renforcées. Cette thèse présente trois approches pour améliorer les solutions du max-k-cut. La première approche se concentre sur l’identification des classes d’inégalités les plus pertinentes des relaxations de max-k-cut. Cette approche consiste en une étude expérimentale de quatre classes d’inégalités de la littérature : clique, general clique, wheel et bicycle wheel. Afin d’inclure ces inégalités dans les formulations, nous utilisons un algorithme de plan coupant (CPA) pour ajouter seulement les inégalités les plus importantes . Ainsi, nous avons conçu plusieurs procédures de séparation pour trouver les violations. Les résultats suggèrent que les inégalités de wheel sont les plus fortes. De plus, l’inclusion de ces inégalités dans le max-k-cut peut améliorer la borne de la SDP de plus de 2%. La deuxième approche introduit les contraintes basées sur formulation SDP pour renforcer la relaxation LP. De plus, le CPA est amélioré en exploitant la technique de terminaison précoce d’une méthode de points intérieurs. Les résultats montrent que la relaxation LP avec les inégalités basées sur la SDP surpasse la relaxation SDP pour de nombreux cas, en particulier pour les instances avec un grand nombre de partitions (k � 7). La troisième approche étudie la méthode d’énumération implicite en se basant sur les résultats des dernières approches. On étudie quatre composantes de la méthode. Tout d’abord, nous présentons quatre méthodes heuristiques pour trouver des solutions réalisables : l’heuristique itérative d’agrégation, l’heuristique d’opérateur multiple, la recherche à voisinages variables, et la procédure de recherche aléatoire adaptative gloutonne. La deuxième procédure analyse les stratégies dichotomiques et polytomiques pour diviser un sous-problème. La troisième composante étudie cinq règles de branchement. Enfin, pour la sélection des noeuds de l’arbre de branchement, nous considérons les stratégies suivantes : meilleur d’abord, profondeur d’abord, et largeur d’abord. Pour chaque stratégie, nous fournissons des tests pour différentes valeurs de k. Les résultats montrent que la méthode exacte proposée est capable de trouver de nombreuses solutions. Chacune de ces trois approches a contribué à la conception d’une méthode efficace pour résoudre le problème du max-k-cut. De plus, les approches proposées peuvent être étendues pour résoudre des problèmes génériques d’optimisation en variables mixtes.----------ABSTRACT: In graph theory, the maximum k-cut (max-k-cut) problem is a representative problem of the class of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems. It arises in many industrial applications and the objective of this problem is to partition vertices of a given graph into at most k partitions such that the total weight of the cut is maximized. The methods proposed in the literature to optimally solve the max-k-cut employ, usually, the associated semidefinite programming (SDP) relaxation in a branch-and-bound framework. In comparison with the linear programming (LP) relaxation, the SDP relaxation is stronger but it suffers from high CPU times. Therefore, methods based on SDP cannot solve large problems. This thesis introduces an efficient branch-and-bound method to solve the max-k-cut problem by using tightened SDP and LP relaxations. This thesis presents three approaches to improve the solutions of the problem. The first approach focuses on identifying relevant classes of inequalities to tighten the relaxations of the max-k-cut. This approach carries out an experimental study of four classes of inequalities from the literature: clique, general clique, wheel and bicycle wheel. In order to include these inequalities, we employ a cutting plane algorithm (CPA) to add only the most important inequalities in practice and we design several separation routines to find violations in a relaxed solution. Computational results suggest that the wheel inequalities are the strongest by far. Moreover, the inclusion of these inequalities in the max-k-cut improves the bound of the SDP formulation by more than 2%. The second approach introduces the SDP-based constraints to strengthen the LP relaxation. Moreover, the CPA is improved by exploiting the early-termination technique of an interior-point method. Computational results show that the LP relaxation with the SDP-based inequalities outperforms the SDP relaxations for many instances, especially for a large number of partitions (k � 7). The third approach investigates the branch-and-bound method using both previous approaches. Four components of the branch-and-bound are considered. First, four heuristic methods are presented to find a feasible solution: the iterative clustering heuristic, the multiple operator heuristic, the variable neighborhood search, and the greedy randomized adaptive search procedure. The second procedure analyzes the dichotomic and polytomic strategies to split a subproblem. The third feature studies five branching rules. Finally, for the node selection, we consider the following strategies: best-first search, depth-first search, and breadth-first search. For each component, we provide computational tests for different values of k. Computational results show that the proposed exact method is able to uncover many solutions. Each one of these three approaches contributed to the design of an efficient method to solve the max-k-cut problem. Moreover, the proposed approaches can be extended to solve generic mixinteger SDP problems

    Optimal guidance law development for an advanced launch system

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    The objective of this research effort was to develop a real-time guidance approach for launch vehicles ascent to orbit injection. Various analytical approaches combined with a variety of model order and model complexity reduction have been investigated. Singular perturbation methods were first attempted and found to be unsatisfactory. The second approach based on regular perturbation analysis was subsequently investigated. It also fails because the aerodynamic effects (ignored in the zero order solution) are too large to be treated as perturbations. Therefore, the study demonstrates that perturbation methods alone (both regular and singular perturbations) are inadequate for use in developing a guidance algorithm for the atmospheric flight phase of a launch vehicle. During a second phase of the research effort, a hybrid analytic/numerical approach was developed and evaluated. The approach combines the numerical methods of collocation and the analytical method of regular perturbations. The concept of choosing intelligent interpolating functions is also introduced. Regular perturbation analysis allows the use of a crude representation for the collocation solution, and intelligent interpolating functions further reduce the number of elements without sacrificing the approximation accuracy. As a result, the combined method forms a powerful tool for solving real-time optimal control problems. Details of the approach are illustrated in a fourth order nonlinear example. The hybrid approach is then applied to the launch vehicle problem. The collocation solution is derived from a bilinear tangent steering law, and results in a guidance solution for the entire flight regime that includes both atmospheric and exoatmospheric flight phases

    Revisiting the Evolution and Application of Assignment Problem: A Brief Overview

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    The assignment problem (AP) is incredibly challenging that can model many real-life problems. This paper provides a limited review of the recent developments that have appeared in the literature, meaning of assignment problem as well as solving techniques and will provide a review on   a lot of research studies on different types of assignment problem taking place in present day real life situation in order to capture the variations in different types of assignment techniques. Keywords: Assignment problem, Quadratic Assignment, Vehicle Routing, Exact Algorithm, Bound, Heuristic etc