158,552 research outputs found

    Pandoras Box: Does Electronic Commerce Increase the Optimal Amount of Fraud?

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    Close business relationships are important in the food industry. However, the introduction of electronic commerce has emerged as a fundamental challenge to these relationships. In particular, retailers who start procuring private label food products in electronic auctions risk the termination of the relationships with their suppliers thus losing the value derived from these relationships. Instead, they move their focal interest towards single, unrelated transactions. The authors argue that this development increases the optimal amount of fraud in electronic commerce. In this context, they analyze the occurrence of opportunism.Relationships, information asymmetry, auctions, opportunism, economics of information, Marketing,

    Managing channel conflict during the development of online retailers in Albania

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    The article aims to study the development of the electronic marketing channels in retail industry in Albania, taking a closer look to the development of e-commerce platforms. The tremendous growth of the online world in the recent years created the proper structure for the development of the online business concept in the Albanian market. A great help at this regard, relates with the power of the customer to adapt to the online social networks and platform. As well, the increase of the smartphone technology led to the evolution and time of using the online world and social media. E-commerce development is one of the biggest opportunities for the retailers, which from the other side includes also big challenges. Perhaps the greatest impact is in the area of channel management. This paper, aims to study the possible effect of the introduction of an e-commerce platforms, considered as an electronic marketing channel, into an already developed structure of retail chain in the Albanian marketing. The study provides, information how to proactively manage the conflict within the different subunits of the retail chain

    Integrate Ajax with Online Store System

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    [2] Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown dramatically since the wide introduction of the Internet. A wide variety of commerce is conducted in this way, including things such as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, e-marketing, online marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (ED!), automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modem electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. Online Store system is one of the electronic commerce or ( e-commerce) system, but it is integrated with Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). The system is built to fulfill the requirement of market demands today in order to provide the fascinate way of doing shopping. Everyone can use this system to for their businesses or it can be integrated with the current system. When a small business expands to large one and need to use the internet to do shopping, then the system is needed. It provides user with customization of the products to place order of the items they like to buy and it will generate the shipping document for future use. As it is the web-based system, so it can be used everywhere by just set it up on the server

    Pajak E-Commerce, Pemecahan dan Solusinya

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    Electronic or e-trade trading (English: Electronic Commerce, also e-commerce) is a spread, purchase, sales, marketing goods and services through an electronic system such as internet or television, www, or other computer networks. Ecommerce can involve electronic fund transfers, electronic data exchange, auto inventory management systems, and automatic data collection systems. The Information Technology industry sees this e-commerce activity as the application and application of e-business (e-business) related to commercial transactions, such as: electronic fund transfer, SCM (E-Marketing), e-marketing), online marketing, online transaction processing (online transaction processing), electronic data interchange / edi), etc.E-commerce is part of e-business, where e-business coverage is wider, not just a commerce but includes also co-entrance business partners, customer service, job vacancies etc. Seeing very fast developments of the e-commerce growth in the world including in Indonesia, it is necessary an effective strategy for the tax authority in the reacting. One of the things that need to be concern is this very rapid growth should be maintained so that there is no distortion as a result of taxation policy. During this time, the tax aspect in e-commerce has been the highlight of tax authorities in the world, especially whether there should be a new tax impression on this transaction and also how to align the existing tax rules with e-commerce development.Transactions through digital media or e-commerce in Indonesia need rebuilding from the side of the legislation (Cyberlaw) so that in the future do not miss the dispute in it runs. This happens because the difficulty of tracking the transactions used through the e-commerece is either B-to-B (business to business) or B-to-C (business to consumers). For example the relationship between the supplier with the factory, how the apparatus is to oversee the existence of transactions or not between the two through the e-commerce the solution of solving the problem is the government must take steps in solving the unstable internet infrastructure issues and frequent reliable transportation, the licensing procedure of customs to dedicate to the duty procedure from dawn to the negative trade for the other value to increase the efficacy to make the rules for the epimal services that are still under the regulations of the same bank as well as the public of the transactions of online transactions, plan and conduct the introduction of certification systems, a number of large players should be able to open the way of foreign investment, including doing some major plans for foreign investors, of course with clear regulations and the government must provide ease of rules for small and medium business to gain access to investors, and giving taxes to the company in the new company

