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    A concept is developed from the marketing 3.0 towards achieving the competitiveness higher education in Jakarta. This research conducts the hybrid models of marketing 3.0 on model structural equation. Thesample used in this study are 105 post graduate students at 3 institutions.The findings of this research suggests hybrid models marginal fit with the chi-square = 420.7, GFI = .73 and CFI = .97. Hypothesis that confirms pertains; influence communitization of the decision by the purchase (t = 3.69), influence building character of competitiveness (t = 5.72), communitization influence on competitiveness (t = 2.80 , the decision the purchase of loyalty (t = 2.80) and marketing 3.0 any impact, the purchase, and loyalty simultaneously on competitiveness institutions with R2 = .98 .Then the dimensions; encouragement and action purchase of purchase variable decision that deals with dimensions; innovation, purchase repeated, resistant to competitors, recommended and buy other line of the loyalty, with an r ( er )value = .99 .Keywords: competitiveness, loyalty, marketing 3.0, innovation

    Daya Saing Unggul melalui Loyalitas dan Marketing 3.0 Serta Dimensi Inovasi pada Program Pascasarjanadi Jakarta

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    A concept is developed from the marketing 3.0 towards achieving the competitiveness higher education in Jakarta. This research conducts the hybrid models of marketing 3.0 on model structural equation. Thesample used in this study are 105 post graduate students at 3 institutions.The findings of this research suggests hybrid models marginal fit with the chi-square = 420.7, GFI = .73 and CFI = .97. Hypothesis that confirms pertains; influence communitization of the decision by the purchase (t = 3.69), influence building character of competitiveness (t = 5.72), communitization influence on competitiveness (t = 2.80 , the decision the purchase of loyalty (t = 2.80) and marketing 3.0 any impact, the purchase, and loyalty simultaneously on competitiveness institutions with R2 = .98 .Then the dimensions; encouragement and action purchase of purchase variable decision that deals with dimensions; innovation, purchase repeated, resistant to competitors, recommended and buy other line of the loyalty, with an r ( er )value = .99

    Aplicação do marketing 3.0 na implementação de uma biblioteca escolar : estudo de caso na Associação Pró-Educação Vivendo e Aprendendo

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Ciência da Informação, Curso de Graduação em Biblioteconomia, 2013.Apresenta uma revisão de literatura nas áreas de marketing em unidades de informação, marketing 3.0, diretrizes para implementação de bibliotecas escolares. Define o que é biblioteca escolar, marketing 3.0, marketing em bibliotecas e aponta uma evolução do marketing nos últimos 60 anos. Relata um estudo de caso na Associação Pró-Educação Vivendo e Aprendendo e aplica os conceitos de marketing 3.0 para implementar sua biblioteca escolar. Por fim, identifica a visão, missão e valores da Associação por meio de uma entrevista ao conselho pedagógico da V&A e mostra o resultado da entrevista. ___________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work aims the implementation of marketing 3.0 in a school library. Presents a literature review in the areas of marketing information units, marketing 3.0, guidelines for implementation of school libraries. Defines school library, marketing 3.0, marketing in libraries and shows the evolution of marketing over the past 60 years. Reports a case study in the Associação Pró-Educação Vivendo e Aprendendo and applies the concepts of marketing 3.0 to implement its school library. Finally, it identifies the vision, mission and values of the Association through an interview to the Teaching Council of V&A and shows the result of the interview

    Consumer-brand relationships under the marketing 3.0 paradigm: A literature review

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    Consumer-brand relationships encompass several dimensions, most of which have attracted growing research attention during the last years. Building these relationships is especially important in the marketing 3.0 era, where it is suggested that customers will choose those brands that satisfy their deepest needs. With these ideas in mind, this article provides a review of two key concepts implied in such relationships: brand love and customer engagement. Although both conceptions focus on different stages of consumer-brand relationships, they actually cover different perspectives on the same process. Moreover, they come from diverse conceptual paradigms: whilst brand love comes from the psychology discipline, engagement derives from diverse areas of the marketing field (e.g., the service-dominant logic perspective). However, their further empirical developments have taken place in marketing. Besides, both terms appear to be applied to different empirical perspectives: brand love is usually linked to the Fast Moving Consumer Goods industry and customer engagement to services

    Marketing 3.0 and Market Orientation: Analysis of the Greek Mobile Telecom Market

