286 research outputs found

    Element-centric clustering comparison unifies overlaps and hierarchy

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    Clustering is one of the most universal approaches for understanding complex data. A pivotal aspect of clustering analysis is quantitatively comparing clusterings; clustering comparison is the basis for many tasks such as clustering evaluation, consensus clustering, and tracking the temporal evolution of clusters. In particular, the extrinsic evaluation of clustering methods requires comparing the uncovered clusterings to planted clusterings or known metadata. Yet, as we demonstrate, existing clustering comparison measures have critical biases which undermine their usefulness, and no measure accommodates both overlapping and hierarchical clusterings. Here we unify the comparison of disjoint, overlapping, and hierarchically structured clusterings by proposing a new element-centric framework: elements are compared based on the relationships induced by the cluster structure, as opposed to the traditional cluster-centric philosophy. We demonstrate that, in contrast to standard clustering similarity measures, our framework does not suffer from critical biases and naturally provides unique insights into how the clusterings differ. We illustrate the strengths of our framework by revealing new insights into the organization of clusters in two applications: the improved classification of schizophrenia based on the overlapping and hierarchical community structure of fMRI brain networks, and the disentanglement of various social homophily factors in Facebook social networks. The universality of clustering suggests far-reaching impact of our framework throughout all areas of science

    A mathematical and computational framework for quantitative comparison and integration of large-scale gene expression data

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    Analysis of large-scale gene expression studies usually begins with gene clustering. A ubiquitous problem is that different algorithms applied to the same data inevitably give different results, and the differences are often substantial, involving a quarter or more of the genes analyzed. This raises a series of important but nettlesome questions: How are different clustering results related to each other and to the underlying data structure? Is one clustering objectively superior to another? Which differences, if any, are likely candidates to be biologically important? A systematic and quantitative way to address these questions is needed, together with an effective way to integrate and leverage expression results with other kinds of large-scale data and annotations. We developed a mathematical and computational framework to help quantify, compare, visualize and interactively mine clusterings. We show that by coupling confusion matrices with appropriate metrics (linear assignment and normalized mutual information scores), one can quantify and map differences between clusterings. A version of receiver operator characteristic analysis proved effective for quantifying and visualizing cluster quality and overlap. These methods, plus a flexible library of clustering algorithms, can be called from a new expandable set of software tools called CompClust 1.0 (). CompClust also makes it possible to relate expression clustering patterns to DNA sequence motif occurrences, protein–DNA interaction measurements and various kinds of functional annotations. Test analyses used yeast cell cycle data and revealed data structure not obvious under all algorithms. These results were then integrated with transcription motif and global protein–DNA interaction data to identify G(1) regulatory modules

    Clustering and Validation of Microarray Data Using Consensus Clustering

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    Clustering is a popular method to glean useful information from microarray data. Unfortunately the results obtained from the common clustering algorithms are not consistent and even with multiple runs of different algorithms a further validation step is required. Due to absence of well defined class labels, and unknown number of clusters, the unsupervised learning problem of finding optimal clustering is hard. Obtaining a consensus of judiciously obtained clusterings not only provides stable results but also lends a high level of confidence in the quality of results. Several base algorithm runs are used to generate clusterings and a co-association matrix of pairs of points is obtained using a configurable majority criterion. Using this consensus as a similarity measure we generate a clustering using four algorithms. Synthetic as well as real world datasets are used in experiment and results obtained are compared using various internal and external validity measures. Results on real world datasets showed a marked improvement over those obtained by other researchers with the same datasets

    Sample Size Evaluation and Comparison of K-Means Clusterings of RNA-Seq Gene Expression Data

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    The process by which DNA is transformed into gene products, such as RNA and proteins, is called gene expression. Gene expression profiling quantifies the expression of genes (amount of RNA) in a particular tissue at a particular time. Two commonly used high-throughput techniques for gene expression analysis are DNA microarrays and RNA-Seq, with RNA-Seq being the newer technique based on high-throughput sequencing. Statistical analysis is needed to deal with complex datasets — one commonly used statistical tool is clustering. Clustering comparison is an existing area dedicated to comparing multiple clusterings from one or more clustering algorithms. However, there has been limited application of cluster comparisons to clusterings of RNA-Seq gene expression data. In particular, cluster comparisons are useful in order to test the differences between clusterings obtained using a single algorithm when using different samples for clustering. Here we use a metric for cluster comparisons that is a variation of existing metrics. The metric is simply the minimal number of genes that need to be moved from one cluster to another in one given clustering to produce another given clustering. As the metric only has genes (or elements) as units, it is easy to interpret for RNA-Seq analysis. Moreover, three different algorithmic techniques — brute force, branch-and-bound, and maximal bipartite matching — for computing the proposed metric exactly are compared in terms of time to compute, with bipartite matching being significantly more time efficient. This metric is then applied to the important issue of understanding the effect of increasing the number of RNA-Seq samples to clusterings. Three datasets were used where a large number of samples were available: mouse embryonic stem cell tissue data, Drosophila melanogaster data from multiple tissues and micro-climates, and a mouse multi-tissue dataset. For each, a reference clustering was computed from all of the samples, and then it was compared to clusterings created from smaller subsets of the samples. All clusterings were created using a standard heuristic K-means clustering algorithm, while also systematically varying the numbers of clusters, and also using both Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance. The clustering comparisons suggest that for the three large datasets tested, there seems to be a limited impact of adding more RNA-Seq samples on K-means clusterings using both Euclidean distance and Manhattan distance (Manhattan distance gives a higher variation) beyond some small number of samples. That is, the clusterings compiled based on a limited number of samples were all either quite similar to the reference clustering or did not improve as additional samples were added. These findings were the same for different numbers of clusters. The methods developed could also be applied to other clustering comparison problems