    E-Commerce and Internet Marketing in Yemen: Opportunities and Challenges

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    Nowadays, information and communication technologies (ICT) are advancing in a fast speed. It is widely acknowledged that businesses can benefit a lot from the process of applying the advanced technology in both B2B and B2C Marketing. For example, both the behaviors of buying and selling can be completed based on Internet and information system, and this is called e-Commerce. Under this situation, the internet marketing has emerged. It is represented by e-Marketplace which is known as a virtual place. The emergence of e-platforms is helpful for businesses to find more customers and finish the business transactions effectively and efficiently. Despite the limitations and obstacles in adopting and implementing e-commerce, SMEs can still enjoy the benefits of e-commerce. Yemen is still developing the basic elements of an e-commerce infrastructure such as networking, electronic payments and IT-related services, including information technology education and training. Yemen has recently gained higher mobile subscriptions and Internet access penetration rates. The increased use and popularity of mobile phones in Yemen has opened the door to large-scale introduction of e-commerce. Due to the high penetration rate and infrastructure construction, Yemen has good potential to apply ICT and e-commerce. However, Yemeni e-commerce must overcome the lack of experience and skills such as ICT and e-commerce, the concentration of ICTs in urban areas, and the shortage of information technology personnel and facilities. The document suggests that effective e-commerce adoption and implementation should be conducted under carefully designed national ICT and e-commerce development plans and guidelines. Keywords: Electronic commerce, information and communication technology, electronic business, mobile commerce, developing countries, technology transfer, emerging economies, digital economy, Middle East, Yemen. DOI: 10.7176/EJBM/11-21-04 Publication date:July 31st 201


