74 research outputs found

    Analytical Matched Filter Bound for M-QAM Hierarchical Constellations with Diversity Reception in Multipath Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    In this paper, we derive matched filter bound (MFB) expressions for the performance of hierarchical quadrature amplitude modulations (M-HQAM) over time-discrete multipath Rayleigh fading environments with diversity. The expressions are valid for multipath environments where different paths and antennas can be correlated. Since hierarchical constellations are usually employed to achieve unequal bit error protection, the MFB expressions are given in terms of the individual bit error rate (BER) for the different bit streams. Although typically the MFB is obtained assuming slow time varying channels, fast varying channels are also considered in this paper

    Performance bound for generalized M-QAM constellations in time-discrete multipath rayleigh fading channels with channel estimation errors

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    In this paper we derive a lower bound on the bit error rate (BER) for the individual bit streams that can be mapped simultaneously in an hierarchical way onto generalized multilevel quadrature amplitude modulations (M-QAM). The expressions are valid for time-discrete multipath Rayleigh fading environments with imperfect channel estimation and can be regarded as an extension of the well-known matched filter bound (MFB).info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Advanced methods in automatic modulation classification for emerging technologies

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    Modulation classification (MC) is of large importance in both military and commercial communication applications. It is a challenging problem, especially in non-cooperative wireless environments, where channel fading and no prior knowledge on the incoming signal are major factors that deteriorate the reception performance. Although the average likelihood ratio test method can provide an optimal solution to the MC problem with unknown parameters, it suffers from high computational complexity and in some cases mathematical intractability. Instead, in this research, an array-based quasi-hybrid likelihood ratio test (qHLRT) algorithm is proposed, which depicts two major advantages. First, it is simple yet accurate enough parameter estimation with reduced complexity. Second the incorporation of antenna arrays offers an effective ability to combat fading. Furthermore, a practical array-based qHLRT classifier scheme is implemented, which applies maximal ratio combining (MRC) to increase the accuracy of both carrier frequency offset (CFO) estimation and likelihood function calculation in channel fading. In fact, double CFO estimations are executed in this classifier. With the first the unknown CFO, phase offsets and amplitudes are estimated as prerequisite for MRC operation. Then, MRC is performed using these estimates, followed by a second CFO estimator. Since the input of the second CFO estimator is the output of the MRC, fading effects on the incoming signals are removed significantly and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is augmented. As a result, a more accurate CFO estimate is obtained. Consequently, the overall classification performance is improved, especially in low SNR environment. Recently, many state-of-the-arts communication technologies, such as orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) modulations, have been emerging. The need for distinguishing OFDM signal from single carrier has become obvious. Besides, some vital parameters of OFDM signals should be extracted for further processing. In comparison to the research on MC for single carrier single antenna transmission, much less attention has been paid to the MC for emerging modulation methods. A comprehensive classification system is proposed for recognizing the OFDM signal and extracting its parameters. An automatic OFDM modulation classifier is proposed, which is based on the goodness-of-fittest. Since OFDM signal is Gaussian, Cramer-von Mises technique, working on the empirical distribution function, has been applied to test the presence of the normality. Numerical results show that such approach can successfully identify OFDM signals from single carrier modulations over a wide SNR range. Moreover, the proposed scheme can provide the acceptable performance when frequency-selective fading is present. Correlation test is then applied to estimate OFDM cyclic prefix duration. A two-phase searching scheme, which is based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) as well as Gaussianity test, is devised to detect the number of subcarriers. In the first phase, a coarse search is carried out iteratively. The exact number of subcarriers is determined by the fine tune in the second phase. Both analytical work and numerical results are presented to verify the efficiency of the proposed scheme

    Efficient MIMO detection for high-order QAM constellations in time dispersive channels

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    In this paper, we apply a generalized form of the alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) and derive a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) detection algorithm for single carrier transmissions in time dispersive channels. The proposed algorithm supports different penalty parameters for each individual subcarrier and antenna and also includes a relaxation coefficient in the iterations. Besides evaluating the impact of these parameters, a method is presented for the automatic selection of the penalty. It is shown through simulations that very competitive performances can be obtained with the proposed approach for systems with high-order modulation combined with large antenna settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Solutions for New Terrestrial Broadcasting Systems Offering Simultaneously Stationary and Mobile Services