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    Σε αυτή τη διπλωματική εργασία μελετούμε τον προσανατολισμό της ελληνικής τηλεπικοινωνιακής αγοράς κινητής τηλεφωνίας στην αγορά και στις αρχές του Μarketing 3.0. Το Marketing Orientation (M.O.) ή Market Orientation λειτουργεί ως εργαλείο για την διαφοροποίηση, την επίτευξη υψηλής αποδοτικότητας και αποτελεσματικότητας στην επιχείρηση και είναι εξαιρετικά σημαντικό ειδικά σήμερα. Έπειτα από μία σύντομη αναφορά στην εξέλιξη του Marketing και του Marketing Orientation (από το Marketing 1.0 στο Marketing 3.0) αλλά και της στρατηγικής του σημασίας για την επιχείρηση, επικεντρωνόμαστε στο ερευνητικό μέρος της εργασίας μας που αφορά τη μέτρηση του Market Orientation των ελληνικών εταιριών που δραστηριοποιούνται στην κινητή τηλεπικοινωνιακή αγορά, λαμβάνοντας υπ’ όψιν όμως για πρώτη φορά και κριτήρια που αντιπροσωπεύουν τις αρχές του Marketing 3.0. Για το σκοπό αυτό χρησιμοποιήσαμε ήδη υπάρχοντα εργαλεία μέτρησης του Market Orientation εμπλουτίζοντας τα με στοιχεία του Marketing 3.0. δημιουργώντας έτσι μια νέα κλίμακα που θα είναι σε θέση να μετρήσει αυτό που ονομάσαμε Market Orientation 3.0. Έχοντας υπολογίσει τους απαραίτητους δείκτες που αφορούν τη μέτρηση του Market Orientation για τη συγκεκριμένη αγορά, μπορέσαμε να αποτυπώσουμε την ανταπόκριση των ελληνικών εταιριών στις αρχές του Marketing 3.0 και να συσχετίσουμε τον προσανατολισμό στην αγορά με δείκτες όπως η κερδοφορία, η καινοτομία και να εξάγουμε χρήσιμα συμπεράσματα.In this present diploma thesis, we study the orientation of the greek mobile telecommunication companies to the market and to the principles of Marketing 3.0. Marketing Orientation, works as a tool in order to achieve differentiation, higher productivity and effectiveness in a company. In our thesis, after a short reference to the evolution of marketing orientation and marketing (from marketing 1.0 to marketing 3.0), and to the strategic importance of the above for the company, we concentrate to the research part. Our research aims to the measurement of the Market Orientation of the greek mobile telecommunication companies, taking into account for the first time criteria which represent the principles of Marketing 3.0. In order to meet this objective, we used the already existing tools of marketing orientation measurement, enriching them with elements of Marketing 3.0. So we created a new scale which is able to measure what we call “Market Orientation 3.0”. Having estimated the necessary indicators about the greek mobile telecommunication market, we could reveal the response of the greek companies to the principles of Marketing 3.0 and also make hypothesis and correlate the marketing orientation to indicators like profitability and innovation, drawing useful conclusions

    A aplicação do marketing 3.0 e o reflexo no relacionamento marca X público: um estudo de caso da FARM

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    O foco do Marketing 3.0 é um modelo de negócio centrado no ser humano, em que as estratégias e ações das marcas, empresas e organizações são orientadas por valores. Com o objetivo de compreender a aplicação do conceito de Marketing 3.0 e o reflexo no relacionamento marca x público, este estudo faz uma análise da construção da marca FARM e de suas estratégias e ações de marketing. Para compreender as características que envolvem o Marketing 3.0 e a construção da marca, realizou-se uma pesquisa bibliográfica e o levantamento das ações da FARM se deu por meio de análise documental das postagens da marca nas mídias sociais. A técnica da observação simples também foi utilizada para analisar o discurso do público nas mídias sociais a fim de identificar respostas que as estratégias e ações de marketing da FARM geram. Concluiu-se que aplicar Marketing 3.0 aproxima a marca do público, porque as estratégias e ações, baseadas neste conceito, promovem identificação por gerar satisfação nos níveis funcional, emocional e espiritual

    Aplicación del marketing 3.0 para el éxito en proyectos de oficinas A+ en el distrito de Miraflores lima - Perú 2015 - 2016

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    El presente trabajo de investigación lleva por título “APLICACIÓN DEL MARKETING 3.0 PARA EL ÉXITO EN PROYECTOS DE OFICINAS A+ EN EL DISTRITO DE MIRAFLORES”. (2015 - 2016), en la que se aborda la realidad problemática observada relacionado con la importancia y factibilidad de usar el marketing 3.0 para el desarrollo inmobiliario y mejorar la velocidad de ventas en proyectos de oficinas Prime en el Distrito de Miraflores. El estudio enfocado en un entorno urbano como el Distrito de Miraflores, caracterizado por las potencialidades que presenta tanto en accesibilidad como en ubicación respecto a los demás distritos aledaños como San Isidro o Santiago de Surco y el crecimiento en construcción de oficinas Prime que se da en el lugar y que en los últimos años se ha visto influenciado por el boom de la construcción en todo Lima y esto ha originado que haya competencia de las demás empresas para desarrollar oficinas Prime lo cual hace que se utilice herramientas de gestión como el marketing 3.0 con el objetivo de tener una mayor velocidad de ventas. Con toda la información que se plantea en esta investigación se sustenta y demuestra por qué la aplicación del marketing 3.0 es una buena opción en el sector inmobiliario para la mejora de la velocidad de ventas de oficinas Prime en Miraflores. El Marketing 3.0 es importante referente e instrumento eficaz en el proceso de toda empresa inmobiliaria, su empleo en los proyectos de oficinas A+, mejora el proceso de ejecución del proyecto para cumplir exitosamente con las demandas del mercado inmobiliario. Es necesario para el sector empresarial en el Perú y para el sector de la construcción en particular, asumir una cultura ética en sus operaciones, siendo necesario contar con investigaciones en la aplicación del marketing 3.0 para el éxito en proyectos.Tesi