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    Preface ................................................ 7 Introduction ........................................... Chapter 1. KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PECULIARITIES IN E- 9 BUSINESS: ACTUALITY AND TENDENCIES ......... 12 Introduction............................................ 1.1. The importance of knowledge management to increase the 12 efficiency of the organisations activity in e-business ...... 15 1.2. Employee competency integrated assessment in e-business 1.2.1.Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting em- 19 ployee competency .......................................... 1.2.2. The identification of the factors affecting the employee 21 competency ................................................ 1.2.3. Concept complex competency assessment model of e- 26 business organisation ........................................ 1.3. Analysis of factors motivating human resources in e-busi- 33 ness .................................................. 1.3.1. Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting human 34 resources motivation ........................................ 1.3.2. Analysis of factors that influence the motivation of human 36 resources .................................................. 1.4. Evaluation system of factors affecting creativity in e-busi- 37 ness .................................................. 1.4.1. Theoretical evaluation aspects of factors affecting creativ- 41 ity ......................................................... 1.4.2. Identification of factors affecting creativity. Partial inte- 42 grated criterion (third stage) ................................ 48 1.4.3. Evaluation system of factors affecting creativity ........ 49 1.5. Knowledge appliance process in e-business organisation .. 1.5.1. The factors proceeding efficiency of knowledge appliance 53 process in e-business ........................................ 1.5.2. The selection of the method to evaluate efficiency of know- 56 ledge appliance process in e-business ......................... 59 Conclusions ........................................... 60 Self test questions ..................................... 63 References ............................................ Chapter 2. CONTENT MANAGEMENT IN VIRTUAL ORGANIZA 64 TIONS ............................................... 70 5 Table of Contents Introduction ........................................... 2.1. A systematical approach to automate content management 70 in a vitual ogranization ................................. 71 2.2. The concept of the content. Content Management ..... 73 2.3. The life cycle of the document ......................... 74 2.4. Document management in a virtual organization ........ 76 2.5. Content capture technology ............................ 77 2.6. Cloud technologies in business processes CMS .......... 83 Conclusion ............................................. 85 References ............................................ 86 Chapter 3. MARKETING COMMUNICATION IN DIGITAL AGE ... 87 Introduction ........................................... 87 3.1. The growing potential of the market ................... 88 3.2. Previous studies in e-business and e-marketing areas .... 91 3.3. The specifics of Internet marketing in B2B communication 92 3.4. E-marketing tools ..................................... 94 3.5. Social networks in marketing ........................... 98 6 3.6. Effectiveness evaluation theories ........................ 100 3.7. Website quality and efficiency evaluation ................ 101 3.8. Cases: resent research results .......................... 106 3.8.1. Online advertisements efficiency research .............. 106 3.8.2. Evaluation of Lithuanian e-shops ...................... 109 Conclusions ........................................... 110 Self test questions ..................................... 111 References ............................................ 111 Chapter 4. IMPROVING THE EFFICIENCY OF E-COMMERCE .. 116 Introduction ........................................... 116 4.1. Scientific research. E-commerce as the Internet technology 116 4.2. Promotion of e-business ............................... 120 4.3. A set of basic tools for e-business ...................... 121 4.4. Security in e-commerce ................................ 124 Conclusion ............................................ 133 Self-examination questions ............................. 133 References ............................................ 134 Chapter 5. ELECTRONIC PAYMENT SYSTEMS.................. 135 Introduction............................................ 135 5.1. The concept of electronic payments.National payment system in Russia ....................................... 136 5.2. Electronic payment systems based on «Client-Bank» and online banking ......................................... 143 5.3. Electronic payments via bank cards ..................... 151 Table of Contents 5 5.4. Electronic payments via digital cash .................... 160 5.5. Internet payment system based on virtual accounts ...... 164 Conclusion ............................................ 166 Self-examination questions ............................. 166 References ............................................ 167 Chapter 6. MANAGEMENT OF THE VIRTUAL ENTERPRISE .... 168 6.1. Virtual enterprise, electronic business, electronic commerce, model of management, manager .................... 168 6.2. Manager .............................................. 174 6.3. Channel ............................................... 175 6.4. Information environment. Knowledge ................... 175 6.5. Problem field .......................................... 176 Self-examination questions ............................. 178 References ............................................ 178 Chapter 7. INTERNET MARKETING ............................ 180 Introduction ........................................... 180 7.1. The concept and structure of the Internet Marketing .... 180 7.2. Market research on the Internet ........................ 182 7.3. Internet advertizing .................................... 187 7.3.1. The concept of Internet advertising .................... 187 7.3.2. Announcement of the search engines and search engine optimization. The concept and purpose of search engine optimization ................................................... 