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    221 p.[EN]Since the first broadcasted TV signal was transmitted in the early decades of the past century, the television broadcasting industry has experienced a series of dramatic changes. Most recently, following the evolution from analogue to digital systems, the digital dividend has become one of the main concerns of the broadcasting industry. In fact, there are many international spectrum authorities reclaiming part of the broadcasting spectrum to satisfy the growing demand of other services, such as broadband wireless services, arguing that the TV services are not very spectrum-efficient. Apart from that, it must be taken into account that, even if up to now the mobile broadcasting has not been considered a major requirement, this will probably change in the near future. In fact, it is expected that the global mobile data traffic will increase 11-fold between 2014 and 2018, and what is more, over two thirds of the data traffic will be video stream by the end of that period. Therefore, the capability to receive HD services anywhere with a mobile device is going to be a mandatory requirement for any new generation broadcasting system. The main objective of this work is to present several technical solutions that answer to these challenges. In particular, the main questions to be solved are the spectrum efficiency issue and the increasing user expectations of receiving high quality mobile services. In other words, the main objective is to provide technical solutions for an efficient and flexible usage of the terrestrial broadcasting spectrum for both stationary and mobile services. The first contributions of this scientific work are closely related to the study of the mobile broadcast reception. Firstly, a comprehensive mathematical analysis of the OFDM signal behaviour over time-varying channels is presented. In order to maximize the channel capacity in mobile environments, channel estimation and equalization are studied in depth. First, the most implemented equalization solutions in time-varying scenarios are analyzed, and then, based on these existing techniques, a new equalization algorithm is proposed for enhancing the receivers’ performance. An alternative solution for improving the efficiency under mobile channel conditions is treating the Inter Carrier Interference as another noise source. Specifically, after analyzing the ICI impact and the existing solutions for reducing the ICI penalty, a new approach based on the robustness of FEC codes is presented. This new approach employs one dimensional algorithms at the receiver and entrusts the ICI removing task to the robust forward error correction codes. Finally, another major contribution of this work is the presentation of the Layer Division Multiplexing (LDM) as a spectrum-efficient and flexible solution for offering stationary and mobile services simultaneously. The comprehensive theoretical study developed here verifies the improved spectrum efficiency, whereas the included practical validation confirms the feasibility of the system and presents it as a very promising multiplexing technique, which will surely be a strong candidate for the next generation broadcasting services.[ES]Desde el comienzo de la transmisión de las primeras señales de televisión a principios del siglo pasado, la radiodifusión digital ha evolucionado gracias a una serie de cambios relevantes. Recientemente, como consecuencia directa de la digitalización del servicio, el dividendo digital se ha convertido en uno de los caballos de batalla de la industria de la radiodifusión. De hecho, no son pocos los consorcios internacionales que abogan por asignar parte del espectro de radiodifusión a otros servicios como, por ejemplo, la telefonía móvil, argumentado la poca eficiencia espectral de la tecnología de radiodifusión actual. Asimismo, se debe tener en cuenta que a pesar de que los servicios móviles no se han considerado fundamentales en el pasado, esta tendencia probablemente variará en el futuro cercano. De hecho, se espera que el tráfico derivado de servicios móviles se multiplique por once entre los años 2014 y 2018; y lo que es más importante, se pronostica que dos tercios del tráfico móvil sea video streaming para finales de ese periodo. Por lo tanto, la posibilidad de ofrecer servicios de alta definición en dispositivos móviles es un requisito fundamental para los sistemas de radiodifusión de nueva generación. El principal objetivo de este trabajo es presentar soluciones técnicas que den respuesta a los retos planteados anteriormente. En particular, las principales cuestiones a resolver son la ineficiencia espectral y el incremento de usuarios que demandan mayor calidad en los contenidos para dispositivos móviles. En pocas palabras, el principal objetivo de este trabajo se basa en ofrecer una solución más eficiente y flexible para la transmisión simultánea de servicios fijos y móviles. La primera contribución relevante de este trabajo está relacionada con la recepción de la señal de televisión en movimiento. En primer lugar, se presenta un completo análisis matemático del comportamiento de la señal OFDM en canales variantes con el tiempo. A continuación, con la intención de maximizar la capacidad del canal, se estudian en profundidad los algoritmos de estimación y ecualización. Posteriormente, se analizan los algoritmos de ecualización más implementados, y por último, basándose en estas técnicas, se propone un nuevo algoritmo de ecualización para aumentar el rendimiento de los receptores en tales condiciones. Del mismo modo, se plantea un nuevo enfoque para mejorar la eficiencia de los servicios móviles basado en tratar la interferencia entre portadoras como una fuente de ruido. Concretamente, tras analizar el impacto del ICI en los receptores actuales, se sugiere delegar el trabajo de corrección de dichas distorsiones en códigos FEC muy robustos. Finalmente, la última contribución importante de este trabajo es la presentación de la tecnología LDM como una manera más eficiente y flexible para la transmisión simultánea de servicios fijos y móviles. El análisis teórico presentado confirma el incremento en la eficiencia espectral, mientras que el estudio práctico valida la posible implementación del sistema y presenta la tecnología LDM c