    A systematic comparison of genome-scale clustering algorithms

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    Background: A wealth of clustering algorithms has been applied to gene co-expression experiments. These algorithms cover a broad range of approaches, from conventional techniques such as k-means and hierarchical clustering, to graphical approaches such as k-clique communities, weighted gene co-expression networks (WGCNA) and paraclique. Comparison of these methods to evaluate their relative effectiveness provides guidance to algorithm selection, development and implementation. Most prior work on comparative clustering evaluation has focused on parametric methods. Graph theoretical methods are recent additions to the tool set for the global analysis and decomposition of microarray co-expression matrices that have not generally been included in earlier methodological comparisons. In the present study, a variety of parametric and graph theoretical clustering algorithms are compared using well-characterized transcriptomic data at a genome scale from Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Methods: For each clustering method under study, a variety of parameters were tested. Jaccard similarity was used to measure each clusters agreement with every GO and KEGG annotation set, and the highest Jaccard score was assigned to the cluster. Clusters were grouped into small, medium, and large bins, and the Jaccard score of the top five scoring clusters in each bin were averaged and reported as the best average top 5 (BAT5) score for the particular method. Results: Clusters produced by each method were evaluated based upon the positive match to known pathways. This produces a readily interpretable ranking of the relative effectiveness of clustering on the genes. Methods were also tested to determine whether they were able to identify clusters consistent with those identified by other clustering methods. Conclusions: Validation of clusters against known gene classifications demonstrate that for this data, graph-based techniques outperform conventional clustering approaches, suggesting that further development and application of combinatorial strategies is warranted

    A graph theoretical approach to data fusion.

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    The rapid development of high throughput experimental techniques has resulted in a growing diversity of genomic datasets being produced and requiring analysis. Therefore, it is increasingly being recognized that we can gain deeper understanding about underlying biology by combining the insights obtained from multiple, diverse datasets. Thus we propose a novel scalable computational approach to unsupervised data fusion. Our technique exploits network representations of the data to identify similarities among the datasets. We may work within the Bayesian formalism, using Bayesian nonparametric approaches to model each dataset; or (for fast, approximate, and massive scale data fusion) can naturally switch to more heuristic modeling techniques. An advantage of the proposed approach is that each dataset can initially be modeled independently (in parallel), before applying a fast post-processing step to perform data integration. This allows us to incorporate new experimental data in an online fashion, without having to rerun all of the analysis. We first demonstrate the applicability of our tool on artificial data, and then on examples from the literature, which include yeast cell cycle, breast cancer and sporadic inclusion body myositis datasets

    BROCCOLI: overlapping and outlier-robust biclustering through proximal stochastic gradient descent

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    Matrix tri-factorization subject to binary constraints is a versatile and powerful framework for the simultaneous clustering of observations and features, also known as biclustering. Applications for biclustering encompass the clustering of high-dimensional data and explorative data mining, where the selection of the most important features is relevant. Unfortunately, due to the lack of suitable methods for the optimization subject to binary constraints, the powerful framework of biclustering is typically constrained to clusterings which partition the set of observations or features. As a result, overlap between clusters cannot be modelled and every item, even outliers in the data, have to be assigned to exactly one cluster. In this paper we propose Broccoli, an optimization scheme for matrix factorization subject to binary constraints, which is based on the theoretically well-founded optimization scheme of proximal stochastic gradient descent. Thereby, we do not impose any restrictions on the obtained clusters. Our experimental evaluation, performed on both synthetic and real-world data, and against 6 competitor algorithms, show reliable and competitive performance, even in presence of a high amount of noise in the data. Moreover, a qualitative analysis of the identified clusters shows that Broccoli may provide meaningful and interpretable clustering structures

    Variability analysis of the hierarchical clustering algoritms and its implication on consensus clustering

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    Clustering is one of the most important unsupervised learning tools when no prior knowledge about the data set is available. Clustering algorithms aim to find underlying structure of the data sets taking into account clustering criteria, properties in the data and specific way of data comparison. In the literature many clustering algorithms have been proposed having a common goal which is, given a set of objects, grouping similar objects in the same cluster and dissimilar objects in different clusters. Hierarchical clustering algorithms are of great importance in data analysis providing knowledge about the data structure. Due to the graphical representation of the resultant partitions, through a dendrogram, may give more information than the clustering obtained by non hierarchical clustering algorithms. The use of different clustering methods for the same data set, or the use of the same clustering method but with different initializations (different parameters), can produce different clustering. So several studies have been concerned with validate the resulting clustering analyzing them in terms of stability / variability, and also, there has been an increasing interest on the problem of determining a consensus clustering. This work empirically analyzes the clustering variability delivered by hierarchical algorithms, and some consensus clustering techniques are also investigated. By the variability of hierarchical clustering, we select the most suitable consensus clustering technique existing in literature. Results on a range of synthetic and real data sets reveal significant differences of the variability of hierarchical clustering as well as different performances of the consensus clustering techniques