189 7.3.3. Search Engine Advertising ............................ 209 7.3.4. Participation in the rankings and registration in catalogs 215 7.3.5. Banner advertising ................................... 219 7.3.6. Link Exchange ....................................... 236 7.3.7. Profiling and personalization in online advertising........ 239 7.3.8. E-mail-advertising. Basic concepts and advantages e-mailadvertising ................................................. 242 7.3.9. Discussion lists ....................................... 248 7.3.10. Virus marketing. Concept and principles of virus marketing ........................................................ 251 7.3.11. Other methods of advertizing ........................ 258 7.3.12. Analysis of efficiency of Internet advertizing ........... 259 7.3.13. Methods of the collection of information, used for the analysis .................................................... 263 7.4. Marketing in social networks and blogs ................. 282 7.5. Partner programs ...................................... 287 7.6. The problem of return visitors and create a captive audience 292 7.6.1. Statement of the problem of creating a virtual community 292 7.6.2. Methods for creating a virtual community .............. 294 9 Table of Contents 7.7. Off-line support for online projects ...................... 297 Self-examination questions.............................. 298 References ............................................ 299 Chapter 8. REACHING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS THROUGH E-GOVERNMENT IN THE POST-2015 AGENDA ............................................. 301 Introduction ........................................... 310 8.1. E-government: definition, functions and stages .......... 302 8.2. E-government: global tendencies ....................... 304 8.3. Formation and development of e-government in Uzbekistan 308 Self-examination questions ............................. 314 References ............................................ 314The development of the universities’ ability to quickly respond to new demands of the labor market and to adapt, update, develop and introduce new areas of study to ensure demand for the graduates provides the participation in the international projects of the European program improving higher education «TEMPUS». The project TEMPUS — ECOMMIS («double-level training programs of e-commerce developing the information society in Russia, Ukraine and Israel») was launched in October 2011, and belongs to a class of joint projects to develop new courses and courses for bachelor’s and master’s degrees. The project consortium involves 12 universities from Germany, the Netherlands, Lithuania, Israel, Russia and Ukraine. The main objective of the project is to develop and implement new academic courses and areas of study, taking into account the current status and trends of economic development and the specific requirements of the labor market on the basis of cooperation between universities in different countries. The main feature and complexity of the project academic content of is that e-commerce as an academic concept is absolute new and it appeared just only in the last decade. It is a new interdisciplinary field of knowledge, which is located at the intersection of economics and computer science and it is not covered by the classical training courses in economics and computer science technology. The aspects of national and international law in connection with the growth of international trade, economic cooperation and the development of new Internet based technologies should be taken into account. For the project’s period of three years on the basis of international cooperation the following results were obtained: 11 Preface 1) The analysis and modernization of existing curricula in the field of e-commerce were carried out; 2) new training modules with the introduction of the European creditmodular system of accumulation and transfer transcripts units ( ECTS ) were developed; new modules and courses: e-commerce, electronic payment systems; Internet trading in the financial markets and the stockmarket systems; Information systems for financial analysis and investment; Information systems for business process modeling; corporate information systems and portals; Customer-oriented systems; Internet Marketing; electronic systems for document management; legal aspects of e-commerce; advanced course security for e-commerce were introduced; 3) two international online games to enhance practical skills in the field with online marketing and online trading were developed and conducted among university students; 4) skills training courses e-commerce for various social groups (students, housewives, pensioners, unemployed) were developed and tested; 5) business offices, e-commerce were established to strengthen cooperation between the universities in the labor market and to create the conditions of commercialization of the project results after the end of financial support from the TEMPUS Program. 6) textbooks on the topic of the project were developed and published. In May — July 2013. 62 teachers targeted universities in Israel, Russia and Ukraine received intensive training in the field of e-commerce in three European universities: FONTYS (NL), TU Berlin (DE), VGTU ( LT ). From October 2013 in target universities of Israel, Russia and Ukraine students’ training began on the courses developed in the framework of the new training courses and modules with using computer classes, equipped in accordance with the project plan with new hardware and software tools. The final stage of the project was intended to develop a five-year detailed plan for sustainable development of the results. Such plan that includes coordinated action to disseminate best practices, development of new joint courses for graduate and post-graduate students, scientificmethodical conferences, joint publications will support the further dynamics of the activities involved universities. Joint work on the implementation of the project ECOMMIS led to the emergence of sustainable professional relationships between organizations in the consortium as the training of new qualified professionals, as well as in the field of scientific and methodological developments. This is confirmed by the present collective monograph E-commerc