    Probability of Error of Linearly Modulated Signals with Gaussian Cochannel Interference in Maximally Correlated Rayleigh Fading Channels

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    We evaluate the probability of error of linearly modulated signals, such as phase-shift keying (PSK) and quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM), in the presence of Gaussian cochannel interference (CCI) and Rayleigh fading channels. Specifically, we assume that the fading channel of the CCI is maximally correlated with the fading channel of the signal of interest (SOI). In practical applications, the maximal correlation of the CCI channel with the SOI channel occurs when the CCI is generated at the transmitter, such as the multiuser interference in downlink systems, or when a transparent repeater relays some thermal noise together with the SOI. We analytically evaluate the error probability by using a series expansion of generalized hypergeometric functions. A convenient truncation criterion is also discussed. The proposed theoretical approach favorably compares with alternative approaches, such as numerical integration and Monte Carlo estimation. Among the various applications of the proposed analysis, we illustrate the effect of nonlinear amplifiers in orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) systems, the downlink reception of code-division multiple-access (CDMA) signals, and the outdoor-to-indoor relaying of Global Positioning System (GPS) signals

    Combined Time, Frecuency and Space Diversity in Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Systems

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    El uso combinado de diversidad en el dominio temporal, frecuencial y espacial constituye una valiosa herramienta para mejorar la recepción de servicios de difusión móviles. Gracias a la mejora conseguida por las técnicas de diversidad es posible extender la cobertura de los servicios móviles además de reducir la infraestructura de red. La presente tesis investiga el uso de técnicas de diversidad para la provisión de servicios móviles en la familia europea de sistemas de difusión terrestres estandarizada por el prpoyecto DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting). Esto incluye la primera y segunda generación de sistemas DVB-T (Terrestrial), DVB-NGH (Handheld), y DVB-T2 (Terrestrial 2nd generation), así como el sistema de siguiente generación DVB-NGH. No obstante, el estudio llevado a cabo en la tesis es genérico y puede aplicarse a futuras evoluciones de estándares como el japonés ISDB-T o el americano ATSC. Las investigaciones realizadas dentro del contexto de DVB-T, DVB-H y DVBT2 tienen como objetivo la transmisión simultánea de servicios fijos y móviles en redes terrestres. Esta Convergencia puede facilitar la introducción de servicios móviles de TB debido a la reutilización de espectro, contenido e infraestructura. De acuerdo a los resultados, la incorporación de entrelazado temporal en la capa física para diversidad temporal, y de single-input multiple-output (SIMO) para diversidad espacial, son esenciales para el rendimiento de sistemas móviles de difusión. A pesar de que las técnicas upper later FEC (UL-FEC) pueden propocionar diversidad temporal en sistemas de primera generación como DVB-T y DVB-H, requieren la transmisión de paridad adicional y no son útiles para la recepción estática. El análisis en t�ñerminos de link budjget revela que las técnicas de diversidad noson suficientes para facilitar la provision de servicios móviles en redes DVB-T y DVB-T2 planificadas para recepción fija. Sin embargo, el uso de diversidad en redes planificadas para recepción portableGozálvez Serrano, D. (2012). Combined Time, Frecuency and Space Diversity in Multimedia Mobile Broadcasting Systems [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16273Palanci

    Frame synchronization for PSAM in AWGN and Rayleigh fading channels

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    Pilot Symbol Assisted Modulation (PSAM) is a good method to compensate for the channel fading effect in wireless mobile communications. In PSAM, known pilot symbols are periodically inserted into the transmitted data symbol stream and the receiver uses these symbols to derive amplitude and phase reference. One aspect of this procedure, which has not received much attention yet, is the frame synchronization, i.e. the method used by the receiver to locate the time position of the pilot symbols. In this study, two novel non-coherent frame synchronization methods are introduced in which only the magnitude of received signal is used to obtain the timing of the pilot symbol. The methods are evaluated for both AWGN and frequency non-selective slow Rayleigh fading channels. One synchronization technique is derived by standard maximum likelihood (ML) estimation formulation, and the other is obtained by using maximum a Posteriori probability (MAP) with a threshold test. Signal processing in the receiver uses simplifying approximations that rely on relatively high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as consistent with the reception of 16-QAM. Computer simulation has been used to test the acquisition time performance and the probability of false acquisition. Several lengths and patterns of pilot symbol sequences were tested where every 10th symbol was a pilot symbol and all other symbols were randomly selected data symbols. When compared with the other published synchronizers, results from this study show better performance in both AWGN and fading channels. Significantly better performance is observed in the presence of receiver frequency offsets
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