7 research outputs found

    Matrix-F5 algorithms over finite-precision complete discrete valuation fields

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    Let (f_1,,f_s)Q_p[X_1,,X_n]s(f\_1,\dots, f\_s) \in \mathbb{Q}\_p [X\_1,\dots, X\_n]^s be a sequence of homogeneous polynomials with pp-adic coefficients. Such system may happen, for example, in arithmetic geometry. Yet, since Q_p\mathbb{Q}\_p is not an effective field, classical algorithm does not apply.We provide a definition for an approximate Gr{\"o}bner basis with respect to a monomial order w.w. We design a strategy to compute such a basis, when precision is enough and under the assumption that the input sequence is regular and the ideals f_1,,f_i\langle f\_1,\dots,f\_i \rangle are weakly-ww-ideals. The conjecture of Moreno-Socias states that for the grevlex ordering, such sequences are generic.Two variants of that strategy are available, depending on whether one lean more on precision or time-complexity. For the analysis of these algorithms, we study the loss of precision of the Gauss row-echelon algorithm, and apply it to an adapted Matrix-F5 algorithm. Numerical examples are provided.Moreover, the fact that under such hypotheses, Gr{\"o}bner bases can be computed stably has many applications. Firstly, the mapping sending (f_1,,f_s)(f\_1,\dots,f\_s) to the reduced Gr{\"o}bner basis of the ideal they span is differentiable, and its differential can be given explicitly. Secondly, these hypotheses allows to perform lifting on the Grobner bases, from Z/pkZ\mathbb{Z}/p^k \mathbb{Z} to Z/pk+kZ\mathbb{Z}/p^{k+k'} \mathbb{Z} or Z.\mathbb{Z}. Finally, asking for the same hypotheses on the highest-degree homogeneous components of the entry polynomials allows to extend our strategy to the affine case

    Matrix-F5 algorithms over finite-precision complete discrete valuation fields

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    International audienceLet (f1,,fs)Qp[X1,,Xn]s(f_1,\dots, f_s) \in \mathbb{Q}_p [X_1,\dots, X_n]^s be a sequence of homogeneous polynomials with pp-adic coefficients. Such system may happen, for example, in arithmetic geometry. Yet, since Qp\mathbb{Q}_p is not an effective field, classical algorithm does not apply.We provide a definition for an approximate Gröbner basis with respect to a monomial order w.w. We design a strategy to compute such a basis, when precision is enough and under the assumption that the input sequence is regular and the ideals f1,,fi\langle f_1,\dots,f_i \rangle are weakly-ww-ideals. The conjecture of Moreno-Socias states that for the grevlex ordering, such sequences are generic.Two variants of that strategy are available, depending on whether one lean more on precision or time-complexity. For the analysis of these algorithms, we study the loss of precision of the Gauss row-echelon algorithm, and apply it to an adapted Matrix-F5 algorithm. Numerical examples are provided.Moreover, the fact that under such hypotheses, Gröbner bases can be computed stably has many applications. Firstly, the mapping sending (f1,,fs)(f_1,\dots,f_s) to the reduced Gröbner basis of the ideal they span is differentiable, and its differential can be given explicitly. Secondly, these hypotheses allows to perform lifting on the Grobner bases, from Z/pkZ\mathbb{Z}/p^k \mathbb{Z} to Z/pk+kZ\mathbb{Z}/p^{k+k'} \mathbb{Z} or Z.\mathbb{Z}. Finally, asking for the same hypotheses on the highest-degree homogeneous components of the entry polynomials allows to extend our strategy to the affine case

    Matrix-F5 algorithms and tropical Gr\"obner bases computation

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    Let KK be a field equipped with a valuation. Tropical varieties over KK can be defined with a theory of Gr\"obner bases taking into account the valuation of KK. Because of the use of the valuation, this theory is promising for stable computations over polynomial rings over a pp-adic fields.We design a strategy to compute such tropical Gr\"obner bases by adapting the Matrix-F5 algorithm. Two variants of the Matrix-F5 algorithm, depending on how the Macaulay matrices are built, are available to tropical computation with respective modifications. The former is more numerically stable while the latter is faster.Our study is performed both over any exact field with valuation and some inexact fields like Q_p\mathbb{Q}\_p or F_qt.\mathbb{F}\_q \llbracket t \rrbracket. In the latter case, we track the loss in precision, and show that the numerical stability can compare very favorably to the case of classical Gr\"obner bases when the valuation is non-trivial. Numerical examples are provided

    A Tropical F5 algorithm

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    Let K be a field equipped with a valuation. Tropical varieties over K can be defined with a theory of Gr{\"o}bner bases taking into account the valuation of K. While generalizing the classical theory of Gr{\"o}bner bases, it is not clear how modern algorithms for computing Gr{\"o}bner bases can be adapted to the tropical case. Among them, one of the most efficient is the celebrated F5 Algorithm of Faug{\`e}re. In this article, we prove that, for homogeneous ideals, it can be adapted to the tropical case. We prove termination and correctness. Because of the use of the valuation, the theory of tropical Gr{\"o}b-ner bases is promising for stable computations over polynomial rings over a p-adic field. We provide numerical examples to illustrate time-complexity and p-adic stability of this tropical F5 algorithm

    Tracking p-adic precision

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    We present a new method to propagate pp-adic precision in computations, which also applies to other ultrametric fields. We illustrate it with many examples and give a toy application to the stable computation of the SOMOS 4 sequence

    On the p-adic stability of the FGLM algorithm

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    Nowadays, many strategies to solve polynomial systems use the computation of a Gröbner basis for the graded reverse lexicographical ordering, followed by a change of ordering algorithm to obtain a Gröbner basis for the lexicographical ordering. The change of ordering algorithm is crucial for these strategies. We study the p-adic stability of the main change of ordering algorithm, FGLM. We show that FGLM is stable and give explicit upper bound on the loss of precision occuring in its execution. The variant of FGLM designed to pass from the grevlex ordering to a Gröbner basis in shape position is also stable. Our study relies on the application of Smith Normal Form computations for linear algebra