    Model of Marketing E-commerce

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    Tato práce pojednává o návrhu marketingového modelu pro elektronické obchodování. Snahou je znázornění nejrozšířenějších a nejúčinnějších metod marketingové strategie. V praktické části práce je rozebrán konkrétní případ mezinárodního modelu spolupráce mezi oblastí Jižní Ameriky a Evropskou Unií s následnou implementací optimalizace a zavedením marketingové strategie pro návrh elektronického modelu obchodování s konkrétními produkty určenými pro trh Evropské Unie. Výsledkem je posílení celkové přínosnosti, výkonnosti a efektivity rozvíjejících se zemí za předpokladu zavedení biregionální obchodní spolupráce díky elektronickému obchodování.This paper discusses the design of marketing model for electronic commerce. Effort is the most common representation and the most effective methods of marketing strategy. The practical part is discussed the particular case of the international model of cooperation between the regions of South America and the European Union, followed by implementation and optimization of marketing strategies for the introduction of a draft electronic commerce model with specific products for the market in the European Union. The result is an overall strengthening benefit terms, performance and efficiency in developing countries, provided the introduction of bi-regional cooperation through business e-commerce.

    E-Business in Ukraine: Peculiarities, Tendencies, Prospects

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    Introduction. It is evident that the electronic business plays a central role in the economy development, facilitating the exchange of information, goods, services, and payments. We feel very strongly that entrepreneurs who understand the role and significance of e-business and are ready to meet the sharply expanding scale of cross-border e-commerce will be the winners of tomorrow in the world market. An initial point to underline in connection with these tendencies is that business which does not give some attention to e-business and e-marketing promotion could very easily loose its place on the market. This explains the hyper attention to the e-business nowadays and as a result the necessity of studying this question. The purpose of the article is to study the characteristic features of e-business in Ukraine, to determine the latest tendencies of its development and to propose the certain steps to increase its growth. Results. Recent researches support the view that organizations can have a significant benefit of using e-business tools in their everyday operations. The article examines the benefits, problems and limitations of e-business in Ukraine. It has been distinguished that Ukraine is an attractive market for the development of e-commerce. It has a large potential for e-business and its related activities. In 2018 Ukraine ranked the 2nd place in the turnover growth of online usage among European countries. A major factor stimulating Internet growth is the drastic improvement of the telecommunications infrastructure in the country. Advantages and risks of new electronic marketing techniques were considered in the article. The main strengths of online marketing system are high quality customer service, greater reach, time saving customer loyalty, easy access to information, 24 hours access and personal contact with the customer. Considering the risks, it was admitted that e-marketing requires considerable time investment to get the results and it takes a long time to generate meaningful interactions. Conditions that should be arranged for successful e-business model implementation were determined. It was pointed out that in order to increase the development of e-business in Ukraine that certain steps such as harmonizing of essential laws and standards to the European ones, enhancing the use of web analytics tools, providing an appropriate choice of communication channels and improving administrative regulations regarding e-business procedures should be taken. In this regard, Ukrainian businesses need all the support they can get from policymakers and regulators in order to be able to grow in an increasingly competitive global market. In conclusion, in order to stay effective, to improve operational efficiency, profitability, and to strengthen their competitive position business organizations should definitely adopt e-business model. It is not enough to have high quality products or services to operate successfully in the market; productive introduction of new e-business models is vital in a computerised electronic environment. In this regard, if Ukrainian government wants its companies to fully play their role in a globalized world, it needs to create a harmonized market and a favourable environment where domestic e-business companies can flourish. Prospects for further research can be seen in the analysis of the methods of measuring the effectiveness of different e-business models

    Integrate Ajax with Online Store System

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    [2] Electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce or eCommerce, consists of the buying and selling of products or services over electronic systems such as the Internet and other computer networks. The amount of trade conducted electronically has grown dramatically since the wide introduction of the Internet. A wide variety of commerce is conducted in this way, including things such as electronic funds transfer, supply chain management, e-marketing, online marketing, online transaction processing, electronic data interchange (ED!), automated inventory management systems, and automated data collection systems. Modem electronic commerce typically uses the World Wide Web at least at some point in the transaction's lifecycle, although it can encompass a wider range of technologies such as e-mail as well. Online Store system is one of the electronic commerce or ( e-commerce) system, but it is integrated with Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML). The system is built to fulfill the requirement of market demands today in order to provide the fascinate way of doing shopping. Everyone can use this system to for their businesses or it can be integrated with the current system. When a small business expands to large one and need to use the internet to do shopping, then the system is needed. It provides user with customization of the products to place order of the items they like to buy and it will generate the shipping document for future use. As it is the web-based system, so it can be used everywhere by just set it up on the server